In GSOAP, what is the difference between client and server mode? - gsoap

I use GSOAP to implement a simple program that fullfills ONVIF discovery functionality.
(The NVT, NVR part, not the Device Manager, i.e Client part)
The program needs to
1) Send "ProbeMatch" messages in response to "Probe" messages of the ONVIF DM.
2) Send "Hello" messages occasionally.
I downloaded and launched "gsoap" tool without any problem. I generated h and c files, and created a project in Eclipse.
When I generate C files in "Client" mode, I can build the Eclipse project. There are 3 functions defined in soapClient.cpp but I do not know how to use them in main function ( What are the parameters ns2_HelloType and ns2_ResolveType). And, when do I call these functions?
When I generate C files in "Server" mode, I cannot build the Eclipse project because those functions have signatures in h files but are not defined. I have to define them according to the tutorial of gsoap. (Calculator Example)
Actually, I couldn't manage to understand the concepts "Server" and "Client". Which part of the ONVIF specification is client, which is the server? Hello, Bye etc. are the functions of the "device" itself so is the device SOAP Server? Can anybody clarify those concepts?
Best Regards,

What kind of device are you trying to implement? A Network Video Transmitter (NVT)? In this case you need to implement the server.
The client is the part of the VMS that connects to the devices.
When you generate the server part, you need to implement the functions that do something when the correspondent function is invoked from a VMS. This is why you get a build failure.

You asked several questions. This will address only those concerning gsoap, client/server. Regarding your question: I couldn't manage to understand the concepts "Server" and "Client" , Can anybody clarify those concepts?.... So, in the most general terms:
If you are using gsoap, it is because you want to use C bindings to stitch together some component of a web service, either on the server side, or on the client side.
A simple web service Server/Client scenario:
The server, in simplified terms, listens for a request from a client, and based on some provided information from the requester (i.e. the client), queries its data source, usually a database, using the input data, packages up the requested data and returns it to the client. Think of getting the weather from your phone. Your phone, the client, sends some small piece of information such as postal code, to a known WSDL end point. The weather data is returned and displayed on your phone app.
Using gsoap it would look like this:, The request sent from your phone is simply entered as human readable text: 98873-1234, read in from an application using the gsoap C bindings into a C data structure. The C binding (C function) converts the struct data to XML SOAP format using the functionality in gsoap libraries, and sends the XML data via tcp/ip to the WSDL end point of the server. The server side gsoap libraries within an application receive this data, convert it from the XML SOAP format into C type data most likely as a member of a struct. The data is then used to build a query string to the database and make a query. The query is sent to the database. The response, XML SOAP, is again converted to C type data, and using the C bindings (C functions) provided by gsoap, sent back to the requesting client.
Again, in very simple terms it looks like this:
ServerSide database<->SQL<->gsoapApp<->tcp/ip<->gsoapApp<->userInterfaceDisplay ClientSide
There is a client application example here. Although this example is targeted toward client side applications, the concept for server side gsoap code generation is very similar.


Parse Cloud - Why need this?

I'm new to parse and i've just setup my server and dashboard on my local machine.
For my use, i just not need the simple API from parse, i need to write a server (with NodeJS + Express) to handle users request.
I've just see how to integrate an Express application with parse, so my application instead of the server directly will use my server that will serve:
The standard Parse API (/classes etc)
All my others route, that could not to depend on Parse API
This is correct ?
Reading online i've see that Parse Cloud need to extend Parse functionality with additional "routing" (if i have understand well).
So, in my application i will have
The standard API (ad described up here)
All other routers (that could not depend on Parse)
Other routers (that come from Cloud) and use Parse API
So, Parse Cloud is just a "simple" way to write additional Routing ? (i've see that exists the job function too, but right now i've not studied it).
My question is just because i'm a little confused about the real needed, just would like to have more info on "when to use it"
I provide here an example (that in part come from Parse Docs).
I have a Video class with an director name field.
In my Application (iOs, Android etc) i setup a view that need to know all the Video provided from a particular director.
I will have three ways:
Get all Videos (/classes/videos) and then filter it directly in APP
Write an NodeJS + Express router endpoint ( where XXX is the director and then get the result with Parse JS API and send back it to the app
Write an Clound function (that if i have understand respond to /functions/) that do the same as the router one.
This is just a little example, but is this the usage of Parse Cloud ? (or at least, one on them :))

How to connect to MongoDB from a single page ClojureScript / React.js application using Ajax?

Consider a ClojureScript web application using reagent where the reagent components are subscribed to a single db atom containing a vector of maps. The contents of this vector is different for each user and has to be queried from a mongo database ( which is updated with regular intervals ). The database might be hosted by a third party. Considering that CongoMongo, Karras and Monger are Clojure ( not ClojureScript ) libraries what would be the best way to connect to MongoDB from a single page ClojureScript/React.js using Ajax?
This “answer” is more of a comment but here goes.
If you don't absolutely need a Clojure backend, I'd recommend having a ClojureScript-only single-page app without any Clojure wrapper to Mongo (so no need for Sente either). As Timothy Baldridge (of Cognitect, so he knows a thing or two about this 😛) pointed out, your ClojureScript app can just make HTTP REST requests to the database.
cljs-http is a ClojureScript project that uses Clojure's core.async library to make HTTP requests and is perfect for interacting with REST APIs if you know or can learn core.async.
A more conventional (i.e., callbacks) approach, but still very ClojureScript-friendly, is to use Google Closure's library. I have an example here of connecting to a public REST API using XhrIo and re-frame (built on top of reagent, and highly recommended) that may help show how to get started.
Using either of these ClojureScript/JS libs, you can make requests directly from the ClojureScript browser app to the database, get replies, parse the JSON with (js->clj (js/JSON.parse json-string)) or with transit-cljs, and do something with the result.
Since Mongo has a fairly simple REST interface (, I'd be tempted to just write my own CLJS code that calls the Mongo server. Depends on your security requirements. But writing the CLJS code would be no different than any other remote request. Just a bit of string concatenation and parameter serialization.
You could use sente to get communication going between the Reagent application and your web server. This SO answer references an example client/server application that consists of a web server with browser access, giving you some buttons to press that return information from the server. It is not Reagent - but you can substitute what they use. It is a starting point example that works out of the box.
Then build up the example's web server so that it communicates with the three Clojure libraries rather than just returning static text as it does.

Exporting data from Ada application with websocket

I'm developing a scholar project where I have a core written in Ada language that generates data information.
As requested by the project, I need to send all the new produced information, with a certain period, to a remote webserver via websocket.
In javascript language is really easy to connect to a web socket:
var exampleSocket = new WebSocket("ws://", "protocolOne");
I would be able to execute a similar command in Ada, is it possible?
May be possible to workaround the problem calling an html page (with GET parameters) containing javascript code so that this page manages the websocket with remote webserver?
For those still looking for this answer; AWS now supports websockets...
Both AWS and Black has supports websockets. AWS is the most mature of the two, so I suggest that you use that.

Receive XMLA from ruby

I have a ruby server side program that uses a specific library to send request to an olap server and receives the result dataset from the same library.
For some reason, I don't want to call the library methods for receiving result dataset and I want to receive the text XMLA result directly. But I don't know what is the code in ruby (or jruby?) to do this. I want to send a query and receive the 'text' XMLA from my rest service(which is in ruby)
Hey I see this is a bit old, but still. As far as I could tell you have two choices:
Use - all kinds off cool stuff, but requires jruby since it uses java libraries for connecting and manipulating the cube itself
Use - barebone as it gets, but you can connect to the Mondrian XML servlet via savon SOAP messages and get the data back. Good for educational purposes since it has the message needed (if you want to port to python it would be a breeze)
p.s. I made the choice 2) so I might be somewhat biased :)

Handling XMLHttpRequest to call external application

I need a simple way to use XMLHttpRequest as a way for a web client to access applications in an embedded device. I'm getting confused trying to figure out how to make something thin and light that handles the XMLHttpRequests coming to the web server and can translate those to application calls.
The situation:
The web client using Ajax (ExtJS specifically) needs to send and receive asynchronously to an existing embedded application. This isn't just to have a thick client/thin server, the client needs to run background checking on the application status.
The application can expose a socket interface, with a known set of commands, events, and configuration values. Configuration could probably be transmitted as XML since it comes from a SQLite database.
In between the client and app is a lighttpd web server running something that somehow handles the translation. This something is the problem.
What I think I want:
Lighttpd can use FastCGI to route all XMLHttpRequest to an external process. This process will understand HTML/XML, and translate between that and the application's language. It will have custom logic to simulate pushing notifications to the client (receive XMLHttpRequest, don't respond until the next notification is available).
C/C++. I'd really like to avoid installing Java/PHP/Perl on an embedded device. So I'll need more low level understanding.
How do I do this?
Are there good C++ libraries for interpreting the CGI headers and HTML so that I don't have to do any syntax processing, I can just deal with the request/response contents?
Are there any good references to exactly what goes on, server side, when handling the XMLHttpRequest and CGI interfaces?
Is there any package that does most of this job already, or will I have to build the non-HTTP/CGI stuff from scratch?
If I understand correctly, the way I approach this problem would be a 3-tier (Don't get hang up so much on the 3-tier buzz words that we all have heard about):
JavaScript (ExtJs) on browsers talks HTTP, Ajax using XmlHttpRequest, raw (naked) or wrapper doesn't really matter, to the web server (Lighttpd, Apache, ...).
Since the app on the embedded device can talk by socket, the web server would use socket to talk to the embedded device.
You can decide to put more business logic on the JavaScript, and keep the Apache/Lighttpd code really thin so it wont timeout.
In this way, you can leverage all technologies that you're already familiar with. Ajax between tier 1 and 2 is nothing new, and use socket between 2 and 3.
I did not mean that you did not know socket. I just proposed a way to take a desc of a problem where I hear a lots of words: XML/HTML/Ajax/XmlHttpRequest/Java/PHP/Perl/C++/CGI and more and offer a way to simplify into smaller, better understood problem. Let me clarify:
If you want to ultimately retrieve data from the embedded devices and render on the browsers, then have the browsers making a request to the web server, the web server uses socket to talk to the embedded device. How the data is passed between browser and server, that's normal HTTP, no more, no less. Same thing between web server and embedded device, except socket instead of HTTP.
So if just you take a simple problem, like doing an addition of 2 numbers. Except these 2 input numbers would get passed to the web server, and then the web server passes to the embedded device, where the addition is carried out. The result gets passed back to the web server, back to the browser for rendering. If you can do that much, you can already make the data flow everywhere you want to.
How to parse the data depends on how you design the structure of the data that might include container which wraps around a payload.
"... whatever HTTP is coming to the server into usable bits of information, and generate the proper HTTP response"
...but that's not any different than how you handle the HTTP request on the server using your server-side language. to implement a backend process in C/C++, instead of installing a package like PHP
If the embedded device is programmed in C/C++, you are required to know how to do socket programming in C/C++. On your web server, you also have to know how to socket programming, except that will be in that server-side language.
Hope this helps.
