Complexity of walking through graph by taking path with biggest weight - algorithm

I have a graph, I want to walk through the graph (not necessary through all vertices), always taking path with greates weight. I cannot go through same vertex twice, I stop if there are no more moves I can make. What is the complexity? I assume it's "n" (where n is number of vertices) but I'm not sure.

If you can't go through the same vertice twice, your upper bound for edge traversals is n.
It's easy to think of examples where that would be a tight bound (a single chain of vertices connected for example).
However, keep in mind that complexity is for a given algorithm, not a general task, you haven't described your algorithm or how your graph is organized, so this question doesn't have any meaning.
If for example the graph is a clique, perhaps picking the highest weight edge for each traversal would itself take n computation steps (if the edges are kept in an unsorted list kept in each vertice), making the naive algorithm O(n^2) in this case. Other representations may have different complexity, but require different algorithms.
If you're asking about finding the path with greatest overall weight (which may require you in some traversals to pick an edge that doesn't have the highest weight), than the problem is NP-hard. If it had a polynomial algorithm, then you could take an unweighted graph and find the longest path (a known NP hard problem as jimifiki pointed), and solve it with that algorithm.

From Longest Path Problem
This problem is called the Longest Path Problem, and is NP-complete.


Is there an efficient algorithm for finding or approximating the shortest walk of a graph which must visit some subset of vertices of the graph?

The title is a mouth-full, but put simply, I have a large, undirected, incomplete graph, and I need to visit some subset of vertices in the (approximately) shortest time possible. Note that this isn't TSP, as I don't need to visit all vertices.
The naive approach would be to simply brute-force the solution by trying every possible walk which includes the required vertices, using A*, for example, to calculate the walks between required vertices. However, this is O(n!) where n is the number of required vertices. This is unfeasible for me, as n > 40 in my average case, and n ≈ 80 in my worst case.
Is there a more efficient algorithm for this, perhaps one that approximates the solution?
This question is similar to the question here, but differs in the fact that my graph is larger than the one in the linked question. There are several other similar questions, but none that I've seen exactly solve my specific problem.
If you allow visiting the same nodes several times, find the shortest path between each pair of mandatory vertices. Then you solve the TSP between the mandatory vertices, using the above shortest path costs. If you disallow multiple visits, the problem is much worse.
I am afraid you cannot escape the TSP.

Is there an efficient algorithm to find the number of k-length paths (NOT walks) in an undirected and unweighted graph in adjacency matrix form?

I'm aware that the number of k-length walks between two vertices can be found by finding the kth power of the adjacency matrix, but walks include the traversal of a single edge multiple times in the calculation.
EDIT: I only want to count them not compute them, preferably using matrix algebra. I could do a modified DFS, but thats less efficient than matrix math.
In general, there is no known way to accomplish this. One way to see this is that if you pick k to be the number of nodes in the graph, then you are asking for the number of Hamiltonian paths in the graph. However, the question of determining whether a graph contains a Hamiltonian path is a canonical NP-complete problem, and unless P = NP there's no polynomial-time algorithm for it.
Stated differently - the Hamiltonian path problem reduces to your problem in polynomial time. That makes your problem NP-hard, which means there's no known polynomial-time algorithm for it.

Dijkstra's algorithm vs relaxing edges in topologically sorted graph for DAG

I was reading Introduction To Algorithms 3rd Edition. There are 3 methods given to solve the problem. My inquiry is about two of them.
The one with no name
The algorithm starts by topologically sorting the dag (see Section 22.4) to impose a linear ordering on the vertices. If the dag contains a path from vertex u to vertex v, then u precedes v in the topological sort. We make just one pass over the vertices in the topologically sorted order. As we process each vertex, we relax each edge that leaves the vertex.
Dijkstra's Algorithm
This is quite well known
As far as the book shows, time complexity of without name one is O(V+E) but of Dijstra's is O(ElogV). We cannot use Dijkstra's on negative weight but we can use the other. What are the advantages of using Dijkstra's Algorithm except it can be used in cyclic ones?
Because the first algorithm you give only works on acyclic graphs, whereas Dijkstra runs on graph with non-negative weight.
The limitations are not the same.
In real-world, many applications can be modelled as graphs with non-negative weights, that's why Dijkstra is so used. Plus, it is very simple to implement. The complexity of Dijkstra is higher because it relies on priority queue, but this does not mean it takes necessarily more time to execute. (nlog(n) time is not that bad, because log(n) is a relatively small number: log(10^80) = 266)
However, this stand for sparse graphs (low density of edges). For dense graphs, other algorithms may be more efficient.

Finding fully connected components?

I'm not sure if I'm using the right term here, but for fully connected components I mean there's an (undirected) edge between every pair of vertices in a component, and no additional vertices can be included without breaking this property.
There're a number algorithms for finding strongly connected components in a graph though (for example Tarjan's algorithm), is there an algorithm for finding such "fully connected components"?
What you are looking for is a list of all the maximal cliques of the graph. It's also called the clique problem. No known polynomial time solution exists for a generic undirected graph.
Most versions of the clique problem are hard. The clique decision problem is NP-complete (one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems). The problem of finding the maximum clique is both fixed-parameter intractable and hard to approximate. And, listing all maximal cliques may require exponential time as there exist graphs with exponentially many maximal cliques. Therefore, much of the theory about the clique problem is devoted to identifying special types of graph that admit more efficient algorithms, or to establishing the computational difficulty of the general problem in various models of computation.
I was also looking at the same question. This turns out to be an algorithm to list it, however, it's not fast. If your graph is sparse, you may want to use the vertex ordering version of the algorithm:
For sparse graphs, tighter bounds are possible. In particular the vertex-ordering version of the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm can be made to run in time O(dn3d/3), where d is the degeneracy of the graph, a measure of its sparseness. There exist d-degenerate graphs for which the total number of maximal cliques is (n − d)3d/3, so this bound is close to tight.[6]

what whould be suitable algorithm?

I am trying to do c++ program.I am trying to do problem in which i have numbers of points. Now i need to find the path that goes through all the points. This is not actually TSP because as per my knowledge in TSP it is possible to travel from all points to every other points. But in my case the path network between the points is fixed and i just need to find the suitable path that goes through all the points provided that all points may not have connection to every other what algorithm am i supposed to follow.
It seems you are looking for a way to traverse a graph? If so have you tried Breadth first search or Depth first search to traverse your graph.
You want to find a Hamiltonian path for a graph.
In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian path (or
traceable path) is a path in an undirected graph that visits each
vertex exactly once. A Hamiltonian cycle (or Hamiltonian circuit) is a
Hamiltonian path that is a cycle. Determining whether such paths and
cycles exist in graphs is the Hamiltonian path problem, which is
Some techniques that exist :
There are n! different sequences of vertices that might be Hamiltonian
paths in a given n-vertex graph (and are, in a complete graph), so a
brute force search algorithm that tests all possible sequences would
be very slow. There are several faster approaches. A search procedure
by Frank Rubin divides the edges of the graph into three classes:
those that must be in the path, those that cannot be in the path, and
undecided. As the search proceeds, a set of decision rules classifies
the undecided edges, and determines whether to halt or continue the
search. The algorithm divides the graph into components that can be
solved separately. Also, a dynamic programming algorithm of Bellman,
Held, and Karp can be used to solve the problem in time O(n2 2n). In
this method, one determines, for each set S of vertices and each
vertex v in S, whether there is a path that covers exactly the
vertices in S and ends at v. For each choice of S and v, a path exists
for (S,v) if and only if v has a neighbor w such that a path exists
for (S − v,w), which can be looked up from already-computed
information in the dynamic program.
Andreas Björklund provided an alternative approach using the
inclusion–exclusion principle to reduce the problem of counting the
number of Hamiltonian cycles to a simpler counting problem, of
counting cycle covers, which can be solved by computing certain matrix
determinants. Using this method, he showed how to solve the
Hamiltonian cycle problem in arbitrary n-vertex graphs by a Monte
Carlo algorithm in time O(1.657n); for bipartite graphs this algorithm
can be further improved to time O(1.414n).
For graphs of maximum degree three, a careful backtracking search can
find a Hamiltonian cycle (if one exists) in time O(1.251n).
