Custom Search Google API Download - google-api

Google lists the binaries for the all their Google API's here:
However when you download it and try to use the Google.Apis.Customsearch class it is missing.
It seems that the binaries at that URL are incomplete.
I don't understand this deployment methodology, the only way to get these libraries in their entirety is via NuGet from here:
Can someone please explain why the complete set of API's is not available at the first URL listed?

The Downloads page you mentioned is for the client library itself (Google.Apis and Google.Apis.Auth assemblies for example). Each API (YouTube, Drive, Plus, etc.) is dependent on that library.
To download a specific API you should download it from NuGet, and it will download all the dependencies you need (like Newtonsoft.Json, Microrosft.Http.Client, Google.Apis, etc.).
So, if you want to work with Drive API for example, you should query the following: Remember that the client library is beta, so you should "include "prerelease" in your search.


Is there a way to code a bulk download (zip?) for users to download all attachments on my page?

My app serves up a bunch of files as links that the user has to download individually. The customer wants me to provide a bulk download option as well. I'm using ColdFusion, but can probably use other languages or translate into one I can use. I mostly likely cannot download a commercial tool to do it. Thanks!
Use curl - in your case it would be libcurl. This would require C++ bindings.
Create a list of your links in a string or a file that your app would access.
Get started with the curl cli.
See here - and here -
Once you are comfortable with this, use libcurl linked within your app and download the files using the libcurl API.
Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it. A coworker found the best answer for ColdFusion. There's a tag called cfzip that does it all.

How to install samples/libraries?

For some reason, the github page here has no instructions on how to actually add the sample/functionality to your own bot.
I'm trying to add this library to my composer bot project: but it itself doesn't have any instructions either, just how to download it via git (which I've done).
The only guide I could find is here: but it doesn't quite match up with the library above.
Am I missing something obvious?
The samples repo is not a library. It's literally a list of smaller bots that can be run locally, in every GA'd language SDK of the Bot Framework. It's not meant to be 'installed'. The purpose of the various samples are to show how the SDK can be leveraged for certain scenarios, so you can take the code and implement it for yourself, or mimic the code in your own bot. If there's a certain sample who's functionality you want in your bot, such as "How to add attachment handling", you should ask that.

Firefox source code analysis; lines of code per component

I am currently trying to analyse Bugzilla in order to find the ratio of number of bugs : lines of code for each Firefox component. However, I have never worked with Bugzilla before and have no knowledge of Firefox's codebase.
How would I go about finding lines of code per Firefox component (as they appear on Bugzilla under Comp header)? I have made an attempt at looking through mozilla central, but have no idea which source files relate to which components.
EDIT: Dexter pointed out that there is a directive BUG_COMPONENT in the mozilla-central tree, but this directive seems extremely incomplete and is not helpful. Any other advice, or pointers as to where I could get such advice would be much appreciated.
Great question! We recently added the BUG_COMPONENT directive (see the meta bug) to the Firefox code: it's in the file contained in each directory in the source. This directive allows linking each file in the repository to the related Bugzilla component.
For example, the following directive found here, tells that all the files in test/browser containing the Telemetry word belong to the Toolkit::Telemetry component on Bugzilla.
with Files("test/browser/*Telemetry*"):
BUG_COMPONENT = ("Toolkit", "Telemetry")
You can use either DXR or searchfox to quickly search the Firefox repository.
Updated the answer to account for the questions in the comments.
As noted in the comments, some components are tracked on Bugzilla (e.g. Activity Stream) but do not have a direct mapping to source files within the mozilla-central repository (the one Firefox is built from). That's because some newer components do not ride "the trains" (~6 weeks development cycle), but are rather updated more frequently and deployed as addons.
The code for these components usually lives under the Mozilla github account, along with other project. Since there are quite a number of projects, one way to identify the ones you might be interested in is to restrict them to JavaScript ones. If you follow this last link, you'll see the repository for both the test-pilot and Activity Stream (plus other addons).
I'm afraid the only way to match GitHub projects to Bugzilla components is to look at the name of the repository on GitHub and find the matching component in Bugzilla: you can type the name here to get some component suggestions. If you want to get fancy, you might also leverage the Bugzilla REST API:
Get a list of the JS GitHub project.
Extract the name of the project.
Use the REST API to get the component suggestion.
I would personally just consider the mozilla-central repository as a starting point, as it is mostly annotated: scrape the BUG_COMPONENT from the source files, map them to the paths then use the REST API to get the list of bugs.
Sidenote: the Download Panel seems to be correctly annotated in the main repo.

ASP .NET 5 WEB API creating help page

I just got started working on ASP.NET 5. I want to have a help page for my methods, I have seen few examples for creating help pages but most of them are MVC specific. I have gone through Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage package, it creates an Area for help page but I am not using MVC pattern.
Any suggestions how can I create help page other than this area approach?
I would suggest looking at Swagger and SwaggerUI. Swagger is an open standard, using JSON to document an API, used by the likes of PayPal and Microsoft (check out Logic apps in the azure portal).
There are some open source implementations for .Net (both of which I have used), which will self document your API, just by adding the NuGet packages to your project and a little bit of configuration:
Swashbuckle is the original project and Ahoy is the new version targeting ASPNET5. When downloading the package from NuGet you will still get Swashbuckle, just make sure you tick "include pre-release", and if you need any documentation look at the original GitHub project.
SwaggerUI (which is also included in Swashbuckle) adds an interface which you can use to navigate and test your API, by default this is available from "/swagger/ui" when your project is running.
Here is a sample repo in GitHub I put together showing how it can be used:

Export files from meteor project

I am developing a meteor project which requires a deck-offline function.
The idea of deck-offline means you can download a group of files to local pc from server side.
I found a similar js file which provide an solution for it, the url is
So I want to ask if there is some package or api can implement the download file function from server side.
I have found great use for CollectionFS:
How to install packages from atmosphere can be found here:
Hope this suits your needs.
