Left-recursive Grammar Identification - algorithm

Often we would like to refactor a context-free grammar to remove left-recursion. There are numerous algorithms to implement such a transformation; for example here or here.
Such algorithms will restructure a grammar regardless of the presence of left-recursion. This has negative side-effects, such as producing different parse trees from the original grammar, possibly with different associativity. Ideally a grammar would only be transformed if it was absolutely necessary.
Is there an algorithm or tool to identify the presence of left recursion within a grammar? Ideally this might also classify subsets of production rules which contain left recursion.

There is a standard algorithm for identifying nullable non-terminals, which runs in time linear in the size of the grammar (see below). Once you've done that, you can construct the relation A potentially-starts-with B over all non-terminals A, B. (In fact, it's more normal to construct that relationship over all grammatical symbols, since it is also used to construct FIRST sets, but in this case we only need the projection onto non-terminals.)
Having done that, left-recursive non-terminals are all A such that A potentially-starts-with+ A, where potentially-starts-with+ is:
potentially-starts-with ∘ potentially-starts-with*
You can use any transitive closure algorithm to compute that relation.
For reference, to detect nullable non-terminals.
Remove all useless symbols.
Attach a pointer to every production, initially at the first position.
Put all the productions into a workqueue.
While possible, find a production to which one of the following applies:
If the left-hand-side of the production has been marked as an ε-non-terminal, discard the production.
If the token immediately to the right of the pointer is a terminal, discard the production.
If there is no token immediately to the right of the pointer (i.e., the pointer is at the end) mark the left-hand-side of the production as an ε-non-terminal and discard the production.
If the token immediately to the right of the pointer is a non-terminal which has been marked as an ε-non-terminal, advance the pointer one token to the right and return the production to the workqueue.
Once it is no longer possible to select a production from the work queue, all ε-non-terminals have been identified.
Just for fun, a trivial modification of the above algorithm can be used to do step 1. I'll leave it as an exercise (it's also an exercise in the dragon book). Also left as an exercise is the way to make sure the above algorithm executes in linear time.


Algorithm for evaluating expression

I am writing a C++ program that must parse and then evaluate an expression held in a string like this:
((C<3) || (D>5)) and (B)
or something like
((A+4) > (B-2) || C) && ^D
The expression will always evaluate to true of false. I read about shunting yard algorithm, but order of operations isn't that important to me (I can just state left to right evaluation).
I'm thinking about building a tree to hold the components of the formula and then evaluate the tree recursively from bottom left up. Each child of a node would be an AND, each node would be a test. If I reach the topmost node (while current state is true) it must evaluate to true. This is a rough start...looking for advice.
Is there an algorithm design pattern on how to do this? (Seems like this problem has been solved many times before)
I recommend putting the time and effort into learning proper lexing and parsing tools that are designed for this. Flex for lexical analysis (getting individual tokens - variable, operation, paranthesis, etc.) and then Bison for syntax analysis (building the syntax tree from tokens).
Once you have the syntax tree, evaluation is easy from bottom to up, as you said.
I'm not sure how much you know about formal gramars, but you can always find good tutorials online, perhaps start here: How do I use C++ in flex and bison?

Why don't Standardize variables just violate completeness of resolution

I have been reading some notes on converting first order logic (FOL) sentences to conjunctive normal form (CNF), and then performing resolution.
One of the steps of converting to CNF, is Standardize variables.
I have been searching to find an why complete condition of resolution algorithm violate and soundness doesn't violate, if i don't standardize variables.
anyone could add details why just violate completeness, and soundness is remain?
Here is an example that may help you visualize this. Suppose your theory is
(for all X : nice(X)) or (for all X : smart(X)) (1)
which, if you standardize apart, will result in the CNF:
nice(X) or smart(Y)
that is, everybody in a population is nice, or everybody in a population is smart, or both.
Dropping standardize apart will produce a CNF
nice(X) or smart(X)
which is equivalent to
(for all X : nice(X) or smart(X)) (2)
that is, for each individual in a population, that individual is nice, or smart, or both.
This theory (2) is saying less, it is weaker, than the original theory (1), because it admits a situation in which it is not true that everybody is nice, and it is not true that everybody is smart, but it is true that each individual is one or the other or both. In other words, (2) does not imply (1), but (1) implies (2) (if the whole population is nice, then each individual is nice; if the whole population is smart, then each individual is smart; therefore, each individual is either nice or smart). The set of possible worlds accepted by (2) is strictly larger than the set of possible worlds accepted by (1).
What does this say about completeness and soundness?
Using (2) is not complete because I can show you a counter-example of a true theorem in (1) that is not proven true when using (2). Consider the theorem "If John is not nice but smart, then Liz is smart". This is true given (1) because if the whole population shares one of those two qualities, then it must be "smart" since John is not nice, so Liz (and everyone else) must also be smart. However, given (2) this is not true anymore (it could be that Liz is nice but not smart, and everybody else is one or the other, which still would be ok given (2)). So I can no longer prove a true theorem using (2) (after dropping standardize apart), and therefore my inference is not complete.
Now suppose I prove some theorem T to be true, using (2). This means T holds in every possible world in which (2) holds, including the sub-set of them that hold in (1) (according to the third paragraph above from here). Therefore T is true in (1) as well, so performing inference using (2) is still sound.
In a nutshell: when you do not standardize apart, you "join" statements about entire domains (populations) and make them about individuals, which will be weaker and will not imply some facts that were implied before; they will be lost and your procedure will not be complete.

Validity and satisfiability

I am having problems understanding the difference between validity and satisfiability.
Given the following:
(i) For all F, F is satisfiable or ~F is satisfiable.
(ii) For all F, F is valid or ~F is valid.
How do I prove which is true and which is false?
Statement (i) is true, as for all F, F will either be satisfiable, or ~F will be satisfiable (truth table). However, how do I go about solving for statement (ii)?
Any help is highly appreciated!
I don't blame you for being confused, because actually logicians, mathematicians, heck even those philosopher types use the words validity differently sometimes.
Trying not to overcomplicate, I'll give you a thin definition: a conclusion if valid when it is true whenever the premises are true. We also say, given a suitably defined logic, that the conclusion follows as a "logical consequence" of the premises.
On the other hand, satisfisability means that there exists a valuation of the non logical symbols in the formula F that makes the formula true in the logic.
So I should probably mention the difference between semantics and syntax to explain. The syntax of your logic is all those logical and non logical symbols, and the deductive rules that enable you to make "steps" towards proof in the logic. My definition of satisfisability above mentioned the word "valuation"- now how does that fit? Well the answer is that you need to supply a semantics: in short this is the structure that the formula of the logic are expressions of, usually given in set theory, and a valuation of a given F is a function that maps all the non logical symbols in F to sets and members of sets, which a given semantics for the logic composes into a truth value.
Hmm. I'm not sure that's the best explanation, but I don't have much time.
Either way, that should help you understand the difference. To answer your question about the difference between (i) and (ii) without giving too much away, think: what's the relationship between the two? Well given that as above an F' is true given a valuation that sends the sentence to true. So you could "rewrite" my definition of validity as: a conclusion is valid iff whenever the premises are satisfisable the conclusion is satisfisable.
Now, with regards your requirement to prove these things, I strongly suspect you've got a lot more context about your logic you're not telling us and your teacher or text book has intimated a context in which to answer these, as actually taken in the general sense your question doesn't make complete sense.

Mathematica's pattern matching poorly optimized?

I recently inquired about why PatternTest was causing a multitude of needless evaluations: PatternTest not optimized? Leonid replied that it is necessary for what seems to me as a rather questionable method. I can accept that, though I would prefer a more efficient alternative.
I now realize, which I believe Leonid has been saying for some time, that this problem runs much deeper in Mathematica, and I am troubled. I cannot understand why this is not or cannot be better optimized.
Consider this example:
list = RandomReal[9, 20000];
Head /# list; // Timing
MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] // Timing
{0., Null}
{1.014, False}
Checking the heads of the list is essentially instantaneous, yet checking the pattern takes over a second. Surely Mathematica could recognize that since the first element of the list is not an Integer, the pattern cannot match, and unlike the case with PatternTest I cannot see how there is any mutability in the pattern. What is the explanation for this?
There appears to be some confusion regarding packed arrays, which as far as I can tell have no bearing on this question. Rather, I am concerned with the O(n2) time complexity on all lists, packed or unpacked.
MatchQ unpacks for these kinds of tests. The reason is that no special case for this has been implemented. In principle it could contain anything.
MatchQ[list, {x_Integer, y__}] // Timing
MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] // Timing
Improving this is very tricky - if you break the pattern matcher you have a serious problem.
Edit 1:
It is true that the unpacking is not the cause for the O(n^2) complexity. It does, however, show that for the MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] part the code goes to another part of the algorithm (which needs the lists to be unpacked). Some other things to note: This complexity arises only if both patterns are __ if either one of them is _ the algorithm has a better complexity.
The algorithm then goes through all n*n potential matches and there seems no early bailout. Presumably because other patters could be constructed that would need this complexity - The issue is that the above pattern forces the matcher to a very general algorithm.
I then was hoping for MatchQ[list, {Shortest[x__Integer], __}] and friends but to no avail.
So, my two cents: either use a different pattern (and have On["Packing"] to see if it goes to the general matcher) or do a pre-check DeveloperPackedArrayQ[expr] && Head[expr[[1]]]===Integer or some such.
#the author of the first answer. As far as I know from reverse-engeneering and reading of available information, it may be due to different ways the patterns are checked. In fact - as they say - a special hash code is used for pattern matching. This hash (basically a FNV-1 round) makes it very easy to check for particular patterns related to the type of expression involved (matter of a few xor operations). The hashing algorithm cycles inside the expression and each subpart is xorred with the output of the previous one. Special xor values are used for each atom expression - machineInts, machineReals, bigNums, Rationals and so on. Hence, for example, _Integer is easy to check because the hash of any integer is formed with integer's xor value, so all we need to do is doing the inverse op and see if matches - i.e. if we get some particular value or something like that (sorry if I'm vague on actual implementation details. It's WIP). For general or uncommon patterns the check may not take advantage of this hash stuff and require something different.
#the OP Head[] simply acts on the internal expression, taking the value of the first pointer of the expression (expressions are implemented as arrays of pointers). So doing it is as easy as copying and printing a string - very very fast. The pattern matching engine is not even called in this case.

Any tools can randomly generate the source code according to a language grammar?

A C program source code can be parsed according to the C grammar(described in CFG) and eventually turned into many ASTs. I am considering if such tool exists: it can do the reverse thing by firstly randomly generating many ASTs, which include tokens that don't have the concrete string values, just the types of the tokens, according to the CFG, then generating the concrete tokens according to the tokens' definitions in the regular expression.
I can imagine the first step looks like an iterative non-terminals replacement, which is randomly and can be limited by certain number of iteration times. The second step is just generating randomly strings according to regular expressions.
Is there any tool that can do this?
The "Data Generation Language" DGL does this, with the added ability to weight the probabilities of productions in the grammar being output.
In general, a recursive descent parser can be quite directly rewritten into a set of recursive procedures to generate, instead of parse / recognise, the language.
Given a context-free grammar of a language, it is possible to generate a random string that matches the grammar.
For example, the nearley parser generator includes an implementation of an "unparser" that can generate strings from a grammar.
The same task can be accomplished using definite clause grammars in Prolog. An example of a sentence generator using definite clause grammars is given here.
If you have a model of the grammar in a normalized form (all rules like this):
LHS = RHS1 RHS2 ... RHSn ;
and language prettyprinter (e.g., AST to text conversion tool), you can build one of these pretty easily.
Simply start with the goal symbol as a unit tree.
Repeat until no nonterminals are left:
Pick a nonterminal N in the tree;
Expand by adding children for the right hand side of any rule
whose left-hand side matches the nonterminal N
For terminals that carry values (e.g., variable names, numbers, strings, ...) you'll have to generate random content.
A complication with the above algorithm is that it doesn't clearly terminate. What you actually want to do is pick some limit on the size of your tree, and run the algorithm until the all nonterminals are gone or you exceed the limit. In the latter case, backtrack, undo the last replacement, and try something else. This gets you a bounded depth-first search for an AST of your determined size.
Then prettyprint the result. Its the prettyprinter part that is hard to get right.
[You can build all this stuff yourself including the prettyprinter, but it is a fair amount of work. I build tools that include all this machinery directly in a language-parameterized way; see my bio].
A nasty problem even with well formed ASTs is that they may be nonsensical; you might produce a declaration of an integer X, and assign a string literal value to it, for a language that doesn't allow that. You can probably eliminate some simple problems, but language semantics can be incredibly complex, consider C++ as an example. Ensuring that you end up with a semantically meaningful program is extremely hard; in essence, you have to parse the resulting text, and perform name and type resolution/checking on it. For C++, you need a complete C++ front end.
the problem with random generation is that for many CFGs, the expected length of the output string is infinite (there is an easy computation of the expected length using generating functions corresponding to the non-terminal symbols and equations corresponding to the rules of the grammar); you have to control the relative probabilities of the productions in certain ways to guarantee convergence; for example, sometimes, weighting each production rule for a non-terminal symbol inversely to the length of its RHS suffices
there is lot more on this subject in:
Noam Chomsky, Marcel-Paul Sch\"{u}tzenberger, ``The Algebraic Theory of Context-Free Languages'', pp.\ 118-161 in P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg (eds.), Computer Programming and Formal Systems, North-Holland (1963)
(see Wikipedia entry on Chomsky–Schützenberger enumeration theorem)
