Pascal variables representation on the machine - pascal

I was given a question in my homework.
How the pascal variables represented on the machine?
for example: in C it can be different on different machines and compilers, in java there is a VM, so the programmer can assume he will get the exact same representation on different machines.
I have been googling for a while and could not find an answer about pascal. The question is about the original version of pascal, if it changer something.
Thank you!

Original (J&W) Pascal is extremely rare, and most people don't know it. It got cleaned up a bit into the ISO 7185 standard, though those changes IIRC mostly affect scoping and type equivalence, not the kind of types.
Original (non UCSD, over a decade before Borland/Turbo dialects) Pascal has nearly no machine dependent types. Just one type INTEGER and one floating point type, REAL, and non integer ordinal types like enums, boolean and char. Char was not guaranteed 8-bit, the with dependent on the machine word.
Pascal shows his mainframe roots here, where words had exotic sizes like 60-bit, didn't allow subword acess (say bytelevel access, but that is a stretch, since they might not know the concept of byte), and multiple chars were packed into machinewords. (see packed array below). C was several years later, and targeted minis, so avoided the worst of that legacy.
The integer type is the biggest type in the system, quite often the biggest type that the machine can do conveniently. Smaller integer sizes are constructed with subranges, there are no unsigned types, but these can be defined with relevant subranges (and it is up to the compiler/VM to implement those efficiently)
e..g BYTE= 0..255;
Arrays can be packed, and must be unpacked before use (with pack() and unpack()).
There is no stringtype, typically packed fixed size array of char is used, with right padding with space to signal endofstring (so trailing spaces is hard, but it is only a convention, and not much runtime support, so in exceptional cases, you simply make an exception)
Unions contain all components as separate fields (no overlap) and are always named.
It had pointers, but you couldn't take addresses of arbitrary symbols, and new pointers could only be created with NEW.
So in general original Pascal is what you would call a reasonably "safe" language, though it was not fully designed as such (and afaik not 100% safe in theory. It was also much more suitable for VMing than TP (and that happened with UCSD, albeit for a subset).
Pascal and its successors can be considered as reconnaissance of concepts that were later popularized with Java.

In C it can be different on different machines and compilers, so are they in Pascal, of course.


Fixed precision vs. arbitrary precision

A lot of modern languages have support for arbitrary precision numbers. Java has BigInteger, Haskell has Integer, Python is de-facto arbitrary. But for a lot of these languages, arbitrary precision isn't de-facto, and is instead prefixed with 'Big'.
Why isn't arbitrary precision de-facto for all modern languages? is there a particular reason to use fixed-precision numbers over arbitrary-precision?
If I had to guess it would be because fixed precision somehow corresponds to assembly instructions, so it's more optimal and runs faster, which would be a worthwhile trade-off if you didn't have to worry about overflow because you knew the numeric ranges beforehand. Are there any particular use cases of fixed-precision over arbitrary-precision?
It is a trade-off between performance and features/safety. I cannot think of any reason why I would prefer using overflowing integers other then performance. Also, I could easily emulate overflowing semantics with non-overflowing types if I ever needed to.
Also, overflowing a signed int is a very rare occurrence in practice. I happens almost never. I wish that modern CPUs supported raising an exception on overflow without performance cost.
Different languages emphasize different features (where performance is a feature as well). That's good.
Fixed precision is likely to be faster than arbitrary; don't confuse however fixed precision with precision of the machine itself. You can use an extended (but fixed) precision in some cases. I myself often used the excellent library qd by the great expert D.H. Bailey (see which can be easely installed on a Linux system for instance. This library provides two fixed-precision types with a greater precision than native double-precision, but they are (by far) quicker than more known arbitrary-precision libraries.

What's the most efficient way to run cross-platform, deterministic simulations in Haskell?

My goal is to run a simulation that requires non-integral numbers across different machines that might have a varying CPU architectures and OSes. The main priority is that given the same initial state, each machine should reproduce the simulation exactly the same. Secondary priority is that I'd like the calculations to have performance and precision as close as realistically possible to double-precision floats.
As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be any way to affect the determinism of floating
point calculations from within a Haskell program, similar to the _controlfp and _FPU_SETCW macros in C. So, at the moment I consider my options to be
Use Data.Ratio
Use Data.Fixed
Use Data.Fixed.Binary from the fixed-point package
Write a module to call _ controlfp (or the equivivalent for each platform) via FFI.
Possibly, something else?
One problem with the fixed point arithmetic libraries is that they don't have e.g. trigonometric functions or logarithms defined for them (as they don't implement the Floating type-class) so I guess I would need to provide lookup tables for all the functions in the simulation seed data. Or is there some better way?
Both of the fixed point libraries also hide the newtype constructor, so any (de-)serialization would need to be done via toRational/fromRational as far as I can tell, and that feels like it would add unnecessary overhead.
My next step is to benchmark the different fixed-point solutions to see the real world performance, but meanwhile, I'd gladly take any advice you have on this subject.
Clause 11 of the IEEE 754-2008 standard describes what is needed for reproducible floating-point results. Among other things, you need unambiguous expression evaluation rules. Some languages permit floating-point expressions to be evaluated with extra precision or permit some alterations of expressions (such as evaluating a*b+c in a single instruction instead of separate multiply and add instructions). I do not know about Haskell’s semantics. If Haskell does not precisely map expressions to definite floating-point operations, then it cannot support reproducible floating-point results.
Also, since you mention trigonometric and logarithmic functions, be aware that these vary from implementation to implementation. I am not aware of any math library that provides correctly rounded implementations of every standard math function. (CRLibm is a project to create one.) So each math library uses its own approximations, and their results vary slightly. Perhaps you might work around this by including a math library with your simulation code, so that it is used instead of each Haskell implementation’s default library.
Routines that convert between binary floating-point and decimal numerals are also a source of differences between implementations. This is less of a problem than it used to be because algorithms for converting correctly are known. However, it is something that might need to be checked in each implementation.

The reason behind endianness?

I was wondering, why some architectures use little-endian and others big-endian. I remember I read somewhere that it has to do with performance, however, I don't understand how can endianness influence it. Also I know that:
The little-endian system has the property that the same value can be read from memory at different lengths without using different addresses.
Which seems a nice feature, but, even so, many systems use big-endian, which probably means big-endian has some advantages too (if so, which?).
I'm sure there's more to it, most probably digging down to the hardware level. Would love to know the details.
I've looked around the net a bit for more information on this question and there is a quite a range of answers and reasonings to explain why big or little endian ordering may be preferable. I'll do my best to explain here what I found:
The obvious advantage to little-endianness is what you mentioned already in your question... the fact that a given number can be read as a number of a varying number of bits from the same memory address. As the Wikipedia article on the topic states:
Although this little-endian property is rarely used directly by high-level programmers, it is often employed by code optimizers as well as by assembly language programmers.
Because of this, mathematical functions involving multiple precisions are easier to write because the byte significance will always correspond to the memory address, whereas with big-endian numbers this is not the case. This seems to be the argument for little-endianness that is quoted over and over again... because of its prevalence I would have to assume that the benefits of this ordering are relatively significant.
Another interesting explanation that I found concerns addition and subtraction. When adding or subtracting multi-byte numbers, the least significant byte must be fetched first to see if there is a carryover to more significant bytes. Because the least-significant byte is read first in little-endian numbers, the system can parallelize and begin calculation on this byte while fetching the following byte(s).
Going back to the Wikipedia article, the stated advantage of big-endian numbers is that the size of the number can be more easily estimated because the most significant digit comes first. Related to this fact is that it is simple to tell whether a number is positive or negative by simply examining the bit at offset 0 in the lowest order byte.
What is also stated when discussing the benefits of big-endianness is that the binary digits are ordered as most people order base-10 digits. This is advantageous performance-wise when converting from binary to decimal.
While all these arguments are interesting (at least I think so), their applicability to modern processors is another matter. In particular, the addition/subtraction argument was most valid on 8 bit systems...
For my money, little-endianness seems to make the most sense and is by far the most common when looking at all the devices which use it. I think that the reason why big-endianness is still used, is more for reasons of legacy than performance. Perhaps at one time the designers of a given architecture decided that big-endianness was preferable to little-endianness, and as the architecture evolved over the years the endianness stayed the same.
The parallel I draw here is with JPEG (which is big-endian). JPEG is big-endian format, despite the fact that virtually all the machines that consume it are little-endian. While one can ask what are the benefits to JPEG being big-endian, I would venture out and say that for all intents and purposes the performance arguments mentioned above don't make a shred of difference. The fact is that JPEG was designed that way, and so long as it remains in use, that way it shall stay.
I would assume that it once were the hardware designers of the first processors who decided which endianness would best integrate with their preferred/existing/planned micro-architecture for the chips they were developing from scratch.
Once established, and for compatibility reasons, the endianness was more or less carried on to later generations of hardware; which would support the 'legacy' argument for why still both kinds exist today.

Why doesn't Haskell have symbols (a la ruby) / atoms (a la erlang)?

The two languages where I have used symbols are Ruby and Erlang and I've always found them to be extremely useful.
Haskell does have algebraic datatypes, but I still think symbols would be mighty convenient. An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
The syntactic sugar for atoms can be minor - :something or <something> is an atom. All atoms are instances of a Type called Atom which derives Show and Eq. You can then use it for more descriptive error codes, for example
type ErrorCode = Atom
type Message = String
data Error = Error ErrorCode Message
loginError = Error :redirect "Please login first"
In this case :redirect is more efficient than using a string ("redirect") and easier to understand than an integer (404).
The benefit may seem minor, but I say it is worth adding atoms as a language feature (or at least a GHC extension).
So why have symbols not been added to the language? Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
I agree with camccann's answer that it's probably missing mainly because it would have to be baked quite deeply into the implementation and it is of too little use for this level of complication. In Erlang (and Prolog and Lisp) symbols (or atoms) usually serve as special markers and serve mostly the same notion as a constructor. In Lisp, the dynamic environment includes the compiler, so it's partly also a (useful) compiler concept leaking into the runtime.
The problem is the following, symbol interning is impure (it modifies the symbol table). Because we never modify an existing object it is referentially transparent, however, but if implemented naïvely can lead to space leaks in the runtime. In fact, as currently implemented in Erlang you can actually crash the VM by interning too many symbols/atoms (current limit is 2^20, I think), because they can never get garbage collected. It's also difficult to implement in a concurrent setting without a huge lock around the symbol table.
Both problems can be (and have been) solved, however. For example, see Erlang EEP 20. I use this technique in the simple-atom package. It uses unsafePerformIO under the hood, but only in (hopefully) rare cases. It could still use some help from the GC to perform an optimisation similar to indirection shortening. It also uses quite a few IORefs internally which isn't too great for performance and memory usage.
In summary, it can be done but implementing it properly is non-trivial. Compiler writers always weigh the power of a feature against its implementation and maintenance efforts, and it seems like first-class symbols lose out on this one.
I think the simplest answer is that, of the things Lisp-style symbols (which is where both Ruby and Erlang got the idea, I believe) are used for, in Haskell most are either:
Already done in some other fashion--e.g. a data type with a bunch of nullary constructors, which also behave as "convenient names for integers".
Awkward to fit in--things that exist at the level of language syntax instead of being regular data usually have more type information associated with them, but symbols would have to either be distinct types from each other (nearly useless without some sort of lightweight ad-hoc sum type) or all the same type (in which case they're barely different from just using strings).
Also, keep in mind that Haskell itself is actually a very, very small language. Very little is "baked in", and of the things that are most are just syntactic sugar for other primitives. This is a bit less true if you include a bunch of GHC extensions, but GHC with -XAndTheKitchenSinkToo is not the same language as Haskell proper.
Also, Haskell is very amenable to pseudo-syntax and metaprogramming, so there's a lot you can do even without having it built in. Particularly if you get into TH and scary type metaprogramming and whatever else.
So what it mostly comes down to is that most of the practical utility of symbols is already available from other features, and the stuff that isn't available would be more difficult to add than it's worth.
Atoms aren't provided by the language, but can be implemented reasonably as a library:
There are a few other libs on hackage, but this one looks the most recent and well-maintained.
Haskell uses type constructors* instead of symbols so that the set of symbols a function can take is closed, and can be reasoned about by the type system. You could add symbols to the language, but it would put you in the same place that using strings would - you'd have to check all possible symbols against the few with known meanings at runtime, add error handling all over the place, etc. It'd be a big workaround for all the compile-time checking.
The main difference between strings and symbols is interning - symbols are atomic and can be compared in constant time. Both are types with an essentially infinite number of distinct values, though, and against the grain of Haskell's specifying arguments and results with finite types.
I'm more familiar with OCaml than Haskell, so "type constructor" may not be the right term. Things like None or Just 3.
An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
Use Enum instead.
data FileType = GZipped | BZipped | Plain
deriving Enum
descr ft = ["compressed with gzip",
"compressed with bzip2",
"uncompressed"] !! fromEnum ft

Is there really such a thing as a char or short in modern programming?

I've been learning to program for a Mac over the past few months (I have experience in other languages). Obviously that has meant learning the Objective C language and thus the plainer C it is predicated on. So I have stumbles on this quote, which refers to the C/C++ language in general, not just the Mac platform.
With C and C++ prefer use of int over
char and short. The main reason behind
this is that C and C++ perform
arithmetic operations and parameter
passing at integer level, If you have
an integer value that can fit in a
byte, you should still consider using
an int to hold the number. If you use
a char, the compiler will first
convert the values into integer,
perform the operations and then
convert back the result to char.
So my question, is this the case in the Mac Desktop and IPhone OS environments? I understand when talking about theses environments we're actually talking about 3-4 different architectures (PPC, i386, Arm and the A4 Arm variant) so there may not be a single answer.
Nevertheless does the general principle hold that in modern 32 bit / 64 bit systems using 1-2 byte variables that don't align with the machine's natural 4 byte words doesn't provide much of the efficiency we may expect.
For instance, a plain old C-Array of 100,000 chars is smaller than the same 100,000 ints by a factor of four, but if during an enumeration, reading out each index involves a cast/boxing/unboxing of sorts, will we see overall lower 'performance' despite the saved memory overhead?
The processor is very very fast compared to the memory speed. It will always pay to store values in memory as chars or shorts (though to avoid porting problems you should use int8_t and int16_t). Less cache will be used, and there will be fewer memory accesses.
Can't speak for PPC/Arm/A4Arm, but x86 has the ability to operate on data as if it was 8bit, 16bit, or 32bit (64bit if an x86_64 in 64bit mode), although I'm not sure if the compiler would take advantage of those instructions. Even when using 32bit load, the compiler could AND the data with a mask that'd clear the upper 16/24bits, which would be relatively fast.
Likely, the ability to fit far more data into the cache would at least cancel out the speed difference... although the only way to know for sure would be to actually profile the code.
Of course there is a need to use data structures less than the register size of the target machine. Imagine your are storing text data encoded as UTF-8, or ASCII in memory where each character is mostly like a byte in size, do you want to store the characters as 64 bit quantities?
The advice you are looking is a warning not to over optimizes.
You have to balance the savings in space versus the computation performance of you choice.
I wouldn't worry to much about it, today's modern CPUs are complicated enough that its hard to make this kind of judgement on your own. Choose the obvious datatype and let the compiler worry about the rest.
The addressing model of the x86 architecture is that the basic unit of memory is 8 bit bytes.
This is to simplify operation with character strings and decimal arithmetic.
Then, in order to have useful sizes of integers, the instruction set allows using these in units of 1, 2, 4, and (recently) 8 bytes.
A Fact to remember, is that most software development takes place writing for different processors than most of us here deal with on a day to day basis.
C and assembler are common languages for these.
About ten billion CPUs were manufactured in 2008. About 98% of new CPUs produced each year are embedded.
