I am using Octave 3.6.4 to process an image and store it afterwards. The image I read is grayscale, and after calculations the matrix should be of the same type. However, if I open the stored image, there are no gray pixels. There are only black and white ones and the gray ones got lost. They are essentially all white.
Here is the processing code:
function aufgabe13()
[img, map, alpha] = imread("Buche.png");
[imax, jmax] = size(img);
a = 0.7;
M = 255 * ones(imax,jmax + round(imax * a));
for i = 1:imax
begin = round((imax-i)*a);
M(i,begin +1 : begin + jmax) = img(i,:);
imwrite(M, 'BucheScherung.png', 'png');
So what am I doing wrong?
The reason why is because M is a double matrix so the values are expected to be between [0,1] when representing an image. Because your values in your image are between [0,255] when read in (type uint8), a lot of the values are white because they're beyond the value of 1. What you should do is convert the image so that it is double precision and normalized between [0,1], then proceed as normal. This can be done with the im2double function.
In other words, do this:
function aufgabe13()
[img, map, alpha] = imread("Buche.png");
img = im2double(img); % Edit
[imax, jmax] = size(img);
a = 0.7;
M = ones(imax,jmax + round(imax * a)); % Edit
for i = 1:imax
begin = round((imax-i)*a);
M(i,begin +1 : begin + jmax) = img(i,:);
imwrite(M, 'BucheScherung.png', 'png');
Code is below. I'm looping through an input image 1 pixel at a time and determining its RGB value. Afterwards i'm trying to find the average RGB value for the image overall. For some reason the averaging portion of my code isnt working though.
im = imread(filename);
[width, height, depth] = size(im);
count = 0;
for x = 1 : width
for y = 1: height
r = r + im(x,y,1);
g = g + im(x,y,2);
b = b + im(x,y,3);
count = count + 1;
%find averages of each RGB value.
r2 = r/count;
g2 = g/count;
b2 = b/count;
Why not vectorizing and using mean?
mean( reshape( im, [], 3 ), 1 )
The following code would work as well;
pep = imread('peppers.png');
This will return a 1x1x3 vector which will be the mean values of R, G, and B respectively.
Given two rgb colors and a rectangle, I'm able to create a basic linear gradient. This blog post gives very good explanation on how to create it. But I want to add one more variable to this algorithm, angle. I want to create linear gradient where I can specified the angle of the color.
For example, I have a rectangle (400x100). From color is red (255, 0, 0) and to color is green (0, 255, 0) and angle is 0°, so I will have the following color gradient.
Given I have the same rectangle, from color and to color. But this time I change angle to 45°. So I should have the following color gradient.
Your question actually consists of two parts:
How to generate a smooth color gradient between two colors.
How to render a gradient on an angle.
The intensity of the gradient must be constant in a perceptual color space or it will look unnaturally dark or light at points in the gradient. You can see this easily in a gradient based on simple interpolation of the sRGB values, particularly the red-green gradient is too dark in the middle. Using interpolation on linear values rather than gamma-corrected values makes the red-green gradient better, but at the expense of the back-white gradient. By separating the light intensities from the color you can get the best of both worlds.
Often when a perceptual color space is required, the Lab color space will be proposed. I think sometimes it goes too far, because it tries to accommodate the perception that blue is darker than an equivalent intensity of other colors such as yellow. This is true, but we are used to seeing this effect in our natural environment and in a gradient you end up with an overcompensation.
A power-law function of 0.43 was experimentally determined by researchers to be the best fit for relating gray light intensity to perceived brightness.
I have taken here the wonderful samples prepared by Ian Boyd and added my own proposed method at the end. I hope you'll agree that this new method is superior in all cases.
Algorithm MarkMix
color1: Color, (rgb) The first color to mix
color2: Color, (rgb) The second color to mix
mix: Number, (0..1) The mix ratio. 0 ==> pure Color1, 1 ==> pure Color2
color: Color, (rgb) The mixed color
//Convert each color component from 0..255 to 0..1
r1, g1, b1 ← Normalize(color1)
r2, g2, b2 ← Normalize(color1)
//Apply inverse sRGB companding to convert each channel into linear light
r1, g1, b1 ← sRGBInverseCompanding(r1, g1, b1)
r2, g2, b2 ← sRGBInverseCompanding(r2, g2, b2)
//Linearly interpolate r, g, b values using mix (0..1)
r ← LinearInterpolation(r1, r2, mix)
g ← LinearInterpolation(g1, g2, mix)
b ← LinearInterpolation(b1, b2, mix)
//Compute a measure of brightness of the two colors using empirically determined gamma
gamma ← 0.43
brightness1 ← Pow(r1+g1+b1, gamma)
brightness2 ← Pow(r2+g2+b2, gamma)
//Interpolate a new brightness value, and convert back to linear light
brightness ← LinearInterpolation(brightness1, brightness2, mix)
intensity ← Pow(brightness, 1/gamma)
//Apply adjustment factor to each rgb value based
if ((r+g+b) != 0) then
factor ← (intensity / (r+g+b))
r ← r * factor
g ← g * factor
b ← b * factor
end if
//Apply sRGB companding to convert from linear to perceptual light
r, g, b ← sRGBCompanding(r, g, b)
//Convert color components from 0..1 to 0..255
Result ← MakeColor(r, g, b)
End Algorithm MarkMix
Here's the code in Python:
def all_channels(func):
def wrapper(channel, *args, **kwargs):
return func(channel, *args, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
return tuple(func(c, *args, **kwargs) for c in channel)
return wrapper
def to_sRGB_f(x):
''' Returns a sRGB value in the range [0,1]
for linear input in [0,1].
return 12.92*x if x <= 0.0031308 else (1.055 * (x ** (1/2.4))) - 0.055
def to_sRGB(x):
''' Returns a sRGB value in the range [0,255]
for linear input in [0,1]
return int(255.9999 * to_sRGB_f(x))
def from_sRGB(x):
''' Returns a linear value in the range [0,1]
for sRGB input in [0,255].
x /= 255.0
if x <= 0.04045:
y = x / 12.92
y = ((x + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
return y
def all_channels2(func):
def wrapper(channel1, channel2, *args, **kwargs):
return func(channel1, channel2, *args, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
return tuple(func(c1, c2, *args, **kwargs) for c1,c2 in zip(channel1, channel2))
return wrapper
def lerp(color1, color2, frac):
return color1 * (1 - frac) + color2 * frac
def perceptual_steps(color1, color2, steps):
gamma = .43
color1_lin = from_sRGB(color1)
bright1 = sum(color1_lin)**gamma
color2_lin = from_sRGB(color2)
bright2 = sum(color2_lin)**gamma
for step in range(steps):
intensity = lerp(bright1, bright2, step, steps) ** (1/gamma)
color = lerp(color1_lin, color2_lin, step, steps)
if sum(color) != 0:
color = [c * intensity / sum(color) for c in color]
color = to_sRGB(color)
yield color
Now for part 2 of your question. You need an equation to define the line that represents the midpoint of the gradient, and a distance from the line that corresponds to the endpoint colors of the gradient. It would be natural to put the endpoints at the farthest corners of the rectangle, but judging by your example in the question that is not what you did. I picked a distance of 71 pixels to approximate the example.
The code to generate the gradient needs to change slightly from what's shown above, to be a little more flexible. Instead of breaking the gradient into a fixed number of steps, it is calculated on a continuum based on the parameter t which ranges between 0.0 and 1.0.
class Line:
''' Defines a line of the form ax + by + c = 0 '''
def __init__(self, a, b, c=None):
if c is None:
x1,y1 = a
x2,y2 = b
a = y2 - y1
b = x1 - x2
c = x2*y1 - y2*x1
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
self.distance_multiplier = 1.0 / sqrt(a*a + b*b)
def distance(self, x, y):
''' Using the equation from
modified so that the distance can be positive or negative depending
on which side of the line it's on.
return (self.a * x + self.b * y + self.c) * self.distance_multiplier
class PerceptualGradient:
GAMMA = .43
def __init__(self, color1, color2):
self.color1_lin = from_sRGB(color1)
self.bright1 = sum(self.color1_lin)**self.GAMMA
self.color2_lin = from_sRGB(color2)
self.bright2 = sum(self.color2_lin)**self.GAMMA
def color(self, t):
''' Return the gradient color for a parameter in the range [0.0, 1.0].
intensity = lerp(self.bright1, self.bright2, t) ** (1/self.GAMMA)
col = lerp(self.color1_lin, self.color2_lin, t)
total = sum(col)
if total != 0:
col = [c * intensity / total for c in col]
col = to_sRGB(col)
return col
def fill_gradient(im, gradient_color, line_distance=None, max_distance=None):
w, h = im.size
if line_distance is None:
def line_distance(x, y):
return x - ((w-1) / 2.0) # vertical line through the middle
ul = line_distance(0, 0)
ur = line_distance(w-1, 0)
ll = line_distance(0, h-1)
lr = line_distance(w-1, h-1)
if max_distance is None:
low = min([ul, ur, ll, lr])
high = max([ul, ur, ll, lr])
max_distance = min(abs(low), abs(high))
pix = im.load()
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
dist = line_distance(x, y)
ratio = 0.5 + 0.5 * dist / max_distance
ratio = max(0.0, min(1.0, ratio))
if ul > ur: ratio = 1.0 - ratio
pix[x, y] = gradient_color(ratio)
>>> w, h = 406, 101
>>> im ='RGB', [w, h])
>>> line = Line([w/2 - h/2, 0], [w/2 + h/2, h-1])
>>> grad = PerceptualGradient([252, 13, 27], [41, 253, 46])
>>> fill_gradient(im, grad.color, line.distance, 71)
And here's the result of the above:
I wanted to point out the common mistake that happens in color mixing when people try average the r, g, and b components:
R = (R1 + R2) / 2;
G = (G1 + G2) / 2;
B = (B1 + B2) / 2;
You can watch the excellent 4 Minute Physics video on the subject:
Computer Color is Broken
The short version is that trying to niavely mixing two colors by averaging the components is wrong:
R = R1*(1-mix) + R2*mix;
G = G1*(1-mix) + G2*mix;
B = B1*(1-mix) + B2*mix;
The problem is that RGB colors on computers are in the sRGB color space. And those numerical values have a gamma of approx 2.4 applied. In order to mix the colors correctly you must first undo this gamma adjustment:
undo the gamma adjustment
apply your r,g,b mixing algorithm above
reapply the gamma
Without applying the inverse gamma, the mixed colors are darker than they're supposed to be. This can be seen in a side-by-side color gradient experiment.
Top (wrong): without accounting for sRGB gamma
Bottom (right): with accounting for sRGB gamma
The algorithm
Rather than the naive:
//This is the wrong algorithm. Don't do this
Color ColorMixWrong(Color c1, Color c2, Single mix)
//Mix [0..1]
// 0 --> all c1
// 0.5 --> equal mix of c1 and c2
// 1 --> all c2
Color result;
result.r = c1.r*(1-mix) + c2.r*(mix);
result.g = c1.g*(1-mix) + c2.g*(mix);
result.b = c1.b*(1-mix) + c2.b*(mix);
return result;
The correct form is:
//This is the wrong algorithm. Don't do this
Color ColorMix(Color c1, Color c2, Single mix)
//Mix [0..1]
// 0 --> all c1
// 0.5 --> equal mix of c1 and c2
// 1 --> all c2
//Invert sRGB gamma compression
c1 = InverseSrgbCompanding(c1);
c2 = InverseSrgbCompanding(c2);
result.r = c1.r*(1-mix) + c2.r*(mix);
result.g = c1.g*(1-mix) + c2.g*(mix);
result.b = c1.b*(1-mix) + c2.b*(mix);
//Reapply sRGB gamma compression
result = SrgbCompanding(result);
return result;
The gamma adjustment of sRGB isn't quite just 2.4. They actually have a linear section near black - so it's a piecewise function.
Color InverseSrgbCompanding(Color c)
//Convert color from 0..255 to 0..1
Single r = c.r / 255;
Single g = c.g / 255;
Single b = c.b / 255;
//Inverse Red, Green, and Blue
if (r > 0.04045) r = Power((r+0.055)/1.055, 2.4) else r = r / 12.92;
if (g > 0.04045) g = Power((g+0.055)/1.055, 2.4) else g = g / 12.92;
if (b > 0.04045) b = Power((b+0.055)/1.055, 2.4) else b = b / 12.92;
//return new color. Convert 0..1 back into 0..255
Color result;
result.r = r*255;
result.g = g*255;
result.b = b*255;
return result;
And you re-apply the companding as:
Color SrgbCompanding(Color c)
//Convert color from 0..255 to 0..1
Single r = c.r / 255;
Single g = c.g / 255;
Single b = c.b / 255;
//Apply companding to Red, Green, and Blue
if (r > 0.0031308) r = 1.055*Power(r, 1/2.4)-0.055 else r = r * 12.92;
if (g > 0.0031308) g = 1.055*Power(g, 1/2.4)-0.055 else g = g * 12.92;
if (b > 0.0031308) b = 1.055*Power(b, 1/2.4)-0.055 else b = b * 12.92;
//return new color. Convert 0..1 back into 0..255
Color result;
result.r = r*255;
result.g = g*255;
result.b = b*255;
return result;
Update: Mark's right
I tested #MarkRansom comment that the color blending in linear RGB space is good when colors are equal RGB total value; but the linear blending scale does not seem linear - especially for the black-white case.
So i tried mixing in Lab color space, as my intuition suggested (as well as this photography stackexchange answer):
Mark's algorithm sometimes falls over
That's quite simple. Besides angle, you would actually need one more parameter, i.e. how tight/wide the gradient should be. Let's instead just work with two points:
Where M is the middle point of the gradient (between red and green) and D shows the direction and distance. Therefore, the gradient becomes:
| __D
| __--
| __--
| __--
| __--
__-- |
__-- |
__-- |
__-- |
D'-- |
Which means, along the vector D'D, you change from red to green, linearly as you already know. Along the vector M'M", you keep the color constant.
That was the theory. Now implementation depends on how you actually draw the pixels. Let's assume nothing and say you want to decide the color pixel by pixel (so you can draw in any pixel order.)
That's simple! Let's take a point:
| SA __D
__--| __--
P-- |__ A __--
| -- /| \ __--
| -- | |_--
| --M
|__-- |
__--CA |
__-- |
__-- |
D'-- |
Point P, has angle A with the coordinate system defined by M and D. We know that along the vector M'M", the color doesn't change, so sin(A) doesn't have any significance. Instead, cos(A) shows relatively how far towards D or D' the pixels color should go to. The point CA shows |PM|cos(A) which means the mapping of P over the line defined by M and D, or in details the length of the line PM multiplied by cos(A).
So the algorithm becomes as follows
For every pixel
Calculate CA
If farther than D, definitely green. If before D', definitely red.
Else find the color from red to green based on the ratio of |D'CA|/|D'D|
Based on your comments, if you want to determine the wideness from the canvas size, you can easily calculate D based on your input angle and canvas size, although I personally advise using a separate parameter.
The way I solved this is first by being able to calculate L (lightness) for an RGB color: calculate only the Y (luminance) of CIE XYZ and use that to get L.
static private float rgbToL (float r, float g, float b) {
float Y = 0.21263900587151f * r + 0.71516867876775f * g + 0.072192315360733f * b;
return Y <= 0.0088564516f ? Y * 9.032962962f : 1.16f * (float)Math.pow(Y, 1 / 3f) - 0.16f;
That gives L as 0-1 for any RGB. Then to lerp RGB: first interpolate linear RGB, then fix lightness by lerping the start/end L and scale the RGB by targetL / resultL. I posted an Rgb class that does this.
The same library also has an Hsl class which stores a color as HSLuv. It does interpolation by converting to linear RGB, interpolating, converting back to HSLuv and then fixing the brightness by interpolating L from the start/end HSLuv colors.
The comment of #user2799037 is totally correct:
each line is moved by some pixels to the right compared to the previous one.
The actual constant can be computed as the tangent of the angle you specified.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
android color between two colors, based on percentage?
How to find all the colors between two colors?
At the beginning, we have two colors in RGB, and a number, for the intermediate colors between them. Method must return an array with required colors. Strongly need help with an algorithm.
Suppose we have 2 Colors (R1,G1,B1) (R2,G2,B2) and N number of intermediate colors:
for i from 1 to N:
Ri = R1 + (R2-R1) * i / N
Bi = B1 + (B2-B1) * i / N
Gi = G1 + (G2-G1) * i / N
Is that what you are looking for?
PS: I would recommend using the HSL color space instead of the RGB if you want to have a more natural color gradient.
Let your current cR, cG and cB value be 0%, and let the R, G, and B values be 100%, then you just have to iterate i = 1 to 100 with each iteration adding cRGB + i * (RGB - cRGB). You don't have to use 100 intermediate colors, you can use N of them.
function(currentColor, desiredColor, N) {
var colors = [],
cR = currentColor.R,
cG = currentColor.G,
cB = currentColor.B,
dR = desiredColor.R - cR,
dG = desiredColor.G - cG,
dB = desiredColor.B - cB;
for(var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
colors.push(new Color(cR + i * dR / N, cG + i * dG / N, cB + i * dB / N));
return colors;
However, that won't give you very good intermediate colors. The first thing you should do is convert your colors into HSV or similar colorspace where intensity is separate from hue and saturation. That will give you much better intermediate colors.
To do that, first convert your colors to HSV, and run the same algorithm as above, but with H S and V instead of RGB, but keep in mind that S and V have a min of 0 and max of 1, while H is represented in degrees between 0 and 360. You might have to do something with H if you want it to go from the current color to destination color as quickly as possible e.g. if cH = 10 and dH = 50, then going from 10 -> 50 is shortest, but if cH = 10 and dH = 350, then going from 10 -> -10 (same as 350 degrees) is shorter.
I'd like to find a way to take an arbitrary color and lighten it a few shades, so that I can programatically create a nice gradient from the one color to a lighter version. The gradient will be used as a background in a UI.
Possibility 1
Obviously I can just split out the RGB values and increase them individually by a certain amount. Is this actually what I want?
Possibility 2
My second thought was to convert the RGB to HSV/HSB/HSL (Hue, Saturation, Value/Brightness/Lightness), increase the brightness a bit, decrease the saturation a bit, and then convert it back to RGB. Will this have the desired effect in general?
As Wedge said, you want to multiply to make things brighter, but that only works until one of the colors becomes saturated (i.e. hits 255 or greater). At that point, you can just clamp the values to 255, but you'll be subtly changing the hue as you get lighter. To keep the hue, you want to maintain the ratio of (middle-lowest)/(highest-lowest).
Here are two functions in Python. The first implements the naive approach which just clamps the RGB values to 255 if they go over. The second redistributes the excess values to keep the hue intact.
def clamp_rgb(r, g, b):
return min(255, int(r)), min(255, int(g)), min(255, int(b))
def redistribute_rgb(r, g, b):
threshold = 255.999
m = max(r, g, b)
if m <= threshold:
return int(r), int(g), int(b)
total = r + g + b
if total >= 3 * threshold:
return int(threshold), int(threshold), int(threshold)
x = (3 * threshold - total) / (3 * m - total)
gray = threshold - x * m
return int(gray + x * r), int(gray + x * g), int(gray + x * b)
I created a gradient starting with the RGB value (224,128,0) and multiplying it by 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc. up to 2.0. The upper half is the result using clamp_rgb and the bottom half is the result with redistribute_rgb. I think it's easy to see that redistributing the overflows gives a much better result, without having to leave the RGB color space.
For comparison, here's the same gradient in the HLS and HSV color spaces, as implemented by Python's colorsys module. Only the L component was modified, and clamping was performed on the resulting RGB values. The results are similar, but require color space conversions for every pixel.
I would go for the second option. Generally speaking the RGB space is not really good for doing color manipulation (creating transition from one color to an other, lightening / darkening a color, etc). Below are two sites I've found with a quick search to convert from/to RGB to/from HSL:
from the "Fundamentals of Computer Graphics"
some sourcecode in C# - should be easy to adapt to other programming languages.
In C#:
public static Color Lighten(Color inColor, double inAmount)
return Color.FromArgb(
(int) Math.Min(255, inColor.R + 255 * inAmount),
(int) Math.Min(255, inColor.G + 255 * inAmount),
(int) Math.Min(255, inColor.B + 255 * inAmount) );
I've used this all over the place.
ControlPaint class in System.Windows.Forms namespace has static methods Light and Dark:
public static Color Dark(Color baseColor, float percOfDarkDark);
These methods use private implementation of HLSColor. I wish this struct was public and in System.Drawing.
Alternatively, you can use GetHue, GetSaturation, GetBrightness on Color struct to get HSB components. Unfortunately, I didn't find the reverse conversion.
Convert it to RGB and linearly interpolate between the original color and the target color (often white). So, if you want 16 shades between two colors, you do:
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
colors[i].R = start.R + (i * (end.R - start.R)) / 15;
colors[i].G = start.G + (i * (end.G - start.G)) / 15;
colors[i].B = start.B + (i * (end.B - start.B)) / 15;
In order to get a lighter or a darker version of a given color you should modify its brightness. You can do this easily even without converting your color to HSL or HSB color. For example to make a color lighter you can use the following code:
float correctionFactor = 0.5f;
float red = (255 - color.R) * correctionFactor + color.R;
float green = (255 - color.G) * correctionFactor + color.G;
float blue = (255 - color.B) * correctionFactor + color.B;
Color lighterColor = Color.FromArgb(color.A, (int)red, (int)green, (int)blue);
If you need more details, read the full story on my blog.
Converting to HS(LVB), increasing the brightness and then converting back to RGB is the only way to reliably lighten the colour without effecting the hue and saturation values (ie to only lighten the colour without changing it in any other way).
A very similar question, with useful answers, was asked previously:
How do I determine darker or lighter color variant of a given color?
Short answer: multiply the RGB values by a constant if you just need "good enough", translate to HSV if you require accuracy.
I used Andrew's answer and Mark's answer to make this (as of 1/2013 no range input for ff).
function calcLightness(l, r, g, b) {
var tmp_r = r;
var tmp_g = g;
var tmp_b = b;
tmp_r = (255 - r) * l + r;
tmp_g = (255 - g) * l + g;
tmp_b = (255 - b) * l + b;
if (tmp_r > 255 || tmp_g > 255 || tmp_b > 255)
return { r: r, g: g, b: b };
return { r:parseInt(tmp_r), g:parseInt(tmp_g), b:parseInt(tmp_b) }
I've done this both ways -- you get much better results with Possibility 2.
Any simple algorithm you construct for Possibility 1 will probably work well only for a limited range of starting saturations.
You would want to look into Poss 1 if (1) you can restrict the colors and brightnesses used, and (2) you are performing the calculation a lot in a rendering.
Generating the background for a UI won't need very many shading calculations, so I suggest Poss 2.
IF you want to produce a gradient fade-out, I would suggest the following optimization: Rather than doing RGB->HSB->RGB for each individual color you should only calculate the target color. Once you know the target RGB, you can simply calculate the intermediate values in RGB space without having to convert back and forth. Whether you calculate a linear transition of use some sort of curve is up to you.
Method 1: Convert RGB to HSL, adjust HSL, convert back to RGB.
Method 2: Lerp the RGB colour values -
See my answer to this similar question for a C# implementation of method 2.
Pretend that you alpha blended to white:
oneMinus = 1.0 - amount
r = amount + oneMinus * r
g = amount + oneMinus * g
b = amount + oneMinus * b
where amount is from 0 to 1, with 0 returning the original color and 1 returning white.
You might want to blend with whatever the background color is if you are lightening to display something disabled:
oneMinus = 1.0 - amount
r = amount * dest_r + oneMinus * r
g = amount * dest_g + oneMinus * g
b = amount * dest_b + oneMinus * b
where (dest_r, dest_g, dest_b) is the color being blended to and amount is from 0 to 1, with zero returning (r, g, b) and 1 returning (dest.r, dest.g, dest.b)
I didn't find this question until after it became a related question to my original question.
However, using insight from these great answers. I pieced together a nice two-liner function for this:
Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors)
Its a version of method 1. But with over saturation taken into account. Like Keith said in his answer above; use Lerp to seemly solve the same problem Mark mentioned, but without redistribution. The results of shadeColor2 should be much closer to doing it the right way with HSL, but without the overhead.
A bit late to the party, but if you use javascript or nodejs, you can use tinycolor library, and manipulate the color the way you want:
tinycolor("red").lighten().desaturate().toHexString() // "#f53d3d"
I would have tried number #1 first, but #2 sounds pretty good. Try doing it yourself and see if you're satisfied with the results, it sounds like it'll take you maybe 10 minutes to whip up a test.
Technically, I don't think either is correct, but I believe you want a variant of option #2. The problem being that taken RGB 990000 and "lightening" it would really just add onto the Red channel (Value, Brightness, Lightness) until you got to FF. After that (solid red), it would be taking down the saturation to go all the way to solid white.
The conversions get annoying, especially since you can't go direct to and from RGB and Lab, but I think you really want to separate the chrominance and luminence values, and just modify the luminence to really achieve what you want.
Here's an example of lightening an RGB colour in Python:
def lighten(hex, amount):
""" Lighten an RGB color by an amount (between 0 and 1),
e.g. lighten('#4290e5', .5) = #C1FFFF
hex = hex.replace('#','')
red = min(255, int(hex[0:2], 16) + 255 * amount)
green = min(255, int(hex[2:4], 16) + 255 * amount)
blue = min(255, int(hex[4:6], 16) + 255 * amount)
return "#%X%X%X" % (int(red), int(green), int(blue))
This is based on Mark Ransom's answer.
Where the clampRGB function tries to maintain the hue, it however miscalculates the scaling to keep the same luminance. This is because the calculation directly uses sRGB values which are not linear.
Here's a Java version that does the same as clampRGB (although with values ranging from 0 to 1) that maintains luminance as well:
private static Color convertToDesiredLuminance(Color input, double desiredLuminance) {
if(desiredLuminance > 1.0) {
return Color.WHITE;
if(desiredLuminance < 0.0) {
return Color.BLACK;
double ratio = desiredLuminance / luminance(input);
double r = Double.isInfinite(ratio) ? desiredLuminance : toLinear(input.getRed()) * ratio;
double g = Double.isInfinite(ratio) ? desiredLuminance : toLinear(input.getGreen()) * ratio;
double b = Double.isInfinite(ratio) ? desiredLuminance : toLinear(input.getBlue()) * ratio;
if(r > 1.0 || g > 1.0 || b > 1.0) { // anything outside range?
double br = Math.min(r, 1.0); // base values
double bg = Math.min(g, 1.0);
double bb = Math.min(b, 1.0);
double rr = 1.0 - br; // ratios between RGB components to maintain
double rg = 1.0 - bg;
double rb = 1.0 - bb;
double x = (desiredLuminance - luminance(br, bg, bb)) / luminance(rr, rg, rb);
r = 0.0001 * Math.round(10000.0 * (br + rr * x));
g = 0.0001 * Math.round(10000.0 * (bg + rg * x));
b = 0.0001 * Math.round(10000.0 * (bb + rb * x));
return Color.color(toGamma(r), toGamma(g), toGamma(b));
And supporting functions:
private static double toLinear(double v) { // inverse is #toGamma
return v <= 0.04045 ? v / 12.92 : Math.pow((v + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
private static double toGamma(double v) { // inverse is #toLinear
return v <= 0.0031308 ? v * 12.92 : 1.055 * Math.pow(v, 1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055;
private static double luminance(Color c) {
return luminance(toLinear(c.getRed()), toLinear(c.getGreen()), toLinear(c.getBlue()));
private static double luminance(double r, double g, double b) {
return r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722;