Codemagic automatic build not getting triggered - continuous-integration

I have my public repository on github and i have connected it with codemagic. I have configured build such that it gets triggered on push. My understanding says that, this configuration will trigger build on push to any branch. But Even after pushing the code to master branch i couldn't see the app building on codemagic.
Screenshot of the codemagic configuration
Screenshot of the webhook.

If you enable automatic bulild triggering it may require you to set up webhooks in github manually if codemagic is unable to do so, in that case you should also get a warning below the three checkboxes (that are shown in the screenshot) if you enable one of them.
You can read more about it in the last sections of this documentation part:
In the end there is a link that helps you with setting up the webhooks manually as well, hope this helps!

I faced this problem too. After a few hours, I changed the app setting build from release to profile, and now it builds correctly.
Open app settings:
Scroll down to Build:
Build arguments change from "release" to "profile":


AWS CodeStar code not propagated to the website

I have a AWS CodeStar Java Web application. I have a Route 53 domain which links to this application. Until yesterday, everything was working fine.
Yesterday, I was adding some new features and pushing them to the CodeStar repository. I didn't notice that four commits failed to build due to one issue. Today I noticed the failed builds and posted a new commit that fixes the issue. The commit was built and successfully deployed.
The problem is that the changes that I did in the commits that failed to build are not propagated to the web app. I can't see them on my website. I can open Developer tools and see that the source code is like it was before my changes.
BUT when I look at the code in AWS CodeCommit, all the changes are there. Included the changes I did in the commit that failed to build. The code is complete the same way I have it in my local machine.
What is the problem here? Why are the changes not propagated to the website if I can see them in CodeCommit? Do the failed builds have some negative effect here? What should I do to get my changes to my web app?
I wasn't able to figure out what the issue is, but I just created a new CodeStar project, copied the code from the old project to the new project and continued onwards with the new (working) project.

How to include commit messages as changelog in HockeyApp?

It would be useful for us to include what commits are included in the latest version compared to the previously uploaded one.
We use TeamCity to build and a step is to upload to HockeyApp, however I'm not sure how we can add the mentioned part.
You can use the TeamCity REST API to get the same information you'll find on the Changes UI tab in TeamCity. Parse these changes out however you like, and then you can include them in your HockeyApp release notes when you do the upload.

TeamCity: E-mail Notification to user which committed changes, that causes a build in the build chain to fail

I have a TeamCity project which includes 2 configurations:
-BuildConfig1: Triggered by SVN changes
-BuildConfig2: Triggeres by successful build of BuildConfig1
I need to send out notifications if BuildConfig2 fails. But only to users which has committed changes to BuildConfig1.
Is this possible?
In BuildConfig2, go to Version Control Settings, then under Checkout Options there is a Display Option called "Show changes from snapshot dependencies".
Checking it apparently does not only change what's displayed, but also propagates notification settings from the build(s) that produced snapshot dependencies.
Under Notification Conditions see 'Ignore failures not caused by my changes'
You may be able to create some sort of franken-build using the TeamCity REST API.
Have a build step corresponding to each of the full builds that will always execute after one of the builds runs. Then in the step 1 check if last execution of build A finished successfully and repeat for each additional build in the build chain.

How do I get YouTrack field fixed in build filled out using TeamCity integration?

I am trying to get integration between our YoutTrack and our TeamCity working. However I cannot get YouTrack to fill out the "Fixed in build" field:
Using TeamCity 7.1.3, YouTrack 5.0.2.
TeamCity integration setup points out the "Build Field" to YT's "Fixed in build"
YouTrack correctly shows TeamCity builds in tab "TeamCity Changes".
User names map correctly.
YouTrack commands by VCS commit comments work correctly.
Simple YouTrack issue referencing from commit comments works correctly.
However, no matter what I seem do to, the "Fixed in build" field remains at "Next build".
I tried checking the "Add each build to list" in YT setup. Now the build numbers correctly goes into the Build bundle, but still "Fixed in build" is not set. I also tried with both open and closed issues with no effect.
Any idea what I am missing?
You have to mention the issue in a commit before you mark the issue as fixed. So when you mark the issue fixed it gets set to next build, and on the next build that succeeds you get the fixed in build set - assuming the build that succeeded was the one linked to that youtrack project.
For the longest time you had to have the issue marked fixed in youtrack before any builds would cause the fixed in build to be set.
So, commit with issue ID, then mark issue fixed in next build. You can refresh the teamcity integration from the issue so it picks up the build.
First I fix the issue in the code. Commit the change to source control. Then in YouTrack - I mark the issue "Fixed"
You can also manually link the issue to the commit.

TeamCity don't trigger automatic build

I'm dumb with continuous integration and noticed a behavior that does not seem right..
I'm using Mercurial with TeamCity. When I push changes the TeamCity detect the changes but don't run the build automatically. This is correct behavior? He should not detect the changes and run the build automatically?
Triggers are not added to build configurations by default in TeamCity. You'll need to go to the settings for the configuration and click on "Build Triggers" then "Add Trigger". The type of trigger I believe you are looking for is a "VCS Trigger".
The documentation for this feature can be found here.
I believe my issues was misunderstanding what was needed in Branch Filters. I thought I was supposed to enter the GIT refs I wanted to have builds triggered from
This wasn't working for me
And this is what finally figured out (I think) is that it is asking for the branch names inside TeamCity itself (the help text says "Newline-delimited set of rules in the form of +|-:logical branch name")
This worked for me, to trigger builds from the branch (GIT ref refs/heads/master for me, look back in your VCS Root setup) and all other branches except those labeled "releases/6.7.3", "releases/6.8.30", "releases/6.8.32" and "releases/6.8.34"
