Segment Intersection - algorithm

Here is a question from CLRS.
A disk consists of a circle plus its interior and is represented by its center point and radius. Two disks intersect if they have any point in common. Give an O(n lg n)-time algorithm to determine whether any two disks in a set of n intersect.
Its not my home work. I think we can take the horizontal diameter of every circle to be the representing line segment. If two orders come consecutive, then we check the length of the distances between the two centers. If its less than or equal to the sum of the radii of the circles, then they intersect.
Please let me know if m correct.

Build a Voronoi diagram for disk centers. This is an O(n log n) job.
Now for each edge of the diagram take the corresponding pair of centers and check whether their disk intersect.

Build a k-d tree with the centres of the circles.
For every circle (p, r), find using the k-d tree the set S of circles whose centres are nearer than 2r from p.
Check if any of the circles in S touches the current circle.
I think the average cost for this algorithm is O(NlogN).
The logic is that we loop over the set O(N), and for every element get a subset of elements near O(NlogN), so, a priori, the complexity is O(N^2 logN). But we also have to consider that the probability of two random circles being less than 2r apart and not touching is lesser than 3/4 (if they touch we can short-circuit the algorithm).
That means that the average size of S is probabilistically limited to be a small value.

Another approach to solve the problem:
Divide the plane using a grid whose diameter is that of the biggest circle.
Use a hashing algorithm to classify the grid cells in N groups.
For every circle calculate the grid cells it overlaps and the corresponding groups.
Get all the circles in a group and...
Check if the biggest circle touches any other circle in the group.
Recurse applying this algorithm to the remaining circles in the group.
This same algorithm implemented in scala:


Maximum area of self-intersecting polygon

I'm looking for an algorithm for calculating the maximum area in a self-intersecting polygon. As it's self-intersecting it is not trivial to calculate the area with methods such as the shoelace formula.
The polygon in the example prioritises vertices with the "smallest" letter alphabetically, sometimes going back to the same vertex in a non-alphabetical way as it is self-intersecting. Although that shouldn't make a difference in the expected area.
In this case the algorithm should output 40: the area of the square (36) plus the area of the 4 outer triangles (4).
The intersection points are known in advance, no need to calculate them (as the example shows)
The last point is guaranteed to connect back to the figure, i.e. no dangling lines
The polygon is always traceable, i.e. it can be drawn, without lifting the pen
Time complexity ideally not worse than O(n log(n)) where n is the number of points
Thanks for your help!
I think I've got it.
Find the vertex with the lowest x. In case of a tie, pick the one with the lowest y. This process is O(n)
Of the 2+ segments connected to the vertex found in point 1, pick the one that forms the smallest angle with the x-axis, so as to start traversing the polygon in a clockwise direction. This process is O(s) where s is the number of segments that are connected to the starting vertex.
Keep choosing the next connected segments ignoring the order of the segments in the original polygon. In case of an intersection, pick the segment that forms the smallest angle with the current segment with the direction negated, measured clockwise. This is in order to choose the segment that lays on the outside of the polygon. This process is O(n i/2) where i is the average number of segments connected to each vertex.
Once back to the starting point, calculate the area using the shoelace formula. This could actually be calculated in parallel whilst traversing the polygon in points 2 and 3.
This algorithm's worst case time complexity is O(n i/2) where n is the number of vertices and i is the average number of segments connected to each vertex. The best case complexity is O(n) for a polygon that never intersects. In my case the polygons rarely intersect so this process is close to O(n).
Build the set of segments from the points given
For each point, test a ray to see if it intersects an even or odd number of those segments.
The even intersect counts are internal points, remove them.
Shoelace algo tells you the area of the remaining shape.
Let me think of a way where this isn't n^2, because you are comparing n points with n segments.

Compute the number of points inside a circle with given radius for all points

My input will be a list of x and y coordinates, those indicate the pixels on the picture. I will have a given radius r. For each pixel, I need to compute how many other pixels are inside the circle within the radius r. And I have to do this for all the points I have.
I understand that the brute force way to do this will be compare all other point to see if x^2+y^2 <= r^2. The complexity would be O(n^2). I am wondering if there's any approach that I can reduce the complexity to O(nlogn) or O(n)?
The mathematical answer is the area of the circle: Area = PI * r**2, though this includes partial pixels. To get the count of full pixels only, you will need to traverse an axis (x) and get the height of the other axis (y) at each point (rounded down). Do this for a quarter of the circle then multiple by 4. I'm assuming the entire circle is in the picture.
I think the complexity is O(n) based on the circle radius.
You can divide the plane into a grid with each cell having a width equal to the diameter of the circle and assign your points into bins for each cell in the grid. You can implement this as a hashmap/dictionary where the key is the top-left corner of the grid cell and the value is a list of points in the cell. Iterate through your list of points, work out which grid cell it's in and add to the appropriate list.
A circle with radius r can overlap at most 4 grid cells. Now you can iterate over the point list again and for each point you will only need to check the points in the grid cells overlapping the circle centred on the point.
This will reduce the number of checks you need to do but it is still O(n^2) in the pathological case where all points are with r of each other. To further optimize the algorithm, store a quadtree in each grid cell. Each node in the quadtree (the top node being the grid cell) stores a count of the number of points in the node and has up to 4 sub-nodes (empty nodes are not stored), the leaf nodes containing individual points. To test the points in a node against your point, first check if the entire node is within r of the point, if so you can count all the points without checking them individually. If not recurse into the sub-nodes that overlap the circle until you reach individual points to test or you get down to sub-nodes that lie entirely within or outside the circle.
The performance of these algorithms will be highly dependent on the distribution of your points.
If the problem is to count the points at maximum distance R to every point of a list of N points, you can use a kD-tree for acceleration.
With some care you can achieve a running time O(N Log N) for the setup of the tree, then hope for a query time of O(Log N + K) for counting, where K is the average number of neighbors.
This still makes a total of O(N Log N + KN). :-(

Given a few points and circles, how can I tell which point lies in which circles?

Given a small number of points and circles (say under 100), how do I tell which point lies in which circles? The circles can intersect, so one point can lie in multiple circles.
If it's of any relevance, both points and circle centers are aligned on a hexagonal grid, and the radii of the circles are also aligned to the grid.
With a bit of thought, it seems the worse case scenario would always be quadratic (when each point lies in all circles) ... but there might be some way to make this faster for the average case when there aren't that many intersections?
I'm doing this for an AI simulation and the circle/point locations change all the time, so I can't really pre-compute anything ahead of time.
If the number of points and circles is that small, you probably will get away with brute-forcing it. Circle-point intersections are pretty cheap, and 100 * 100 checks a frame shouldn't harm performance at all.
If you are completely sure that this routine is the bottleneck and needs to be optimized, read on.
You can try using a variation of Bounding Volume Hierarchies.
A bounding volume hierarchy is a tree in which each node covers the entire volume of both (or more if you decide to use a tree with higher degree) of its children. The volumes/objects that have to be tested for intersections are always the leaf nodes of the tree.
Insertion, removal and intersection queries have an amortized average run-time of O(log n). You will however have to update the tree, as your objects are dynamic, which is done by removing and reinserting invalid nodes (nodes which do not contain their leaf nodes fully any more). Updating the full tree takes a worst case time of O(n log n).
Care should be taken that while insertion, a node should be inserted into that sub-tree that increases the sub-tree's volume by the least amount.
Here is a good blog post by Randy Gaul which explains dynamic bounding hierarchies well.
You'll have to use circles as the bounding volumes, unless you can find a way to use AABBs in all nodes except leaf nodes, and circles as leaf nodes. AABBs are more accurate and should give you a slightly better constructed tree.
You can build a kd-tree of the points. And then for each circle center you retrieve all the points of the kd-tree with distance bounded by the circle radius. Given M points and N circles the complexity should be M log M + N log M = max(M,N) log M (if points and circles are "well distributed").
Whether you can gain anything compared to a brute-force pair-wise check depends on the geometric structure of your points and circles. If, for instance, the radii of the circles are big in relation to the distances of the points or the distances of the cirlce centers then there is not much to expect, I think.
Rather than going to a full 2D-tree, there is an intermediate possibility based on sorting.
Sort the P points on the abscissas. With a good sorting algorithm (say Heapsort), the cost can be modeled as S.P.Lg(P) (S is the cost of comparisons/moves).
Then, for every circle (C of them), locate its leftmost point (Xc-R) in the sorted list by dichotomy, with a cost D.Lg(P) (D is the cost of a dichotomy step). Then step to the rightmost point (Xc+R) and perform the point/circle test every time.
Doing this, you will spare the comparisons with the points to the left and to the right of the circle. Let F denote the average fraction of the points which fall in the range [Xc-R, Xc+R] for all circles.
Denoting K the cost of a point/circle comparison, the total can be estimated as
S.P.Lg(P) + D.Lg(P).C + F.K.P.C
to be compared to K.P.C.
The ratio is
S/K.Lg(P)/C + D/K.Lg(P)/P + F.
With the unfavorable hypothesis that S=D=K, for P=C=100 we get 6.6% + 6.6% + F. These three terms respectively correspond to the preprocessing time, an acceleration overhead and the reduced workload.
Assuming resonably small circles, let F = 10%, and you can hope a speedup x4.
If you are using a bounding box test before the exact point/circle comparison (which is not necessarily an improvement), you can simplify the bounding box test to two Y comparisons, as the X overlap is implicit.

Intersection of N rectangles

I'm looking for an algorithm to solve this problem:
Given N rectangles on the Cartesian coordinate, find out if the intersection of those rectangles is empty or not. Each rectangle can lie in any direction (not necessary to have its edges parallel to Ox and Oy)
Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem? :) I can think of testing the intersection of each rectangle pair. However, it's O(N*N) and quite slow :(
Either use a sorting algorithm according to smallest X value of the rectangle, or store your rectangles in an R-tree and search it.
Straight-forward approach (with sorting)
Let us denote low_x() - the smallest (leftmost) X value of a rectangle, and high_x() - the highest (rightmost) X value of a rectangle.
Sort the rectangles according to low_x(). # O(n log n)
For each rectangle in sorted array: # O(n)
Finds its highest X point. # O(1)
Compare it with all rectangles whose low_x() is smaller # O(log n)
than this.high(x)
Complexity analysis
This should work on O(n log n) on uniformly distributed rectangles.
The worst case would be O(n^2), for example when the rectangles don't overlap but are one above another. In this case, generalize the algorithm to have low_y() and high_y() too.
Data-structure approach: R-Trees
R-trees (a spatial generalization of B-trees) are one of the best ways to store geospatial data, and can be useful in this problem. Simply store your rectangles in an R-tree, and you can spot intersections with a straightforward O(n log n) complexity. (n searches, log n time for each).
Observation 1: given a polygon A and a rectangle B, the intersection A ∩ B can be computed by 4 intersection with half-planes corresponding to each edge of B.
Observation 2: cutting a half plane from a convex polygon gives you a convex polygon. The first rectangle is a convex polygon. This operation increases the number of vertices at most per 1.
Observation 3: the signed distance of the vertices of a convex polygon to a straight line is a unimodal function.
Here is a sketch of the algorithm:
Maintain the current partial intersection D in a balanced binary tree in a CCW order.
When cutting a half-plane defined by a line L, find the two edges in D that intersect L. This can be done in logarithmic time through some clever binary or ternary search exploiting the unimodality of the signed distance to L. (This is the part I don't exactly remember.) Remove all the vertices on the one side of L from D, and insert the intersection points to D.
Repeat for all edges L of all rectangles.
This seems like a good application of Klee's measure. Basically, if you read there are lower bounds on the runtime of the best algorithms that can be found for rectilinear intersections at O(n log n).
I think you should use something like the sweep line algorithm: finding intersections is one of its applications. Also, have a look at answers to this questions
Since the rectangles must not be parallel to the axis, it is easier to transform the problem to an already solved one: compute the intersections of the borders of the rectangles.
build a set S which contains all borders, together with the rectangle they're belonging to; you get a set of tuples of the form ((x_start,y_start), (x_end,y_end), r_n), where r_n is of course the ID of the corresponding rectangle
now use a sweep line algorithm to find the intersections of those lines
The sweep line stops at every x-coordinate in S, i.e. all start values and all end values. For every new start coordinate, put the corresponding line in a temporary set I. For each new end-coordinate, remove the corresponding line from I.
Additionally to adding new lines to I, you can check for each new line whether it intersects with one of the lines currently in I. If they do, the corresponding rectangles do, too.
You can find a detailed explanation of this algorithm here.
The runtime is O(n*log(n) + c*log(n)), where c is the number of intersection points of the lines in I.
Pick the smallest rectangle from the set (or any rectangle), and go over each point within it. If one of it's point also exists in all other rectangles, the intersection is not empty. If all points are free from ALL other rectangles, the intersection is empty.

Given N points how to find the maximum number of points which are on a circle?

Yesterday, an interesting question comes to mind, Given N points, how do you find the maximum number of points that are on a circle?
Can you suggest anything other than brute-force? What is O(?)?
It seems that there is O(N^3*log N) algorithm :)
iterate through all pairs of points - O(N^2)
for each point of the rest compute radius of circle including that point and the selected pair of points - O(N)
sort points by this radius - O(N*log N)
select from the resulting array the biggest group with same radius - O(N)
Actually given two points and radius two circles are generally possible, but taking this into account (splitting each group into to) will not change algorithm complexity.
Except for degenerate cases, any three points on a plane are on a circle. So an obvious O(n4) algorithm is to enumerate all sets of three points that are not on a line (O(n3)), calculate the center of the circle (maybe there can be two, I'm not sure) going through the three points, and then iterate through the other points and check which ones are on the same circle, count, and after algorithm has finished, report the maximum.
