Finding fully connected components? - algorithm

I'm not sure if I'm using the right term here, but for fully connected components I mean there's an (undirected) edge between every pair of vertices in a component, and no additional vertices can be included without breaking this property.
There're a number algorithms for finding strongly connected components in a graph though (for example Tarjan's algorithm), is there an algorithm for finding such "fully connected components"?

What you are looking for is a list of all the maximal cliques of the graph. It's also called the clique problem. No known polynomial time solution exists for a generic undirected graph.
Most versions of the clique problem are hard. The clique decision problem is NP-complete (one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems). The problem of finding the maximum clique is both fixed-parameter intractable and hard to approximate. And, listing all maximal cliques may require exponential time as there exist graphs with exponentially many maximal cliques. Therefore, much of the theory about the clique problem is devoted to identifying special types of graph that admit more efficient algorithms, or to establishing the computational difficulty of the general problem in various models of computation.
I was also looking at the same question. This turns out to be an algorithm to list it, however, it's not fast. If your graph is sparse, you may want to use the vertex ordering version of the algorithm:
For sparse graphs, tighter bounds are possible. In particular the vertex-ordering version of the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm can be made to run in time O(dn3d/3), where d is the degeneracy of the graph, a measure of its sparseness. There exist d-degenerate graphs for which the total number of maximal cliques is (n − d)3d/3, so this bound is close to tight.[6]


Is there an efficient algorithm for finding or approximating the shortest walk of a graph which must visit some subset of vertices of the graph?

The title is a mouth-full, but put simply, I have a large, undirected, incomplete graph, and I need to visit some subset of vertices in the (approximately) shortest time possible. Note that this isn't TSP, as I don't need to visit all vertices.
The naive approach would be to simply brute-force the solution by trying every possible walk which includes the required vertices, using A*, for example, to calculate the walks between required vertices. However, this is O(n!) where n is the number of required vertices. This is unfeasible for me, as n > 40 in my average case, and n ≈ 80 in my worst case.
Is there a more efficient algorithm for this, perhaps one that approximates the solution?
This question is similar to the question here, but differs in the fact that my graph is larger than the one in the linked question. There are several other similar questions, but none that I've seen exactly solve my specific problem.
If you allow visiting the same nodes several times, find the shortest path between each pair of mandatory vertices. Then you solve the TSP between the mandatory vertices, using the above shortest path costs. If you disallow multiple visits, the problem is much worse.
I am afraid you cannot escape the TSP.

How to find the size of maximal clique or clique number?

Given an undirected graph G = G(V, E), how can I find the size of the largest clique in it in polynomial time? Knowing the number of edges, I could put an upper limit on the maximal clique size with
, and then I could iterate downwards from that upper limit to 1. Since this upper cap is O(sqrt(|E|)), I think I can check for the maximal clique size in O(sqrt(|E|) * sqrt(|E|) * sqrt(|E|)) time.
Is there a more efficient way to solve this NP-complete problem?
Finding the largest clique in a graph is the clique number of the graph and is also known as the maximum clique problem (MCP). This is one of the most deeply studied problems in the graph domain and is known to be NP-Hard so no polynomial time algorithm is expected to be found to solve it in the general case (there are particular graph configurations which do have polynomial time algorithms). Maximum clique is even hard to approximate (i.e. find a number close to the clique number).
If you are interested in exact MCP algorithms there have been a number of important improvements in the past decade, which have increased performance in around two orders of magnitude. The current leading family of algorithms are branch and bound and use approximate coloring to compute bounds. I name the most important ones and the improvement:
Branching on color (MCQ)
Static initial ordering in every subproblem (MCS and BBMC)
Recoloring: MCS
Use of bit strings to encode the graph and the main operations (BBMC)
Reduction to maximum satisfiability to improve bounds (MaxSAT)
Selective coloring (BBMCL)
and others.
It is actually a very active line of research in the scientific community.
The top algorithms are currently BBMC, MCS and I would say MaxSAT. Of these probably BBMC and its variants (which use a bit string encoding) are the current leading general purpose solvers. The library of bitstrings used for BBMC is publicly available.
Well I was thinking a bit about some dynamic programming approach and maybe I figured something out.
First : find nodes with very low degree (can be done in O(n)). Test them, if they are part of any clique and then remove them. With a little "luck" you can crush graph into few separate components and then solve each one independently (which is much much faster).
(To identify component, O(n) time is required).
Second : For each component, you can find if it makes sense to try to find any clique of given size. How? Lets say, you want to find clique of size 19. Then there has to exist at least 19 nodes with at least 19 degree. Otherwise, such clique cannot exist and you dont have to test it.

Complexity of walking through graph by taking path with biggest weight

I have a graph, I want to walk through the graph (not necessary through all vertices), always taking path with greates weight. I cannot go through same vertex twice, I stop if there are no more moves I can make. What is the complexity? I assume it's "n" (where n is number of vertices) but I'm not sure.
If you can't go through the same vertice twice, your upper bound for edge traversals is n.
It's easy to think of examples where that would be a tight bound (a single chain of vertices connected for example).
However, keep in mind that complexity is for a given algorithm, not a general task, you haven't described your algorithm or how your graph is organized, so this question doesn't have any meaning.
If for example the graph is a clique, perhaps picking the highest weight edge for each traversal would itself take n computation steps (if the edges are kept in an unsorted list kept in each vertice), making the naive algorithm O(n^2) in this case. Other representations may have different complexity, but require different algorithms.
If you're asking about finding the path with greatest overall weight (which may require you in some traversals to pick an edge that doesn't have the highest weight), than the problem is NP-hard. If it had a polynomial algorithm, then you could take an unweighted graph and find the longest path (a known NP hard problem as jimifiki pointed), and solve it with that algorithm.
From Longest Path Problem
This problem is called the Longest Path Problem, and is NP-complete.

max-weight k-clique in a complete k-partite graph

My Problem
Whether there's an efficient algorithm to find a max-weight (or min-weight) k-clique in a complete k-partite graph (a graph in which vertices are adjacent if and only if they belong to different partite sets according to wikipedia)?
More Details about the Terms
Max-weight Clique: Every edge in the graph has a weight. The weight of a clique is the sum of the weights of all edges in the clique. The goal is to find a clique with the maximum weight.
Note that the size of the clique is k which is the largest possible clique size in a complete k-partite graph.
What I have tried
I met this problem during a project. Since I am not a CS person, I am not sure about the complexity etc.
I have googled several related papers but none of them deals with the same problem. I have also programmed a greedy algorithm + simulated annealing to deal with it (the result seems not good). I have also tried something like Dynamic Programming (but it does not seem efficient). So I wonder whether the exact optimal can be computed efficiently. Thanks in advance.
EDIT Since my input can be really large (e.g. the number of vertices in each clique is 2^k), I hope to find a really fast algorithm (e.g. polynomial of k in time) that works out the optimal result. If it's not possible, can we prove some lower bound of the complexity?
Generalized Maximum Clique Problem (GMCP)
I understand that you are looking for the Generalized Maximum/ minimum Clique Problem (GMCP), where finding the clique with maximum score or minimum cost is the optimization problem.
This problem is a NP-Hard problem as shown in Generalized network design problems, so there is currently no polynomial time exact solution to your problem.
Since, there is no known polynomial solution to your problem, you have 2 choices. Reducing the problem size to find the exact solution or to find an estimated solution by relaxing your problem and it leads you to a an estimation to the optimal solution.
Example and solution for the small problem size
In small k-partite graphs (in our case k is 30 and each partite has 92 nodes), we were able to get the optimal solution in a reasonable time by a heavy branch and bounding algorithm. We have converted the problem into another NP-hard problem (Mixed Integer Programming), reduced number of integer variables, and used IBM Cplex optimizer to find the optimal solution to GMCP.
You can find our project page and paper useful. I can also share the code with you.
How to estimate the solution
One straight forward estimation to this NP-Hard problem is relaxing the Mixed Integer Programming problem and solve it as a linear programming problem. Of course it will give you an estimation of the solution, but still you might get a reasonable answer in practice.
More general problem (Generalized Maximum Multi Clique Problem)
In another work, we solve the Generalized Maximum Multi Clique Problem (GMMCP), where maximizing the score or minimizing the cost of selecting multiple k-cliques in a complete k-partite graph is in interest. You can find the project page by searching for GMMCP Tracking.
The maximum clique problem in a weighted graph in general is intractable. In your case, if the graph contains N nodes, you can enumerate through all possible k-cliques in N ** k time. If k is fixed (don't know if it is), your problem is trivially polynomially solvable, as this is a polynomial in N. I don't believe the problem to be tractable if k is a free parameter because I can't see how the assumption of a k-partite graph would make the problem significantly simpler from the general one.
How hard your problem is in practice depends also on how the weights are distributed. If all the weights are very near to each others, i.e. the difference between "best" and "good" is relatively small, the problem is very hard. If you have wildly different weights on the edges, the problem can be easier, because a greedy algorithm can give you a good "initial" solution, and you can use that and subsequent good solutions to limit your combinatorial search using the well-known branch-and-bound method.

clique number of a graph

I would like to know a fast algorithm to find only the clique number(without actually finding the clique) of a graph with about 100 vertices.
I am trying to solve the following problem.
This is NP-complete, and you can't do it much better than actually finding the maximum clique and counting its vertices. From Wikipedia:
Clique problems include:
solving the decision problem of testing whether a graph contains a clique larger than N
These problems are all hard: the clique decision problem is NP-complete (one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems),
If you can find the clique number in P, then the decision problem is answerable in P (you simply compute the clique number and compare it with N).
Since the decision problem is NP-Complete, finding the clique number of a general graph must be NP-Hard.
As already stated by others, this is probably really hard.
But like many theoretically hard problems, it can be pretty fast in practice with a good algorithm and suitable data. If you implement something like Bron-Kerbosch for finding cliques, while keeping track of the largest clique size you've found so far, then you can backtrack out of fruitless search trees.
For example, if you find a clique with 20 nodes in it, and your network has a large number of nodes with degree less than 20, you can immediately rule out those nodes from further consideration. On the other hand, if the degree distribution is more uniform, then this might be as slow as finding all the cliques.
Although the problem is NP-hard, the size of graph you mention is not any problem for today´s fastest maximum clique exact solvers (for any configuration).
If you are ready to implement the code then I recommend you read the papers connected with the family of algorithms MCQ, MCR and MCS, as well as the family BBMC, BBMCL and BBMCX. An interesting starting point is the comparison survey by Prosser [Prosser 12]. It includes explanation for a Java implementation of these algorithms.
