Change background image of a group of Ipad OS X Server - osx-mavericks

just wondering if there is a way to change the backgroup image of a group of Ipads on OS X Server, using Profile Manager.
I can't see this option


Citrix Receiver Resolution 4K on MacOS

I have a Retina screen MacBook Pro with a 15.6" 4K external monitor attached. I've discovered the resolution of the Citrix session is terrible unless I set the (MacOS) display resolution to 3840x2160, in which case the session resolution is perfect.
The trouble is at this setting, the resolution outside of the session, in MacOS is tiny - I usually have it set to scaled slightly larger. Without the external screen attached, the situation is the same with the default native display resolution resulting in very poor quality in the session.
Is there any solution where both the Citrix session and MacOS both look good?
defaults write com.citrix.receiver.nomas EnableHighDPI -bool YES
I have a Retina screen MacBook Pro with a 15.6" 4K external monitor attached.
According to Citrix they don't have a solution yet.
To try out on individual MacBooks without enabling for the entire organization/store or if you do not want to whitelist LaunchDarkly on your internal network, you can run the following command in macOS Terminal
defaults write com.citrix.receiver.nomas EnableHighDPI -bool YES
Supported devices: MacBook, MacBook Pro. Devices not supported: Mac mini, iMacs, Mac Pro.
No Multi monitor support. This feature will not work if you have connected a secondary monitor. Even if you don't use the secondary monitor with the Citrix Workspace app, simply connecting it will cause this feature to not be available. This feature works only when you use a single monitor for your device.
I tried it on my M1 Mac. After I disconnected the Thunderbolt dock with all peripherals the running session changed the resolution by itself to higher DPI. As soon as I connected an external monitor I was back to 1080p.

Can a website (on chrome) detect if screen mirroring is turned on in windows 10?

Or is it possible for any web browser in general to detect if screen is being duplicated on another display? Also Can a web browser know that the OS is begin run inside a virtual box?
Yes In chrome ,the screen mirroring on another display can be detected.
Refer :

Why does macOS handle screen resolution differently from Windows?

Apple iMac & MacBook lineup uses high-resolution display branded as "Retina Display" which by default, macOS will set the screen resolution below the native screen resolution. For example on the 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro, which comes with native resolution of 2560-by-1600, macOS will set the default resolution to 1280-by-800 with option to scaled to other screen resolution (1024-by-640, 1440-by-900, and 1680-by-1050) on Settings app.
However, on Windows (including the latest version) screen resolution are by default, set to the native screen resolution with "Scaling" function to increases the elements sizing. For example on a 15-inch laptop, which comes with a Full HD display, Windows will set the default resolution to the 1920-by-1080 with scaling set to 100% but recommended to 125%. Setting a higher scaling in turns result in certain elements displayed blurry.
Hence, why is this case?
An operating system can work without screens. You could for example start your computer (either running Windows, or MacOSX, or Linux), and run some application app (or app.exe on Windows) on that command line.
Now, imagine you type app (without the ENTER key) in some command window, unplug your screen, and type the ENTER key. You app has still started (and perhaps detected that no screen is available, only if that app is a GUI application opening a window by using some widget toolkit). If your app is not a GUI application but a command line one (eg cp which copy files) it can successfully execute.
In practice, your screen is today used by some display server. And your application don't show directly pixels on the screen: it interacts with your display server which generally is the only process accessing the screen (more precisely, your graphics card).
So you need to learn how to tune or configure your display server. And that of course is operating system and display server specific. On MacOSX and and Windows and on Linux they are very different (and Linux even has several ones, e.g. Xorg or Wayland). On MacOSX it is Quartz.

NSImage is not displayed on some computer

Did anyone get the same problem? I load a png image using NSImage initWithCotentsFile and display it in a view using drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:. In a very rare case, some of users using mac os x 10.9.2 complain the image is not displayed.

How to "disable" HD screens for Windows Phone app Store?

When I started working on our company's Windows Phone app project there was no full HD resolution for WP. But now there is and I'm supposed to disable the app for full HD devices in the WP Store. How do I exactly do that?
The main reason for this is that the app has a thick black ribbon on top of the screen when used with a full HD device.
I have noticed that when you update or upload .xap file, the Store recognizes the requirements of the app. The Store says the app works on all screens. How do I set the requirements so that the app is disabled HD resolution screens?
The app is made to support WP versions 7.1 through 8. I eyed the Internet for help but it seems that because the app is WP 7 compatible I can't describe the resolutions in the WMAppManifest where the Store would easily to find it. Or can I?
It would be so great if I could do this some easy way instead of going through the whole app to make it work "better" on HD screens.
There is no way how you can prevent users with certain display resolutions from installing your app. A similar question was asked here, it was about installation prevention of apps for specific device types. What you can do is to do the check in code.
You could check the device's display resolution when starting the application. If the size exceeds your limit, you could inform the user about that and exit the application.
How can I get a screen resolution of Device (Windows Phone)
However, I don't know how this would affect the app certification.
Windows Phone 7.1 only supports 800 x 480 resolution and Windows Phone 8 supports multiple resolution.
The scaling used for Windows Phone 7x apps on Windows Phone 8 means that one 720p and 1080p devices, you will get a black band. There is nothing you can do.
You could recompile the app as Windows Phone 8 app and have both WP7x and WP8 xaps available and this will ensure that the space is consumed correctly and the black band isn't shown.
