Kendo spring demo project missing database - spring

I'm trying to run Kendo spring demo application, most of the demos works but whenever I run remote binding examples I'm getting
[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table:
It seems like it couldn't find the database, where can I find the database or how can I fix this?

The database should be available under the following folder:


"simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name" Error thrown on editing a module data in laravel

I have a "SOURCE" module in laravel project. The edit functionality was working fine before I changed the DB. I added a column in DB table "source". After adding it, whenever I try to edit the source data from admin panel, the data gets modified but shows the error: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name
I am using API's in my project where I have used the function simplexml_load_string(). But this was working fine before I added a column to the DB. What could be a possible reason and solution for it?
I figured out the issue. The issue was with my apache server version. To resolve the issue with the CURL extension of PHP, I installed Apache AddOn (Version - 2.4.28) to support PHP (>7.2) extensions. I downloaded the same from here - and install it at my end. Restart the Wamp Services and choose the updated version of Apache web server. And it was resolved.

oracle apex Error handling function not working properly

I am trying to use the oracle's apex_error package to implement error handling in my app.
test app:
table created: constraint_lookup
function provided by oracle "apex_error_handling_example".
The solution works fine except when you click on the error it gives error in console instead of taking you to the tab of the IR report.
Now click on the message so it should take you to the duplicate DeptID, but it just gives you error in the console.
I have tried to handle this at page level, application level also I tried to set the column_alias manually so I don't have to use the APEX_ERROR.AUTO_SET_ASSOCIATED_ITEM but all in vain.
Any help and your time will be much appreciated.

hortonwoks sandbox hcatalog error when creating table from file

Hi I am trying to do tutorial from hortonworks; i was able to upload nyse.tsv.gz into sandbox hue
and view the data
but the step of creating table from this file with HCatalog fails with error 500 timeout
it seems many users ran into this problem but i could not understand the solutions suggested
can any one please advice me how to resolve this problem
Try to enable Ambri (first tab) and then disable it back.
It works for me.

Oracle ADF Image Upload

I tried all the things
Oracle Fusion Developer Guide 11g in working with oracle multimedia types
I am getting error in image upload with Oracle Multimedia Attributes....I am getting error in:
<af:inputfile tag with
<binding:convertOrdDomain bindingRef="{bindings.Image}">
No namespace grammer defined me in detail
You are trying to save the uploaded image in database or application server..? What approach you have tried, if you have some sample code, please post so that we can look into it.

Debug sql queries with Web_Debug tool in Symfony 1.4

I'm using an web application which is developed using symfony 1.4.16 with mysql. I need to see what are the sql queries running on behind some actions in the application. So in the dev mode I have enabled the web_debug in the settings.yml file.
web_debug: true
Now I can see the web debug toolbar in the browser but I cannot find a place which shows running sql quires.
Should I change more settings in order to get sql queries. Please help me on this.
As of Sf 1.2. you can customize the webDebug panel so it is very likely that you have the DB info disabled. Have a look at this docs: and you should be able to locate where you can re-enable the query panel.
Nothing else you should do .....
if you have a sql queries ran in your action , you should see it like at image
Edit: config/databases.yml
Add these lines:
class: sfPropelDatabase
classname: DebugPDO
If you're using Doctrine, replace Propel with Doctrine.
