Exporting data from Ada application with websocket - websocket

I'm developing a scholar project where I have a core written in Ada language that generates data information.
As requested by the project, I need to send all the new produced information, with a certain period, to a remote webserver via websocket.
In javascript language is really easy to connect to a web socket:
var exampleSocket = new WebSocket("ws://www.example.com/socketserver", "protocolOne");
I would be able to execute a similar command in Ada, is it possible?
May be possible to workaround the problem calling an html page (with GET parameters) containing javascript code so that this page manages the websocket with remote webserver?

For those still looking for this answer; AWS now supports websockets...

Both AWS and Black has supports websockets. AWS is the most mature of the two, so I suggest that you use that.


How can I embed NetLimiter in my application

I have a C# client application that connects to multiple servers. I noticed that it is necessary to use NetLimiter activated rules in order to make my client connect correctly with higher priority when there is so many traffic on the client computer.
I did not find any documents about how can I embed and make rules programmatically in this application. However, I read here that someone tried to use Netlimiter API but failed.
I read somewhere that I can write my own application that uses TC API of the Windows in here and mark DSCP to make priorities. But I reached to this problem before setting flow options of my C# application.
Please guide me with this issue.
Look here. Connect() and SetRule() are the only APIs available.
NetLimiter seems to be a COM object, so to use it from C# you need something like this:
dynamic myownlimiter = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("NetLimiter.VirtualClient"));
myownlimiter.Connect("host", "port");
and then use SetRule() as described in the first link.

Parse Cloud - Why need this?

I'm new to parse and i've just setup my server and dashboard on my local machine.
For my use, i just not need the simple API from parse, i need to write a server (with NodeJS + Express) to handle users request.
I've just see how to integrate an Express application with parse, so my application instead of the server directly will use my server that will serve:
The standard Parse API (/classes etc)
All my others route, that could not to depend on Parse API
This is correct ?
Reading online i've see that Parse Cloud need to extend Parse functionality with additional "routing" (if i have understand well).
So, in my application i will have
The standard API (ad described up here)
All other routers (that could not depend on Parse)
Other routers (that come from Cloud) and use Parse API
So, Parse Cloud is just a "simple" way to write additional Routing ? (i've see that exists the job function too, but right now i've not studied it).
My question is just because i'm a little confused about the real needed, just would like to have more info on "when to use it"
I provide here an example (that in part come from Parse Docs).
I have a Video class with an director name field.
In my Application (iOs, Android etc) i setup a view that need to know all the Video provided from a particular director.
I will have three ways:
Get all Videos (/classes/videos) and then filter it directly in APP
Write an NodeJS + Express router endpoint (http://blabla.com/videos/XXX) where XXX is the director and then get the result with Parse JS API and send back it to the app
Write an Clound function (that if i have understand respond to /functions/) that do the same as the router one.
This is just a little example, but is this the usage of Parse Cloud ? (or at least, one on them :))

How to connect to MongoDB from a single page ClojureScript / React.js application using Ajax?

Consider a ClojureScript web application using reagent where the reagent components are subscribed to a single db atom containing a vector of maps. The contents of this vector is different for each user and has to be queried from a mongo database ( which is updated with regular intervals ). The database might be hosted by a third party. Considering that CongoMongo, Karras and Monger are Clojure ( not ClojureScript ) libraries what would be the best way to connect to MongoDB from a single page ClojureScript/React.js using Ajax?
This “answer” is more of a comment but here goes.
If you don't absolutely need a Clojure backend, I'd recommend having a ClojureScript-only single-page app without any Clojure wrapper to Mongo (so no need for Sente either). As Timothy Baldridge (of Cognitect, so he knows a thing or two about this 😛) pointed out, your ClojureScript app can just make HTTP REST requests to the database.
cljs-http is a ClojureScript project that uses Clojure's core.async library to make HTTP requests and is perfect for interacting with REST APIs if you know or can learn core.async.
A more conventional (i.e., callbacks) approach, but still very ClojureScript-friendly, is to use Google Closure's goog.net.XhrIo library. I have an example here of connecting to a public REST API using XhrIo and re-frame (built on top of reagent, and highly recommended) that may help show how to get started.
Using either of these ClojureScript/JS libs, you can make requests directly from the ClojureScript browser app to the database, get replies, parse the JSON with (js->clj (js/JSON.parse json-string)) or with transit-cljs, and do something with the result.
Since Mongo has a fairly simple REST interface (https://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/tools/http-interfaces/#simple-rest-api), I'd be tempted to just write my own CLJS code that calls the Mongo server. Depends on your security requirements. But writing the CLJS code would be no different than any other remote request. Just a bit of string concatenation and parameter serialization.
You could use sente to get communication going between the Reagent application and your web server. This SO answer references an example client/server application that consists of a web server with browser access, giving you some buttons to press that return information from the server. It is not Reagent - but you can substitute what they use. It is a starting point example that works out of the box.
Then build up the example's web server so that it communicates with the three Clojure libraries rather than just returning static text as it does.

Quick REST server that answers with static responses?

Is there any program that could help me build a REST client without having access to the server? I just want to get custom static HTTP answers when accessing a specific url via POST. It should be as fast and easy as one of the many REST-clients for backend developers.
(No it's not because I develop the client before developing the server, it's because somebody else develops the server and I want to program even when neither this person nor his | her server is available.)
Platform: Windows 7
As long as you can serve static files, you can use any web server as a response generator. Generate your data and save it in the file structure with an extension like .json or .xml. I have found that this works for GET requests but is not very useful for POST/DELETE requests. Sometimes a tool like fiddler http://fiddler2.com/ can let you capture the request while the server is live and then you have it when it goes offline.
If you want a more complex and true rest environment you can use mongoDB's http interface. http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/tools/http-interfaces/ A word of caution. Mongo is a great tool but the learning curve is a little steep of you have not worked with NOSQL before. The plus side is that it doesn't really require an application server since you hook your calls straight into the document structure via it's http console.

Interact with local methods from a Chrome Extension

I'm not sure which technology I should be using, or even what exactly I'm trying to do is called, so I was hoping to just get some guidance on the issue.
We have a client/server architecture, and from the client side you should be able to send a command to the server side either by going from Browser -> Client -> Server, or just directly from Browser -> Server
My question is, what should I be looking in to to help me accomplish this task? I believe if I were to use a Chrome Extension, it would have to use NPAPI to interact locally with my PC, which is less than recommended ;)
The solution only needs to work on Windows, and will not be accessing any of the local users files.
Thanks for your help!
Within Chrome Extensions, you are allowed to access external resources if and only if you explicitly define the permissions (url pattern) in the manifest file.
Depending on the need of your application, you could use RESTful server approach or WebSockets server approach. Once you finish developing your server, your extension can communicate through it using existing web technologies (XmlHTTPRequest, WebSocket).
Assuming your going to use RESTful, what I would do is create a JavaScript service class/library that communicates to your backend (Server) using XHR, and include that in your background page within the extension. Then you can use Extension Message Passing to communicate to your service class.
Think of it as this, the scripts defined in the background context within your extension lives in between your extension and your server, acting like a facade. Search on GitHub/StackOverflow if you need questions regarding how, there are many useful posts/projects.
