Guide, tutorial for Joomla and a bit more information - joomla

May I ask is there any tutorial, guide website or videos that can guide me with template/theme building from scratch for Virtuemart 2.0.8?
Also do you suggest using Joomla with Virtuemart or Zen Cart for making an e-commerce website and I mean making a template and theme from scratch using HTML, CSS and Jquery.
Also I'm planning to add a text file into my database automatically from a ftp server every 8 hours so as to update the product prices of the site automatically. I know with Virtuemart I can do this with CSVI but is there any similar for Zen Cart?
Thank you!

If you are not experienced with HTML, CSS and JQuery, then making your own template will be very hard. You would be better off using a free one or adapting it to suit your own needs.
As for your query about using Zen Cart or VirtueMart. I would recommend using VirtueMart as its fully integrated and however JVitals have made a bridge for those who would prefer to use Zen Cart which can be found here


AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages in an already developed site

I have an umbraco based CMS site and I've been advised to use AMP for fast mobile performance. I have read the demo page from this gitHub link.
But I am not understanding how to set it in an already developed site. Do I need to change all tags according to AMP?
better not to mess with existing instead you build new AMP version of your site
(After doing a quick Google)
I don't think there's a an AMP-plugin for Umbraco yet, but that will probably be the way to go. I've been using the AMP-plugin for WordPress for a little while now and it made all posts on my site AMP-compatible without me having to do anything :)
Perhaps check with the Umbraco community whether there's an ETA on such a plugin for their platform?
You can have seperate AMP pages and google will handle the rest. I think that is the safest way to approach it, without having a plugin like they have for wordpress.
You can still enable the users to use the CMS functionality by creating custom data types for e.g. amp-img instead of img. The content editors will just have to be briefed on the basics of AMP.

Creating profile page for users in Joomla

I have been developing websites for some years. I know PHP. but I have never worked with a CMS before. I've been told to create a website with Joomla where there's a homepage and also new users may sign up and then they can have a profile page where they can upload their profile picture and write their résumé.
This is easy for me to implement this system if I start coding it by myself. but how can I do this in Joomla? is there a plug-in which I need? could someone please give me some resources?
No need to re-invent the wheel - there are tons of ready-built components at the Extensions Directory. Last I checked Community Builder and JomSocial were the most popular, but they might be overkill for your need, so it's worth having a look at the other choices there. If you're new to Joomla, you're probably interested in a Component, which is essentially a "sub-application" that installs under Joomla. They usually include Modules that can be displayed on the site, as well as Plugins that work with the core Joomla logic to perform specialized functions for the installed component.
There are many plugins, but the simple functionality of user profiles is implemented in Joomla. This question might help you.

magento website building help required

I am a j2ee developer, i want to develop a webstore i choosed magento as i found its review best among open source eCommerce projects.
I have search all around the magento wiki they explaining how to configure catalogue and other options.
Mangeto wiki
But i am unable to found how to list down the products on the page. is there any scripting language for it ? please help me out.
This links might help you
Managing your store
Working on Theme
For understanding and extending magento code

How can I add more functionalities to my Joomla website?

I have a Joomla site, in which I configured the main sections categories and articles.
Now I need to have a slideshow widget, couple of list widgets in my website. Do I need to code it myself? I am very new to Joomla with first project in hand.
you can extend your basic joomla by installing and configuring various components, modules and plugins.
Here you can get a big collection of available extensions for joomla.

Magento 1.4 extension development

Magento introduced a new concept of widget in magento 1.4 , my question is whether to write a magento extension in magento 1.4 is useful or not
Magento Extensions provide a variety of different features and enhancements to a Magento System.
Magento widgets prove a way for "less-technical-users" to add a Magento Blocks to a Magento CMS page.
So yes, writing an extension in 1.4 is still useful.
Magento widgets are easy to use. They are the features introduced in magento 1.4 and they can be added anywhere in the pages. Widgets also provide extensive functionalities to magento.
Think of a widget as another way to accomplish things in Magento. You can either make an extension or a widget. At the end of the day you will want to use the best tool for the job.
If you are looking to just add a small block of text to a page, then a widget is for you. If you need more functionality than that, an extension will probably suit you better.
