So I just upgraded to Mavericks and now one of my Codekit Compass projects isn't compiling properly. I've getting the following error in Codekit (latest version):
Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project:
Encoding::CompatibilityError on line ["28"] of /Applications/ incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
(This action was triggered by a change to lks.scss)
Any ideas anyone? Bit stuck.
I also saw that issue. Cracking open the file in question and going to line 28, I saw this:
result << child_str + ( == :compressed ? '' : "\n")
So it has something to do with reading either your Compass settings or CSS output settings incorrectly after the upgrade. Switch your output settings to uncompressed, save, then switch back and save again and it should autocorrect.
Had this problem to. What fixed it for me was editing the config.rb file for the project, and adding this line:
encoding = "utf-8"
Saving, then quitting and restarting CodeKit.
I've been unable to find something similar to this on a Google search, but using VSCode and Dart Sass (now v 1.23.1) and running sass --watch css the file keeps on saving/compiling
There seemed to be no issue earlier today. However, the version I was running was 1.21. (I updated Sass to use the new module spec)
What is happening?
The file main.scss is saved
Terminal displays Compiled css/main.scss to css/main.css
It then loops, printing the following
Compiled css/main.css to css/main.css
Things I have tried
Uninstalled and reinstalled sass
deleted map files and related compiled files
Aprart from that, I am at a loss of what to try next. Has anyone experienced similar to this and what did they do to resolve it?
It seems this has been reported as a bug in the Dart-Sass repository and a pull request has been opened.
I hit this problem running rake on a RubyMotion project, but it feels like it's a more general RVM-on-Mac issue.
I'm running rvm 2.3.1 on OSX 10.11.6
If I fire up irb and try require 'bridgesupportparser' I get the error
cannot load such file -- bridgesupportparser (LoadError)
I can find the .rb file at
And if I do
require '/System/Library/BridgeSupport/ruby-2.0/bridgesupportparser'',
I get a new error, which is
'cannot load such file --'
It looks like I need and bridgesupportparser.rb to be somewhere ruby can find them.
I have several bridgesupportparser.rb files on my machine, but no There are bridgesupportparser.bundle files, though - looks like they may be the Mac version of the .so files.
As I first ran into it with RubyMotion, I did the following:
New install of Xcode (8.0)
Deleted and reinstalled RubyMotion (4.13)
Tried this (suggested here):
mv /Library/RubyMotion/lib/BridgeSupport mv
rake newclear
But none of that has fixed the issue. Any ideas appreciated!
I use Grunt for compiling SASS files.
It gives an error message:
Running " Sass : dist " ( Sass ) task
Warning: Error : Invalid UTF-8
Use --force to Continue .
What should I do to fix this?
Presumably, grunt.js requires your input files to be encoded in UTF-8. Check that they are. I don’t know how you’re creating your SASS files, as you haven’t seen fit to tell us. If they’re created by hand in a text editor, check that the text editor is set to save files in UTF-8 encoding.
I don’t really understand why you’ve asked a question here. The error message says that your input files are not in valid UTF-8 encoding. So fix that. What’s the question?
try running with the --verbose tag to get more info.
try running sass outside of grunt - grunt merely interfaces with the sass app.
its possible that there's an error with your grunt config or the files you're attempting to process
I recently updated to OSX Yosemite and now, when I run Grunt and make changes to the sass file in my project, I receive the following error:
Warning: Error: Error generating source map: couldn't determine public URL for the source stylesheet.
No filename is available so there's nothing for the source map to link to.
on line of standard input
Use --trace for backtrace. Use --force to continue.
I have made no other changes to my Grunt setup or sass:dist, dependencies are unchanged and so forth. Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
This issue can have more than one reason, maybe this will help you.
Before starting remove the compiled css!
Update grunt-contrib-sass to the latest version
Sourcemap Requires Sass 3.4.0, which can be installed with gem install sass
Run grunt sass task and review compiled css.
When everything is updated, the sourcemap should be automatically created and available. Be sure to empty browser cache before testing in the browser.
I've been struggling with this for hours.
I have
ruby installer 1.9.3 installed.
sass version 3.3.1 maptastic maple
every time I run watch command I get
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Load Error: cannot load such file -- listen/version
they addressed a "listen" problem fix on their blog but I'm still getting this error.
using something like scout app works but I want to get this to work on command line.
any ideas?
edit: The problem is "fixed" when I do this
SASS compile error - LoadError: cannot load such file -- listen/version Use --trace for backtrace
It watches and the changes are updated. But it freezes if I try to exit with ctrl+c
This was a bug in Sass 3.3.1. I've just released 3.3.2, which should fix it.