How to install samples/libraries? - botframework

For some reason, the github page here has no instructions on how to actually add the sample/functionality to your own bot.
I'm trying to add this library to my composer bot project: but it itself doesn't have any instructions either, just how to download it via git (which I've done).
The only guide I could find is here: but it doesn't quite match up with the library above.
Am I missing something obvious?

The samples repo is not a library. It's literally a list of smaller bots that can be run locally, in every GA'd language SDK of the Bot Framework. It's not meant to be 'installed'. The purpose of the various samples are to show how the SDK can be leveraged for certain scenarios, so you can take the code and implement it for yourself, or mimic the code in your own bot. If there's a certain sample who's functionality you want in your bot, such as "How to add attachment handling", you should ask that.


Hyperledger composer generator: Trying to copy from a source that doesn't exist (no concepts support for Angular)

I have a composer-rest-server running on localhost:3000. To go with that, I tried to generate an Angular 2 app using yo hyperledger-composer. My business network models also have a abstract concept Spray{...} present.
I believe the documentation is outdated as I was presented with slightly different options than on the documentation. After choosing Angular and following through the steps, I got an
AssertionError: Trying to copy from source that does not exist ... /concept/concept.component.ts
Based on some quick google searches, I was able to find this issue on their Github - however in my case, I am not even able to build the Angular app so I don't even get to the compilation stage.
Is there any way to build the app right now where it's at?
I've created a Github issue explaining steps to reproduce this and also included a hacky fix which is to comment out the lines in the generator code which copy over the concept files.
Link -

Workflow to post on Jekyll via Windows

I am currently working on a Jekyll blog on Linux. However I'd like to add contributors to this blog who are using Windows and who haven't any skills in programming or using tools like Git etc.
I was wondering what could be the best process/pratice to enable them to post on the blog?
Installing them the entire environment and writing a script maybe?
Could it cause any issues due to the OS?
Any suggestions or advices are welcome :)
I don't think installing git, and pushing content to your repo is hard task for any non-tech guy.
1: Little tough way
Use team viewer and help your partner to setup git.
Allowed access to your repository.
Teach them, about frontmatter, and some jekyll commands.
2: Simple and smooth way.
Just get doc files dirctly from partner, which contain only content, nothing else, and convert yourself into markdown with manual frontmatter.
3: Create your own dashboard.
You can create your own dashoard like WordPress, where your partner can add categories, tags, title, meta description etc things, that can convert into frontmatter automatically. For that, you need to build yourself. (I find out that kind of generator here, but look's like he deleted, you can find it, by visiting him, old deleted commits).
I had the same problem so I ended up using Wordpress as the interface to it and creating a plugin to marry the systems up.
I figured I'd share it so feel free to have a look:

How to setup react native to use flow?

I was wondering how I have to setup .flowConfig in order to use flow on a React- Native project. I created an empty .flowConfig file but as soon as I include the react-native module in a JS source file and check this file with flow, flow displays a 'not_found' error message.
Follow the instructions on to create your projects .flowconfig file, you can copy and paste it, you also have to install flow via brew install flow and add the flow binaries to your package.json, once you've done all this, you should be able to manually run flow and check for error types, but, that is not really optimal.
I haven't been able to set up flow on atom without using nuclide, I'm guessing with some digging around the packages you can find something that works that allows for on-the-fly flow checking.
The link provided by #jerome ( is useful but only for nuclide installation, still worth a watch.
I advise to watch it explains how to use Flow with Nuclide. I had issue to make flow works and my main mistake was that I didn't install flow (brew install flow). On the official site ( they don't mention you need to install flow (or it is not super obvious if it is the case).
Anyway watch the video it is great, it even explains ESLint :)

Can you install Google Protocol Buffers on Heroku?

I'm new to Heroku, and fairly new to Google Protocol Buffers.
Steps Taken
Searched Stack Overflow
Searched Heroku help
Searched Google
Is there way to install the Google Protocol Buffers on the Heroku platform?
You do not need to "install" Protobufs to use it at run-time. Just bundle the Protobuf Python code and the code generated by the Protobuf compiler together with your application's other code. The compiler (protoc) is only needed to generate code; it is not used when your application actually runs. So, there should be no problem.
If you want to use the experimental C-extension-backed implementation (which is off by default), you will also need to include the .so file implementing the extension. I am not personally very familiar with C extensions so I'm not sure exactly where you're supposed to put it, but again, you should be able to bundle it with your application without installing anything. I am also not very familiar with Heroku so I do not know if they will let you run C extensions -- I know that AppEngine, in comparison, does not allow extensions.

How to integrate Firefox Sync?

Firefox 4 comes soon (ok, next year ;)) and there is a Firefox plugin to sync your bookmarks etc. with Firefox 3.whatever .
I would like to know if anyone has a comprehensive, up-to-date tutorial to integrate Firefox Sync into your own plugin? Or any idea regarding this?
I mainly followed this official "tutorial" and also this blog post, but the information seems to be slightly outdated.
For example, the object is not called Weave anymore but Engines and the weave.engines. preference became services.sync.engines.. I played a little with all the mentioned options, but it does not seems to work (and my plugin does not show up in list where you can select what to sync).
I assume that the Tracker and Store classes are fine, the main problem is to register the engine...
The ClientAPI tutorial you mention is definitely the way to go. I updated it recently so if something's not working, please let us know so I can fix it in the docs. Wladimir's blogpost is definitely quite old and contains some outdated information. We will also make changes to some parts of the API in the upcoming beta releases, so be prepared for some flux...
The Weave namespace is still the canonical way to access Sync related APIs from UI code. It exposes components such as Weave.Service and Weave.Engines. You can import it via Components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"). If you want to implement your own engine, you'll have to import the actual underlying modules, though (all listed in the ClientAPI tutorial). The tutorial also describes how to register your custom engine implementation. Once it's registered, it won't automatically show up in the preferences UI, though. I suggest building your own UI that flips the services.sync.engine.YOURENGINE pref in your add-on's preferences.
Out of curiosity, what kind of data are you trying to sync?
