Best ways to diagnose elasticsearch issues? - elasticsearch

The question is a little broad, but I feel there is no one place that helps systematically diagnose elastic search issues. The broad categories could be :
Query errors
Incorrect Query Results
Unexplained behaviors
Setup issues
Performance issues
Critical errors
Unexplained behaviors
Example for 1)a) would be to say, log the query string on the server ( reference to how to enable logging would be nice), install the inquistor plugin (link to github) and run the query string yourself. etc.

Your question is very broad and to be honest I am not sure I can fully answer it, however I will tell you how we monitor and manage our cluster.
1 - We log query logs and slow query logs to graylog2 (it uses es under the hood) so we can easily see, report, and alert on all logging from our cluster. We can also view slow queries that have occurred.
2 - we send es stats to statsd and then graph that information in graphite. This way we can see things like cluster state, query counts, indexing counts, jvm stats, disk i/o, etc. All parsed from the es stats api and sent to statsd
3 - we use fabric scripts to deploy/upgrade the cluster and manage plugin installation
4 - we use jenkins and jmeter to run occasional performance tests against the cluster (are we getting slower over time, does the cluster deployment work?)
5 - we use bigdesk and head plugins to keep an eye on the cluster and explore how it is doing.


How to increase resource allocation to ravendb

I'm trying to process a document and store many documents into ravendb which I have running locally.
I'm getting the error
Tried to send *ravendb.BatchCommand request via POST to all configured nodes in the topology, all of them seem to be down or not responding. I've tried to access the following nodes:
I was able to fetch mydb topology from
Fetched topology: ( url:, clusterTag: A, serverRole: Member)
exit status 1
To me, it sounds like maybe my local cluster is running out of compute to process the large amount of data I'm trying to store.
RavenDB says I'm using 3 of 12 available cores, and I'd also like to make sure it's using a reasonable amount of the ram I have available on the machine (I'd even be happy with giving it a swap)
But reading around online, I'm not finding much helpful information for making sure RavenDB is able to use what it needs. I found the settings.json so I can add in configurations which theoretically should get included into the server but I'm not making much progress.
I also found some settings and changed "reassign cores" to 12 but it says that still 3/12 are being used and 6/31.1 GB of memory are being used.
If an alternative solution is recommended I'm all ears. I just need to run things locally and storing everything as json's doesn't enable fast enough retrieval for my usecase.
I was able to install mongodb and setup a local database. It hasn't given me any problems yet. RavenDB looks appealing if I understood it better but I guess I'll stick with the tried and true for this project.
It is highly unlikely that you managed to run out of resources on the server with 3 cores / 6 GB unless you are pushing hundreds of millions of documents and doing very heavy work.
Do you get any error on the server? There should be more details on the error or in the server log.

Elastic SIEM - alerting and correlation

I was asked to do research, how can a very basic SIEM with Elastic Stack be build.
I managed to set up stack with Elasticsearch, Kibana and Beats, but now: How can I write correlation rules, like: If someone failed to log in 10 times in last 3 mins - ALERT. Or if there is unusual activity of scanning ports (detect nmap activity) - ALERT. How can it be done? Using only free options.
Elastics free and open license allows the usage of detections.
Machine Learning is a paid feature but correlations (EQL) and normal detections (query) can be build. You also get to use the kibana interface to handle the signals into cases.

AWS Aurora / Lambda serverless production environment exhibiting occasional spikes

We've been running our production web app off AWS Lambda / API Gateway, with an Aurora serverless database. Things had been running smoothly for over a year, but recently (coinciding with much increased periods of peak usage) we've experienced temporary slowness, and in the worst case unavailability, due to some kind of bottleneck that results in a spike in the number of DB connections and 4XX and 5XX from our two APIs.
We're using the serverless-mysql library to execute queries and manage DB connections.
Some potential causes of the issue that have been eliminated:
There are no long-running queries locking up tables or anything of that sort (as demonstrated by show full processlist in MySQL), in fact no query runs longer than 1s accordingly to our slow_log
All calls to await serverlessMysql.query() are immediately followed by await serverlessMysql.end()
Our database manager class is instantiated outside the Lambda handler, so it isn't reinstantiated every time a Lambda instance is reused
We've adjusted the config options for serverless-mysql so that retries aren't so aggresive. The default config makes it very aggressive in retrying to connect, both in frequency and number of retries. This has definitely helped, but has not eliminated the problem.
What details can I post that might help someone diagnose this problem? It's a major pain in the ass.
It would be helpful to see the load this application is getting. Which I know is easier said than done with Lambda.
You sort of hinted at it, but it's possible you're hitting the Max Connections() on the 'capacity class' your aurora serverless instance is set to. I've hit this a few times. It's hard to discover with lambda and serverless aurora because you don't have the same logging you would traditionally have.
Outside of that, the core issue you're experiencing seems to be related to spikes created from your application - so you need to discover if a query is maybe just inefficient, and running too many times at once. These are almost impossible to troubleshoot with Lambda logs. But db locks still occur with aurora serverless.
To help track down the issue, you could try the following:
Setup APM
I highly, highly, recommend getting something like NewRelic setup and monitoring your Lambda function.
I'm pretty sure NR has a free trial option, and tracking down a problem like this would be seemingly simple with an APM. I can't tell you how much easier problems like this are to solve with a solid apm.
Monitor traffic ingress
Again, I'm not sure of what this application is doing, but it could be possible that a spike in network traffic from a particular user kicks off a load of queries that make things go awry. Setup a free Cloudflare account or some other proxy if you can, and determine network traffic more easily.
Hope this helps.

ubuntu server cpu utilisation increasing very quickly after installing ELK

I installed elasticsearch logstash and kibana in the ubuntu server. Before I starting these services the CPU utilization is less than 5% and after starting these services in the next minute the CPU utilization crossing 85%. I don't know why it is happening. Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thanks in advance.
There is not enough information in your question to give you a specific answer, but i will point out few possible scenarios and how to deal with them.
Did you wait long enough? sometimes there is a warmpup which is consuming higher CPU until all services are registered and finish to boot. if you have a fairly small machine it might consume higher CPU and take longer to finish.
folder write permissions. if any of the components of the ELK fails due to restricted access on needed directories either for logging, creating sub folders for sinceDB files or more it can cause it to go into an infinity loop and try again and again while it is consuming high CPU.
connection issues. ES should be the first component to start, if it fails, Kibana and Logstash will go and try to connect to the ES again and again until successful connection- which can cause high CPU.
bad logstash configuration. if logstash fails to read the file from the configurations or if you have a bad parsing, excessive parsing for example- your first "match" in the filter part will include the least common option it might consume high CPU.
For further investigation:
I suggest you to not start all of them together. start ES first. if everything goes well start Kibana and lastly start Logstash.
check the logs of all the ELK components to find error messages, failures, etc.
for a better answer I will need the yaml of all 3 components (ES, Kibana, Logstash)
I will need the logstash configuration file.
Would recommend you to analyse the CPU cycles consumed by each of the elasticsearch, logstash and kibana process.
Check specifically which process among the above is consuming the most memory/cpu via top command for example.
Start only ES first and allow it to settle and the node to be started completely before starting kibana and may be logstash after that.
Send me the logs for each and I can assist if there are any errors.

Marklogic latency : Document not found

I am working on a clustered marklogic environment where we have 10 Nodes. All nodes are shared E&D Nodes.
Problem that we are facing:
When a page is written in marklogic its takes some time (upto 3 secs) for all the nodes in the cluster to get updated & its during this time if I then do a read operation to fetch the previously written page, its not found.
Has anyone experienced this latency issue? and looked at eliminating it then please let me know.
It's normal for a new document to only appear after the database transaction commits. But it is not normal for a commit to take 3-sec.
Which version of MarkLogic Server?
Which OS and version?
Can you describe the hardware configuration?
How large are these documents? All other things equal, update time should be proportional to document size.
Can you reproduce this with a standalone host? That should eliminate cluster-related network latency from the transaction, which might tell you something. Possibly your cluster network has problems, or possibly one or more of the hosts has problems.
If you can reproduce the problem with a standalone host, use system monitoring to see what that host is doing at the time. On linux I favor something like iostat -Mxz 5 and top, but other tools can also help. The problem could be disk I/O - though it would have to be really slow to result in 3-sec commits. Or it might be that your servers are low on RAM, so they are paging during the commit phase.
If you can't reproduce it with a standalone host, then I think you'll have to run similar system monitoring on all the hosts in the cluster. That's harder, but for 10 hosts it is just barely manageable.
