Extract return string parameter values - ruby

I have a request that looks like this ;
url = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp?METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment&TOKEN=#{transaction.token}
url = CGI.escape(url)
uri = URI(url)
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
and res.body looks like this; TOKEN=EC%2d7UM71457T34680821&TIMESTAMP=2013%2d11%2d03T21%3a19%3a11Z&CORRELATIONID=3b73c396244ff&ACK=Success&VERSION=98&BUILD=8334781
How can i get the TOKEN and ACK values from the string? am not sure params works here?
Any ideas?

The body is URI-encoded, just like GET (or some POST) params. You could unpack it manually, by doing something like this:
require 'uri'
# body takes place of res.body for this example
body = 'TOKEN=EC%2d7UM71457T34680821&TIMESTAMP=2013%2d11%2d03' +
'T21%3a19%3a11Z&CORRELATIONID=3b73c396244ff&AC' +
# First split into key/value pairs, and use inject to start building a hash
results = body.split('&').inject( {} ) do |hash,kv|
# Split each key/value pair
k,v = kv.split('=').map do |uri_encoded_value|
# Decode - innermost loop, because it may contain encoded '&' or '='
# Add to hash we are building with inject
hash[k] = v
=> {"TOKEN"=>"EC-7UM71457T34680821", "TIMESTAMP"=>"2013-11-03T21:19:11Z",
"CORRELATIONID"=>"3b73c396244ff", "ACK"=>"Success", "VERSION"=>"98",
Actually though URI can do nearly all of this for you (and deal with variations in the format better than above), with the decode_www_form class method.
params = {}
URI.decode_www_form( body ).each do |k,v|
params[k] = v
=> {"TOKEN"=>"EC-7UM71457T34680821", "TIMESTAMP"=>"2013-11-03T21:19:11Z",
"CORRELATIONID"=>"3b73c396244ff", "ACK"=>"Success", "VERSION"=>"98",


How to pass method arguments use as Hash path?

def do_the_thing(file_to_load, hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
do_the_thing(file_I_want, '[:foo][:bar][0]')
Tried a few methods but failed so far.
Thanks for any help in advance :)
Assuming you missed the parameters names...
Lets assume our file is:
// test.json
"foo": {
"bar": ["foobar"]
Recomended solution
Does your param really need to be a string??
If your code can be more flexible, and pass arguments as they are on ruby, you can use the Hash dig method:
require 'json'
def do_the_thing(file, *hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', :foo, :bar, 0)
You should get
It should work fine !!
Read the rest of the answer if that doesn't satisfy your question
Alternative solution (using the same argument)
If you REALLY need to use that argument as string, you can;
Treat your params to adapt to the first solution, it won't be a small or fancy code, but it will work:
require 'json'
BRACKET_REGEX = /(\[[^\[]*\])/.freeze
# Treats the literal string to it's correspondent value
def treat_type(param)
# Remove the remaining brackets from the string
# You could do this step directly on the regex if you want to
param = param[1..-2]
case param[0]
# Checks if it is a string
when '\''
# Checks if it is a symbol
when ':'
rescue ArgumentError
# Converts your param to the accepted pattern of 'dig' method
def string_to_args(param)
# Scan method will break the match results of the regex into an array
param.scan(BRACKET_REGEX).flatten.map { |match| treat_type(match) }
def do_the_thing(file, hash_path)
hash_path = string_to_args(hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', '[:foo][:bar][0]')
This solution though is open to bugs when the "hash_path" is not on an acceptable pattern, and treating it's bugs might make the code even longer
Shortest solution (Not safe)
You can use Kernel eval method which I EXTREMELY discourage to use for security reasons, read the documentation and understand its danger before using it
require 'json'
def do_the_thing(file, hash_path)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, symbolize_names: true)
do_the_thing('test.json', '[:foo][:bar][0]')
If the procedure you were trying to work with was just extracting the JSON data to an object, you might find yourself using either of the following scenarios:
def do_the_thing(file_to_load)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
or use the dig function of Hash :
def do_the_thing(file_to_load, sections)
file = File.read(file)
data = JSON.parse(file, { symbolize_names: true })
do_the_thing(file_I_want, [:foo, :bar, 0])

Access csv data from htttp request in ruby

I'm trying to access the csv data, which I recive if I make a http-request.
I don't save it to a csv file, so I save it to the variable.
Let's say this is the response I get, how can I print food?
And this is the part of the ruby code which is important.
That's something I found, but it was originally used with a file, so it doesn't work.
csvdata = request(action,parameter)
#data_hash = {}
CSV.foreach(csvdata) do |row|
uuid, event_id, category = row
#data_hash[uuid] = event_id
Do I really need files for that or is there a easy way I can access the values?
CSV.parse(csvdata,data = Hash.new) do |row|
puts data
The hash should look like this so I can use the column names
{"uuid" => "12,13", "event_id" => "323,3243", "category" => "food,cars"}
csv_data = Hash.new{|k, v| k[v] = []}
CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true) do |row|
row.each{|k, v| csv_data[k] << v}
csv_data = Hash[csv_data.map{|k, v| [k, v.join(",")]}]
Update after specification Requested output.
Try this:
csvdata = request(action,parameter)
#data_hash = {}
CSV.parse(csvdata, headers: true) do |row|
#data_hash[row['uuid']] = row['event_id']
# => {"12"=>"1", "13"=>"2"}
When you parse a CSV, the seconds parameter (data = Hash.new in your code) is actually an options parameter. You can see the available options here:
If set to :first_row or true, the initial row of the CSV file will be treated as a row of headers. If set to an Array, the contents will be used as the headers. If set to a String, the String is run through a call of ::parse_line with the same :col_sep, :row_sep, and :quote_char as this instance to produce an Array of headers. This setting causes #shift to return rows as CSV::Row objects instead of Arrays and #read to return CSV::Table objects instead of an Array of Arrays.
When passing headers: true - values are parsed into a Row object, where they can be accessed by name.

Dynamically check if a field in JSON is nil without using eval

Here's an extract of the code that I am using:
def retrieve(user_token, quote_id, check="quotes")
end_time = Time.now + 15
match = false
until Time.now > end_time || match
#response = http_request.get(quote_get_url(quote_id, user_token))
eval("match = !JSON.parse(#response.body)#{field(check)}.nil?")
match.eql?(false) ? nil : #response
def field (check)
hash = {"quotes" => '["quotes"][0]',
"transaction-items" => '["quotes"][0]["links"]["transactionItems"]'
I was informed that using eval in this manner is not good practice. Could anyone suggest a better way of dynamically checking the existence of a JSON node (field?). I want this to do:
psudo: match = !JSON.parse(#response.body) + dynamic-path + .nil?
Store paths as arrays of path elements (['quotes', 0]). With a little helper function you'll be able to avoid eval. It is, indeed, completely inappropriate here.
Something along these lines:
class Hash
def deep_get(path)
path.reduce(self) do |memo, path_element|
return unless memo
path = ['quotes', 0]
hash = JSON.parse(response.body)
match = !hash.deep_get(path).nil?

Extracting a url comprised of a hash in ruby

I have a query string that looks as follows:
appointment_practices is actually a hash I inserted into the query string during a redirect:
appointment_practices = practices.reduce({}) do |acc, practice|
acc[practice.id] = practice.class.name
redirect_to events_path(appointment_practices: appointment_practices)
Now I want to parse that query string. When I tried to parse it with decode_www_form, it returns an array with a nil element:
This is the code that is giving me the nil element:
#http_refer = #_env['HTTP_REFERER']
uri = URI.parse #http_refer
practices = Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query)].values_at('appointment_practices')
puts "practices: #{practices}"
rescue StandardError
I am trying to extract the hash. For example, in appointment_practices%5B10%5D=Injury, the id is 10 and the practice is Injury.
What other options do I have besides regex?
You can use Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query:
require 'uri'
require 'rack'
uri = URI.parse('http://localhost:3000/events?appointment_practices%5B10%5D=Injury&appointment_practices%5B18%5D=Immigration&appointment_practices%5B8%5D=Bankruptcy')
#=> {"appointment_practices"=>{"10"=>"Injury", "18"=>"Immigration", "8"=>"Bankruptcy"}}

Ruby - Problems concatenating array elements within loop

I'm very new to Ruby and am having some problems concatenating strings within a for loop.
Here is what I have so far
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = "http://example.com/"
# create an empty response array for loop below
response = []
search.each do |element|
response = "#{base_url}#{element}"
I'd like response[0] to hold "http://example.com/testOne". However, after the loop executes, response[0] only holds the first letter (h) of my base variable; response holds "http://example.com/testTwo".
I'm thinking this is a simple mistake, but can't find any helpful resources.
Use Array#<< method
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = "http://example.com/"
# create an empty response array for loop below
response = []
search.each do |element|
response << "#{base_url}#{element}"
response # => ["http://example.com/testOne", "http://example.com/testTwo"]
response = "#{base_url}#{element}" means you are assigning in each iteration a new string object to the local variable response. In the last iteration response holds the string object "http://example.com/testTwo". Now response[0] means you are calling the method String#[]. So at index 0 of the string "http://example.com/testTwo", the character present is h, so your response[0] returning 'h'- which is expected as per your code.
The same code can be written in more sweet way :
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = "http://example.com/"
response = search.map {|element| base_url+element }
response # => ["http://example.com/testOne", "http://example.com/testTwo"]
response = search.map(&base_url.method(:+))
response # => ["http://example.com/testOne", "http://example.com/testTwo"]
or, as Michael Kohl pointed :
response = search.map { |s| "#{base_url}#{s}" }
response # => ["http://example.com/testOne", "http://example.com/testTwo"]
