Can´t install Intel OpenCL SDK in Windows 8 - windows

I´m trying to install sdk of open cl sdk of Intel in my machine to use in Visual Studio 2010 or 2012, but when I install, the instalation rollback and didn´t install when I select to integrate with any version of Visual Studio, but if I didn´t select any option to integrate it install.
So I need to use this in Visual Studio for my class.
I changed the permission folder in Windows 8 and it didn´t works.
I´m using windows 8 single language 64 bits, actually using Visual Studio C++ Express 2010.

I just read a blog post on a similar topic. The fix there might work for you as well. I haven't tried it myself since I'm not having this problem.
Please see:
In this case the blogger was not able to install the latest Intel OpenCL SDK after upgrading to Windows 8.1


Visual Studio not detected while installing CUDA 7.5 on Windows 7?

For the past few days I have installed many versions of visual studio, but nothing is picked up by CUDA 7.5:
I am on windows 7, what could be the issue?
EDIT: I have versions of Visual Studio that CUDA 7.5 asks for, please refer to the image for what versions I have installed.
In your installed programs, more precisely in the screenshot you provide, it seems you have the redist packages but not Visual Studio itself.
Did you really installed Visual Studio ?
Do you know the big difference between the redist packages and the integrated development environment itself ?
Plus, it seems by now Visual Studio 2015 is not yet supported.
See this page on the documentation from Nvidia.

Apache Cordova Tool VS 2013 - Unable To Attach

Unable to attach debugger "File not Found" using template for Apache Cordova in vs 2013. Happening on both Win 8.1 64 machine and win 7 SP1 64 machine.
Project builds and runs correctly in both emulator and ripple but generates error "Unable To Attach. The system can not find the file specified." No further information is given - as in what file is not being found, which would have been nice.
Unlike the other solutions I have seen on web, installs on both machines ARE on a system drive. Latest updates are installed for node, git and android sdk. Environment variables and path variables are correct on both machines. Tried all api's 19 and above, uninstalling and reinstalling the tool multiple times, updating from command line.
Issue occurred after switching from visual studio 2013 Pro update 3 to community edition update 4 on both machines.
Have even tried uninstalling every piece of software having to do with android dev (Eclipse, Android Studio, Cordova, Phonegap, the tool) and reinstalling the Cordova Tool with all of the default options. Still same error on both machines - currently just using chrome to debug.
Noticed that it seems to be a similar error(the adb.exe error) but without the file name, given when trying to debug on a phone that has less than 4.4.
Any suggestions? Thank you for any help in advance.
I had exactly the same error and I successfully resolved it.
My configuration:
Windows 7 Pro 64 bits - French
Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (French Edition)
What I did to solve the problem:
First, I installed ENU Language Pack for Visual Studio to install English language
Then, I switched the language of my Visual Studio to english
Finally, I repaired my CTP 3.0 installation.
After that, I was able to debug application from my android device.
Another solution (but not suitable for everyone since it's required a MSDN Account) : using the Visual Studio 2015 Preview.
What is the version/build number/size of the resources assembly in
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebClient.Diagnostics.HtmlToolHost.resources\12.0.* ?
You can right click on the binary and check its properties.

Can't create project on Visual Studio for Windows Phone

I want to start developing App for Windows Phone.
I have installed Visual Studio 2010 Express, Updating it to SP1. Install Windows Phone SDK 7.1. And when I want to create a new Project, here comes the error.
I have installed .NET Framework 3.5 to 4.5. Silverlight SDK 4.0. What am I missing here ?
I am using Windows 8 32 bit if it has any difference.
Microsoft made developing for windows-phone as complicated as possible. )
So, basically there are two solutions, that are guaranteed to work:
1) You can develop on Visual Studio 2010 for windows-phone-7 on Windows 7.
2)You can develop on Visual Studio 2012 for windows-phone-8 on Windows 8(64-bit).
The other variations are more like a 'dance with tambourine', in my humble opinion.
There are solutions, but they are all tricky.
What may work for you:
Check this question, maybe it helps.
The first answer has a link with instruction of how-to install a sdk for wp7 on windows 8. Try it. However, there's no mention about 32-it system, so it might also not work.
Right now, you've said, you've installed SDK 7.0. Try to to, as suggested in above-mentioned link and install Windows Phone SDK 7.1 and 7.1.1 update.

Install XNA 4.0 Visual Studio 2010 Windows 8

I installed windows 8 a month ago and now want to add xna game studio 4.0 to my visual studio 2010 ultimate. I downloaded the xna installer from and ran the setup. First it said something about compatibility issues but the setup continued. after it finished I restarted the computer and wanted to make a xna project but its not showing in the c# drop-down menu. So i took a look at the %programm files(x86)%/Microsoft viual studio 10.0/Common 7/IDE/extensions/Microsoft, but there was no xna folder. Did I do something wrong or is windows 8 having some issues with vs2010 and xna 4.0?
XNA is not officially supported on Windows 8 and never will be because Microsoft simply gave up on it.
This solution explains how to install XNA on Windows 8 but clearly if you want a stable development environment you will have to develop on a Windows 7 machine but remember that even if you are skilled on XNA, the Framework itself is doomed and bound to disappear.
If you want to keep developing with C# on Windows 8 I can only recommend you move to MonoGame which is an open source implementation of the XNA 4 API for multiple platforms using the CLR or Mono so basically most of your XNA knowledge can be reused in MonoGame.
IF you realy want to keep on programming with XNA 4.0 there is a work around.
Just install the following program (official windows program):
This is the windows marketplace client which seems to help a lot, after installing try installing xna again it should work, atleast it did fine on my PC which is running windows 8.
XNA Game Studio installs a version of the Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable behind the scenes. Some older versions of the Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable attempt to install and use a file that is being installed by Windows 8, and the older versions of the redistributable are not compatible with the newer version of the file that is installed by Windows 8. Newer versions of the Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable are compatible with Windows 8, and if you pre-install the new redistributable before installing XNA Game Studio, setup will recognize that it is already there and use the new version instead of trying to install the old version.
How to work around this issue
If you run into this issue, here are steps that you can use to work around it:
Download and install the latest version of the Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable from
If you are installing the Windows Phone SDK 7.1, re-run setup and choose to repair it. This will re-run the previously failing XNA Game Studio installers and they should install correctly this time.
If you are install a standalone XNA Game Studio product, re-run setup and it should install correctly this time.
If you are planning to do Windows Phone development, you should also install the Windows Phone SDK 7.1.1 Update after installing the Windows Phone SDK 7.1. This update fixes an issue that prevents the emulator in the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 from working correctly on Windows 8.
Microsoft has NOT given up on XNA as far as I can tell. They just aren't updating the installer yet. Maybe they'll bring it around for 8.1. Who knows?
i have installed windows 8 developper preview
and i wanted to install xna frame work on visual studio 2012
but i had a compatibility issue
so here is what to do to fix this problem
go ahead and download Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ISO from microsoft
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ISO Microsoft Center Download
Then Burn it on a cd using Burning Tool (Nero Express for exp)
if you dont have cd to burn it you can use Daemon Tools to raise an ISO into a virtual CD/DVD drive
Here is the Download Link for Daemon tools
after installing Visual Studio 2010
install the XNA 4.0 FrameWork
restart your pc
and enjoy :)
This is the official solution, where Microsoft's help points you to, to solve this issue:
How to work around a possible XNA Game Studio or Windows Phone SDK
install failure on Windows 8
And, if you are just trying to get XNA 4.0 working, and have nothing to do with Windows Phone SDK 7.1, then you can just install "Games for Windows – LIVE Redistributable" and then the install of XNA 4.0 should work fine. It did for me.

Windows Phone 7 Development and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Is Windows Phone 7 Development SDK available for other versions of Visual Studio 2010 than Express?
If I already have the Ultimate version do I still need to download VS2010 Express to use WP7 SDK?
When you install the Windows Phone 7 SDK it installs everything including "Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone" even if you have another non-express version of Visual Studio 2010 already installed.
If you have another version of VS2010 installed. the installer will NOT create any shortcuts for the express version. Nor will it set any file associations for it.
This has two effects:
The installer is simpler (It just gets everything and only needs logic around setting shortcuts) and so should be less buggy. - Most people have no issues with it. The few who do have problems have mostly fixed them with a repair of the install.
You can use both the Express and other version of VS2010 on the same machine. I find this particularly useful when looking at open source or demo projects which were created with the express version.
The WP7 environment will install into your existing instance of Visual Studio if you have one (and will install an Express edition if you don't)
Yes, you would need to download the full SDK. But nothing to worry since installing the SDK would automatically take care of installing the templates, and you should be able to work with your Ultimate edition with all the goodness :)
Microsoft could verify that the Visual Studio (not Express) is already installed on the machine BEFORE you download the Express version!
Still, the Express version does not interfere with your other version of Visual Studio.
