using int64 type for snmp v2c oid? - snmp

I am debugging some snmp code for an integer overflow problem. Basically we use an integer to store disk/raid capacity in KB. However when a disk/raid of more than 2TB is used, it'll overflow.
I read from some internet forums that snmp v2c support integer64 or unsigned64. In my test it'll still just send the lower 32 bits even though I have set the type to integer64 or unsigned64.
Here is how I did it:
a standalone program will obtain the capacity and write the data to a file. example lines for raid capacity
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf has a clause to pass thru the oids:
pass_persist mymiboid /path/to/snmpagent
in the mysnmpagent source, read the oidmap into oid/type/value structure from the file, and print to stdout.
printf("%s\n", it->first.c_str());
printf("%s\n", it->second.type.c_str());
printf("%s\n", it->second.value.c_str());
use snmpget to get the sub-oid, and it returns:
mysuboid = Counter32: 3518889984
I use tcpdump and the last segment of the value portion is:
41 0500 d1be 0000
41 should be the tag, 05 should be the length, and the value is only carrying the lower 32-bit of the capacity. (note 7813857280 is
I do find that using string type would send correct value (in octetstring format). But I want to know if there is a way to use 64-bit integer in snmp v2c.
I am running NET-SNMP though.
thanks a lot.
Found the following from snmpd.conf regarding pass (and probably also pass_persist) in net-snmp doc page. I guess it's forcing the Counter64 to Counter32.
The SMIv2 type counter64 and SNMPv2 noSuchObject exception are not supported.

You are supposed to use two Unsigned32 for lower and upper bytes of your large number.
Counter64 is not meant to be used for large numbers this way.
For reference : 17 Common MIB Design Errors (last one)

SNMP SMIv2 defines a new type Counter64,
which is in fact unsigned 64 bit integer. So if your data fall into the range, using Counter64 is proper.
"In my test it'll still just send the lower 32 bits even though I have set the type to integer64 or unsigned64" sounds like a problem, but unless you show more details (like showing some code) on how you tested it out and received the result, nobody might help further.


SNMPv3 protocol and packets composition

With a friend we are currently working on a library to create and read SNMPv3 packet.
The idea is "only" to create the content of the packet and it will be sent independently.
I know that many libraries exist for that but not in the language that we need. Our major problem now is to specify the content of the different packets. Which part is mandatory? Which part comes in which type of request?
With some examples available on Wireshark's website and the RFCs we can have a beginning of an idea but as it is a protocol, we need to be very clear and sure of what is required in each type of request (get-request, set-request, get-bulk, trap, etc.).
Is there a way to know exactly how each type of packet is created or the only information sources are the RFCs?
First, I want to offer some clarification about the terminology. A UDP packet encodes an SNMP "message". The format of the message varies with the SNMP version, but in all cases, it contains a single PDU. I think when you say "packet", you really mean "PDU".
As for your question, there's no better source than the RFCs, and they are actually easier to read than you think, as long as you know which parts to read (that's the tricky part).
RFC 3416 specifies everything to do with PDUs, including the format (p. 8), a comprehensive list of PDU types (pp. 7-8), and an explanation of how each PDU is used (under section 4.2, starting on p. 10).
The format of all PDUs is the same (though the BulkPDU replaces error-status and error-index with two integer fields of different meanings):
request-id INTEGER (-214783648..214783647),
error-status -- sometimes ignored
noSuchName(2), -- for proxy compatibility
badValue(3), -- for proxy compatibility
readOnly(4), -- for proxy compatibility
error-index -- sometimes ignored
INTEGER (0..max-bindings),
variable-bindings -- values are sometimes ignored

How do I interpret a python byte string coming from F1 2020 game UDP packet?

Title may be wildly incorrect for what I'm trying to work out.
I'm trying to interpret packets I am recieving from a racing game in a way that I understand, but I honestly don't really know what I'm looking at, or what to search to understand it.
Information on the packets I am recieving here:
I'm using python to print the packets, here's a snippet of the output, which I don't understand how to interpret.
received message: b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01
I'm very new to coding, and not sure what my next step is, so a nudge in the right direction will help loads, thanks.
This is the python code:
import socket
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 20777
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print ("received message:", data)
The website you link to is describing the data format. All data represented as a series of 1's and 0's. A byte is a series of 8 1's and 0's. However, just because you have a series of bytes doesn't mean you know how to interpret them. Do they represent a character? An integer? Can that integer be negative? All of that is defined by whoever crafted the data in the first place.
The type descriptions you see at the top are telling you how to actually interpret that series of 1's and 0's. When you see "unit8", that is an "unsigned integer that is 8 bits (1 byte) long". In other words, a positive number between 0 and 255. An "int8" on the other hand is an "8-bit integer", or a number that can be positive or negative (so the range is -128 to 127). The same basic idea applies to the *16 and *64 variants, just with 16 bits or 64 bits. A float represent a floating point number (a number with a fractional part, such as 1.2345), generally 4 bytes long. Additionally, you need to know the order to interpret the bytes within a word (left-to-right or right-to-left). This is referred to as the endianness, and every computer architecture has a native endianness (big-endian or little-endian).
Given all of that, you can interpret the PacketHeader. The easiest way is probably to use the struct package in Python. Details can be found here:
As a proof of concept, the following will interpret the first 24 bytes:
import struct
data = b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
#Note that I am only taking the first 24 bytes. You must pass data that is
#the appropriate length to the unpack function. We don't know what everything
#else is until after we parse out the header
header = struct.unpack('<HBBBBQfIBB', data[:24])
You basically want to read the first 24 bytes to get the header of the message. From there, you need to use the m_packetId field to determine what the rest of the message is. As an example, this particular packet has a packetId of 7, which is a "Car Status" packet. So you would look at the packing format for the struct CarStatus further down on that page to figure out how to interpret the rest of the message. Rinse and repeat as data arrives.
Update: In the format string, the < tells you to interpret the bytes as little-endian with no alignment (based on the fact that the documentation says it is little-endian and packed). I would recommend reading through the entire section on Format Characters in the documentation above to fully understand what all is happening regarding alignment, but in a nutshell it will try to align those bytes with their representation in memory, which may not match exactly the format you specify. In this case, HBBBBQ takes up 2 bytes more than you'd expect. This is because your computer will try to pack structs in memory so that they are word-aligned. Your computer architecture determines the word alignment (on a 64-bit computer, words are 64-bits, or 8 bytes, long). A Q takes a full word, so the packer will try to align everything before the Q to a word. However, HBBBB only requires 6 bytes; so, Python will, by default, pad an extra 2 bytes to make sure everything lines up. Using < at the front both ensures that the bytes will be interpreted in the correct order, and that it won't try to align the bytes.
Just for information if someone else is looking for this. In python there is the library f1-2019-telemetry existing. On the documentation, there is a missing part about the "how to use" so here is a snippet:
from f1_2020_telemetry.packets import *
udp_socket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_socket.bind((host, port))
while True:
udp_packet = udp_socket.recv(2048)
packet = unpack_udp_packet(udp_packet)
if isinstance(packet, PacketSessionData_V1): # refer to doc for classes / attribute
print(packet.trackTemperature) # for example
if isinstance(packet, PacketParticipantsData_V1):
for i, participant in enumerate(packet.participants):
print(DriverIDs[participant.driverId]) # the library has some mapping for pilot name / track name / ...

How should i find size in OMNet++?

I need to find packet size sent by each node in OMNeT++. Do i need to set it by myself or is there any way of finding the packet size which is changing dynamically.
Kindly tell me the procedure of finding the Packet size?
I think what you're trying to say is, where can you find the "inherent" size of a packet, for example of one that has been defined in a .msg file, based on "what's in it".
If I'm right: You can't. And shouldn't really want to. Since everything inside an OMNeT++ simulation is... simulation, no matter what the actual contents of a cPacket are, the bitLength property can be set to any value, with no regard to the amount of information stored in your custom messages.
So the only size any packet will have is the size set either by you manually, or by the model library you are using, with the setBitLength() method.
It is useful in scenarios where a protocol header has some fields that are of some weird length, like 3 bits, and then 9 bits, and 1 flag bit, etc. It is best to represent these fields as separate members in the message class, and since C++ doesn't have* these flexible size data types, the representation in the simulation and the represented header will have different sizes.
Or if you want to cheat, and transmit extra information with a packet, that wouldn't really be a part of it on a real network, in the actual bit sequence.
So you should just set the appropriate length with setBitLength, and don't care about what is actually stored. Usually. Until your computer runs out of memory.
I might be completely wrong about what you're trying to get to.
*Yes, there are bit fields, but ... it's easier not having to deal with them.
If you are talking about cPakets in OMNeT++, then simply use the according getter methods for the length of a packet. That is for cases where the packets have a real size set either by you or in your code.
From the cpacket.h in the OMNeT 5.1 release:
* Returns the packet length (in bits).
virtual int64_t getBitLength() const {return bitLength;}
* Returns the packet length in bytes, that is, bitlength/8. If bitlength
* is not a multiple of 8, the result is rounded up.
int64_t getByteLength() const {return (getBitLength()+7)>>3;}
So simply read the value, maybe write it into a temporary variable and use it for whatever you need it.

Windows DHCP client hostname encoding

Recently I have been trying to save list of hostnames from captured DHCP packets. I have found out, every DHCP hostname (option 12) should have form defined in RFC 1035. So if I understand it correctly, hostname should be encoded in 7-bit ASCII and have other restrictions like:
- name should not start with digit and should omit some forbidden characters.
Almost every device I have encountered in packets fulfill this constraint, but not Windows devices (Vendor ID MSFT 5.0). IMHO Windows DHCP client takes computer (mobile) name and fill it in hostname option.
Problem occurs, when computer name is set for example to "Lukáš-PC". Wireshark display this hostname as Luk\240\347-PC. (240 and 347 are numbers in octal). To see for myself I have printed values in packets with printf("%hhu", c) (C language).
á = 160
š = 231
IMHO I think this is simple char variable overflow. I tried deduce original value from overflow value, but I haven't found any relation between character and known encodings. So my questions are:
Is there any way to convert these values back to original?
If yes, what was original character encoding, when overflow happened?
Default char is usually signed, and extends to int when passed to a variadic function. To ensure that it is printed unsigned, use printf("%hhu", c) or printf("%d", (unsigned char)c);.
The correct encoding is impossible to know because it depends on each system's settings.
Note that any compliant systems MUST encode names according to RFC 3490, but Windows seems to enjoy violating standards.
The characters á and š that you are seing are encoded using code page 852 (Latin-2 - Central European languages).
Unfortunately there is no simple way how you can figure out the encoding used only by looking at DHCP requests. In principle the DHCP client can use any code page it wants. If you are working in a private/controlled network, then it is probably safe to assume the all clients are using the same code page and explicitly encode the strings using that particular code page.

What is the time frame used to collect data for oid )

When I do an snmpwalk for oid I get a Counter32 integer value as the result. [1] states that gives total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
Does anybody knows for which time frame snmp gives this integer value because what I get is a pretty large value.
Thank you.
In RFC 202 you can find the mapping of MIB objects to their corresponding item in IEEE 802.12,
That means, SNMP only exposes those values directly from the network adapters, without any processing at SNMP layer. Thus, when you see a value for ifInOctets, it is very likely to be an accumulated value since the last reset of this adapter (may or may not be related to device reset).
