Disable ajax in phpmyadmin 4.0.5 - ajax

I've tried to disable ajax on PhpMyAdmin config and no any effect result.
I've edited config.inc.php to include the following line:
$cfg['AjaxEnable'] = false;
But Ajax still working when access PhpMyAdmin .
My server OS : Centos 6 , and control panel : cPanel/WHM .
Installed PhpMyAdmin version : 4.0.5 .

This configuration directive has been disabled since phpMyAdmin 4.0.0.


XAMPP services (PhpMyAdmin and Apache ) not working when add Xdebug

When I add Xdebug to the php.ini file, the Apache and PhpMyAdmin services are no longer available through the browser.
XAMPP version: last version (PHP 8.0.11)
Xdebug version : last version 3.*
php.ini :

Run Server Symfony 4

I start developp an application web with framework symfony4 , I download composer
and for the server I use wampserver , and I alraeady hava php 7 on my pc.
i put composer in the path( variable system)
After creating my project with cmd, I Want to run my server
--> I write the cmd line:
php bin/console server:run
but it show a message " Command:"server:run" is not defined
Someone have a idea ?? Explain to me what happen , and what should I do ??
WAMP is not a sever. WAMP means Windows Apache MySql Php. WAMP is an environement that contain an Apache server that include PHP module (to parse php files), and a MySql server. They are already setup to works together.
I don't know what you mean by : "I already have PHP 7" but the point is that when you have to use php from command line, you must use php.exe from WAMP (and the right version between 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.3)
So "php bin/console" should be somethings like "c:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.5\php.exe bin/console"
About that "php bin/console server:run" :
If you use WAMP that line seems useless to me. You have to start WAMP and then Apache server will be run. So you don't need to make it run with a command line.
When WAMP is started you can check services status by left-click on the WAMP Icon in the Windows taskbar. Maybe you have to configure Windows taskbar to display WAMP icon in.
Last point : to make your application working in WAMP you have to configure an Apache virtual host (vhost). Left-click on WAMP icon -> Your VirtualHosts -> Manage VirtualHost.

PhpStorm debug with Laravel Homestead not working

I'm trying to setup PhpStorm to debug correctly within a Vagrant Homestead environment. Xdebug is correctly installed and I'm running PHP 7.1
After setting a breakpoint in my app the script passes through any breakpoints and I get this message:
debug session was finished without being paused
It may be caused by path mappings misconfiguration or not synchronized local and remote projects.
To figure out the problem check path mappings configuration for 'wedleague.loc' server at PHP|Servers or enable Break at first line in PHP scripts option (from Run menu).
I've checked the mappings and have this set up for the root of the project:
local path remote path
file://C:/vagrant/projects/wedleague /home/vagrant/code/wedleague
If I set to debug at first breakpoint I can work through the debug session.
Tried loads of answers here but nothing seems to work.
What can I try to get the debug session to work correctly?
I've also tried this mapping (as suggested)
file://C:/vagrant/projects/wedleague/public /home/vagrant/code/wedleague/public
Still not working with this configuration either :(
Step 1
Install PHPStorm 2017.X
Install Xdebug helper for chrome
Step 2
Via ssh (choose a tool like putty, WinSCP, MobaXterm etc.)
Install xdebug, in your case laravel gets Ubuntu 16.04 by default with Nginx so we need to follow these instructions
The values I used are
; Enable xdebug extension module
in /etc/php.d/xdebug.ini
But note that I use my own vagrant installation (homestead is based on Vagrant) with CentOS and apache instead. Restart your virtual machine after config changes.
vagrant / homestead halt
and start again
vagrant / homestead up
Step 3
Config Xdebug helper extension in chrome by right clicking the symbol > options and set your IDE key to PHPStorm in the dropdown menu.
Configure PHPStorm, like a lot
hint: Settings has the shortcut ctrl + alt + s
Check the following settings. Don't forget to add both http and https in the Servers Setting and most important, don't read over the path mappings part.
And last but not least click these buttons, the first button with the phone horn actually has reversed icons in my opinion: when debugging it should have the little green part, altough logically red would mean stop, now it means start.
button 2 starts your url with a session var in the query string!
P.s. from your question: I think you need to go 1 level up root of laravel instead of public folders
edit: I just installed homestead at home and it comes with xdebug installed:

blankpage while trying phpmyadmin

I have installed xampp in my windows. when I try to start apache and mysql it is getting started but while running in browser I m getting apache running successfully but phpmyadmin is executing but it is showing a blank page without any error! what's the solution

XAMPP on windows 7 not working properly

I just installed XAMPP lite on Windows 7. I have two drives - C: for the OS and regular files, and an external drive E:. I installed XAMPP lite on E: (on the root), and its been giving me problems. Apache works well enough, but MySQL doesn't work. When I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, it gives me the following error:
MySQL said:
#2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed.
Any ideas as to what could be the problem? I used the zip file for XAMPP lite, the 32 bit version. This is on Windows 7 Home premium.
This happened to me today, and it was because Dropbox.exe was using port 3306. If you run the Port-Check from XAMPP control panel, you will be able to see if there are any conflicting port issues.
You need to actually start the MySQL database server.
Start the XAMPP Control Panel and click the "Start" button just to the right of where it says MySQL.
(Or run the "mysql_start" batch file)
Please edit your config.inc.php file in phpmyadmin subfolder inside xampp's installation, and specify '' (instead of any other value like 'localhost) for the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] setting as follows:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';
Then try with:
and it should work (at least it worked for me and I had exactly the same problem).
If this doesn't work you can try solutions described here:
you can leava the setting mentioned above as:
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
and edit %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts adding the line (if it doesn't already exist): localhost
Please note: I am using xampp beta which you can find here: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-beta.html
Recently I have found this link http://www.ihostnz.com/howto-install-xampp-windows-7-xdebug-netbeans, followed the instructions there and now everything works like a breeze.
Sometimes I get this error:
ERROR: MySql service not started [-1]
when installing XAMPP on developers' machines (Windows-based), because often developers already have a MySql installation on their computers. MySql installs itself as service with the default name "MySql"; XAMPP uses this name too for his own MySql, it gets confused. So, my solution is:
remove existing "MySql" service, the one created by the MySql installer;
re-add it with a new name (not "MySql")
use XAMPP happily :)
Here is a more general article (in italian language, but you should figure it out):
XAMPP: cosa fare quando qualche servizio non parte (Windows)
just go to the xampp folder then phpmyadmin folder. here u will see a user_password.php file. just make the password null
