Is it possible to record audio on the Pebble smartwatch? - pebble-watch

The SDK (even the newly released 2.0) is not clear. It seems like you can only record audio from a paired phone, but does anyone have experience capturing audio from Pebble?

You can use the Dictation API to transcribe voice to text with all the Pebble Time watches (Pebble Time, Pebble Time Steel and Pebble Time Round). Refer to the Dictation API.
There is currently no API to directly record audio though and note that the dictation API is not available on the original pebble because it does not have a microphone.

To provide you with an updated answer - it is actually possible to record audio with the new Pebble Time smartwatch because it does in fact come with an integrated microphone.
However, the original Pebble smartwatch does not have a microphone.


Audio problems in nativescript app on iOS

I have a nativescript-app that uses text-to-speech functionality (#nativescript-community/texttospeech).
This is working fine so far.
Now, I open a modal-view with the #nstudio/camera-plus plugin that enables the user to capture a photo.
After closing the camera-view, the audio of the text-to-speech is only half as loud as before.
Is the camera messing up the audio-settings? And if so, how can I avoid that?
Nativescript 8.1
texttospeech 3.0.3
camera-plus 4.0.3
Didn't find the cause for this, but at least a workaround.
I put this above every audio-related task:
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategoryWithOptionsError( AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.DefaultToSpeaker);
That sets the volume back to full.

Core Audio code running on simulator mutes currently playing audio

Every time I'm working on a Core Audio application, specifically one that utilizes real-time audio via the remoteIO audio unit render callbacks, the moment I start the audio unit engine running whatever music I am playing via youtube or itunes is muted. I must reload the youtube page or reset my system preference audio settings to get sound back. Is there a solution to this?
Set the mix-with-others property on the Simulator's RemoteIO Audio Unit before starting it. Also enable a proper AVAudioSession category.

Can I get the video file in Camera roll on window phone?

As I know, there is no way to get the video file in the camera roll.
But recently I did it when using updated WhatsApp.
Wahtsapp supportes video file uploading which is not in saved IsolatedStroage in wp7/wp8 devices.
How did it?
Now I'm researching but can't find.
Please help me.
There is still no documented API for loading existing videos.
From WPCentral:
The ability to send videos has been in WhatsApp for quite some time,
but an OS limitation prevented the app from accessing the media
library to fetch pre-recorded videos. Since early 2013 though, Nokia
has been working with the WhatsApp developers and it looks like it
paid off to have friends in high places. Through Nokia’s assistance
(and indirectly, Microsoft’s), WhatsApp now has permission to grab
videos from your library to send to friends.

locate media source of playing medie wp

does Anybody know if it is possible to capture the media you are playing on windows phone, so you can stream it to another source,
Just like apple does with airplay
No, it is not possible to write a 3rd party app that can capture audio or video from other apps and stream it somewhere else.
Airplay on iOS is a system level service that apps can use.
The closest thing Windows Phone has is Play To, which allows you to pick existing media on the phone (pictures, music, video, etc) and share it to a compatible device. Currently, this technology isn't available to developers.

Recording Audio Stream in Background in Windows phone 7/8

I m developing an app which can record audio stream.
I want to know that is it possible to record that audio in background, i,e when the application is in deactivated mode?
I have already tried to do that in many different ways,but its not helping out.
Please suggest me some way to do such...
Thank you.
As mentioned in the comments, it's not possible to record in the background.
Your app must be running in the foreground for it to be able to record audio using the microphone. For an overview of all the audio recording options, please refer to this tutorial on the Nokia Developer Wiki.
Also, an app will not run when the phone is locked - it is suspended. So if your app was recording, it would stop when the phone is locked. You can change this behaviour with IdleDetectionMode.Disabled which means your app keeps running even though the phone is locked.
Haven't implemented it before, but classifying it as a VOIP app could be the way to go:
