Mathematica's pattern matching poorly optimized? - performance

I recently inquired about why PatternTest was causing a multitude of needless evaluations: PatternTest not optimized? Leonid replied that it is necessary for what seems to me as a rather questionable method. I can accept that, though I would prefer a more efficient alternative.
I now realize, which I believe Leonid has been saying for some time, that this problem runs much deeper in Mathematica, and I am troubled. I cannot understand why this is not or cannot be better optimized.
Consider this example:
list = RandomReal[9, 20000];
Head /# list; // Timing
MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] // Timing
{0., Null}
{1.014, False}
Checking the heads of the list is essentially instantaneous, yet checking the pattern takes over a second. Surely Mathematica could recognize that since the first element of the list is not an Integer, the pattern cannot match, and unlike the case with PatternTest I cannot see how there is any mutability in the pattern. What is the explanation for this?
There appears to be some confusion regarding packed arrays, which as far as I can tell have no bearing on this question. Rather, I am concerned with the O(n2) time complexity on all lists, packed or unpacked.

MatchQ unpacks for these kinds of tests. The reason is that no special case for this has been implemented. In principle it could contain anything.
MatchQ[list, {x_Integer, y__}] // Timing
MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] // Timing
Improving this is very tricky - if you break the pattern matcher you have a serious problem.
Edit 1:
It is true that the unpacking is not the cause for the O(n^2) complexity. It does, however, show that for the MatchQ[list, {x__Integer, y__}] part the code goes to another part of the algorithm (which needs the lists to be unpacked). Some other things to note: This complexity arises only if both patterns are __ if either one of them is _ the algorithm has a better complexity.
The algorithm then goes through all n*n potential matches and there seems no early bailout. Presumably because other patters could be constructed that would need this complexity - The issue is that the above pattern forces the matcher to a very general algorithm.
I then was hoping for MatchQ[list, {Shortest[x__Integer], __}] and friends but to no avail.
So, my two cents: either use a different pattern (and have On["Packing"] to see if it goes to the general matcher) or do a pre-check DeveloperPackedArrayQ[expr] && Head[expr[[1]]]===Integer or some such.

#the author of the first answer. As far as I know from reverse-engeneering and reading of available information, it may be due to different ways the patterns are checked. In fact - as they say - a special hash code is used for pattern matching. This hash (basically a FNV-1 round) makes it very easy to check for particular patterns related to the type of expression involved (matter of a few xor operations). The hashing algorithm cycles inside the expression and each subpart is xorred with the output of the previous one. Special xor values are used for each atom expression - machineInts, machineReals, bigNums, Rationals and so on. Hence, for example, _Integer is easy to check because the hash of any integer is formed with integer's xor value, so all we need to do is doing the inverse op and see if matches - i.e. if we get some particular value or something like that (sorry if I'm vague on actual implementation details. It's WIP). For general or uncommon patterns the check may not take advantage of this hash stuff and require something different.
#the OP Head[] simply acts on the internal expression, taking the value of the first pointer of the expression (expressions are implemented as arrays of pointers). So doing it is as easy as copying and printing a string - very very fast. The pattern matching engine is not even called in this case.


Better or Faster: String.Contains vs List.Contains

I know this is a stupid question, but I feel like someone might want to know (or inform a <redacted> co-worker about) this. I am not attaching a specific programming language to this since I think it could apply to all of them. Correct me if I am wrong about that.
Main question: Is it faster and/or better to look for entries in a constant String or in a List<String>?
Details: Let's say that I want to see if a given extension is in a list of supported extensions. Which of the following is the best (in regards to programming style) and/or fastest:
const String SUPPORTED = "" /*etc*/;
public static bool IsSupported(String ext){
ext = Normalize(ext);//put the extension in some expected state like lowercase
return SUPPORTED.Contains(ext);
final static List<String> SUPPORTED = MakeAnImmutableList(".exe", ".bin", ".sh",
".png",".bmp" /*etc*/);
public static bool IsSupported(String ext){
ext = Normalize(ext);//put the extension in some expected state like lowercase
return SUPPORTED.Contains(ext);
First, it is important to note that the solutions are not functionally equivalent. The substring search will return true for strings like x and exe.bin while the List<String>.contains() will not. In that sense the List<String> version is likely to be closer to the semantic you want. Any possible performance comparison should keep that in mind.
Now, on to performance.
From an asymptotic and algorithm complexity point of view, the List<String>.contains() approach will be faster than the other alternative as the length of the strings grows. Conceptually, the String.contains version needs to look for a match at each position in the SUPPORTED String, while the List.contains() version only needs to match starting at the start of each substring - as soon as finds a mismatch in the current candidate, it skips to the next. This is related to the above note that the options aren't functionally equivalent: the String.contains options can in theory match a much wider universe of inputs, so it has to do more work before rejecting candidates.
Complexity-wise, this difference could be something like O(N) for List.contains() versus O(N^2) for String.contains() if you take N to be the number of candidates and assume each candidate has a bounded length, and to the String.contains() method in the usual brute-force "look for a match starting at each position" algorithm. As it turns out, the Java String.contains() implementation isn't exactly doing the basic O(N^2) search, but it isn't doing Boyer-Moore either. In general you can expect that once the substrings get long enough, the List.String approach will be faster.
Close(r) to the Metal
At a closer to the metal perspective, both approaches have their advantages. The String.contains() solution avoids the overhead of iterating over the List elements: the entire call will be spent in the intrinsified String.contains implementation, and all the chars making up the entire SUPPORTED Strings are contiguous, so this is memory-friendly. The List.contains() approach will spend a lot of time doing the double-dereferencing needed to go from each List element to the contained String and then to the contained char[] array, and this is likely to dominate if the strings you are comparing against are very short.
On other hand, the List.contains solution ultimately calls into String.equals which is likely implemented in terms of Arrays.equal(char[], char[]) which is heavily optimized with SSE and AVX intrinsics on x86 platforms and likely to be blazing fast, even compared to the optimized version of String.contains(). So if the Strings become long, again expect List.contains() to pull ahead.
All that said, there is a simple, canonical way to do this quickly: a HashSet<String> with all the candidate strings. That's just a simple String.hash() (which is cached and so often "free") and a single lookup in the hash table.
Well, it can vary from implementation to implementation, but if want to look to this problem in a generalized way, lets see.
If you want to look for a specific sub-string inside a string, let say a file extension inside a immutable string containing different extensions, you just need to traverse the string with extensions once.
In the other hand, with a list of immutable strings, still need to traverse each one of the string in that list plus the overhead of iterate over that list.
As a conclusion, in a generalized way, you can see that using a list to store the strings need more processing.
But, you can look to both solutions by its readability, maintainability, etc. For example, if you want to add or remove new extensions or apply more complex operations, may worth the overhead using a list of string.

Prolog predicate arguments: readability vs. efficiency

I want to ask pros and cons of different Prolog representations in arguments of predicates.
For example in Exercise 4.3: Write a predicate second(X,List) which checks whether X is the second element of List. The solution can be:
second(X,List):- [_,X|_]=List.
The both predicates would behave similarly. The first one would be more readable than the second, at least to me. But the second one uses more stacks during the execution (I checked this with trace).
A more complicated example is Exercise 3.5: Binary trees are trees where all internal nodes have exactly two children. The smallest binary trees consist of only one leaf node. We will represent leaf nodes as leaf(Label) . For instance, leaf(3) and leaf(7) are leaf nodes, and therefore small binary trees. Given two binary trees B1 and B2 we can combine them into one binary tree using the functor tree/2 as follows: tree(B1,B2) . So, from the leaves leaf(1) and leaf(2) we can build the binary tree tree(leaf(1),leaf(2)) . And from the binary trees tree(leaf(1),leaf(2)) and leaf(4) we can build the binary tree tree(tree(leaf(1), leaf(2)),leaf(4)). Now, define a predicate swap/2 , which produces the mirror image of the binary tree that is its first argument. The solution would be:
swap(T1,T2):- T1=tree(leaf(L1),leaf(L2)), T2=tree(leaf(L2),leaf(L1)).
swap(T1,T2):- T1=tree(tree(B1,B2),leaf(L3)), T2=tree(leaf(L3),T3), swap(tree(B1,B2),T3).
swap(T1,T2):- T1=tree(leaf(L1),tree(B2,B3)), T2=tree(T3,leaf(L1)), swap(tree(B2,B3),T3).
swap(T1,T2):- T1=tree(tree(B1,B2),tree(B3,B4)), T2=tree(T4,T3), swap(tree(B1,B2),T3),swap(tree(B3,B4),T4).
swap(tree(leaf(L1),leaf(L2)), tree(leaf(L2),leaf(L1))).
swap(tree(tree(B1,B2),leaf(L3)), tree(leaf(L3),T3)):- swap(tree(B1,B2),T3).
swap(tree(leaf(L1),tree(B2,B3)), tree(T3,leaf(L1))):- swap(tree(B2,B3),T3).
swap(tree(tree(B1,B2),tree(B3,B4)), tree(T4,T3)):- swap(tree(B1,B2),T3),swap(tree(B3,B4),T4).
The number of steps of the second solution was much less than the first one (again, I checked with trace). But regarding the readability, the first one would be easier to understand, I think.
Probably the readability depends on the level of one's Prolog skill. I am a learner level of Prolog, and am used to programming with C++, Python, etc. So I wonder if skillful Prolog programmers agree with the above readability.
Also, I wonder if the number of steps can be a good measurement of the computational efficiency.
Could you give me your opinions or guidelines to design predicate arguments?
According to the advice from #coder, I made a third version that consists of a single rule:
( T1=tree(leaf(L1),leaf(L2)), T2=tree(leaf(L2),leaf(L1)) );
( T1=tree(tree(B1,B2),leaf(L3)), T2=tree(leaf(L3),T3), swap(tree(B1,B2),T3) );
( T1=tree(leaf(L1),tree(B2,B3)), T2=tree(T3,leaf(L1)), swap(tree(B2,B3),T3) );
( T1=tree(tree(B1,B2),tree(B3,B4)), T2=tree(T4,T3), swap(tree(B1,B2),T3),swap(tree(B3,B4),T4) ).
I compared the number of steps in trace of each solution:
A2.1: 36 steps
A2.2: 8 steps
A2.3: 32 steps
A2.3 (readable single-rule version) seems to be better than A2.1 (readable four-rule version), but A2.2 (non-readable four-rule version) still outperforms.
I'm not sure if the number of steps in trace is reflecting the actual computation efficiency.
There are less steps in A2.2 but it uses more computation cost in pattern matching of the arguments.
So, I compared the execution time for 40000 queries (each query is a complicated one, swap(tree(tree(tree(tree(leaf(3),leaf(4)),leaf(5)),tree(tree(tree(tree(leaf(3),leaf(4)),leaf(5)),leaf(4)),leaf(5))),tree(tree(leaf(3),tree(tree(leaf(3),leaf(4)),leaf(5))),tree(tree(tree(tree(leaf(3),leaf(4)),leaf(5)),leaf(4)),leaf(5)))), _). ). The results were almost the same (0.954 sec, 0.944 sec, 0.960 sec respectively). This is showing that the three reresentations A2.1, A2.2, A2.3 have close computational efficiency.
Do you agree with this result? (Probably this is a case specific; I need to vary the experimental setup).
This question is a very good example of a bad question for a forum like Stackoverflow. I am writing an answer because I feel you might use some advice, which, again, is very subjective. I wouldn't be surprised if the question gets closed as "opinion based". But first, an opinion on the exercises and the solutions:
Second element of list
Definitely, second(X, [_,X|_]). is to be preferred. It just looks more familiar. But you should be using the standard library anyway: nth1(2, List, Element).
Mirroring a binary tree
The tree representation that the textbook suggests is a bit... unorthodox? A binary tree is almost invariably represented as a nested term, using two functors, for example:
t/3 which is a non-empty tree, with t(Value_at_node, Left_subtree, Right_subtree)
nil/0 which is an empty tree
Here are some binary trees:
The empty tree: nil
A binary search tree holding {1,2,3}: t(2, t(1, nil, nil), t(3, nil, nil))
A degenerate left-leaning binary tree holding the list [1,2,3] (if you traversed it pre-order): t(1, t(2, t(3, nil, nil), nil), nil)
So, to "mirror" a tree, you would write:
mirror(nil, nil).
mirror(t(X, L, R), t(X, MR, ML)) :-
mirror(L, ML),
mirror(R, MR).
The empty tree, mirrored, is the empty tree.
A non-empty tree, mirrored, has its left and right sub-trees swapped, and mirrored.
That's all. No need for swapping, really, or anything else. It is also efficient: for any argument, only one of the two clauses will be evaluated because the first arguments are different functors, nil/0 and t/3 (Look-up "first argument indexing" for more information on this). If you would have instead written:
mirror_x(T, MT) :-
( T = nil
-> MT = nil
; T = t(X, L, R),
MT = t(X, MR, ML),
mirror_x(L, ML),
mirror_x(R, MR)
Than not only is this less readable (well...) but probably less efficient, too.
On readability and efficiency
Code is read by people and evaluated by machines. If you want to write readable code, you still might want to address it to other programmers and not to the machines that are going to evaluate it. Prolog implementations have gotten better and better at being efficient at evaluating code that is also more readable to people who have read and written a lot of Prolog code (do you recognize the feedback loop?). You might want to take a look at Coding Guidelines for Prolog if you are really interested in readability.
A first step towards getting used to Prolog is trying to solve the 99 Prolog Problems (there are other sites with the same content). Follow the suggestion to avoid using built-ins. Then, look at the solutions and study them. Then, study the documentation of a Prolog implementation to see how much of these problems have been solved with built-in predicates or standard libraries. Then, study the implementations. You might find some real gems there: one of my favorite examples is the library definition of nth0/3. Just look at this beauty ;-).
There is also a whole book written on the subject of good Prolog code: "The Craft of Prolog" by Richard O'Keefe. The efficiency measurements are quite outdated though. Basically, if you want to know how efficient your code is, you end up with a matrix with at least three dimensions:
Prolog implementation (SWI-Prolog, SICSTUS, YAP, Gnu-Prolog...)
Data structure and algorithm used
Facilities provided by the implementation
You will end up having some wholes in the matrix. Example: what is the best way to read line-based input, do something with each line, and output it? Read line by line, do the thing, output? Read all at once, do everything in memory, output at once? Use a DCG? In SWI-Prolog, since version 7, you can do:
read_string(In_stream, _, Input),
split_string(Input, "\n", "", Lines),
maplist(do_x, Lines, Xs),
atomics_to_string(Xs, "\n", Output),
format(Out_stream, "~s\n", Output)
This is concise and very efficient. Caveats:
The available memory might be a bottle neck
Strings are not standard Prolog, so you are stuck with implementations that have them
This is a very basic example, but it demonstrates at least the following difficulties in answering your question:
Differences between implementations
Opinions on what is readable or idiomatic Prolog
Opinions on the importance of standards
The example above doesn't even go into details about your problem, as for example what you do with each line. Is it just text? Do you need to parse the lines? Why are you not using a stream of Prolog terms instead? and so on.
On efficiency measurements
Don't use the number of steps in the tracer, or even the reported number of inferences. You really need to measure time, with a realistic input. Sorting with sort/2, for example, always counts as exactly one inference, no matter what is the length of the list being sorted. On the other hand, sort/2 in any Prolog is about as efficient as a sort on your machine would ever get, so is that an issue? You can't know until you have measured the performance.
And of course, as long as you make an informed choice of an algorithm and a data structure, you can at the very least know the complexity of your solution. Doing an efficiency measurement is interesting only if you notice a discrepancy between what you expect and what you measure: obviously, there is a mistake. Either your complexity analysis is wrong, or your implementation is wrong, or even the Prolog implementation you are using is doing something unexpected.
On top of this, there is the inherent problem of high-level libraries. With some of the more complex approaches, you might not be able to easily judge what the complexity of a given solution might be (constraint logic programming, as in CHR and CLPFD, is a prime example). Most real problems that fit nicely to the approach will be much easier to write, and more efficient than you could ever do without considerable effort and very specific code. But get fancy enough, and your CHR program might not even want to compile any more.
Unification in the head of the predicate
This is not opinion-based any more. Just do the unifications in the head if you can. It is more readable to a Prolog programmer, and it is more efficient.
"Learn Prolog Now!" is a good starting point, but nothing more. Just work your way through it and move on.
In the first way for example for Exercise 3.5 you use the rule swap(T1,T2) four times ,which means that prolog will examine all these four rules and will return true or fail for every of these four calls .Because these rules can't all be true together (each time one of them will return true) ,for every input you waste three calls that will not succeed (that's why it demands more steps and more time ). The only advantage in the above case is that by writing with the first way ,it is more readable. In generally when you have such cases of pattern matching it's better to write the rules in a way that are well defined and not two(or more) rules match a input ,if of course you require only one answer ,as for example the second way of writing the above example .
Finally one example where it is required that more than one rules match an input is the predicate member where it is written:
member(H,[_|T]):- member(H,T).
where in this case you require more than one answers.
In the third way you just write the first way without pattern matching .It has the form (condition1);...;(condition4) and if the condition1 does not return true it examines the next condition .Most of the times the fourth condition returns true ,but it has called and tested condition1-3 which returned false .So it is almost as the first way of writing the solution ,except the fact that in third solution if it finds true condition1 it will not test other conditions so you will save some wasted calls (compared to solution1).
As for the running time ,it was expected to be almost the same because in worst case solution 1 and 3 does four times the tests/calls that solution 2 does .So if solution2 is O(g) complexity (for some function g) ,then solution 1 and 3 are O(4g) which is O(g) complexity so running times will be very close.

Is it worth it to rewrite an if statement to avoid branching?

Recently I realized I have been doing too much branching without caring the negative impact on performance it had, therefore I have made up my mind to attempt to learn all about not branching. And here is a more extreme case, in attempt to make the code to have as little branch as possible.
Hence for the code
A = C; //A and C have to be the same type here obviously
expression can be A == B, or Q<=B, it could be anything that resolve to true or false, or i would like to think of it in term of the result being 1 or 0 here
I have come up with this non branching version
A += (expression)*(C-A); //Edited with thanks
So my question would be, is this a good solution that maximize efficiency?
If yes why and if not why?
Depends on the compiler, instruction set, optimizer, etc. When you use a boolean expression as an int value, e.g., (A == B) * C, the compiler has to do the compare, and the set some register to 0 or 1 based on the result. Some instruction sets might not have any way to do that other than branching. Generally speaking, it's better to write simple, straightforward code and let the optimizer figure it out, or find a different algorithm that branches less.
Jeez, no, don't do that!
Anyone who "penalize[s] [you] a lot for branching" would hopefully send you packing for using something that awful.
How is it awful, let me count the ways:
There's no guarantee you can multiply a quantity (e.g., C) by a boolean value (e.g., (A==B) yields true or false). Some languages will, some won't.
Anyone casually reading it is going observe a calculation, not an assignment statement.
You're replacing a comparison, and a conditional branch with two comparisons, two multiplications, a subtraction, and an addition. Seriously non-optimal.
It only works for integral numeric quantities. Try this with a wide variety of floating point numbers, or with an object, and if you're really lucky it will be rejected by the compiler/interpreter/whatever.
You should only ever consider doing this if you had analyzed the runtime properties of the program and determined that there is a frequent branch misprediction here, and that this is causing an actual performance problem. It makes the code much less clear, and its not obvious that it would be any faster in general (this is something you would also have to measure, under the circumstances you are interested in).
After doing research, I came to the conclusion that when there are bottleneck, it would be good to include timed profiler, as these kind of codes are usually not portable and are mainly used for optimization.
An exact example I had after reading the following question below
Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?
I tested my code on C++ using that, that my implementation was actually slower due to the extra arithmetics.
For this case below
if(expression) //branched version
A += C;
A += (expression)*(C); //non-branching version
The timing was as of such.
Branched Sorted list was approximately 2seconds.
Branched unsorted list was aproximately 10 seconds.
My implementation (whether sorted or unsorted) are both 3seconds.
This goes to show that in an unsorted area of bottleneck, when we have a trivial branching that can be simply replaced by a single multiplication.
It is probably more worthwhile to consider the implementation that I have suggested.
** Once again it is mainly for the areas that is deemed as the bottleneck **

most readable way in XPath to write "is value X a member of sequence S"?

XPath 2.0 has some new functions and syntax, relative to 1.0, that work with sequences. Some of theset don't really add to what the language could already do in 1.0 (with node sets), but they make it easier to express the desired logic in ways that are more readable. This increases the chances of the programmer getting the code correct -- and keeping it that way. For example,
empty(s) is equivalent to not(s), but its intent is much clearer when you want to test whether a sequence is empty.
Correction: the effective boolean value of a sequence is in general more complicated than that. E.g. empty((0)) != not((0)). This applies to exists(s) vs. s in a boolean context as well. However, there are domains of s where empty(s) is equivalent to not(s), so the two could be used interchangeably within those domains. But this goes to show that the use of empty() can make a non-trivial difference in making code easier to understand.
Similarly, exists(s) is equivalent to boolean(s) that already existed in XPath 1.0 (or just s in a boolean context), but again is much clearer about the intent.
Quantified expressions; e.g. "some $x in expression satisfies test($x)" would be equivalent to boolean(expression[test(.)]) (although the new syntax is more flexible, in that you don't need to worry about losing the context item because you have the variable to refer to it by).
Similarly, "every $x in expression satisfies test($x)" would be equivalent to not(expression[not(test(.))]) but is more readable.
These functions and syntax were evidently added at no small cost, solely to serve the goal of writing XPath that is easier to map to how humans think. This implies, as experienced developers know, that understandable code is significantly superior to code that is difficult to understand.
Given all that ... what would be a clear and readable way to write an XPath test expression that asks
Does value X occur in sequence S?
Some ways to do it: (Note: I used X and S notation here to indicate the value and the sequence, but I don't mean to imply that these subexpressions are element name tests, nor that they are simple expressions. They could be complicated.)
X = S: This would be one of the most unreadable, since it requires the reader to
think about which of X and S are sequences vs. single values
understand general comparisons, which are not obvious from the syntax
However, one advantage of this form is that it allows us to put the topic (X) before the comment ("is a member of S"), which, I think, helps in readability.
See also CMS's good point about readability, when the syntax or names make the "cardinality" of X and S obvious.
index-of(S, X): This one is clear about what's intended as a value and what as a sequence (if you remember the order of arguments to index-of()). But it expresses more than we need to: it asks for the index, when all we really want to know is whether X occurs in S. This is somewhat misleading to the reader. An experienced developer will figure out what's intended, with some effort and with understanding of the context. But the more we rely on context to understand the intent of each line, the more understanding the code becomes a circular (spiral) and potentially Sisyphean task! Also, since index-of() is designed to return a list of all the indexes of occurrences of X, it could be more expensive than necessary: a smart processor, in order to evaluate X = S, wouldn't necessarily have to find all the contents of S, nor enumerate them in order; but for index-of(S, X), correct order would have to be determined, and all contents of S must be compared to X. One other drawback of using index-of() is that it's limited to using eq for comparison; you can't, for example, use it to ask whether a node is identical to any node in a given sequence.
Correction: This form, used as a conditional test, can result in a runtime error: Effective boolean value is not defined for a sequence of two or more items starting with a numeric value. (But at least we won't get wrong boolean values, since index-of() can't return a zero.) If S can have multiple instances of X, this is another good reason to prefer form 3 or 6.
exists(index-of(X, S)): makes the intent clearer, and would help the processor eliminate the performance penalty if the processor is smart enough.
some $m in S satisfies $m eq X: This one is very clear, and matches our intent exactly. It seems long-winded compared to 1, and that in itself can reduce readability. But maybe that's an acceptable price for clarity. Keep in mind that X and S could potentially be complex expressions themselves -- they're not necessarily just variable references. An advantage is that since the eq operator is explicit, you can replace it with is or any other comparison operator.
S[. eq X]: clearer than 1, but shares the semantic drawbacks of 2: it computes all members of S that are equal to X. Actually, this could return a false negative (incorrect effective boolean value), if X is falsy. E.g. (0, 1)[. eq 0] returns 0 which is falsy, even though 0 occurs in (0, 1).
exists(S[. eq X]): Clearer than 1, 2, 3, and 5. Not as clear as 4, but shorter. Avoids the drawbacks of 5 (or at least most of them, depending on the processor smarts).
I'm kind of leaning toward the last one, at this point: exists(S[. eq X])
What about you... As a developer coming to a complex, unfamiliar XSLT or XQuery or other program that uses XPath 2.0, and wanting to figure out what that program is doing, which would you find easiest to read?
Apologies for the long question. Thanks for reading this far.
Edit: I changed = to eq wherever possible in the above discussion, to make it easier to see where a "value comparison" (as opposed to a general comparison) was intended.
For what it's worth, if names or context make clear that X is a singleton, I'm happy to use your first form, X = S -- for example when I want to check an attribute value against a set of possible values:
<xsl:when test="#type = ('A', 'A+', 'A-', 'B+')" />
<xsl:when test="#type = $magic-types"/>
If I think there is a risk of confusion, then I like your sixth formulation. The less frequently I have to remember the rules for calculating an effective boolean value, the less frequently I make a mistake with them.
I prefer this one:
count(distinct-values($seq)) eq count(distinct-values(($x, $seq)))
When $x is itself a sequence, this expression implements the (value-based) subset of relation between two sets of values, that are represented as sequences. This implementation of subset of has just linear time complexity -- vs many other ways of expressing this, that have O(N^2)) time complexity.
To summarize, the question whether a single value belongs to a set of values is a special case of the question whether one set of values is a subset of another. If we have a good implementation of the latter, we can simply use it for answering the former.
The functx library has a nice implementation of this function, so you can use
functx:is-node-in-sequence($X, $Y)
(this particular function can be found at
The whole functx library is available for both XQuery ( and XSLT (
Marklogic ships the functx library with their core product; other vendors may also.
Another possibility, when you want to know whether node X occurs in sequence S, is
exists((X) intersect S)
I think that's pretty readable, and concise. But it only works when X and the values in S are nodes; if you try to ask
exists(('bob') intersect ('alice', 'bob'))
you'll get a runtime error.
In the program I'm working on now, I need to compare strings, so this isn't an option.
As Dimitri notes, the occurrence of a node in a sequence is a question of identity, not of value comparison.

Where is DropWhile in Mathematica?

Mathematica 6 added TakeWhile, which has the syntax:
TakeWhile[list, crit]
gives elements ei from the beginning of list, continuing so long as crit[ei] is True.
There is however no corresponding "DropWhile" function. One can construct DropWhile using LengthWhile and Drop, but it almost seems as though one is discouraged from using DropWhile. Why is this?
To clarify, I am not asking for a way to implement this function. Rather: why is it not already present? It seems to me that there must be a reason for its absence other than an oversight, or it would have been corrected by now. Is there something inefficient, undesirable, or superfluous about DropWhile?
There appears to be some ambiguity about the function of DropWhile, so here is an example:
DropWhile = Drop[#, LengthWhile[#, #2]] &;
DropWhile[{1,2,3,4,5}, # <= 3 &]
Out= {4, 5}
Just a blind guess.
There are a lot list operations that could take a while criteria. For example:
They are not difficult to construct, anyway.
I think those are not included just because the number of "primitive" functions is already growing too long, and the criteria of "is it frequently needed and difficult to implement with good performance by the user?" is prevailing in those cases.
The ubiquitous Lists in Mathematica are fixed length vectors, and when they are of a machine numbers it is a packed array.
Thus the natural functions for a recursively defined linked list (e.g. in Lisp or Haskell) are not the primary tools in Mathematica.
So I am inclined to think this explains why Wolfram did not fill out its repertoire of manipulation functions.
