xcode5 simulator app crashes keychain-access-groups not allowed - macos

my app crashes in the simulator.
Just installed OSX Mavericks with XCode 5.
Developed the app using Corona SDK.
I deleted my old provisioning profiles and created new ones.
my Bundle ID is something like com.company.appname
I get the following error message in the console log from the simulator:
killed testapp[pid xxxx] because its use of the keychain-access-groups entitlement is not allowed (error code -67030)
I already deleted all old project screenshots / files. Don't know what to do.
The compiled app runs fine on my iphone 3gs with iOS 6.1 though.
any help highly appreciated

Corona's engineering team is looking into this. Please add your information to this post on the Corona SDK Forums


App Icon not appearing on device with TestFlight installed app iOS 15

I have noticed on iOS 15, when I install an app from TestFlight, my app icon is not appearing on the device. Only placeholder for app icon appears on physical device.
All app icon assets for every resolution are correctly added to Assets. The app icon appears in the test flight app and in appstoreconnect everywhere including TestFlight and builds.
The only place it doesn't appear is on the device. It appears normally on the simulator.
The only fix I found was to add a version of the app to add a build where you submit for review and save it. No need to submit. Then install from TestFlight and reboot device. The problem is as soon as I uploaded a new build to TestFlight it stopped showing icon and had to go through this silly process again.
I have never had this issue with past apps and wondering what the issue is and how to resolve it.
I encountered the same issue with testflight on iOS 15. I found this from apple developer forum that might of help:
According to the accepted answer by #vladweinstein, a temporary solution is to restart the device after installing the app.
This works for me too.
We are still having the same issue with TestFlight apps (iOS 14.7 and iOS 15+)
The only solution we found is to restart the device as Raphael Rex mentioned.

WatchKit Error with "no symbols for paired Apple watch" watchOS 3.1

im trying do develop my app on my watchos3.1 and i getting every time this error.
no symbols for paired Apple watch
Xcode doesn't download the latest symbols for my watchOS 3.1. In my folde
Library->Developer->Xcode->watchOS DeviceSupport->
i only find a file with "watch1,2 3.0"
how can i download the file with 3.1 ?
Just ran into this issue with Xcode 9 and watchOS 4. It turned out that I was not logged in anymore to my Apple ID in Xcode. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts and log into your account. Then disconnect and reconnect the iPhone with the paired watch and Xcode should now be able to download the symbol files.
In my case this happened because there was a new license agreement pending in my account. After I had accepted the new agreement, Xcode was able to download necessary symbols
I had a similar problem and ended up deleting the app from my phone and watch, closing Xcode, and trying to install it again. After a few attempts this ended up working. I would also double check that you're running the latest version of XCode. Hope you get it resolved!
I managed to get my watch app working by installing the app to my phone first (without the watch component), and then installing the watchOS app directly from my phone's Watch app.
This is a bit of a work-around, but I too could not find the 3.1 file anywhere.

Installing TestFlight on iOS 7

After upgrading my iPhone 5 to iOS 7 beta, it seems I have to re-connect it to Testflight.
Unfortunately, I can't install the provisioning profile:
After selecting 'Reconnect Device', 'Install Profile', 'Install Now', the alert is 'Profile Installation Failed. You iPhone is not activated'
I tried to remove the previous profiles, clear Safari cache and reboot, but no success...
Short answer - Go to TestFlight directly on Mobile Safari and use the TestFlight CocoaPod.
We got TestFlight working on the latest iOS 7 build. The TestFlight "app" that installs doesn't work, but manually visiting the TestFlight site in Mobile Safari allows you to install the profile and load the app. Nothing special needed. It sometimes takes a few tries loading the profile to get it to actually load.
Also, loading our apps into TestFlight wasn't working, so we started using the TestFlight CocoaPod and it works great.
I got it working on an iPad mini running iOS 7 beta 5, that was previously used with testflight while running iOS 6. It seems that it will work under some circumstances. What I did:
Unregistered the device from its connected testflight user account (actually this step might be irrelevant)
Launched testflightapp.com from Safari, not from any icon placed on home screen. It has to be from Safari where the url bar is shown. From here I could install betas. However the device itself is not listed under any user and it is not activated. While trying to activate it, testflight app says the registering works OK, however it really fails.
So, it MIGHT work but it's clear that the people at testflight has some work to do.
More: I am unable to get it working with an iPhone 4 iOS 7 beta 5 at all. The iPhone has not previously been used with testflight and seems to require an activation through that profile (at testflight or Apple, not sure) but the activation fails and there's no app list coming up in Safari, just the activation sequence. The key here might be that the device must have been used with testflight before, while on iOS previous to 7.
It seems that using testflight with iOS 7 beta does not work and/or is not supported at the moment.
Not sure what happened here but I was using testflight with an iPad mini that had iOS6. When I just upgraded it to iOS 7, the testflight site loads on the device, however installs never process.
I found the answer of Lysann Schlegel most useful. After some experimenting, I found out that simply opening TestFlight from Safari works fine. Don't use TestFlight app icon.
I had the same problem. In my case after i connect my iphone with the xcode/ organizer beta it let me install again the apps.
Check in Settings if you have the Developer options.
I'm sorry to say that this is currently untested and is a only workaround, but try downloading the ipa file from the TestFlightApp "Share this build" link and use xcode to install it.
This link is normally provided to allow pre iOS4 users to install using testflightapp.com
Even if this works this workaround is probably unacceptable for a vast majority of beta testers.
I'd say also use the "iphone configuration utility" but I suspect that the current release does not support the iOS beta.
If this does fix the issue for people then it's some confirmation that it's mainly the OTA profile that's at issue.
I did a fresh install of iOS 7 beta 6 (it did not have any provisioning profiles before) and was able to load an app from TestFlight. Installing the provisioning profile failed from the web, but I was able to get the correct one onto the device through XCode's Organizer. Then I downloaded the app from TestFlight in Safari (not the little portal TestFlight app). It loaded up just fine.

XCode finished running application on phone

I can't debug any application on my iPhone. XCode compiles the application, deploys it to iPhone, says it is running the app, and immediately I see the message "Finished running x.app on iDevice". Although the app crashes, it is copied to the phone. After this crash I can start the application on the phone without problems but can't seem to debug any project on the phone. No old projects, no new projects, everything seems to be broken.
There are lots of advices to solve this problem on SO but none of them helped me a bit.
I use XCode 4.6 on Mac OSX 10.8.2.
had the same problem when i changed the project name and the app name.
i've done several times reset to the simulator 'ios simulator' --> 'reset....'.
try it, also try to delete old app in device and simulator, do 'product' --> 'clean', and then try again.
it sounds silly but its working for me when i has the same issue.
Try changing the Version number in 'deployment target' in your App's target in XCode to something else.
Does it run in your Simulator?
Try running in some other device (some other device version,like 4S or 4)
Is the issue with iPad or iPhone or both?

IOS Simulator cannot find sdk and the simulated application quit errors

I have been having this Xcode problem for a couple of months where my iOS simulator stops working whenever i run any application on Xcode and says, "The simulated application quit." and "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I am running Xcode 4.3.3 and have iOS sdk 5.1 and everything updated but it happened on my previous version of Xcode also. I have tried reinstalling Xcode over 10 times now and have been posting this question for a while now. No one has been able to get a solution. I have even sent in a bug report to apple but i don't think they will respond. I have tried doing everything every other person that has this problem has been told to do in other threads. I'm honestly thinking about just buying a new mac and seeing if Xcode will work on that one or taking in my current one to get looked at by apple. So if anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads and make sure the "Target SDK" you have selected in your project is in fact installed under the Downloads windows. For me this magically was uninstalled. Once i installed the SDK that my app was using, all worked again
This worked for me: http://www.colinbowern.com/posts/the-simulated-application-quit
I just deleted the folder "6.1" under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
The I just launched again the app and the simulator recreated correctly the 6.1 folder.
Resetting the simulator settings (iOS Simulator > Reset Contents and Settings) resolved this issue for me.
I had the same issue. For me suddenly all the installed simulators (4.3 through to 6.0) stopped working. I then went to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads, and there I had the chance to update at least the 5.0 simulator. This is now working, yet I was not able to get the 4.3 or 5.1 or 6.0 to work.
I have personally experienced a weird thing with xcode regarding this issue. Sometimes the sdk is installed properly but it still gives this error. I have two classes, if I call first class from the app delegate then the ipad simulator works fine but when I call the second class then it gives the error that the sdk needs to be re-installed.
In my case when the error occured, I had two errors in the second class. When I corrected the errors after debugging, the ipad simulator started to work completely fine. This is quite weird but its not the problem with your sdk, the problem is somewhere in the code.
This just happened to me. I tried to launch with iPhone 5.1 Simulator, got the error "iOS Simulator could not find the SDK. The SDK may need to be reinstalled." I tried running iPad 5.1 Sim, which worked. I switched to non-retina iPad. Then I tried running iPhone 5.1 Simulator again, and it worked.
