Project is not listed in coverity portal - coverity-prevent

I created one new project in coverity and I am able to commits defects in that project. When I open the coverity portal my project is not listed but it is listed in the configuration window.

You might have to refresh the CIM window after doing a commit for it to show up.
Are you logging in as the same user as when you commit your defects?

Did you happen to get the snapshot ID after a successful commit into the project into the coverity integrity manager ? It displays the snapshot ID once the commit data is imported.


Codemagic automatic build not getting triggered

I have my public repository on github and i have connected it with codemagic. I have configured build such that it gets triggered on push. My understanding says that, this configuration will trigger build on push to any branch. But Even after pushing the code to master branch i couldn't see the app building on codemagic.
Screenshot of the codemagic configuration
Screenshot of the webhook.
If you enable automatic bulild triggering it may require you to set up webhooks in github manually if codemagic is unable to do so, in that case you should also get a warning below the three checkboxes (that are shown in the screenshot) if you enable one of them.
You can read more about it in the last sections of this documentation part:
In the end there is a link that helps you with setting up the webhooks manually as well, hope this helps!
I faced this problem too. After a few hours, I changed the app setting build from release to profile, and now it builds correctly.
Open app settings:
Scroll down to Build:
Build arguments change from "release" to "profile":

How can we enforce mandatory reviews in GitHub but still allow Maven release builds from CI?

We would like to use mandatory code reviews on pull requests in GitHub Enterprise 2.10 (using the "Require pull request reviews before merging" feature in the repository protected branch settings).
However, when we enable this feature, Maven release builds fail, since the release plugin tries to push the new SNAPSHOT version to the repository using the credentials of the user that runs the TeamCity release build.
Has anyone come up with an approach that works for this? Our requirements are:
Require code reviews for normal commits/pull requests
Allow automated release builds to commit the updated POM versions
Have all commits done by specific non-shared user accounts
I found this answer on a related question:
My impression is that if you leave the "include administrators" checkbox unchecked, then you can use a repository owner with the release plugin. The trade off is you would then rely on discipline from your developers who are repository owners to not skip the review process.

TeamCity: dont see Branch Tab in some projects

What the difference in configs ?
Project with Branches Tab:
Project without Branches Tab:
If you only have one branch specified in the VCS config, you won't see a Branches tab.
TeamCity doesn't show branches in a project in case it knows nothing about them, i.e. there are no builds/changes in the project since project have been created. So if there is an old project with builds, newly created one has no knowledge regarding those builds. Try running a build in a branch, it should help.

TFS 2015 Update 1 vNext Build artifacts not deleting?

We are using TFS 2015 Update 1.
We can delete a build or it will roll off (based on retention policy), however, nothing from the build gets deleted.
Symbols on symbol server
Build artifacts
Test Results
Is there anything that needs to be specially configured to enable this, is this a known issue?
This stackoverflow mentions it here, but mostly talks about drop locations: Should artifacts associated with a build record be deleted when the build record is deleted?
Microsoft's documentation says that The build record, Logs, Published artifacts, Automated test results, Published artifacts, and Published symbols. However, unsure if this is a VSTS thing as we are using TFS 2015 on premise:
I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding. I assume what you are seeing is the resources in your build workspace, not the build details. If you delete the resources in the build workspace, all build details still can be seen on web access.
Actually, when you delete a build manually, everything about build will be deleted, check the screenshot below:
If you specify build retention policies, Retention policies will delete the items below:
The build record
Published artifacts
Automated test results
Published artifacts
Published symbols
You can set Policy options for Delete build record, Delete source label, Delete test results, but you can't turn off deletion of artifacts or logs (note that, for artifacts, only server drops are deleted when a build is deleted but drops to UNC shares are not):

Intellij does not displays repos on auto complete drop down

I am new to maven and I wanted to try it out and I decided to choose Intellij IDEA IDE for this task.
I tried to follow few video tutorial to create simple spring project with maven. But I happen to notice that, while creating dependency on pom.xml file I could not get auto complete for packages that are present on .m2 directory inside my user home directory.
But I can see two item in autocomplete dropdown, one being the self project and other maven-clean-plugin for artifactId
I could not come up with any solution for this. May be this will not affect my development, but I got stuck with this issue and wanted to know what really happened.
I am more than happy to clear myself further if what I am asking is unclear :)
When auto-completing maven dependencies, IDEA uses an index it generates to know what dependencies are available. Go into Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S / ⌘,) > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven > Repositories. Your local repository should be listed. Select it and click Update for IDEA to update the index on it. It will take a bit of time. The progress will show on the center-right of the bottom status bar of the main IDEA window. If you use a repository manager, like Sonatype's Nexus, you should add it in the "Artifactory or Nexus Service URLs" section in the lower pane. Maven central will also likely be shown. You should update its index as well.
Click the Help button on that settings dialog for more information.
