disqus fishpig manual installation - magento

Installed Fishpig's Wordpress plugin on my Magento (1.7) site.
I would like to know how to :
install Disqus with Fishpig's Wordpress extension
remove the default comment section.
I've tried playing with the Universal Code from Disqus and have installed the plugin in Wordpress but nothing is showing up.

To use Disqus comments on your Magento/WordPress integrated blog, you first need to install the Disqus Comments plugin in WordPress, which is a free plugin. Next, configure your Disqus account via the WordPress Admin. You can use this to import any existing comments in WordPress into Disqus.
To get your Disqus comments to show on your integrated blog (in place of your default WordPress comments), you will need the FishPig Disqus extension for Magento. This extension takes your Disqus account details from WordPress and displays the necessary code to display the comments in your Magento blog. The extension will do this automatically and you won't need to configure anything in Magento for this to work.
If after installing the Disqus comments extension the comments do not display, the first thing to check is that you are using the latest version of Magento WordPress Integration. If you aren't, upgrade to the latest version.
If this doesn't fix the problem, check whether you have the wordpress.xml layout file or any wordpress templates in your custom theme. If you do, rename them so that the new version (in base/default) is used. You may need to refresh your Magento caches after doing this.


Jekyll blog theme now showing blog posts on GitLab Pages

I've been using the Emerald jekyll theme for my blog on GitHub Pages. It all works great on GitHub, but I've wanted to move to GitLab.
I got the blog working with all necessary gems (like jekyll and jekyll-paginate), but the blog posts aren't working and I get 404.
Test it live here
I made the repo public so everyone can have a look and possibly identify my problem.
Just add a .html extension to your links.
Github provides an option for serving without the extension, however I don't believe that Gitlab allows this yet. See this thread: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/issues/95
Change your permalink configuration:
permalink: /:title:output_ext
Since GitLab 11.8 (February 2019) this should work
.html extensions are now automatically resolved for Pages sites
A file in your Pages site called /sub-page.html can now also be accessed as /sub-page, giving you more options over how your site appears to your users.
See documentation and gitlab-org/gitlab-pages issue 95

magento extension is installed in backend but not visible on frontend

I had installed a magento extension for cashu payment gateway.Earlier I could see it on the backend as well as on the frontend. Later I uninstalled it. Cashu support team gave me correct version of extension to install it manually. But this time I could see the extension only in the backend but not in frontend. What could be the possible reason for this and how do I fix it. Thanks!

Joomla URL-Rewrite

I've got a little strange behavior from a joomla website (2.5) with the url rewriting.
Here is my situation:
Two identical Websites. One runs with joomla 1.5, the other with joomla 2.5. Both on a IIS 7. There is a external plugin (build by own) which posts a list of article-links on both joomla. Some kind of a "latest news" module on the homepage.
This plugin posts link with a url like this:
This link is working, if the URL-rewrite is switched off in joomla back-end. Now when I switch on the url-rewriting. The links look like these:
Joomla 1.5
http://example.com/de/category/news/2518.html (link does work!)
Joomla 2.5
http://example.com/de/category/news.html?id=2518 (link does not work! 404)
It seems there is a difference between those joomla versions. Can anyone give me a hint to solve this problem with joomla 2.5? thank you very much.
I've found a solution. Now I build my links in the plugin with JRoute:
$link = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=$id&catid=$catid:$catalias&Itemid=$itemid");

Guide, tutorial for Joomla and a bit more information

May I ask is there any tutorial, guide website or videos that can guide me with template/theme building from scratch for Virtuemart 2.0.8?
Also do you suggest using Joomla with Virtuemart or Zen Cart for making an e-commerce website and I mean making a template and theme from scratch using HTML, CSS and Jquery.
Also I'm planning to add a text file into my database automatically from a ftp server every 8 hours so as to update the product prices of the site automatically. I know with Virtuemart I can do this with CSVI but is there any similar for Zen Cart?
Thank you!
If you are not experienced with HTML, CSS and JQuery, then making your own template will be very hard. You would be better off using a free one or adapting it to suit your own needs.
As for your query about using Zen Cart or VirtueMart. I would recommend using VirtueMart as its fully integrated and however JVitals have made a bridge for those who would prefer to use Zen Cart which can be found here

Install Recaptcha plugin into Jekyll-generated site

I'm trying to install the Ambethia recaptcha plugin into a jekyll-generated site that uses Liquid templating to generate forms. Since the site is not running on Rails, I'm having a bit of difficulty translating what needs to be put where.
Can anyone advise?
It's impossible b/c recaptcha requires server-side code, and jekyll-generated sites are completely static. (javascript not counts here)
If you wanted to add recaptcha to "filter out" spam comments, I suggest you give disqus a try.
I believe there are plugins to integrate it with jekyll (for example, octopress comes with disqus integration) but the code to include them in your site is really simple.
