When I add Xdebug to the php.ini file, the Apache and PhpMyAdmin services are no longer available through the browser.
XAMPP version: last version (PHP 8.0.11)
Xdebug version : last version 3.*
php.ini :
I try and fail to debug my Laravel 8 app in Xdebug with my PhpStorm 2021.1.4
I have installed Xdebug in my local Ubuntu 20 OS:
$ php -v
PHP 8.1.4 (cli) (built: Apr 4 2022 13:30:17) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.4, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.1.4, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
with Xdebug v3.1.2, Copyright (c) 2002-2021, by Derick Rethans
I added parameters in my /etc/php/8.1/apache2/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini:
xdebug.default_enable = 1
implicit_flush= On
; xdebug.remote_handler="dbgp"
But I am not sure which parameters must be in this file? I searched in google and this information is different in different cases.
Running server in console :
php artisan serve
I run the app in my Chrome browser with an URL:
I have installed Chrome Xdebug extension: https://prnt.sc/IBI42sSbKStr
I expected that when I refresh this page my PhpStorm will stop flow and break point will be opened.
In PhpStorm I have settings : https://prnt.sc/WgYSOlEuSjbf
with Debug port 9003 and in the file above.
and Home page break : https://prnt.sc/MSZ5KmIOYn17
and : https://prnt.sc/gKIjTXj2LlRb
What is wrong?
You would only need the following in 20-xdebug.ini:
I would however use xdebug.mode=develop,debug instead.
The other settings are either already the default (xdebug.client_host=, xdebug.client_port=9003) or for an older version (2) of Xdebug (xdebug.remote* and xdebug.default_enable).
If you install the browser extension, you still need to click the icon in it, to enable debugging.
If this does not work, then you can try debugging a page with xdebug_info() in it (in your index.php file, for example). This will then tell you which modes are enabled, and what Xdebug tried to do, if instructed to connect to your IDE.
If that also does not provide enough information, you can set xdebug.log=/tmp/xdebug.log and xdebug.log_level=10, and then after stopping, restarting php artisan server, and reloading a page in the browser it should contain a wealth of information of what went on during the start of your script, where Xdebug would check for parameters etc, and try to connect to your IDE.
I start developp an application web with framework symfony4 , I download composer
and for the server I use wampserver , and I alraeady hava php 7 on my pc.
i put composer in the path( variable system)
After creating my project with cmd, I Want to run my server
--> I write the cmd line:
php bin/console server:run
but it show a message " Command:"server:run" is not defined
Someone have a idea ?? Explain to me what happen , and what should I do ??
WAMP is not a sever. WAMP means Windows Apache MySql Php. WAMP is an environement that contain an Apache server that include PHP module (to parse php files), and a MySql server. They are already setup to works together.
I don't know what you mean by : "I already have PHP 7" but the point is that when you have to use php from command line, you must use php.exe from WAMP (and the right version between 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.3)
So "php bin/console" should be somethings like "c:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.3.5\php.exe bin/console"
About that "php bin/console server:run" :
If you use WAMP that line seems useless to me. You have to start WAMP and then Apache server will be run. So you don't need to make it run with a command line.
When WAMP is started you can check services status by left-click on the WAMP Icon in the Windows taskbar. Maybe you have to configure Windows taskbar to display WAMP icon in.
Last point : to make your application working in WAMP you have to configure an Apache virtual host (vhost). Left-click on WAMP icon -> Your VirtualHosts -> Manage VirtualHost.
I was testing a trial version of litespeed for my magento.
I did all installation and configuration steps. but I got this message in litespeed admin page:
"Your installation of LiteSpeed Web Server does not have LiteMage Cache enabled. Please make sure your LiteSpeed license includes the LiteMage cache module, and LiteMage is turned on in the .htaccess file in the root directory of your Magento installation."
I set litemage on in htaccess and other things!
Does trial version of litespeed has litemage enabled ?
By the way, default port is 8088 (set this in installation), (port 80 was busy), is this problem?
Or do I have to install magento at path: /usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/html or some where like there? (now magento are running by apache and at /var/www/html/magento123)
Looks like your Apache is still running, so Magento is running through Apache. If you are on plesk, please follow this wiki to make LiteSpeed run properly first.
From phpinfo() I can see XDEBUG is installed. I am using XAMPP and have configured the php.ini file in XAMPP like below -
I am trying to run my Laravel project using PHP web application configuration in phpstorm but getting - Waiting for incoming connection with ide key ':random key:'.
I've tried to disable ajax on PhpMyAdmin config and no any effect result.
I've edited config.inc.php to include the following line:
$cfg['AjaxEnable'] = false;
But Ajax still working when access PhpMyAdmin .
My server OS : Centos 6 , and control panel : cPanel/WHM .
Installed PhpMyAdmin version : 4.0.5 .
This configuration directive has been disabled since phpMyAdmin 4.0.0.