I have a query string that looks as follows:
appointment_practices is actually a hash I inserted into the query string during a redirect:
appointment_practices = practices.reduce({}) do |acc, practice|
acc[practice.id] = practice.class.name
redirect_to events_path(appointment_practices: appointment_practices)
Now I want to parse that query string. When I tried to parse it with decode_www_form, it returns an array with a nil element:
This is the code that is giving me the nil element:
#http_refer = #_env['HTTP_REFERER']
uri = URI.parse #http_refer
practices = Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query)].values_at('appointment_practices')
puts "practices: #{practices}"
rescue StandardError
I am trying to extract the hash. For example, in appointment_practices%5B10%5D=Injury, the id is 10 and the practice is Injury.
What other options do I have besides regex?
You can use Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query:
require 'uri'
require 'rack'
uri = URI.parse('http://localhost:3000/events?appointment_practices%5B10%5D=Injury&appointment_practices%5B18%5D=Immigration&appointment_practices%5B8%5D=Bankruptcy')
#=> {"appointment_practices"=>{"10"=>"Injury", "18"=>"Immigration", "8"=>"Bankruptcy"}}
With Ruby, no Rails, how can I call an API such as http://api.anapi.com/, and later get a value and check if it is greater than 5?
If it contains an array called "anarray" which contains hashes, in one of those hashes I want to get to the value of the key "key".
Right now I use:
require "net/https"
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse("http://api.cryptocoincharts.info/tradingPair/eth_btc")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.body
And I get: #<StringIO:0x2cadb90>
Figured it out:
# http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/open-uri/rdoc/OpenURI.html
require 'open-uri'
# https://github.com/flori/json
require 'json'
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9008847/what-is-difference-between-p-and-pp
require 'pp'
buffer = open('http://api.cryptocoincharts.info/tradingPair/eth_btc').read
# api_key = "FtHwuH8w1RDjQpOr0y0gF3AWm8sRsRzncK3hHh9"
result = JSON.parse(buffer)
puts result["markets"]
# result.each do |user|
# puts "#{user['id']}\t#{user['name']}\t#{user['email']}"
# puts "Registered: #{user['created_at']}\n\n"
# end
# my_hash = JSON.parse('{"hello": "goodbye"}')
# puts my_hash["hello"] => "goodbye"
With Net::HTTP:
require 'net/http'
uri = URI('http://example.com/index.html?count=10')
Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
Then you can do whatever you want with the data. If for example the API returns JSON, you can parse the String with Ruby's JSON module.
Here's an extract of the code that I am using:
def retrieve(user_token, quote_id, check="quotes")
end_time = Time.now + 15
match = false
until Time.now > end_time || match
#response = http_request.get(quote_get_url(quote_id, user_token))
eval("match = !JSON.parse(#response.body)#{field(check)}.nil?")
match.eql?(false) ? nil : #response
def field (check)
hash = {"quotes" => '["quotes"][0]',
"transaction-items" => '["quotes"][0]["links"]["transactionItems"]'
I was informed that using eval in this manner is not good practice. Could anyone suggest a better way of dynamically checking the existence of a JSON node (field?). I want this to do:
psudo: match = !JSON.parse(#response.body) + dynamic-path + .nil?
Store paths as arrays of path elements (['quotes', 0]). With a little helper function you'll be able to avoid eval. It is, indeed, completely inappropriate here.
Something along these lines:
class Hash
def deep_get(path)
path.reduce(self) do |memo, path_element|
return unless memo
path = ['quotes', 0]
hash = JSON.parse(response.body)
match = !hash.deep_get(path).nil?
I would like to use the Google bigquery gem (https://rubygems.org/gems/bigquery) to create an Array of table names. So far, this is what I have written:
require 'json'
bqRepsonse = bq.tables('myDataSet')
bqRepsonseCleaned = bqRepsonse.to_s.gsub("=>", ":")
data = JSON.parse(bqRepsonseCleaned)
tableListing = []
data["tableID"]["type"].each do |item|
case item["type"]
when 'TABLE'
bqTableList << item["tableId"]
If I print bqResponse, I get this result:
"datasetId"=>"dataset_test_4", "tableId"=>"TableA"}, "type"=>"TABLE"},
"datasetId"=>"dataset_test_4", "tableId"=>"TableB"}, "type"=>"TABLE"},
"datasetId"=>"dataset_test_4", "tableId"=>"TableC"}, "type"=>"TABLE"},
"datasetId"=>"dataset_test_4", "tableId"=>"TableD"}, "type"=>"TABLE"}]
And running the code throws and error
`[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)
Not sure where to correct this. My desired outcome is:
tableListing = ["TableA","TableB","TableC","TableD"]
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Try this:
require 'json'
string = '[{"kind": "bigquery#table", "id": "curious-idea-532:dataset_test_4.TableA", "tableReference" : {"projectId":"curious-idea-532", "datasetId":"dataset_test_4", "tableId":"TableA"}, "type":"TABLE"}, {"kind":"bigquery#table", "id":"curious-idea-532:dataset_test_4.TableB", "tableReference":{"projectId":"curious-idea-532", "datasetId":"dataset_test_4", "tableId":"TableB"}, "type":"TABLE"}, {"kind":"bigquery#table", "id":"curious-idea-532:dataset_test_4.TableC", "tableReference":{"projectId":"curious-idea-532", "datasetId":"dataset_test_4", "tableId":"TableC"}, "type":"TABLE"}, {"kind":"bigquery#table", "id":"curious-idea-532:dataset_test_4.TableD", "tableReference":{"projectId":"curious-idea-532", "datasetId":"dataset_test_4", "tableId":"TableD"}, "type":"TABLE"}]'
data = JSON.parse(string)
tableListing = []
# Here we are iterating over the data instead of its child element
data.each do |item|
case item["type"]
when 'TABLE'
tableListing << item["tableReference"]["tableId"]
puts tableListing
I have tried:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
require 'uri'
url = "http://xyz.com"
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
buffer = resp.body
result = JSON.parse(buffer)
#pp result
puts result
And got the output as:
{"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
in JSON format but I only need the value of id to be printed as ABC.
Your incoming string in JSON would look like:
After parsing with JSON it's the hash:
{"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
So, I'd use:
hash = {"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
hash['id'] # => "ABC"
Here's a more compact version:
require 'json'
json = '{"id":"ABC","account_id":"123","first_name":"PEUS"}'
hash = JSON[json]
hash['id'] # => "ABC"
Note I'm using JSON[json]. The JSON [] class method is smart enough to sense what the parameter being passed in is. If it's a string it'll parse the string. If it's an Array or Hash it'll serialize it. I find that handy because it allows me to write JSON[...] instead of having to remember whether I'm parsing or using to_json or something. Using it is an example of the first virtue of programmers.
I would like to be able to automatically parse JSON objects into instance variables. For example, with this JSON.
require 'httparty'
json = HTTParty.get('http://api.dribbble.com/players/simplebits') #=> {"shots_count":150,"twitter_screen_name":"simplebits","avatar_url":"http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/avatars/thumb/dancederholm-peek.jpg?1261060245","name":"Dan Cederholm","created_at":"2009/07/07 21:51:22 -0400","location":"Salem, MA","following_count":391,"url":"http://dribbble.com/players/simplebits","draftees_count":104,"id":1,"drafted_by_player_id":null,"followers_count":2214}
I'd like to be able to do this:
And have it output:
How could I possibly do this?
You should definitely use something like json["shots_counts"], but if you really need objectified hash, you could create a new class for this:
class ObjectifiedHash
def initialize hash
#data = hash.inject({}) do |data, (key,value)|
value = ObjectifiedHash.new value if value.kind_of? Hash
data[key.to_s] = value
def method_missing key
if #data.key? key.to_s
After that, use it:
ojson = ObjectifiedHash.new(HTTParty.get('http://api.dribbble.com/players/simplebits'))
ojson.shots_counts # => 150
Well, getting what you want is hard, but getting close is easy:
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse(your_http_body)
puts json['shots_count']
Not exactly what you are looking for, but this will get you closer:
ruby-1.9.2-head > require 'rubygems'
=> false
ruby-1.9.2-head > require 'httparty'
=> true
ruby-1.9.2-head > json = HTTParty.get('http://api.dribbble.com/players/simplebits').parsed_response
=> {"shots_count"=>150, "twitter_screen_name"=>"simplebits", "avatar_url"=>"http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/avatars/thumb/dancederholm-peek.jpg?1261060245", "name"=>"Dan Cederholm", "created_at"=>"2009/07/07 21:51:22 -0400", "location"=>"Salem, MA", "following_count"=>391, "url"=>"http://dribbble.com/players/simplebits", "draftees_count"=>104, "id"=>1, "drafted_by_player_id"=>nil, "followers_count"=>2214}
ruby-1.9.2-head > puts json["shots_count"]
=> nil
Hope this helps!