Ignore POM in 3rd party JAR - maven

I have uploaded a 3rd party JAR file to my Artifactory repository. This JAR file contains a POM, but the pom is only valid inside the 3rd-parties build environment.
When I attempt to build a project that uses this JAR, I get errors because it is looking for a parent project that we don't have access to.
I understand from this post that this is because the POM is being read from inside the 3rd party Jar.
Is there a a way to edit the POM of our project to tell Maven to ignore the pom of this 3rd party Jar?
(as a workaround, I can remove the POM from the Jar - this fixes the issue, but I would prefer not to have to remember to do this on every release of this 3rd-party component).
Please also note that I am very new to Maven, so use short words and long explanations ;-)

The best way to fix it is to deploy the parent pom to Artifactory. That's how Maven works.


Why doesn't the dependency contain a jar in the maven public repository https://mvnrepository.com?

I a maven rookie and am wondering how to get a binary jar file if it is not already in the repo. Specifically i'm in need of: jackson-dataformats-text-2.13.0.jar. Do I need to build it myself? I'm used to creating a project and marking a library as a dependency and seeing the jar downloaded into my .m2 cache but all i see in my cache is:
jchan#jchan-Z170N:~/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/jackson-dataformats-text/2.13.0$ ls
jackson-dataformats-text-2.13.0.jar.lastUpdated jackson-dataformats-text-2.13.0.pom.sha1
jackson-dataformats-text-2.13.0.pom _remote.repositories
Can someone advise how I am to get a built version of the jar from maven central?
We are still maintaining our ant build and I need the jar file for this. (i know i know, ancient stuff but team is not ready to port just yet).
parent pom don't contain jar file
This is the reason why no bundle link is present on the official public maven repository https://mvnrepository.com
The maven dependency is not a jar, is a parent. So the extension is: .pom which is just a plain pom.xml
Parent dependencies don't contain compiled class like .jar.
In your specific case, there are another dependencies who contains jars:
Check what classes do you need on your ant project and search if exist a jar (with the classes you need) on https://mvnrepository.com
Another option is to get all the dependencies from pom :
https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/fasterxml/jackson/dataformat/jackson-dataformats-text/2.9.0/jackson-dataformats-text-2.9.0.pom and download them into your ant project. In theory is the same of add the parent pom in a maven project

Does maven care about file names?

I am trying to install some dependencies using maven in a spring boot project.
I am looking for a jar
But I wanna know if the jar file should have this name maven-resources-plugin, or if the file name is not important for maven. I mean if maven will automatically know which jar file should use.
I will appreciate any help or feedback.
That is a plugin, not a dependency as such (meaning that Maven needs it for building your project, your code doesn't need it to compile or run).
You should only have to specify the plugins groupId, artifactId and version plus any configuration in your pom.xml, and Maven knows exactly what jar to get and how to use it.
See https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/plugin-info.html for further information.

Way to include pom.xml with runtime dependencies within a gradle built and published jar

Is there a simple way to have gradle automatically generated a pom file listing the jar dependencies (both to published jars of other sibling projects and external) and have it included in the jar and published to a maven repo?
There is a lot of documentation on this subject but I am either missing something or it is as complicated as it seems. Can this not be done automatically?

How to download with Maven a project jar and its dependencies without checking out the sources

In one Java project, I have configured its POM so maven will generate in the target folder:
the binaries jar.
the sources jar.
the javadocs jar.
the tests jar.
In addition, I configured the POM so Maven downloads all the project dependencies in the target/lib folder.
The project is also uploaded to the Sonatype snapshots repository.
My question is: Is it possible for a user of my library to download all the artefacts mentioned above with one single instruction, without having to checkout the sources of my project first ?
I found in a question from some years ago that just distributing the POM is not enough to download a project and its dependencies.
But I have not lost hope that this could be possible to accomplish in one single step.
When you say "all of the artifacts mentioned above", do you mean:
the binaries jar.
the sources jar.
the javadocs jar.
the tests jar.
or do you mean:
all the project dependencies
Assuming the latter, then have your user do the following:
create a dummy pom.xml file
declare your library as a dependency
use maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies to copy jars into desired location
Hope that helps.

What is the purpose of providing a downloaded pom.xml on mvnrepository.com

On mvnrepositry, when you search for a certain module, there's a link to download the binary. For some versions it has a pom.xml file available for download instead of the jar. What are you supposed to do with that pom.xml? It seems like if I specify a version that does not have a downloadable jar, but instead downloadable pom.xml, my maven build will fail. Is what I'm seeing correct?
Modules that only have pom files are maven modules with pom packaging. They are used to aggregate multiple modules into one unit. You can use such a module as a dependency for your maven project. Maven will download the pom file, analyze the dependencies included in that pom file and download those & add it to your automatically.
Even modules that have jars (jar packaging) have a pom file associated with them. This pom file defines the other dependencies that are required for using it. Maven will automatically process and fetch those dependencies (transitive dependencies).
This makes specifying and managing dependency for any project. You will specify the top level modules that your projects directly depends on and other things required will automatically figured out and downloaded. It also makes it easier when you have upgrade to a new version - all the transitive dependencies will get upgraded automatically.
One of the reason that cause this is because of licensing issue.
License for such JARs prohibit public redistribution in such approach. So someone provide only the POM so that you can get the JAR yourself and install it to your local maven repo/ internal repo, together with the POM provided.
