Cut the first and the last part of a string in bash - bash

I have a string having this formats:
I want to obtain:
I've tried 'cut', but I didn't manage to obtain what I wanted.

when using bash you can use built-ins for this task:
strip_headtail() {
local s=$1
## strip the head
## strip the tail
echo ${s}
strip_headtail aa_bb_cc_dd
strip_headtail aa_bb_cc_dd_ee_ff
you might want to check the bash-manual (man bash) for more information on this.
search for Remove matching prefix pattern resp. Remove matching suffix pattern.

With awk:
$ echo "aa_bb_cc_dd
aa_bb_cc_dd_ee_ff" | awk -F_ '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++) $i=$(i+1); NF=NF-2}1' OFS=_
-F_ and OFS=_ set input and output field separator as _.
{for(i=1;i<NF;i++) $i=$(i+1); NF=NF-2} set each field as the next one, so the nth will be the (n+1)th. Then, decrease number of fields in 2.
With sed:
$ echo "aa_bb_cc_dd
aa_bb_cc_dd_ee_ff" | sed -e 's/^[^_]*_//' -e 's/_[^_]*$//'
sed -e is used to do multiple commands.
's/^[^_]*_//' delete from the beginning up to first _.
's/_[^_]*$//' delete from last _ up to the end of line.


find & replace only exact match between delimiters in string values

I have a string value stored in a variable:
PTYPE="Other Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|Other|A-Frame|Log Home"
I want to find & replace Other with some value like NOTHING. All values are stored in variables.
echo $PTYPE|sed -e "s#${WhatToChange}#${NewValue}#g"
This is replacing all the occurances of Other and getting output like:
NOTHING Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|NOTHING|A-Frame|Log Home
Is there any way I can exactly change only the exact one? The place for ${WhatToChange} is variable.
As you have well defined fields and want an exact match, awk could be easier to use than sed; at the very least, you won't have to worry about escaping the strings for using it in the sed expression:
echo "Other Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|Other|A-Frame|Log Home" |
awk -v old="Other" -v new="NOTHING" \
'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "|"} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i == old) $i = new} 1'
Other Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|NOTHING|A-Frame|Log Home
To match either the exact character | or the beginning of the line, use ([|]|^).
To match either the exact character | or the end of the line, use ([|]|$).
To put a | back in place only when appropriate, store these in match groups, and refer to those groups with \1 or \2:
PTYPE="Other Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|Other|A-Frame|Log Home"
sed -re "s#(^|[|])${WhatToChange}($|[|])#\1${NewValue}\2#g" <<<"$PTYPE"
...emits as output:
Other Farm|Raised Ranch|Farm house|NOTHING|A-Frame|Log Home
...and still works even if WhatToChange is matched at the beginning or end of the list.
For fun, some perl:
This is like #Charles's sed solution: Note the \Q...\E so that the "to change" value is treated as literal text.
echo "$PTYPE" | perl -spe '
s{ (?:^|\|)\K \Q$WhatToChange\E (?=\||$) }{$NewValue}gx
' -- -WhatToChange=Other -NewValue=NOTHING
This is like #Fravadona's awk solution:
echo "$PTYPE" | perl -F'[|]' -sane '
print join "|", map {$_ eq $WhatToChange ? $NewValue : $_} #F
' -- -WhatToChange=Other -NewValue=NOTHING
How about
echo ${PTYPE//$WhatToChange/$NewValue}
I just realized that the replacement should happen only if WhatToChange is the whole content between two separators (|). In this case, we can do it in bash as well (without the need to revert to a child process):
if [[ $PTYPE =~ (.*[|]|^)$WhatToChange([|].*|$) ]]
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${NewValue}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
UPDATE (based on the comment by Fravadona):
Used in this way, WhatToChange is interpreted as a regular expression. This can be useful, if you want to catch for instance variations of the string, for instance
WhatToChange='[Oo]ther' # to catch Other and other
If you always want to have a literal match, you have to quote the variable:
[[ $PTYPE =~ (.*[|]|^)"$WhatToChange"([|].*|$) ]]
This might work for you (GNU sed & bash):
<<<"$PTYPE" sed 'y/|/\n/;s/^'"$WhatToChange"'$/'"$NewValue"'/mg;y/\n/|/'
Input $PTYPE as a here-string into sed.
Translate | separators to newlines.
Replace $WhatToChange to $NewValue for each matched line.
Translate newlines back to |'s.
N.B. The use of the m flag in the substitution command allows sed to work in multiline mode and this presents each value between separators on its own line.
An alternative:
sed -z 'y/|/\x00/;s/^'"$WhatToChange"'$/'"$NewValue"'/mg;y/\x00/|/;' file

Is there a way to format the width of a substring within a string in a bash/sh script?

I have to format the width of a substring within a string using a bash script, but without using tokens or loops. A single character between two colons should be prepended by a 0 in order to match the standard width of 2 for each field.
For e.g
How can I do this?
sed -r 's/\<([0-9a-f])\>/0\1/g'
Search and replace with a regex. Use \< and \> to match word boundaries so [0-9a-f] only matches single digits.
$ sed -r 's/\<([0-9a-f])\>/0\1/g' <<< "6:0:36:35:30:30:72:6c:73:0:c:52:4c:30:31:30:31:30:30:30:31:36:39:0:1:3"
awk -F: -v OFS=: '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(length($i)==1)gsub($i,"0&",$i)}1' file
This will divide the whole line into fields separated by : , if the length of any of the field is == 1. then it will replace that field with 0field.
Bash solution:
IFS=:; for i in $string; do echo -n 0$i: | tail -c 3; done
you can add a '0' to all tokens and remove those that are unwanted:
sed -r 's/0([0-9a-f]{2})/\1/g' <<< "0${str//:/:0}"
That doesn't feel right, making errors and repairing them.
A better alternative is
echo $(IFS=:; printf "%2s:" ${str} | tr " " "0")

Bash, cut word with dot character from string

I have a string:
Log for: squid.log.2017.11.13
I need to cut out squid.log. so that I see:
Log for: 2017.11.13
I tried to cut
echo "Log for: squid.log.2017.11.13" | cut -d'.' -f3-5
But I ended up with:
How can I get the result I want?
You can use sed to cut the unwanted part:
echo "Log for: squid.log.2017.11.13" | sed 's/squid\.log\.//'
Use sed to remove the part you don't want:
echo "Log for: squid.log.2017.11.13" | sed 's/squid\.log\.//'
awk to the rescue! a non-standard approach to break the monotony...
define the to be removed text as field separator and parse and print the input line.
$ echo Log for: squid.log.2017.11.13 | awk -F' squid\\.log\\.' '{$1=$1}1'
Log for: 2017.11.13
This solution is a bit more reusable than the previous ones offered:
awk '/^Log/{ split($3,x,"."); print $1" "$2" "x[length(x)-2]"."x[length(x)-1]"."x[length(x)] };'
This looks for all lines starting with Log, then grabs the 3rd column which contains squid.log.2017.11.13 and utilizes the the split built-in to break up the string in to array x using the . as the delimiter. Once we have our array x, we know that the last 3 values will always be the date, and this will work regardless of the rest of the string, (even if squid.log was something different) - we can use the length built-in to make sure we only get the last three elements.
Then we just print our reformatted string print $1" "$2" "x[length(x)-2]"."x[length(x)-1]"."x[length(x)] - reinserting the .'s in the appropriate places since they were stripped by using them as the split delimiter.
Log for: 2017.11.13

String manipulation via script

I am trying to get a substring between &DEST= and the next & or a line break.
For example :
In this I need to extract "SFO"
In this I need to extract "SANFRANSISCO"
In this I need to extract "SANJOSE"
I am reading a file line by line, and I need to update the text after &DEST= and put it back in the file. The modification of the text is to mask the dest value with X character.
So, SFO should be replaced with XXX.
SANJOSE should be replaced with XXXXXXX.
Output :
Please let me know how to achieve this in script (Preferably shell or bash script).
$ cat file
$ sed -E 's/^.*&DEST=([^&]*)[&]*.*$/\1/' file
should do it
Replacing airports with an equal number of Xs
Let's consider this test file:
$ cat file
To replace the strings after &DEST= with an equal length of X and using GNU sed:
$ sed -E ':a; s/(&DEST=X*)[^X&]/\1X/; ta' file
To replace the file in-place:
sed -i -E ':a; s/(&DEST=X*)[^X&]/\1X/; ta' file
The above was tested with GNU sed. For BSD (OSX) sed, try:
sed -Ee :a -e 's/(&DEST=X*)[^X&]/\1X/' -e ta file
Or, to change in-place with BSD(OSX) sed, try:
sed -i '' -Ee :a -e 's/(&DEST=X*)[^X&]/\1X/' -e ta file
If there is some reason why it is important to use the shell to read the file line-by-line:
while IFS= read -r line
echo "$line" | sed -Ee :a -e 's/(&DEST=X*)[^X&]/\1X/' -e ta
done <file
How it works
Let's consider this code:
sed -E ':a; s/('"$search_str"'X*)[^X&]/\1X/; ta' "$newfile"
This tells sed to use Extended Regular Expressions (ERE). This has the advantage of requiring fewer backslashes to escape things.
This creates a label a.
This looks for $search_str followed by any number of X followed by any character that is not X or &. Because of the parens, everything except that last character is saved into group 1. This string is replaced by group 1, denoted \1 and an X.
In sed, t is a test command. If the substitution was made (meaning that some character needed to be replaced by X), then the test evaluates to true and, in that case, ta tells sed to jump to label a.
This test-and-jump causes the substitution to be repeated as many times as necessary.
Replacing multiple tags with one sed command
$ name='DEST|ORIG'; sed -E ':a; s/(&('"$name"')=X*)[^X&]/\1X/; ta' file
Answer for original question
Using shell
$ s=${s#*&DEST=}
$ echo ${s%%&*}
How it works:
${s#*&DEST=} is prefix removal. This removes all text up to and including the first occurrence of &DEST=.
${s%%&*} is suffix removal_. It removes all text from the first & to the end of the string.
Using awk
$ echo 'MYREQUESTISTO8764GETTHIS&DEST=SFO&ORIG=6546' | awk -F'[=\n]' '$1=="DEST"{print $2}' RS='&'
How it works:
This tells awk to treat either an equal sign or a newline as the field separator
$1=="DEST"{print $2}
If the first field is DEST, then print the second field.
This sets the record separator to &.
With GNU bash:
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ $line =~ (.*&DEST=)(.*)((&.*|$)) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}fooooo${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
done < file
Replace the characters between &DEST and & (or EOL) with x's:
awk -F'&DEST=' '{
printf("%s&DEST=", $1);
if ( xlen == 0) xlen=length($2)+1;
for (i=0;i<xlen;i++) printf("%s", "X");
printf("%s\n", endstr);
}' file

Bash command to extract characters in a string

I want to write a small script to generate the location of a file in an NGINX cache directory.
The format of the path is:
Note the last 6 characters: d8 40 32, are represented in the path.
As an input I give the md5 hash (13febd65d65112badd0aa90a15d84032) and I want to generate the output: d8/40/32/13febd65d65112badd0aa90a15d84032
I'm sure sed or awk will be handy, but I don't know yet how...
This awk can make it:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=""; OFS="/"}{print $(NF-5)$(NF-4), $(NF-3)$(NF-2), $(NF-1)$NF, $0}'
BEGIN{FS=""; OFS="/"}. FS="" sets the input field separator to be "", so that every char will be a different field. OFS="/" sets the output field separator as /, for print matters.
print ... $(NF-1)$NF, $0 prints the penultimate field and the last one all together; then, the whole string. The comma is "filled" with the OFS, which is /.
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=""; OFS="/"}{print $(NF-5)$(NF-4), $(NF-3)$(NF-2), $(NF-1)$NF, $0}' <<< "13febd65d65112badd0aa90a15d84032"
Or with a file:
$ cat a
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=""; OFS="/"}{print $(NF-5)$(NF-4), $(NF-3)$(NF-2), $(NF-1)$NF, $0}' a
With sed:
echo '13febd65d65112badd0aa90a15d84032' | \
sed -n 's/\(.*\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\)$/\2\/\3\/\4\/\1/p;'
Having GNU sed you can even simplify the pattern using the -r option. Now you won't need to escape {} and () any more. Using ~ as the regex delimiter allows to use the path separator / without need to escape it:
sed -nr 's~(.*([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2}))$~\2/\3/\4/\1~p;'
Explained simple the pattern does the following: It matches:
(all (n-5 - n-4) (n-3 - n-2) (n-1 - n-0))
and replaces it by
You can use a regular expression to separate each of the last 3 bytes from the rest of the hash.
[[ $hash =~ (..)(..)(..)$ ]]
echo '13febd65d65112badd0aa90a15d84032' | \
sed "s|\(.*\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\)|${Base}\2/\3/\4/\1|"
# or
# sed sed 's|.*\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)$|${Base}\1/\2/\3/&|'
Assuming info is a correct MD5 (and only) string
First of all - thanks to all of the responders - this was extremely quick!
I also did my own scripting meantime, and came up with this solution:
Run this script with a parameter of the URL you're looking for ( for example)
md5=$(echo -n "$path" | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ')
p3=$(echo "${md5:0-2:2}")
p2=$(echo "${md5:0-4:2}")
p1=$(echo "${md5:0-6:2}")
echo "/path/to/nginx/cache/$p1/$p2/$p3/$md5"
This assumes the NGINX cache has a key structure of 2:2:2.
