OSX with RVM "cannot load such file -- bridgesupportparser (LoadError)" - ruby

I hit this problem running rake on a RubyMotion project, but it feels like it's a more general RVM-on-Mac issue.
I'm running rvm 2.3.1 on OSX 10.11.6
If I fire up irb and try require 'bridgesupportparser' I get the error
cannot load such file -- bridgesupportparser (LoadError)
I can find the .rb file at
And if I do
require '/System/Library/BridgeSupport/ruby-2.0/bridgesupportparser'',
I get a new error, which is
'cannot load such file -- bridgesupportparser.so'
It looks like I need bridgesupportparser.so and bridgesupportparser.rb to be somewhere ruby can find them.
I have several bridgesupportparser.rb files on my machine, but no bridgesupportparser.so. There are bridgesupportparser.bundle files, though - looks like they may be the Mac version of the .so files.
As I first ran into it with RubyMotion, I did the following:
New install of Xcode (8.0)
Deleted and reinstalled RubyMotion (4.13)
Tried this (suggested here):
mv /Library/RubyMotion/lib/BridgeSupport mv
rake newclear
But none of that has fixed the issue. Any ideas appreciated!


El Capitan + Ruby/Brew/major issues

I've read a ton about how El Capitan's SIP messes up brew, ruby, and it's gems. The most recent thing I read is that brew was updated to better support El Capitan, so I followed a number of commands from an article online and apparently cleaned my whole system up and reinstalled all gems. Now, from terminal, everything works great. I don't have to write anything special to install gems... just gem install <name>.
However, SublimeText seems to be using a different Ruby. If I type which ruby, it shows as /usr/local/bin/ruby. But in SublimeText, it's showing this error about not finding the right gem (mechanize in this case): /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.3.1/lib/ruby/2.3.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:inrequire': cannot load such file -- mechanize (LoadError)`
I tried creating a different build system file for Ruby, which points to ruby at /usr/local/bin/ruby, but it still shows this error (but below, it shows [cmd: ['/usr/local/bin/ruby']...
This has also caused me major issues trying to get the shoes gem to install.
Long question shortened: is there a definitive way to clear my system of all past brew, ruby, gems, etc etc, and redo it in a proper way that actually works for El Capitan?
Checkout #paskal answer here: Ruby 'require' error: cannot load such file
Try changing require <file name> with require "./<File name>".

Getting error when using command line for SASS to watch files

I've been having problems getting Sass working from terminal in Mac OS X Mavericks on my Macbook Pro. I'm working off a brand new clean install; reformatted my hard disk, loaded Mavericks, and first thing I went into the command line to set this up.
I did sudo gem install sass, then created two files on my desktop, test.css and test.scss. Then, when I try watching the files, I get an error:
$ sass --watch desktop/test.scss:desktop/test.css
>>> Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
LoadError: cannot load such file -- rb-fsevent
Use --trace for backtrace.
I have no idea what's going on or how to fix this, tried searching but didn't find any answers related to my problem. Sass -v gives me Sass 3.3.2 (Maptastic Maple).
Install the missing file: gem install rb-fsevent
The gem uses OS X's FSEvents API to listen for file system events including updated files (for example, your updated Sass file). As your OS has changed, it is reasonable to expect changes to how file system events are handled and therefore any gems that depend on file system behaviour.

I get a LoadError when trying to about anything with a new Ruby install on Windows

I installed Ruby on Windows via RubyInstaller, with the associated DevKit.
I'm trying to run various scripts (mainly Jekyll), and I'm getting all sorts of errors about paths. For instance:
...cannot load such file -- redcarpet.so (LoadError)
...cannot load such file -- 2.0/redcloth_scan (LoadError)
Specifically, in both those cases, I'm trying to run "redcloth.bat" and "redcarpet.bat" in the bin directory of the Ruby directory.
I feel like I'm missing something basic with paths. Note that this has never worked -- I installed the RubyInstaller, then the DevKit, then the Jekyll gem...and this is what happened.
Is there something basic about this installation that I failed to set?
We ran into the RedCloth side of this error today.
We started with this error
How to install RedCloth on Windows?
What we found was we had installed the mswin32 version of RedCloth, we first got the no such file to load.
We then went to our
Directory , added the 2.0 file and copied the redcloth_scan.so file into the 2.0 directory.
We started getting another error that was similar.
We decided we would just uninstall the precompiled version of the gem, and start with the normal RedCloth-2.4.9.gem to be compiled locally with devkit.
Once this was installed, we again went to the lib dir for the gem.
CD C:/ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/RedCloth-2.4.9/lib
We created a 2.0 directory
We then copied the file redcloth_scan.so file into the 2.0 directory and we no longer had the error. The server came up fine and we

Installing Shoes on Ubuntu 12.04: cannot find rubygems.rb

I'm trying to install Shoes on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit and currently have Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 installed, with 1.9.3 as the default. I tried several different methods, running several different scripts, but nothing seems to be successful. I haven't gotten any error messages; The scripts just install a lot of libraries and then seem to build Shoes, and, though I now have a shoes directory full of files, when I try to execute /dist/shoes I get this error:
me#me-Studio-1735:~/shoes$ ./dist/shoes
<internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems.rb (LoadError)
from <internal:gem_prelude>:1:in `<compiled>'
uninitialized constant Encoding::UTF_7
These are the the steps I've taken, in order:
I downloaded the Shoes3 .run file from the official website, but when I tried to execute it, I get this output:
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Shoes..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
./shoes-3.1.0.run: 1: eval: ./shoes: not found
I then attempted to follow the instructions for installing on Ubuntu; I ran the script they linked to, which took about 20 minutes, but afterwards I couldn't find the red-shoes directory: It didn't exist. All I got to show for it was a /tmp/shoes_build/ directory with a "chruby opt ruby-1.9.3-p392 ruby-build" directory listing.
Then I tried running the script from that same website listed directly on the site, not linked to. No Shoes. Lots of things were installed, but when I tried to execute /dist/shoes, I got the same error.
Finally, I tried executing the commands listed on the Spiral of Hope site listed under 'SUCCESS: Ubuntu?'. Again, it runs and installs lots of libraries, but Shoes isn't functional. It is neither a recognized command when typing shoes, nor can I execute anything successfully.
I don't know what else to do. I'm no Linux buff, I just have a knowledge of basic Bash commands, and I recently installed Ubuntu, so I haven't done any weird custom installs or anything. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to do it right?

Fixing "custom_require.rb:36:in `require': no such file to load" errors

I understand that after Ruby 1.9.2, '.' is no longer in your path for security reasons. This seems to be a problem when using certain gems (ones not updated to 1.9 I imagine?), a problem that throws errors like
$HOME/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in 'require': cannot load such file -- rubylog (LoadError)
I've seen and fixed this problem once, by (perhaps naively) changing some requires into require_relatives: https://github.com/mathpunk/MongoDB_Koans/commit/e2f7898347d328450ec121d22f701508f389cc53
Now I'd like to use rubylog, and I'm getting the custom_require error, so I tried the same trick:
but this time, I'm just getting the same error. What else can I try?
ETA: All this time, I've been using sudo gem install blah to install gems, and for some reason, for rubylog it's gem install rubylog that does it. (Something to do with RVM?) So now everything works. Thank you.
Your code fails at require 'rubylog' - so it can't find rubylog.rb itself. So just add dir containing rubylog.rb to load path - something like $: << 'rubylog' might help.
Just add the library directory to your LOAD_PATH:
See Understanding Ruby's load paths\
Edit: I assumed you had a rubylog directory wherever your script was running from. If your script can't find rubylog then you need to add that location to your load path:
Are you sure you have the rubylog libraries? gem install rubylog
