How can I repackage a website as a WP8 app? [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to do a very basic repackage of a website as a WP8 app, similar to how Microsoft has done it here.
What kind of project do I create in Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone? And what is the general strategy for developing this kind of app?

You should select "Windows Phone HTML5 App" template. It basically uses WebBrowser control to open the website. Template also has application bar with back, forward & refresh button.
When you create the app, go to MainPage.xaml.cs and change MainUri string to website's name and use UriKind as UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute in Browser_Loaded event.


How to build a simple layout to add a bottom menu in Android Layout [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a new Android Programmer. When building a Android App, I need to add a bottom menu in Android Layout. Any idea to guide me to do this? Thanks.
Use a relative layout for your root view. The menu will be a linear layout with horizontal orientation and you will place your styled buttons there.

How to integrate Facebook sdk to the windows store app using winjs [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi I want to integrate Facebook sdk to the windows store app using winjs .i got Facebook sdk for c# in nugget package.but did not find any thing for winjs.any suggestion will be helpful
There is a winjs library for facebook,listed in official facebook developers page.For more information please visit

How to open ppt file from my app in mac [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to Cocoa application development. Actually I want to open ppt file in my application and navigate between slides .can any one help me how to do this please .thanks in advance
You will have to take a look into a Quick Look framework documentation. You can only use Quick Look through the Preview panel (QLPreviewPanel Class) API.
If this won't be sufficient for you you will need to code your own parser for PPT files. There is some info on this here, here and here. PPT's are basically XML documents so should not be such a problem.

how to add attachments programatically to email in a windows phone 8 app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing a windows phone 8 app , in that i want to add attachments to the email in my windows phone 8 app.
1)How can we add attachments(attaching files) to email and send ??
2)is that EmailComposeTask doesn't support attachments ?? ,if so What is the alternative ??
2)What are the various ways in which we can attach files in windows phone 8 app??
Thanks in advance.
I'm currently also asking myself these questions and found this demo library Ahmed mentioned. However, I wanted a solution without buying libraries.
If you are not using binary files, you can always put your files content to the body of the EmailComposeTask. The other possibility is to use SkyDrive and upload your file and just put the link to the file in the emails body.

Microsoft Pubcenter - AdUnits - best way to use? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have 12 different apps on WP7 platform and the trial versions use Microsoft Advertising to display ads.
Should I be creating an AdUnit for each app separately on PubCenter or should I create a single AdUnit and use it for all my apps.
Does this even matter? I mean, if the apps have a single adunit, can it make more money (eCPM)
Thanks in advance.
An ad unit is the space on a webpage where ads are displayed. An ad unit can display one or more ads. You determine how you want an ad unit to look, where you want it to appear on a page, and what kind of ad content you'd like to see displayed. You can add different ad units to different pages on your website, or use a single ad unit for all webpages.
From: Microsoft Pubcenter
