Use #Autowired in #Webservice (other solutions found did not work) - spring

We are trying to use autowiring in our webservice, but this doens't seem to work (generates nullPointer). We have been searching for a solution for quite a long time, but did not succeed.
Our webservice:
#WebService(wsdlLocation = "/WEB-INF/wsdl/contract.wsdl", serviceName = "BookingService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "BookingServicePortType")
public class BookingService extends SpringBeanAutowiringSupport implements BookingServicePortType {
BookingServiceBean bookingServiceBean;
TariffService tariffService;
public BookingResponse createBooking(#WebParam(name = "bookingInput", targetNamespace = "", partName = "tariffId") BookingInput input) {
Tariff tariff = tariffService.getTariffById(input.getTariffId());
Booking booking = new Booking.BookingBuilder().withBaggageAllowance(tariff.getFlight().getBaggageAllowance())
BookingResponse bookingResponse = new BookingResponse();
return bookingResponse;
private XMLGregorianCalendar createWeirdDateClass(String lexicalRepresentation) {
try {
return DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(lexicalRepresentation);
} catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
return null;
our spring service:
public class BookingServiceBeanImpl implements BookingServiceBean {
BookingDAO bookingDAO;
#Override public void createBooking(Booking booking) {
The spring bean can be used in the spring controllers so I don't think there's a problem there..


Entity listener can inject other Spring dependencies but not repository

I have this entity listener class:
public class AssignmentListener {
private KafkaService kafkaService;
private String topic;
private AssignmentMapper assignmentMapper;
private AttachmentRepository attachmentRepository;
public final void setKafkaService(KafkaService kafkaService) {
this.kafkaService = kafkaService;
public final void setTopic(
#Value("${topic}") String topic
) {
this.topic = topic;
public final void setAssignmentMapper(AssignmentMapper assignmentMapper) {
this.assignmentMapper = assignmentMapper;
public final void setAttachmentRepository(AttachmentRepository attachmentRepository) {
this.attachmentRepository = attachmentRepository;
#TransactionalEventListener(phase = TransactionPhase.BEFORE_COMMIT)
public void postUpdate(Assignment assignment) {
var attachments = attachmentRepository.findAllByAssignmentId(assignment.getId());
var dto = assignmentMapper.mapToKafkaMessage(assignment);
and it worked normally until adding this last field which is repository. All other dependencies were injected however no matter what I do this won't get injected. Just to mention this is happening in tests. Do you have any suggestion?

Jooq DataTypeException since Spring.Boot 2.4.x

I am getting a DataTypeException when retrieving data since the upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4.x. It worked fine with 2.3.9.RELEASE.
org.jooq.exception.DataTypeException: No Converter found for types MyBaseType and MyInheritType1 at
org.jooq.impl.Tools.converterOrFail( at
org.jooq.impl.Tools.converterOrFail( at
org.jooq.impl.AbstractRecord.get( at
org.jooq.impl.AbstractResultQuery.fetchOne( at
MyInheritType1 extends MyBaseType.
The classes are using lombok #Data, so they should have the proper setters.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "_class")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MyInheritType1.class, name = "Type1"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MyInheritType2.class, name = "Type2")
public class MyBaseType
private UUID id;
private String disclaimerLongText = "";
private LocalDateTime creationTime;
private Map<UUID, String> images = new HashMap<>();
The inherited type:
public class MyInheritType1 extends MyBaseType
private String baseMap;
private EnumType someEnum;
private List<LayerType> layerTypes = new ArrayList<>();
private double[] center;
I retrieve the data like this:
.fetchOne(PROJECT.DETAILS, MyInheritType1.class);
PROJECT.DETAILS is defined as this:
public final TableField<ProjectRecord, ProjectDetails> DETAILS = createField("details"), SQLDataType.JSONB.nullable(false), this, "", new ProjectDetailsBinding());
And ProjectDetailsBinding looks like this:
public class ProjectDetailsBinding extends JsonBBinding<MyBaseType>
protected Class<ProjectDetails> getBindingType()
return MyBaseType.class;
public abstract class JsonBBinding<T> implements Binding<JSONB, T>
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
protected abstract Class<T> getBindingType();
public Converter<JSONB, T> converter()
return new Converter<JSONB, T>()
public T from(JSONB o)
if (o == null)
return null;
return objectMapper.readValue(, getBindingType());
} catch (Exception e)
return null;
public JSONB to(T t)
return JSONB.valueOf(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(t));
} catch (JsonProcessingException e)
return null;
public Class<JSONB> fromType()
return JSONB.class;
public Class<T> toType()
return getBindingType();
Since it worked with 2.3.9.RELEASE, I am wondering what changed in Spring Boot or Jooq, that would cause this different behavior now?
Looks like, fixed for 3.15.0 and 3.14.9, to be released soon. You can try building 3.14.9 from github or use a snapshot build from here: if you're licensed, to see if that fixes your issue.
Alternatively, you can try to use the fixed version of the DefaultConverterProvider and use that in your Configuration.
Since it worked with 2.3.9.RELEASE, I am wondering what changed in Spring Boot or Jooq, that would cause this different behavior now?
Typically, Spring Boot upgrades come with jOOQ upgrades. You could also downgrade your jOOQ dependency to what you were using before with Spring Boot 2.3.9

Cannot Write Data to ElasticSearch with AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration

I am trying out to write data to my local Elasticsearch Docker Container (7.4.2), for simplicity I used the AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration given from Spring also Overriding the entityMapper function. The I constructed my repository extending the ReactiveElasticsearchRepository
Then in the end I used my autowired repository to saveAll() my collection of elements containing the data. However Elasticsearch doesn't write any data. Also i have a REST controller which is starting my whole process returning nothing basicly, DeferredResult>
The REST method coming from my ApiDelegateImpl
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Void>> openUsageExporterStartPost() {
final DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Void>> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>();
ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return deferredResult;
My Elasticsearch Configuration
public class ElasticSearchConfig extends AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration {
private String elasticSearchEndpoint;
public EntityMapper entityMapper() {
final ElasticsearchEntityMapper entityMapper = new ElasticsearchEntityMapper(elasticsearchMappingContext(), new DefaultConversionService());
return entityMapper;
public ReactiveElasticsearchClient reactiveElasticsearchClient() {
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
return ReactiveRestClients.create(clientConfiguration);
My Repository
public interface OpenUsageRepository extends ReactiveElasticsearchRepository<OpenUsage, Long> {
#Document(indexName = "open_usages", type = "open_usages")
public class OpenUsage {
#Field(name = "id")
private Long id;
My Adapter Implementation
private final OpenUsageRepository openUsageRepository;
...transform entity into OpenUsage...
public void doSomething(final List<OpenUsage> openUsages){
And finally my IT test
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#TestPropertySource(locations = {""})
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = OpenUsageExporterApplicationIT.Initializer.class)
class OpenUsageExporterApplicationIT {
private int port;
private final static String STARTCALL = "http://localhost:%s/open-usage-exporter/start/";
private static ElasticsearchContainer container = new ElasticsearchContainer("").withExposedPorts(9200);
static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(final ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
final List<String> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
pairs.add("" + container.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + container.getFirstMappedPort());
pairs.add("" + container.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + container.getFirstMappedPort());
void testExportToES() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final List<OpenUsageEntity> openUsageEntities = dbPreparator.insertTestData();
assertTrue(openUsageEntities.size() > 0);
final String result = executeRestCall(STARTCALL);
// Awaitility here tells me nothing is in ElasticSearch :(
private String executeRestCall(final String urlTemplate) throws IOException {
final String url = String.format(urlTemplate, port);
final HttpUriRequest request = new HttpPost(url);
final HttpResponse response = HttpClientBuilder.create().build().execute(request);
// Get the result.
return EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
public void doSomething(final List<OpenUsage> openUsages){
This lacks a semicolon at the end, so it should not compile.
But I assume this is just a typo, and there is a semicolon in reality.
Anyway, saveAll() returns a Flux. This Flux is just a recipe for saving your data, and it is not 'executed' until subscribe() is called by someone (or something like blockLast()). You just throw that Flux away, so the saving never gets executed.
How to fix this? One option is to add .blockLast() call:
But this will save the data in a blocking way effectively defeating the reactivity.
Another option is, if the code you are calling saveAll() from supports reactivity is just to return the Flux returned by saveAll(), but, as your doSomething() has void return type, this is doubtful.
It is not seen how your startExport() connects to doSomething() anyway. But it looks like your 'calling code' does not use any notion of reactivity, so a real solution would be to either rewrite the calling code to use reactivity (obtain a Publisher and subscribe() on it, then wait till the data arrives), or revert to using blocking API (ElasticsearchRepository instead of ReactiveElasticsearchRepository).

Spring Boot class cast exception in PostConstruct method

I am running a Spring Boot application with a PostConstruct method to populate a POJO before application initialization. This is to ensure that the database isn't hit by multiple requests to get the POJO content after it starts running.
I'm able to pull the data from Oracle database through Hibernate query and store it in my POJO. The problem arises when I try to access the stored data. The dataset contains a list of objects that contain strings and numbers. Just trying to print the description of the object at the top of the list raises a class cast exception. How should I mitigate this issue?
private TaskDescrBean taskBean;
public void loadDescriptions() {
TaskDataLoader taskData = new TaskDataLoader(taskBean.acquireDataSourceParams());
List<TaskDescription> taskList = tdf.getTaskDescription();
System.out.println("Task description size: " + taskBean.getTaskDescriptionList().get(0).getTaskDescription());
My POJO class:
public class TaskDescrBean implements ApplicationContextAware {
private Environment environment;
protected List<TaskDescription> taskDescriptionList;
public Properties acquireDataSourceParams() {
Properties dataSource = new Properties();
dataSource.setProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class", environment.getProperty("spring.datasource.driver-class-name"));
dataSource.setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", environment.getProperty("spring.datasource.url"));
dataSource.setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", environment.getProperty("spring.datasource.username"));
dataSource.setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", environment.getProperty("spring.datasource.password"));
return dataSource;
public List<TaskDescription> getTaskDescriptionList() {
return taskDescriptionList;
public void setTaskDescriptionList(List<TaskDescription> taskDescriptionList) {
this.taskDescriptionList = taskDescriptionList;
public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
My DAO class:
public class TaskDataLoader {
private Session session;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
public TaskDataLoader(Properties connectionProperties) {
Configuration config = new Configuration().setProperties(connectionProperties);
sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory();
public List<TaskDescription> getTaskDescription() {
List<TaskDescription> taskList = null;
session = sessionFactory.openSession();
try {
String description = "from TaskDescription des";
Query taskDescriptionQuery = session.createQuery(description);
taskList = taskDescriptionQuery.list();
System.out.println("Task description fetched. " + taskList.getClass());
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
return taskList;
TaskDescription Entity:
public class TaskDescription implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Long taskDescriptionId;
private String taskDescription;
public Long getTaskDescriptionId() {
return taskDescriptionId;
public void setTaskDescriptionId(Long taskDescriptionId) {
this.taskDescriptionId = taskDescriptionId;
public String getTaskDescription() {
return taskDescription;
public void setTaskDescription(String taskDescription) {
this.taskDescription = taskDescription;
Instead of sending the List in the return statement, I transformed it into a JSON object and sent its String representation which I mapped back to the Object after transforming it using mapper.readValue()

Spring Rest Url ID Validation in DB - Eg: universities/{universityId}/campuses/{campusId}/buildings

I wanted to know the best practice of how to validate the ID of the path of my Rest API.
For example:
When I do a GET to retrieve a Building, I need to validate first if the {universityId} and {campusId} are actually valid (Existing in the DB) before proceeding.
Right now I have implemented a custom RepositoryValidation that provides those functionalities by throwing a ResourceNotFoundException() and those methods are called in my service class for the GET,PUT,POST..etc
Is there a better way to do the validation? I have read about Interceptors or Filters but not sure if that's the best practice.
Custom Exception:
public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
public ResourceNotFoundException() {
public ResourceNotFoundException(String message) {
Repository Validation:
public class RepositoryValidation {
private UniversityRepository universityRepository;
private CampusRepository campusRepository;
private BuildingRepository buildingRepository;
public void checkIfUniversityExists(Long universityId){
if (!universityRepository.exists(universityId))
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("University with id: " + universityId + " not found");
public void checkIfCampusExists(Long campusId){
if (!campusRepository.exists(campusId))
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Campus with id: " + campusId + " not found");
public void checkIfBuildingExists(Long buildingId){
if (!buildingRepository.exists(buildingId))
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Building with id: " + buildingId + " not found");
public class BuildingService {
private BuildingRepository buildingRepository;
private RepositoryValidation repositoryValidation;
public Iterable<Building> list(Long campusId) {
return buildingRepository.findAllByCampusId(campusId);
public Building create(Building building) {
public Building read(Long buildingId,Long campusId) {
return buildingRepository.findBuildingByIdAndCampusId(buildingId,campusId);
public Building update(Long buildingId,Building update) {
Building building = buildingRepository.findOne(buildingId);
public void delete(Long buildingId,Long campusId) {
buildingRepository.deleteBuildingByIdAndCampusId(buildingId, campusId);
You should look into Springs' Validation-Beanvalidation.
With this, you can use #Valid to do simple validations on properties, for example:
private String name;
You can also add the #Valid to inputs in a REST endpoint:
#RequestMapping("/foo", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void processFoo(#Valid Foo foo) { /* ... */ }
For your needs, you could consider creating a custom #Constraint.
You would first create the constraint annotation:
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})
public #interface MyConstraint {
And then the constraint validator:
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
public class MyConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator {
private Foo aDependency;
Notice you can inject other Spring beans into the ConstraintValidator as well.
Once implemented, this could easily be re-used and looks very concise.
