Where is the latch? - vhdl

Iam making the code for a secuential tail lights for a mustang, but iam getting a latch with Llights and Rlights. According to my logic there should be no problem.
-- Company: Pony incorporated
-- Engineer: Pony
-- Create Date: 17:41:27 10/23/2013
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: Mustang_FSM - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices: Spartan 6 (Nexys 3 Digilent board)
-- Tool versions: ISE Webpack v14.6
-- Description: Using a Moore FSM, define the sequential tail
-- lights found on a Ford Mustang. Look at the
-- following video:
-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVFA-HuikfY
-- Dependencies: None
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments: The realization of the Moore FSM is based
-- on the template described by your teacher
library IEEE;
entity Mustang_FSM is
Port ( Lturn : in STD_LOGIC;
Rturn : in STD_LOGIC;
Hazard : in STD_LOGIC;
Rst : in STD_LOGIC;
Break : in STD_LOGIC;
Clk100MHz : in STD_LOGIC;
Llights : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);
Rlights : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 2));
end Mustang_FSM;
architecture Behavioral of Mustang_FSM is
-- Definition of embedded signals and constants
-- Constants used for frequency division
constant Fosc : integer := 100000000; --Frecuencia del oscilador de tabletas NEXYS 3
constant Fdiv : integer := 4; --Frecuencia deseada del divisor
constant CtaMax : integer := Fosc / Fdiv; --Cuenta maxima a la que hay que llegar
-- Signal used by the frequency division process
signal Cont : integer range 0 to CtaMax;
signal Clk_En : STD_LOGIC;
-- State definition for the FSM
-- Binary encoding (default) will be used
-- Equivalent of enumeration types in programming languages
type state_values is (ST0,ST1,ST2,ST3,ST4,ST5,ST6,ST7, ST8);
signal pres_state, next_state: state_values;
-- One hot state coding
-- ONE HOT ENCODED state machine: Sreg0
-- subtype Sreg0_type is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- constant ST0: Sreg0_type := "00000001";
-- constant ST1: Sreg0_type := "00000010";
-- constant ST2: Sreg0_type := "00000100";
-- constant ST3: Sreg0_type := "00001000";
-- constant ST4: Sreg0_type := "00010000";
-- constant ST5: Sreg0_type := "00100000";
-- constant ST6: Sreg0_type := "01000000";
-- constant ST7: Sreg0_type := "10000000";
-- signal pres_state, next_state: Sreg0_type;
-- Used to concatenate Lturn, Rturn and Hazard for easier
-- handling
signal LRH : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
-- Frequency divider to obtain a 2Hz signal from
-- the 100 MHz board oscillator
FreqDiv: process (Rst, Clk100MHz)
if Rst = '1' then
Cont <= 0;
elsif (rising_edge(Clk100MHz)) then
if Cont = CtaMax - 1 then
Cont <= 0;
Clk_En <= '1';
Cont <= Cont + 1;
Clk_En <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process FreqDiv;
-- The FSM definition begins next
-- "Current State Register" (StateReg) description
StateReg: process (Clk100MHz,Clk_En,Rst)
if (Rst = '1') then
pres_state <= ST0;
elsif (rising_edge(Clk100MHz) and Clk_En = '1') then
pres_state <= next_state;
end if;
end process StateReg;
-- "Next State Logic" (FSM) description
LRH <= Break & Lturn & Rturn & Hazard;
FSM: process (pres_state, LRH)
case pres_state is
when ST0 =>
case LRH is
when "0000" => next_state <= ST0; -- All off
when "0110" => next_state <= ST0; -- All off
when "0100" => next_state <= ST2; -- Left Turn
when "0010" => next_state <= ST5; -- Right Turn
when "1000" => next_state <= ST8; -- Break
when others => next_state <= ST1; -- Hazard
end case;
when ST1 => next_state <= ST0;
when ST2 => next_state <= ST3;
when ST3 => next_state <= ST4;
when ST4 => next_state <= ST0;
when ST5 => next_state <= ST6;
when ST6 => next_state <= ST7;
when ST7 => next_state <= ST0;
when ST8 =>
case LRH is
when "1000" => next_state <= ST8;
when others => next_state <= ST0;
end case;
-- Include when others to avoid latches
when others => next_state <= ST0;
end case;
end process FSM;
-- "Output Logic" (Outputs) description
Outputs: process (pres_state)
case pres_state is
when ST0 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST1 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST2 => Llights <= "001"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST3 => Llights <= "011"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST4 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST5 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "001";
when ST6 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "011";
when ST7 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST8 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when others => null;
end case;
end process Outputs;
end Behavioral;
The description of the warning:
WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 3-bit latch for signal . Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 3-bit latch for signal . Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
Thanks for the help. :D

Instead of this:
Outputs: process (pres_state)
case pres_state is
when ST0 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST1 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST2 => Llights <= "001"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST3 => Llights <= "011"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST4 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST5 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "001";
when ST6 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "011";
when ST7 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST8 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when others => null;
end case;
end process Outputs;
Do This:
Outputs: process (pres_state)
case pres_state is
when ST0 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST1 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST2 => Llights <= "001"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST3 => Llights <= "011"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST4 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST5 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "001";
when ST6 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "011";
when ST7 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST8 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when others => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "000";
end case;
end process Outputs;
The question your compiler is asking you is: "What is the value of Llights when pres_state is ST9?" I'm aware that ST9 doesn't exist, but the compiler doesn't care. Which is annoying.

Do not use a case statement inside a combinational process. If you add a clock to your output process it will work. Or you can use a VHDL SELECT signal assignment. The case statement inside the combinational process is generating the latch.
You could solve it like this: (this will add 1 clock cycle delay)
Outputs: process (Clk100MHz)
if (rising_edge(Clk100MHz) then
case pres_state is
when ST0 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST1 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST2 => Llights <= "001"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST3 => Llights <= "011"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST4 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "000";
when ST5 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "001";
when ST6 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "011";
when ST7 => Llights <= "000"; Rlights <= "111";
when ST8 => Llights <= "111"; Rlights <= "111";
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process Outputs;
You could also do this:
Llights <= "000" when pres_state = ST0 else
"111" when pres_state = ST1 else
etc etc
Or you can use a VHDL select signal assignment.


VHDL signal does not change value

I am currently trying to implement a state machine with 5 different states. Basically, I want to stay in one state, wait for some time, move on to the next state, wait for a different amount of time, get into the next state etc....
For now I implemented a counter which generates a 1s signal from a 1ms signal that I create in the testbench. I created one process that determines the next state and one that upgrades the current state from the next state. The signal which does not behave as I expected is: next_stateHS which should upgrade stateHS. The code in question is in the process called "hsNextState". What I also can't explain is that the signal "startCounter" behaves as expected. This signal receives a new value in the same else - case as the signal "next_StateHS"
I will now add the code for the state machine and the test bench and a picture of the simulated waveform.
State machine:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
entity ampel is
clk : in std_ulogic;
reset : in std_ulogic;
enable : in std_ulogic;
haupt : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
neben : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0)
end ampel;
architecture ampel_behave of ampel is
-- idle = 000
-- gruen = 001
-- gelb = 010
-- rot = 011
-- rot_gelb = 100
signal stateHS, stateNS : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal next_stateHS, next_stateNS : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal startCounter : std_ulogic := '0';
signal counter : unsigned(9 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --für clk = 1ms im Testbench
signal count_seconds : unsigned(3 downto 0) := (others => '0');
counterProcess : process(clk, reset, enable, startCounter)
if enable = '0' or reset = '1' or startCounter = '0' then
counter <= (others => '0');
count_seconds <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if counter < "1111101000" then
counter <= counter + 1;
counter <= (others => '0');
count_seconds <= count_seconds + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process counterProcess;
outputProcessHS : process(stateHS, reset, enable)
if enable = '0' or reset = '1' then
haupt <= "000";
case (stateHS) is
when "000" =>
haupt <= "000";
when "001" =>
haupt <= "001";
when "010" =>
haupt <= "010";
when "011" =>
haupt <= "011";
when "100" =>
haupt <= "100";
when others =>
haupt <= "000";
end case;
end if;
end process outputProcessHS;
outputProcessNS : process(stateNS, reset, enable)
if enable = '0' or reset = '1' then
neben <= "000";
case (stateNS) is
when "000" =>
neben <= "000";
when "001" =>
neben <= "001";
when "010" =>
neben <= "010";
when "011" =>
neben <= "011";
when "100" =>
neben <= "100";
when others =>
neben <= "000";
end case;
end if;
end process outputProcessNS;
hsNextState : process(reset, enable, stateHS, count_seconds)
if enable = '0' or reset = '1' then
next_stateHS <= "000";
case (stateHS) is
when "000" =>
next_stateHS <= "001";
startCounter <= '1';
when "001" =>
if count_seconds < "1110" then
next_stateHS <= "001";
next_stateHS <= "010";
startCounter <= '0';
end if;
when "010" =>
next_stateHS <= "011";
when "011" =>
next_stateHS <= "100";
when "100" =>
next_stateHS <= "001";
when others =>
next_stateHS <= "000";
end case;
end if;
end process hsNextState;
hsState : process(reset, enable, next_stateHS, count_seconds)
if enable = '0' or reset = '1' then
stateHS <= "000";
stateHS <= next_stateHS;
end if;
end process hsState;
-- nsStateProcess : process(reset, enable, stateNS, count_seconds)
-- begin
-- if enable = '0' or reset = '1' then
-- next_stateNS <= idle;
-- else
-- case (stateNS) is
-- when idle =>
-- next_stateNS <= gruen;
-- when gruen =>
-- next_stateNS <= gelb;
-- when gelb =>
-- next_stateNS <= rot;
-- when rot =>
-- next_stateNS <= rot_gelb;
-- when rot_gelb =>
-- next_stateNS <= gruen;
-- when others =>
-- next_stateNS <= idle;
-- end case;
-- end if;
-- stateNS <= next_stateNS;
-- end process nsStateProcess;
end ampel_behave;
Test Bench:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
entity ampel_tb is
end ampel_tb;
architecture test of ampel_tb is
component ampel
clk : in std_ulogic;
reset : in std_ulogic;
enable : in std_ulogic;
haupt : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
neben : out std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0)
end component;
signal clk : std_ulogic := '0';
signal reset : std_ulogic := '0';
signal enable : std_ulogic := '1';
signal haupt, neben : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal count_cycles : unsigned (19 downto 0) := (others => '0');
ampel_1 : ampel port map
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
enable => enable,
haupt => haupt,
neben => neben
clock_signal : process
if count_cycles < "0011100000000000000" then
clk <= '0';
wait for 500 us;
clk <= '1';
wait for 500 us;
count_cycles <= count_cycles + 1;
end if;
end process clock_signal;
end test;

VHDL Test Bench working but incorrect results when run on FPGA

I am trying to write a program to detect if a given input is a prime number or not. When I run the test bench I get correct results however when I run it on the FPGA it only recognizes numbers that are divisible 3 or even as not prime. Any number such as 25 which is divisible by 5 will result in isPrime being 1. What could be causing this inconsistent result?
library IEEE;
USE IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
USE IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity PrimeNumber is
Port ( clk: in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
input: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
isPrime: out std_logic:= '0';
testOut: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end PrimeNumber;
architecture Behavioral of PrimeNumber is
SIGNAL current_state: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal next_state: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):= "000";
signal max: integer;
signal temp: integer;
signal x: integer;
signal nextX:integer;
signal localPrime : std_logic:= '0';
signal current : integer;
signal update: std_logic := '0';
nextX <= x +2;
case (current_state) is
when "000" => --Initial State
update <= '0';
localPrime <= '0';
if(input < x"0004")then
next_state <= "111";
max <= to_integer(unsigned(input(15 downto 1)));
current <=to_integer(unsigned(input));
if(input(0) = '0')then
next_state <= "110";
next_state <= "001";
end if;
end if;
when "001" => -- Computation State
localPrime <= '0';
temp <= current mod x;
if(x > max) then
next_state <= "111";
next_state <= "010";
end if;
update <= '1';
when "010" => -- Checking State
update <= '0';
localPrime <= '0';
if(temp = 0) then
next_state <= "110";
next_state <= "001";
end if;
when "110" =>
localPrime <= '0'; -- Not Prime State
next_state <= "110";
when "111" =>
update <= '0';
localPrime <= '1'; --Prime State
next_state <= "111";
when others =>
temp <= 0;
localPrime <= '0';
next_state <= "000";
end case;
end process;
Update_Registers: process(clk)
if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
if ( rst = '1') then
current_state <= "000";
isPrime <= '0';
if(update = '1') then
x <= nextX;
end if;
current_state <= next_state;
isPrime <= localPrime;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
To quickly check sim/syn mismatch, with the visibility you need outside of HW: output the mod result to a port, sim, should still "work"... syn, compile your (hopefully, verilog) netlist for TB, point to compiled netlist, sim, check the mod result against RTL/expected results.

Can't assign value to integer signal in VHDL

I am using a programmable-logic to decode a sequence of long or short impulses into latin letters according to morse code. I am using VHDL to describe our design, to be precise I'm using Quartus Prime for the design and ModelSim for the simulations. My CPLD is an ALTERA MAX-V 5M160ZE64C5.
Here is my code :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity SauvezLesMorses is
-- Input ports
clk : in std_logic;
message : in std_logic;
display : in std_logic;
start : in std_logic;
-- Output ports
seg14 : out std_logic_vector (13 downto 0);
lengthLED : out std_logic := '0'
end entity SauvezLesMorses;
architecture SauvezLesMorses_arch of SauvezLesMorses is
type state_t is (A, B, C);
signal state : state_t;
signal count : integer range 0 to 4 := 0;
signal clk_cnt : integer range 0 to 21 := 0;
signal morse : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
process (clk, start)
variable vectorDummy : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
if (start = '1') then
state <= A;
count <= 0;
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
morse <= "0000";
lengthLED <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
case state is
-- Idle, listening
when A =>
if (display = '0') then
if (message = '1' and count < 4) then
state <= B;
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
lengthLED <= '0';
clk_cnt <= 0;
state <= A;
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
lengthLED <= '0';
end if;
state <= C;
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
lengthLED <= '0';
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
end if;
-- Measuring impulse length
when B =>
if (display = '0') then
if (message = '1') then
state <= B;
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
if (clk_cnt < 20) then
clk_cnt <= (1 + clk_cnt);
lengthLED <= '0';
clk_cnt <= 21;
lengthLED <= '1';
end if;
state <= A;
if (clk_cnt < 21) then
morse <= morse;
case count is
when 0 => vectorDummy := "1000";
when 1 => vectorDummy := "0100";
when 2 => vectorDummy := "0010";
when 3 => vectorDummy := "0001";
when others => vectorDummy := "0000";
end case;
morse <= morse or vectorDummy;
end if;
count <= count + 1;
lengthLED <= '0';
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
end if;
state <= C;
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
lengthLED <= '0';
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
end if;
-- Displaying converted character to user
when C =>
if (display = '0') then
state <= A;
count <= 0;
seg14 <= "00000010001000";
lengthLED <= '0';
morse <= "0000";
state <= C;
count <= count;
morse <= morse;
lengthLED <= '0';
if(count = 1) then
case morse is
when "0000" => seg14 <= "10011110001000"; --E
when "1000" => seg14 <= "10000000100010"; --T
when others => seg14 <= "11111111111111"; --unknown character
end case;
elsif(count = 2) then
case morse is
when "0100" => seg14 <= "11101110001000"; --A
when "1000" => seg14 <= "01101101000100"; --N
when "1100" => seg14 <= "01101101010000"; --M
when "0000" => seg14 <= "00000000100010"; --I
when others => seg14 <= "11111111111111"; --unknown character
end case;
elsif(count = 3) then
case morse is
when "0000" => seg14 <= "10110110001000"; --S
when "0010" => seg14 <= "01111100000000"; --U
when "0100" => seg14 <= "11001110001100"; --R
when "0110" => seg14 <= "01101100000101"; --W
when "1000" => seg14 <= "11110000100010"; --D
when "1010" => seg14 <= "00001110010100"; --K
when "1100" => seg14 <= "10111100001000"; --G
when "1110" => seg14 <= "11111100000000"; --O
when others => seg14 <= "11111111111111"; --unknown character
end case;
elsif(count = 4) then
case morse is
when "0000" => seg14 <= "01101110001000"; --H
when "0001" => seg14 <= "00001100010001"; --V
when "0010" => seg14 <= "10001110001000"; --F
when "0100" => seg14 <= "00011100000000"; --L
when "0110" => seg14 <= "11001110001000"; --P
when "0111" => seg14 <= "01111000000000"; --J
when "1000" => seg14 <= "11110000101010"; --B
when "1001" => seg14 <= "00000001010101"; --X
when "1010" => seg14 <= "10011100000000"; --C
when "1011" => seg14 <= "00000001010010"; --Y
when "1100" => seg14 <= "10010000010001"; --Z
when "1101" => seg14 <= "11111100000100"; --Q
when others => seg14 <= "11111111111111"; --unknown character
end case;
seg14 <= "11111111111111";
end if ;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end architecture SauvezLesMorses_arch ;
A modelsim simulation with parameters
force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/clk 1 0, 0 {25000000000 ps} -r {50 ms}
force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/display 0 0, 1 {9000000000000 ps} -r {18 sec}
force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/message 0 0, 1 {3200000000000 ps} -r {6.4 sec}
force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/start 1 0 -cancel {0.5 sec}
run 40 sec
which yields :
Modelsim Simulation
clearly shows that :
clk_cnt never increases but rather remains zero for 40 seconds
count is neither set to 0 by the activation of start nor from the desactivation of display (i.e. the transition of state from C to A).
Would you have any idea why?
P.S. I know that I am positively not running a proper testbench. So even if I should, please do not remind it to me unless you know it is part of the answer to my question.
A force updating a signal value doesn't generate an event.
See IEEE Std 1076-2008 Signal update, para 3
... If updating a signal causes the current value of that signal to change, then an event is said to have occurred on the signal, unless the update occurs by application of the vhpi_put_value function with an update mode of vhpiDeposit or vhpiForce to an object that represents the signal. ...
Likely the same mechanism used by Modelsim's force or FLI.
With a testbench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity slm_tb is
end entity;
architecture foo of slm_tb is
-- Input ports
signal clk: std_logic := '1';
signal message: std_logic := '0';
signal display: std_logic := '0';
signal start: std_logic := '1';
-- Output ports
signal seg14: std_logic_vector (13 downto 0);
signal lengthLED: std_logic;
entity work.sauvezlesmorses
port map (
clk => clk,
message => message,
display => display,
start => start,
seg14 => seg14,
lengthLED => lengthLED
-- force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/clk 1 0, 0 {25000000000 ps} -r {50 ms}
-- force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/display 0 0, 1 {9000000000000 ps} -r {18 sec}
-- force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/message 0 0, 1 {3200000000000 ps} -r {6.4 sec}
-- force -freeze sim:/sauvezlesmorses/start 1 0 -cancel {0.5 sec}
-- run 40 sec
-- stimulus generators:
wait for 25 ms;
clk <= not clk;
if now > 40 sec then
end if;
end process;
wait for 9 sec;
display <= not display;
if now > 35 sec then -- stop simulation at 40 sec
end if;
end process;
wait for 3.2 sec;
message <= not message;
if now > 35 sec then
end if;
end process;
wait for 0.5 sec;
start <= 'U';
end process;
end architecture;
You do get events:

VHDL process get activated when the sensitivity list isn't changing

Process 2 keeps getting activated when there isn't a change. I have a board to test my code, and the state will change when I flip the clock(I set the clock as a button). In my code, the state will only change if I flip Qin. So it isn't doing what I wish it to do, and I spent a lot of time trying to find out what's causing it, but I can't. Please help.
This is the testbench graph TESTBENCH GRAPH
As you can see, in the graph, the output of the PS(present_state) is correct, but in the board, it isn't output right. There is one thing I found that is really important, I tried to output next_state on board, when I flip Qin to '1', the state shows "001", and then I flip clk to '1', the state become "010", which is not suppose to happen. I hope this is an important information.
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity VendingMechine is
Port ( Clk : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset : in STD_LOGIC;
Cr : in STD_LOGIC;
Qin : in STD_LOGIC;
Qo : out STD_LOGIC;
Wo : out STD_LOGIC;
CBo : out STD_LOGIC;
So : out STD_LOGIC);
end VendingMechine;
architecture Behavioral of VendingMechine is
TYPE state IS(Idle, S1, S2, S3, Soda, Candy, Water);
Signal Next_State : state;
Signal Present_State : state := Idle;
Process1:Process(clk, reset)
if(reset = '1') THEN
Present_State <= Idle;
elsif rising_edge(clk) THEN Present_State <= Next_State;
end if;
end process;
Process2:Process(Qin, Present_State, Cr, S, w)
Next_State <= Present_State;
CRo <= "00"; Qo <= '0'; PS <= "000"; Wo <= '0'; CBo <= '0'; So <= '0';
CASE Present_State IS
When Idle =>
PS <= "000";
if Qin='1' Then Next_State <= S1;
else Next_State <= Idle;
end if;
When S1 =>
PS <= "001";
if Qin='1' Then Next_State <= S2;
elsif Cr = '1' Then Cro <= "01"; Next_State <= Idle;
else Next_State <= S1;
end if;
When S2 =>
PS <= "010";
if Qin='1' Then Next_State <= S3;
elsif Cr = '1' Then CRo <="10"; Next_State <= Idle;
elsif S = '1' Then Next_State <= Soda;
elsif CB = '1' Then Next_State <= Candy;
else Next_State <= S2;
end if;
When S3 =>
PS <= "011";
if Cr = '1' Then CRo <= "11"; Next_State <= Idle;
elsif S = '1' Then Qo <= '1'; Next_State <= Soda;
elsif CB = '1' Then Qo <= '1'; Next_State <= Candy;
elsif W = '1' Then Next_State <= Water;
elsif Qin = '1' Then Qo <= '1';
else Next_State <= S3;
end if;
When Soda =>
PS <= "100";
So <= '1';
Next_State <= Idle;
When Candy =>
PS <= "101";
CBo <= '1';
Next_State <= Idle;
When Water =>
PS <= "110";
Wo <= '1';
Next_State <= Idle;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Process will launch not only when signals changes, but every time you assign something to signal, even if it has same value as before. That may be the reason. In parallel process you can't rely on times launch, but on result in case of some conditions, that came in inputs.
Is Qin connected to an external switch? If yes, you should implement clock-domain synchronization (and possible debouncing) on the inputs.
Please let me know in the comments if you don't know how.
Lack of clock-synchronous signals will cause glitches and thus hang-ups in the state-machine. Lack of debouncing will cause multiple switch pulses ("bouncing")

VHDL keypad code issues

I have a 4x3 keypad, i wrote this FSM for interfacing it with my Nexys2 board, trouble I am having here is
When I run the code, the LEDs glow without any key pressed, it shows random combinations automatically
When I press a key it shows that particular combination then goes on to the next condition of ROW without any key pressed. And sometimes it does not even respond if i press a key.
What is happening? What is wrong with this code? I am clueless. Can someone point out the mistakes and suggest some solution? Here is my code
library IEEE;
entity keypad_3x4 is
Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC;
ROW : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
COL : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);
LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)
end keypad_3x4;
architecture Behavioral of keypad_3x4 is
architecture Behavioral of keypad_3x4 is
signal state: STATE_TYPE;
process (CLK, RESET)
if (RESET = '1') then
state <= RESET_ST;
elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
case (state) is
LED <= (others => '0');
COL <= (others => '0');
state <= S1;
WHEN S1 =>
COL <= "001"; --C1 selected
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= S2;
WHEN S2 =>
if ROW <= "0001" then
led <= "0001"; --1
elsif ROW <= "0010" then
led <= "0100"; --4
elsif ROW <= "0100" then
led <= "0111"; --7
elsif ROW <= "1000" then
led <= "1111"; --*
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= S3;
end if;
WHEN S3 =>
COL <= "010"; --C2 selected
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= S4;
WHEN S4 =>
if ROW <= "0001" then
led <= "0010"; --2
elsif ROW <= "0010" then
led <= "0101"; --5
elsif ROW <= "0100" then
led <= "1000"; --8
elsif ROW <= "1000" then
led <= "0000"; --0
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= S5;
end if;
WHEN S5 =>
COL <= "100"; --C3 selected
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= S6;
WHEN S6 =>
if ROW <= "0001" then
led <= "0011"; --3
elsif ROW <= "0010" then
led <= "0110"; --6
elsif ROW <= "0100" then
led <= "1001"; --9
elsif ROW <= "1000" then
led <= "1111"; --#
LED <= (others => '0');
state <= RESET_ST;
end if;
WHEN others =>
state <= RESET_ST;
END case;
END if;
END process;
end Behavioral;
