Cannot Write Data to ElasticSearch with AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration - spring-boot

I am trying out to write data to my local Elasticsearch Docker Container (7.4.2), for simplicity I used the AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration given from Spring also Overriding the entityMapper function. The I constructed my repository extending the ReactiveElasticsearchRepository
Then in the end I used my autowired repository to saveAll() my collection of elements containing the data. However Elasticsearch doesn't write any data. Also i have a REST controller which is starting my whole process returning nothing basicly, DeferredResult>
The REST method coming from my ApiDelegateImpl
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Void>> openUsageExporterStartPost() {
final DeferredResult<ResponseEntity<Void>> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<>();
ForkJoinPool.commonPool().execute(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return deferredResult;
My Elasticsearch Configuration
public class ElasticSearchConfig extends AbstractReactiveElasticsearchConfiguration {
private String elasticSearchEndpoint;
public EntityMapper entityMapper() {
final ElasticsearchEntityMapper entityMapper = new ElasticsearchEntityMapper(elasticsearchMappingContext(), new DefaultConversionService());
return entityMapper;
public ReactiveElasticsearchClient reactiveElasticsearchClient() {
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.builder()
return ReactiveRestClients.create(clientConfiguration);
My Repository
public interface OpenUsageRepository extends ReactiveElasticsearchRepository<OpenUsage, Long> {
#Document(indexName = "open_usages", type = "open_usages")
public class OpenUsage {
#Field(name = "id")
private Long id;
My Adapter Implementation
private final OpenUsageRepository openUsageRepository;
...transform entity into OpenUsage...
public void doSomething(final List<OpenUsage> openUsages){
And finally my IT test
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#TestPropertySource(locations = {""})
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = OpenUsageExporterApplicationIT.Initializer.class)
class OpenUsageExporterApplicationIT {
private int port;
private final static String STARTCALL = "http://localhost:%s/open-usage-exporter/start/";
private static ElasticsearchContainer container = new ElasticsearchContainer("").withExposedPorts(9200);
static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(final ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
final List<String> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
pairs.add("" + container.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + container.getFirstMappedPort());
pairs.add("" + container.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + container.getFirstMappedPort());
void testExportToES() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final List<OpenUsageEntity> openUsageEntities = dbPreparator.insertTestData();
assertTrue(openUsageEntities.size() > 0);
final String result = executeRestCall(STARTCALL);
// Awaitility here tells me nothing is in ElasticSearch :(
private String executeRestCall(final String urlTemplate) throws IOException {
final String url = String.format(urlTemplate, port);
final HttpUriRequest request = new HttpPost(url);
final HttpResponse response = HttpClientBuilder.create().build().execute(request);
// Get the result.
return EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());

public void doSomething(final List<OpenUsage> openUsages){
This lacks a semicolon at the end, so it should not compile.
But I assume this is just a typo, and there is a semicolon in reality.
Anyway, saveAll() returns a Flux. This Flux is just a recipe for saving your data, and it is not 'executed' until subscribe() is called by someone (or something like blockLast()). You just throw that Flux away, so the saving never gets executed.
How to fix this? One option is to add .blockLast() call:
But this will save the data in a blocking way effectively defeating the reactivity.
Another option is, if the code you are calling saveAll() from supports reactivity is just to return the Flux returned by saveAll(), but, as your doSomething() has void return type, this is doubtful.
It is not seen how your startExport() connects to doSomething() anyway. But it looks like your 'calling code' does not use any notion of reactivity, so a real solution would be to either rewrite the calling code to use reactivity (obtain a Publisher and subscribe() on it, then wait till the data arrives), or revert to using blocking API (ElasticsearchRepository instead of ReactiveElasticsearchRepository).


Is Spring #Component annotation used correctly?

The purpose of this question is to find out if the codes are written with the right approach. Let's do CRUD operations on categories and posts in the blog website project. To keep the question short, I shared just create and update side.
(Technologies used in the project: spring-boot, mongodb)
Let's start to model Category:
public class Category{
private String id;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String name;
#Indexed(unique = true, background = true)
private String slug;
// getter and setter
Abstract BaseController class and IController Interface is created for fundamental level save, delete and update operations. I shared below controller side:
public interface IController<T>{
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(T object);
#GetMapping(value = "/find-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> findAll();
#GetMapping(value = "/delete-all")
ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> deleteAll();
public abstract class BaseController<T extends MongoRepository<S,String>, S> implements IController<S> {
private T repository;
private BlogResponse blogResponse;
#PostMapping(value = "/save", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<BlogResponse> save(S object) {
try {
S model = (S);
String modelName = object.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
blogResponse.setMessage(modelName + " is saved successfully").putData(modelName, object);
} catch (DuplicateKeyException dke) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage("This data is already existing!!!"), HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse.setMessage(e.getMessage()), HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
return new ResponseEntity<BlogResponse>(blogResponse, HttpStatus.OK);
// delete, findAll and other controllers
#RequestMapping(value = "category")
public class CategoryController extends BaseController<ICategoryRepository, Category>{
// More specific opretions like findSlug() can be write here.
And finally BlogResponce component is shared below;
public class BlogResponse{
private String message;
private Map<String, Object> data;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public BlogResponse setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
return this;
public BlogResponse putData(String key, Object object){
if(data == null)
data = new HashMap<String,Object>();
return this;
public Map<String,Object> getData(){
return data;
public String toString() {
return "BlogResponse{" +
"message='" + message + '\'' +
", data=" + data +
Question: I am new spring boot and I want to move forward by doing it right. BlogResponse is set bean by using #Component annotation. This doc said that other annotations like #Controller, #Service are specializations of #Component for more specific use cases. So I think, I cant use them. BlogResponse is set prototype scope for create new object at each injection. Also it's life end after response because of #RequestScope. Are this annotations using correcty? Maybe there is more effective way or approach. You can remark about other roughness if it existing.

Spring Boot MeterRegistryCustomizer with NewRelicRegistry not working as I expect.

I have a bean, set up in a configuration class. My goal is to transform, deny, apply common tags and modify the metrics that are sent to New Relic.
Here is my configuration class
public class MetricsConfig {
private static final Duration HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY = Duration.ofMinutes(10);
private static final Duration STEP = Duration.ofSeconds(5);
private final transient String profile;
public MetricsConfig(#Value("${}") final String profile) {
this.profile = profile;
public MeterRegistryCustomizer<NewRelicMeterRegistry> metricsCommonTags() {"Configuring Registry");
return registry -> registry.config()
.commonTags(Arrays.asList(Tag.of("appId", "1111111"), Tag.of("environment", profile),
Tag.of("app", "aws-app-name")))
.meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
public Meter.Id map(Meter.Id id) {
return id.withName("app-name." + profile + "." + id.getName());
return id;
public DistributionStatisticConfig configure(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig config) {
return config.merge(DistributionStatisticConfig.builder()
.percentiles(0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
.bufferLength((int) (HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY.toMillis() / STEP.toMillis()))
}).meterFilter(MeterFilter.deny(id -> {
String uri = id.getTag("uri");"id: [{}]", id);
return (uri != null && uri.startsWith("/swagger") && uri.startsWith("/manage")) || !id.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("app-name");
Then, I also inject MeterRegistry into some of my classes to capture custom events (Timer, Counter).
Everything works in regards to capturing the events, except that the data in New Relic is missing the commonTags, transformations, and anything else that I apply in MetricsConfig class.
Am I missing something on making sure my app is wiring up the MeterRegistryCustomizer correctly?
Arg.. I had implemented a HandlerInterceptorAdapter to attempt to implement a Counter for all requests with additional tags. Which, it did not like.

spring testing #async method

I'm trying to test if #Async annotation of Spring is working as expected on my project. But It doesn't.
I have this test:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = GlobalConfiguration.class)
public class ActivityMessageListenerTest {
private ActivityMessageListener activityMessageListener;
private Long USER_ID = 1l;
private Long COMPANY_ID = 2l;
private Date DATE = new Date(10000000);
private String CLASSNAME = "className";
private Long CLASSPK = 14l;
private Integer TYPE = 22;
private String EXTRA_DATA = "extra";
private Long RECIVED_USER_ID = 99l;
public void setup() throws Exception {
public void testDoReceiveWithException() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Current thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap();
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_USER_ID, USER_ID);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_COMPANY_ID, COMPANY_ID);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CREATE_DATE, DATE);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CLASS_NAME, CLASSNAME);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CLASS_PK, CLASSPK);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_TYPE, TYPE);
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_EXTRA_DATA, EXTRA_DATA );
values.put(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_RECEIVED_USER_ID, RECIVED_USER_ID);
Message message = new Message();
MessageBusUtil.sendMessage(MKTDestinationNames.ACTIVITY_REGISTRY, message);
As you can see I'm printing the name of the current thread.
The class containing the #Async method is:
public class ActivityMessageListener extends BaseMessageListener {
public static final String PARAM_USER_ID = "userId";
public static final String PARAM_COMPANY_ID = "companyId";
public static final String PARAM_CREATE_DATE = "createDate";
public static final String PARAM_CLASS_NAME = "className";
public static final String PARAM_CLASS_PK = "classPK";
public static final String PARAM_TYPE = "type";
public static final String PARAM_EXTRA_DATA = "extraData";
public static final String PARAM_RECEIVED_USER_ID = "receiverUserId";
public ActivityMessageListener() {
MessageBusUtil.addQueue(MKTDestinationNames.ACTIVITY_REGISTRY, this);
#Async(value = "activityExecutor")
public void doReceive(Message message) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Current " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (1> 0)
throw new RuntimeException("lalal");
Map<String, Object> parameters = message.getValues();
Long userId = (Long)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_USER_ID);
Long companyId = (Long)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_COMPANY_ID);
Date createDate = (Date)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CREATE_DATE);
String className = (String)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CLASS_NAME);
Long classPK = (Long)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_CLASS_PK);
Integer type = (Integer)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_TYPE);
String extraData = (String)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_EXTRA_DATA);
Long receiverUserId = (Long)parameters.get(ActivityMessageListener.PARAM_RECEIVED_USER_ID);
ActivityLocalServiceUtil.addActivity(userId, companyId, createDate, className, classPK, type, extraData, receiverUserId);
Here I'm printing the name of the current thread inside of the #Async method, and the name is the same as before, main. So it's not working.
The GlobalConfiguration is:
...some packages...
public class GlobalConfiguration {...}
And inside one of the specified packages has the activityExecutor bean:
#EnableAsync(proxyTargetClass = true)
public class ExecutorConfiguration {
public ActivityMessageListener activityMessageListener() {
return new ActivityMessageListener();
public TaskExecutor activityExecutor()
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor =
new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return threadPoolTaskExecutor;
What I'm doing wrong?
Asynchronous behavior is added through proxying.
Spring provides you with a proxy that wraps the actual object and performs the actual invocation in a separate thread.
It looks something like this (except most of this is done dynamically with CGLIB or JDK proxies and Spring handlers)
class ProxyListener extends ActivityMessageListener {
private ActivityMessageListener real;
public ProxyListener(ActivityMessageListener real) {
this.real = real;
TaskExecutor executor; // injected
public void doReceive(Message message) throws Exception {
executor.submit(() -> real.doReceive(message)); // in another thread
ActivityMessageListener real = new ActivityMessageListener();
ProxyListener proxy = new ProxyListener(real);
Now, in a Spring world, you'd have a reference to the proxy object, not to the ActivityMessageListener. That is
ActivityMessageListener proxy = applicationContext.getBean(ActivityMessageListener.class);
would return a reference to the ProxyListener. Then, through polymorphism, invoking doReceive would go to the overriden Proxy#doReceive method which would invoke ActivityMessageListener#doReceive through delegation and you'd get your asynchronous behavior.
However, you're in a half Spring world.
public ActivityMessageListener() {
MessageBusUtil.addQueue(MKTDestinationNames.ACTIVITY_REGISTRY, this);
the reference this is actually referring to the real ActivityMessageListener, not to the proxy. So when, presumably, you send your message on the bus here
MessageBusUtil.sendMessage(MKTDestinationNames.ACTIVITY_REGISTRY, message);
you're sending it to the real object, which doesn't have the proxy asynchronous behavior.
The full Spring solution would be to have the MessabeBus (and/or its queue) be Spring beans in which you can inject the fully process (proxied, autowired, initialized) beans.
In reality, since CGLIB proxies are really just subclasses of your types, so the ProxyListener above would actually also add itself to the bus since the super constructor would be invoked. It would seem though that only one MessageListener can register itself with a key, like MKTDestinationNames.ACTIVITY_REGISTRY. If this isn't the case, you'd have to show more of that code for explanation.
In your test, if you do
you should see that asynchronous behavior since activityMessageListener should hold a reference to the proxy.

Testing with Mockito

I'm trying to test some services with Mockito but I have problems when the main class that I test and where I inject Mocks calls to super.
I run the project with spring and these are the steps I follow to get the error.
Here is where I create the test
public class UrlShortenerTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ShortURLRepository shortURLRepository;
private ClickRepository clickRespository;
private UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs urlShortenerWL;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(urlShortenerWL).build();
public void thatShortenerCreatesARedirectIfTheURLisOK() throws Exception {
.param("url", ""))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.target", is("")));
Here is the class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs with the method shortener, which is the one I want to test with the previous POST call
public class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs extends UrlShortenerController {
private ClickRepository clickRepository;
private ShortURLRepository SURLR;
public ResponseEntity<ShortURL> shortener(#RequestParam("url") String url,
#RequestParam(value = "sponsor", required = false) String sponsor,
#RequestParam(value = "brand", required = false) String brand,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ResponseEntity<ShortURL> su = super.shortener(url, sponsor, brand,
return su;
And this is the super class
public class UrlShortenerController {
protected ShortURLRepository shortURLRepository;
protected ClickRepository clickRepository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/link", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<ShortURL> shortener(#RequestParam("url") String url,
#RequestParam(value = "sponsor", required = false) String sponsor,
#RequestParam(value = "brand", required = false) String brand,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ShortURL su = createAndSaveIfValid(url, sponsor, brand, UUID
.randomUUID().toString(), extractIP(request));
if (su != null) {
HttpHeaders h = new HttpHeaders();
return new ResponseEntity<>(su, h, HttpStatus.CREATED);
} else {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
protected ShortURL createAndSaveIfValid(String url, String sponsor,
String brand, String owner, String ip) {
UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(new String[] { "http",
"https" });
if (urlValidator.isValid(url)) {
String id = Hashing.murmur3_32()
.hashString(url, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString();
ShortURL su = new ShortURL(id, url,
id, null)).toUri(), sponsor, new Date(
System.currentTimeMillis()), owner,
HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.value(), true, ip, null);
} else {
return null;
So, when I call to in the second method (createAndSaveIfValid), it never enters in the method save, so it returns me null instead of the object I want.
The code of the implementation of ShortURLRepository and the method save is:
public class ShortURLRepositoryImpl implements ShortURLRepository {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory
public ShortURL save(ShortURL su) {
try {
jdbc.update("INSERT INTO shorturl VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
su.getHash(), su.getTarget(), su.getSponsor(),
su.getCreated(), su.getOwner(), su.getMode(), su.getSafe(),
su.getIP(), su.getCountry());
} catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
log.debug("When insert for key " + su.getHash(), e);
return su;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("When insert", e);
return null;
return su;
I think that the problem is that the object ShortURLRepository created in the test class is not initialized on the super class (UrlShortenerController) or something similar.
Is it possible?
Can anybody help me?
The full code is in:
The class UrlShortenerTests is in:
The class UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs is in:
The class UrlShortenerController is in:
The class ShortURLRepositoryImpl is in:
This is not an error. This is the expected behaviour. #Mock creates a mock. #InjectMocks creates an instance of the class and injects the mocks that are created with the #Mock. A mock is not a real object with known values and methods. It is an object that has the same interface as the declared type but you control its behaviour. By default the mocked object methods do nothing (e.g. return null). Therefore if ShortURLRepository is mocked and injected in UrlShortenerControllerWithLogs calling save in the injected ShortURLRepository does not call the real code as you expected, it does nothing. If you want to mock the behaviour of save, add the following code in your setup:
then(new Answer<ShortURL>() {
public ShortURL answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
ShortURL su = (ShortURL) invocation.getArguments()[0];
// Do something with su if needed
return su;

Generate static map from database using a singleton class also using spring configuration #Autowired

I need to create an unmodifiable map generated from data obtained by querying a database. How, or can I, or is there a better way to do this using spring annotations?
I ran into a problem when creating a singleton for my Regions class and then trying to #Autowire in a RegionService to grab the object from the DAO. The problem is that spring can't instantiate the RegionService because it needs to instantiate the static singleton class Regions which needs to get data from the database as shown below in the constructor.
Please see me classes below (I've removed multiple unneeded methods that don't pertain to this question):
public final class Region {
private static final String DEFAULT_SEPERATOR = "-";
private final Integer key;
private final String description;
public Region(Integer pKey, String pDescription) {
this.key = pKey;
this.description = pDescription;
public Integer getKey() {
return this.key;
public String getValue() {
return this.description;
Here is my singleton:
public final class Regions {
private static Regions regionsInstance = null;
private RegionService regionService;
static Map<Integer, Region> regions;
private Regions() {
final Map<Integer, Region> tempRegions = new HashMap<Integer, Region>();
for (final Region region : this.regionService.retrieveAll()) {
tempRegions.put(region.getKey(), region);
regions = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempRegions);
public static synchronized Regions getRegionsInstance() {
if (regionsInstance == null) {
regionsInstance = new Regions();
return regionsInstance;
public Region getRegion(final Integer pKey) {
return regions.get(pKey);
public List<Region> getRegions() {
return (List<Region>) regions.values();
My DAO and Service are just interfaces, no need to post those, here are my Impls:
public class RegionServiceImpl implements RegionService {
private RegionDAO regionDao;
public List<Region> retrieveAll() {
return this.regionDao.retrieveAll();
My DAOImpl (tested and works, just posting to give you the full picture):
public class RegionDAOImpl implements RegionDAO {
private static final String SQL_RETRIEVE_REGIONS = "some random SQL";
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public List<Region> retrieveAll() {
try {
return this.jdbcTemplate.query(SQL_RETRIEVE_REGIONS, new ResultSetExtractor<List<Region>>() {
public List<Region> extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException {
return RegionDAOImpl.this.mapRegionData(rs);
} catch (final DataAccessException dae) {
throw new DaoException("Could not retrieve regionList from database. " + dae);
protected final List<Region> mapRegionData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
final List<Region> regionList = new ArrayList<Region>();
while ( {
regionList.add(new Region(rs.getInt("REGION_CD"), rs.getString("REGION_TXT")));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(regionList);
Then I run my test(I took out unneeded crap):
#..annotated with things you don't need to know
public class RetrieveRegionsTest {
private Regions r;
public void getAndLogRegion() {
final List<Region> regionDescriptions = new ArrayList<Region>(this.r.getRegions());
for (final Region region : regionDescriptions) {;
Yes my configuration and classpaths are set up properly. I can get this to work other ways, just not by accessing the Regions singleton which is what I want. Now I know I could take off the #Autowired on the RegionService in my Regions singleton and just create a new instance of RegionService, but that would defeat the purpose of springs #Autowired feature.
Any thoughts, ideas, comments?
