AWS Aurora / Lambda serverless production environment exhibiting occasional spikes - aws-lambda

We've been running our production web app off AWS Lambda / API Gateway, with an Aurora serverless database. Things had been running smoothly for over a year, but recently (coinciding with much increased periods of peak usage) we've experienced temporary slowness, and in the worst case unavailability, due to some kind of bottleneck that results in a spike in the number of DB connections and 4XX and 5XX from our two APIs.
We're using the serverless-mysql library to execute queries and manage DB connections.
Some potential causes of the issue that have been eliminated:
There are no long-running queries locking up tables or anything of that sort (as demonstrated by show full processlist in MySQL), in fact no query runs longer than 1s accordingly to our slow_log
All calls to await serverlessMysql.query() are immediately followed by await serverlessMysql.end()
Our database manager class is instantiated outside the Lambda handler, so it isn't reinstantiated every time a Lambda instance is reused
We've adjusted the config options for serverless-mysql so that retries aren't so aggresive. The default config makes it very aggressive in retrying to connect, both in frequency and number of retries. This has definitely helped, but has not eliminated the problem.
What details can I post that might help someone diagnose this problem? It's a major pain in the ass.

It would be helpful to see the load this application is getting. Which I know is easier said than done with Lambda.
You sort of hinted at it, but it's possible you're hitting the Max Connections() on the 'capacity class' your aurora serverless instance is set to. I've hit this a few times. It's hard to discover with lambda and serverless aurora because you don't have the same logging you would traditionally have.
Outside of that, the core issue you're experiencing seems to be related to spikes created from your application - so you need to discover if a query is maybe just inefficient, and running too many times at once. These are almost impossible to troubleshoot with Lambda logs. But db locks still occur with aurora serverless.
To help track down the issue, you could try the following:
Setup APM
I highly, highly, recommend getting something like NewRelic setup and monitoring your Lambda function.
I'm pretty sure NR has a free trial option, and tracking down a problem like this would be seemingly simple with an APM. I can't tell you how much easier problems like this are to solve with a solid apm.
Monitor traffic ingress
Again, I'm not sure of what this application is doing, but it could be possible that a spike in network traffic from a particular user kicks off a load of queries that make things go awry. Setup a free Cloudflare account or some other proxy if you can, and determine network traffic more easily.
Hope this helps.


AWS Aurora MySQL multi-reader CPU utilization

I have an Aurora MySQL database with a writer and 3 readers,
My server SQL calls are always done using the Aurora reader endpoint (except writing of course),
For some reason, too often on my app's peak hours, one of the readers will reach 100% cpu usage and the other readers will be around the 10-20% CPU usage, this scenario is causing me serious issues as if I try to make some calls from my app (or any other person for that matter) I will not get a response due to the fact that the reader will not serve me (which is weird since the other 2 are available), I'm not sure if there is something I'm missing regarding the distribution of queries and connections between the different readers, is there any other action required to be done in order to create a better distribution between the readers?
As far as I know, the moment you create multiple readers the reader endpoint should automatically act as a load balancer exactly for this purpose.
If it's of any help, the 3 readers are all db.r3.xlarge.

How to limit Couchbase client from trying to connect to Couchbase server when it's down?

I'm trying to handle Couchbase bootstrap failure gracefully and not fail the application startup. The idea is to use "Couchbase as a service", so that if I can't connect to it, I should still be able to return a degraded response. I've been able to somewhat achieve this by using the Couchbase async API; RxJava FTW.
Problem is, when the server is down, the Couchbase Java client goes crazy and keeps trying to connect to the server; from what I see, the class that does this is ConfigEndpoint and there's no limit to how many times it tries before giving up. This is flooding the logs with Connection refused errors. What I'd like, is for it to try a few times, and then stop.
Got any ideas that can help?
Here's a sample app.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
svn export
From the beer-demo directory, run ./gradlew bootRun. Wait for the application to start up.
From another console, run curl -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/beers". The client request is going to timeout due to the failure to connect to Couchbase, but Couchbase client is going to flood the console continuously.
The reason we choose to have the client continue connecting is that Couchbase is typically deployed in high-availability clustered situations. Most people who run our SDK want it to keep trying to work. We do it pretty intelligently, I think, in that we do an exponential backoff and have tuneables so it's reasonable out of the box and can be adjusted to your environment.
As to what you're trying to do, one of the tuneables is related to retry. With adjustment of the timeout value and the retry, you can have the client referenceable by the application and simply fast fail if it can't service the request.
The other option is that we do have a way to let your application know what node would handle the request (or null if the bootstrap hasn't been done) and you can use this to implement circuit breaker like functionality. For a future release, we're looking to add circuit breakers directly to the SDK.
All of that said, these are not the normal path as the intent is that your Couchbase Cluster is up, running and accessible most of the time. Failures trigger failovers through auto-failover, which brings things back to availability. By design, Couchbase trades off some availability for consistency of data being accessed, with replica reads from exception handlers and other intentionally stale reads for you to buy into if you need them.
Hope that helps and glad to get any feedback on what you think we should do differently.
Solved this issue myself. The client I designed handles the following use cases:
The client startup must be resilient of CB failure/availability.
The client must not fail the request, but return a degraded response instead, if CB is not available.
The client must reconnect should a CB failover happens.
I've created a blog post here. I understand it's preferable to copy-paste rather than linking to an external URL, but the content is too big for an SO answer.
Start a separate thread and keep calling ping on it every 10 or 20 seconds, one CB is down ping will start failing, have a check like "if ping fails 5-6 times continuous then close all the CB connections/resources"

About App Engine scalability and the 60 seconds timeout

I have an app-engine+spring+hibernate mobile/web backend configured with F2 instances and D2 cloud sql instance. I've also configure warm-ups by configuring Idle Instances to be minimum 1.
I have two questions:
Is it possible to configure cloud sql instances to scale up when
My app takes about 20-40 seconds to start (after removing autowiring and doing all the optimization tips described here: Still I get slow latency (~20-40 seconds) for some of the requests during load testing. I believe this is because app engine starts new instances and it takes them this much time to start. After the instances are up and running, everything is working fine, until too many users connect and again the delay. Is there a way I can solve this other then configuring more minimum live instances?
For your question regarding Cloud SQL, it currently does not have auto scaling capability.
As Tony said, you can't configure Cloud SQL to automatically scale according to demand. You could, of course, configure it to serve a higher expected demand from the beginning.
On the side, I'd like to suggest different things you could do with your app servers:
Change from F2 to F4 or F4_1G (if you're using a lot of memory) to see if that reduces your startup time.
If you're not doing it yet, you could use AppStats [1] to get a better understanding of which are the bottlenecks of your app. If it's only the startup time, and (1) doesn't help, I'm sorry that configure more idle servers would be the answer you're looking for.

Azure in role cache exceptions when service scales

I am using Windows Azure SDK 2.2 and have created an Azure cloud service that uses an in-role cache.
I have 2 instances of the service running under normal conditions.
When the services scales (up to 3 instances, or back down to 2 instances), I get lots of DataCacheExceptions. These are often accompanied by Azure db connection failures from the process going in inside the cache. (If I don't find the entry I want in the cache, I get it from the db and put it into the cache. All standard stuff.)
I have implemented retry processes on the cache gets and puts, and use the ReliableSqlConnection object with a retry process for db connection using the Transient Fault Handling application block.
The retry process uses a fixed interval retrying every second for 5 tries.
The failures are typically;
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheException: ErrorCode:SubStatus:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later
Any idea why the scaling might cause these exceptions?
Should I try a less aggressive retry policy?
Any help appreciated.
I have also noticed that I am getting a high percentage (> 70%) cache miss rate and when the system is struggling, there is high cpu utilisation (> 80%).
Well, I haven't been able to find out any reason for the errors I am seeing, but I have 'fixed' the problem, sort of!
When looking at the last few days processing stats, it is clear the high cpu usage corresponds with the cloud service having 'problems'. I have changed the service to use two medium instances instead of two small instances.
This seems to have solved the problem, and the service has been running quite happily, low cpu usage, low memory usage, no exceptions.
So, whilst still not discovering what the source of the problems were, I seem to have overcome them by providing a bigger environment for the service to run in.
--Late news!!! I noticed this morning that from about 06:30, the cpu usage started to climb, along with the time taken for the service to process as it should. Errors started appearing and I had to restart the service at 10:30 to get things back to 'normal'. Also, when restarting the service, the OnRoleRun process threw loads of DataCacheExceptions before it started running again, 45 minutes later.
Now all seems well again, and I will monitor for the next hours/days...
There seems to be no explanation for this, remote desktop to the instances show no exceptions in the event log, other logging is not showing application problems, so I am still stumped.

EC2 for handling demand spikes

I'm writing the backend for a mobile app that does some cpu intensive work. We anticipate the app will not have heavy usage most of the time, but will have occasional spikes of high demand. I was thinking what we should do is reserve a couple of 24/7 servers to handle the steady-state of low demand traffic and then add and remove EC2 instances as needed to handle the spikes. The mobile app will first hit a simple load balancing server that does a simple round-robin user distribution among all the available processing servers. The load balancer will handle bringing new EC2 instances up and turning them back off as needed.
Some questions:
I've never written something like this before, does this sound like a good strategy?
What's the best way to handle bringing new EC2 instances up and back down? I was thinking I could just create X instances ahead of time, set them up as needed (install software, etc), and then stop each instance. The load balancer will then start and stop the instances as needed (eg through boto). I think this should be a lot faster and easier than trying to create new instances and install everything through a script or something. Good idea?
One thing I'm concerned about here is the cost of turning EC2 instances off and back on again. I looked at the AWS Usage Report and had difficulty interpreting it. I could see starting a stopped instance being a potentially costly operation. But it seems like since I'm just starting a stopped instance rather than provisioning a new one from scratch it shouldn't be too bad. Does that sound right?
This is a very reasonable strategy. I used it successfully before.
You may want to look at Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) in combination with Auto Scaling. Conceptually the two should solve this exact problem.
Back when I did this around 2010, ELB had some problems with certain types of HTTP requests that prevented us from using it. I understand those issues are resolved.
Since ELB was not an option, we manually launched instances from EBS snapshots as needed and manually added them to an NGinX load balancer. That certainly could have been automated using the AWS APIs, but our peaks were so predictable (end of month) that we just tasked someone to spin up the new instances and didn't get around to automating the task.
When an instance is stopped, I believe the only cost that you pay is for the EBS storage backing the instance and its data. Unless your instances have a huge amount of data associated, the EBS storage charge should be minimal. Perhaps things have changed since I last used AWS, but I would be surprised if this changed much if at all.
First with regards to costs, whether an instance is started from scratch or from a stopped state has no impact on cost. You are billed for the amount of compute units you use over time, period.
Second, what you are looking to do is called autoscaling. What you do is setup up a launch config that specifies an AMI you are going to use (along with any user-data configs you are using, the ELB and availiabilty zones you are going to use, min and max number of instances, etc. You set up a scaling group using that launch config. Then you set up scaling policies to determine what scaling actions are going to be attached to the group. You then attach cloud watch alarms to each of those policies to trigger the scaling actions.
You don't have servers in reserve that you attach to the ELB or anything like that. Everything is based on creating a single AMI that is used as the template for the servers you need.
You should read up on autoscaling at the link below:
