How should i find size in OMNet++? - omnet++

I need to find packet size sent by each node in OMNeT++. Do i need to set it by myself or is there any way of finding the packet size which is changing dynamically.
Kindly tell me the procedure of finding the Packet size?

I think what you're trying to say is, where can you find the "inherent" size of a packet, for example of one that has been defined in a .msg file, based on "what's in it".
If I'm right: You can't. And shouldn't really want to. Since everything inside an OMNeT++ simulation is... simulation, no matter what the actual contents of a cPacket are, the bitLength property can be set to any value, with no regard to the amount of information stored in your custom messages.
So the only size any packet will have is the size set either by you manually, or by the model library you are using, with the setBitLength() method.
It is useful in scenarios where a protocol header has some fields that are of some weird length, like 3 bits, and then 9 bits, and 1 flag bit, etc. It is best to represent these fields as separate members in the message class, and since C++ doesn't have* these flexible size data types, the representation in the simulation and the represented header will have different sizes.
Or if you want to cheat, and transmit extra information with a packet, that wouldn't really be a part of it on a real network, in the actual bit sequence.
So you should just set the appropriate length with setBitLength, and don't care about what is actually stored. Usually. Until your computer runs out of memory.
I might be completely wrong about what you're trying to get to.
*Yes, there are bit fields, but ... it's easier not having to deal with them.

If you are talking about cPakets in OMNeT++, then simply use the according getter methods for the length of a packet. That is for cases where the packets have a real size set either by you or in your code.
From the cpacket.h in the OMNeT 5.1 release:
* Returns the packet length (in bits).
virtual int64_t getBitLength() const {return bitLength;}
* Returns the packet length in bytes, that is, bitlength/8. If bitlength
* is not a multiple of 8, the result is rounded up.
int64_t getByteLength() const {return (getBitLength()+7)>>3;}
So simply read the value, maybe write it into a temporary variable and use it for whatever you need it.


How do I interpret a python byte string coming from F1 2020 game UDP packet?

Title may be wildly incorrect for what I'm trying to work out.
I'm trying to interpret packets I am recieving from a racing game in a way that I understand, but I honestly don't really know what I'm looking at, or what to search to understand it.
Information on the packets I am recieving here:
I'm using python to print the packets, here's a snippet of the output, which I don't understand how to interpret.
received message: b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01
I'm very new to coding, and not sure what my next step is, so a nudge in the right direction will help loads, thanks.
This is the python code:
import socket
UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 20777
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print ("received message:", data)
The website you link to is describing the data format. All data represented as a series of 1's and 0's. A byte is a series of 8 1's and 0's. However, just because you have a series of bytes doesn't mean you know how to interpret them. Do they represent a character? An integer? Can that integer be negative? All of that is defined by whoever crafted the data in the first place.
The type descriptions you see at the top are telling you how to actually interpret that series of 1's and 0's. When you see "unit8", that is an "unsigned integer that is 8 bits (1 byte) long". In other words, a positive number between 0 and 255. An "int8" on the other hand is an "8-bit integer", or a number that can be positive or negative (so the range is -128 to 127). The same basic idea applies to the *16 and *64 variants, just with 16 bits or 64 bits. A float represent a floating point number (a number with a fractional part, such as 1.2345), generally 4 bytes long. Additionally, you need to know the order to interpret the bytes within a word (left-to-right or right-to-left). This is referred to as the endianness, and every computer architecture has a native endianness (big-endian or little-endian).
Given all of that, you can interpret the PacketHeader. The easiest way is probably to use the struct package in Python. Details can be found here:
As a proof of concept, the following will interpret the first 24 bytes:
import struct
data = b'\xe4\x07\x01\x03\x01\x07O\x90.\xea\xc2!7\x16\xa5\xbb\x02C\xda\n\x00\x00\x00\xff\x01\x00\x03:\x00\x00\x00 A\x00\x00\xdcB\xb5+\xc1#\xc82\xcc\x10\t\x00\xd9\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00$tJ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'
#Note that I am only taking the first 24 bytes. You must pass data that is
#the appropriate length to the unpack function. We don't know what everything
#else is until after we parse out the header
header = struct.unpack('<HBBBBQfIBB', data[:24])
You basically want to read the first 24 bytes to get the header of the message. From there, you need to use the m_packetId field to determine what the rest of the message is. As an example, this particular packet has a packetId of 7, which is a "Car Status" packet. So you would look at the packing format for the struct CarStatus further down on that page to figure out how to interpret the rest of the message. Rinse and repeat as data arrives.
Update: In the format string, the < tells you to interpret the bytes as little-endian with no alignment (based on the fact that the documentation says it is little-endian and packed). I would recommend reading through the entire section on Format Characters in the documentation above to fully understand what all is happening regarding alignment, but in a nutshell it will try to align those bytes with their representation in memory, which may not match exactly the format you specify. In this case, HBBBBQ takes up 2 bytes more than you'd expect. This is because your computer will try to pack structs in memory so that they are word-aligned. Your computer architecture determines the word alignment (on a 64-bit computer, words are 64-bits, or 8 bytes, long). A Q takes a full word, so the packer will try to align everything before the Q to a word. However, HBBBB only requires 6 bytes; so, Python will, by default, pad an extra 2 bytes to make sure everything lines up. Using < at the front both ensures that the bytes will be interpreted in the correct order, and that it won't try to align the bytes.
Just for information if someone else is looking for this. In python there is the library f1-2019-telemetry existing. On the documentation, there is a missing part about the "how to use" so here is a snippet:
from f1_2020_telemetry.packets import *
udp_socket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp_socket.bind((host, port))
while True:
udp_packet = udp_socket.recv(2048)
packet = unpack_udp_packet(udp_packet)
if isinstance(packet, PacketSessionData_V1): # refer to doc for classes / attribute
print(packet.trackTemperature) # for example
if isinstance(packet, PacketParticipantsData_V1):
for i, participant in enumerate(packet.participants):
print(DriverIDs[participant.driverId]) # the library has some mapping for pilot name / track name / ...

How to send multipart messages using libnl and generic netlink?

I'm trying to send a relatively big string (6Kb) through libnl and generic netlink, however, I'm receiving the error -5 (NL_ENOMEM) from the function nla_put_string in this process. I've made a lot of research but I didn't find any information about these two questions:
What's the maximum string size supported by generic netlink and libnl nla_put_string function?
How to use the multipart mechanism of generic netlink to broke this string in smaller parts to send and reassemble it on the Kernel side?
If there is a place to study such subject I appreciate that.
How to use the multipart mechanism of generic netlink to broke this string in smaller parts to send and reassemble it on the Kernel side?
Netlink's Multipart feature "might" help you transmit an already fragmented string, but it won't help you with the actual string fragmentation operation. That's your job. Multipart is a means to transmit several small correlated objects through several packets, not one big object. In general, Netlink as a whole is designed with the assumption that any atomic piece of data you want to send will fit in a single packet. I would agree with the notion that 6Kbs worth of string is a bit of an oddball.
In actuality, Multipart is a rather ill-defined gimmic in my opinion. The problem is that the kernel doesn't actually handle it in any generic capacity; if you look at all the NLMSG_DONE usage instances, you will notice not only that it is very rarely read (most of them are writes), but also, it's not the Netlink code but rather some specific protocol doing it for some static (ie. private) operation. In other words, the semantics of NLMSG_DONE are given by you, not by the kernel. Linux will not save you any work if you choose to use it.
On the other hand, libnl-genl-3 does appear to perform some automatic juggling with the Multipart flags (NLMSG_DONE and NLM_F_MULTI), but that only applies when you're sending something from Kernelspace to Userspace, and on top of that, even the library itself admits that it doesn't really work.
Also, NLMSG_DONE is supposed to be placed in the "type" Netlink header field, not in the "flags" field. This is baffling to me, because Generic Netlink stores the family identifier in type, so it doesn't look like there's a way to simultaneously tell Netlink that the message belongs to you, AND that it's supposed to end some data stream. Unless I'm missing something important, Multipart and Generic Netlink are incompatible with each other.
I would therefore recommend implementing your own message control if necessary and forget about Multipart.
What's the maximum string size supported by generic netlink and libnl nla_put_string function?
It's not a constant. nlmsg_alloc() reserves
getpagesize() bytes per packet by default. You can tweak this default with nlmsg_set_default_size(), or more to the point you can override it with nlmsg_alloc_size().
Then you'd have to query the actual allocated size (because it's not guaranteed to be what you requested) and build from there. To get the available payload you'd have to subtract the Netlink header length, the Generic Header length and the Attribute Header lengths for any attributes you want to add. Also the user header length, if you have one. You would also have to align all these components because their sizeof is not necessarily their actual size (example).
All that said, the kernel will still reject packets which exceed the page size, so even if you specify a custom size you will still need to fragment your string.
So really, just forget all of the above. Just fragment the string to something like getpagesize() / 2 or whatever, and send it in separate chunks.
This is the general idea:
static void do_request(struct nl_sock *sk, int fam, char const *string)
struct nl_msg *msg;
msg = nlmsg_alloc();
genlmsg_put(msg, NL_AUTO_PORT, NL_AUTO_SEQ, fam,
0, 0, DOC_EXMPL_C_ECHO, 1);
nla_put_string(msg, DOC_EXMPL_A_MSG, string);
nl_send_auto(sk, msg);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct nl_sock *sk;
int fam;
sk = nl_socket_alloc();
fam = genl_ctrl_resolve(sk, FAMILY_NAME);
do_request(sk, fam, "I'm sending a string.");
do_request(sk, fam, "Let's pretend I'm biiiiiig.");
do_request(sk, fam, "Look at me, I'm so big.");
do_request(sk, fam, "But I'm already fragmented, so it's ok.");
return 0;
I left a full sandbox in my Dropbox. See the README. (Tested in kernel 5.4.0-37-generic.)

How do I create an instance of a class, variably sized, at a specific memory location?

I'm working on a project involving writing packets to a memory-mapped file. Our current strategy is to create a packet class containing the following members
uint32_t packetHeader;
uint8_t packetPayload[];
uint32_t packetChecksum;
When we create a packet, first we'd like to have its address in memory be a specified offset within the memory mapped file, which I think can be done with placement-new(). However, we'd also like for the packetPayload not to be a pointer to some memory from the heap, but contiguous with the rest of the class (so we can avoid memcpying from heap to our eventual output file)
Beginning of class | BOC + 4 | (length of Payload) |
Header Payload Checksum
Would this be achievable using a length argument for the Packet class constructor? Or would we have to template this class for variably sized payloads?
Forget about trying to make that the layout of your class. You'll be fighting against the C++ language all the day long. Instead a class that provides access to the binary layout (in shared memory). But the class instance itself will not be in shared memory. And the byte range in shared/mapped memory will not be a C++ object at all, it just exists within the file mapping address range.
Presumably the length is fixed from the moment of creation? If so, then you can safely cache the length, pointer to the checksum, etc in your accessor object. Since this cache isn't inside the file, you can store whatever you want however you want without concern for its layout. You can even use virtual member functions, because the v-table is going in the class instance, not the range of the binary file.
Also, given that this lives in shared memory, if there are multiple writers you'll have to be very careful to synchronize between them. If you're just prepositioning a buffer in shared/mapped memory to avoid a copy later, but totally handing off ownership between processes so that the data is never shared by simultaneous accesses, it will be easier. You also probably want to calculate the checksum once after all the data is written, instead of trying to keep it up-to-date (and risking data races in the process) for every single write into the buffer.
First remember, that you need to know what your payload length is, somehow. Either you specify it in your instance somewhere, or you template your class over the payload length.
Having said that - you will need one of:
packetOffset being a pointer
A payload length member
A checksum offset member
and you'll want to use a named constructor idiom which takes the allocation length, and performs both the allocation and the setup of the offset/length/pointer member to a value corresponding to the length.

How to use audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback?

I need a step by step walkthrough on how to use audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback. No, don't tell me to read the Apple docs. I do everything they say and the conversion always fails. No, don't tell me to go look for examples of audioConverterFillComplexBuffer and its callback in use - I've duplicated about a dozen such examples both line for line and modified and the conversion always fails. No, there isn't any problem with the input data. No, it isn't an endian issue. No, the problem isn't my version of OS X.
The problem is that I don't understand how audioConverterFillComplexBuffer works, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. And nothing out there is helping me understand, because it seems like nobody on Earth really understands how audioConverterFillComplexBuffer works, either. From the people who actually use it(I spy cargo cult programming in their code) to even the authors of Learning Core Audio and/or Apple itself(
This isn't just a problem for me, it's a problem for anybody who wants to program high-performance audio on the Mac platform. Threadbare documentation that's apparently wrong and examples that don't work are no fun.
Once again, to be clear: I NEED A STEP BY STEP WALKTHROUGH ON HOW TO USE audioConverterFillComplexBuffer plus its callback and so does the entire Mac developer community.
This is a very old question but I think is still relevant. I've spent a few days fighting this and have finally achieved a successful conversion. I'm certainly no expert but I'll outline my understanding of how it works. Note I'm using Swift, which I'm also just learning.
Here are the main function arguments:
inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef: This one is simple enough, just pass in a previously created AudioConverterRef.
inInputDataProc: AudioConverterComplexInputDataProc: The very complex callback. We'll come back to this.
inInputDataProcUserData, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?: This is a reference to whatever data you may need to be provided to the callback function. Important because even in swift the callback can't inherit context. E.g. you may need to access an AudioFileID or keep track of the number of packets read so far.
ioOutputDataPacketSize: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>: This one is a little misleading. The name implies it's the packet size but reading the documentation we learn it's the total number of packets expected for the output format. You can calculate this as outPacketCount = frameCount / outStreamDescription.mFramesPerPacket.
outOutputData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>: This is an audio buffer list which you need to have already initialized with enough space to hold the expected output data. The size can be calculated as byteSize = outPacketCount * outMaxPacketSize.
outPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?: This is optional. If you need packet descriptions, pass in a block of memory the size of outPacketCount * sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription).
As the converter runs it will repeatedly call the callback function to request more data to convert. The main job of the callback is simply to read the requested number packets from the source data. The converter will then convert the packets to the output format and fill the output buffer. Here are the arguments for the callback:
inAudioConverter: AudioConverterRef: The audio converter again. You probably won't need to use this.
ioNumberDataPackets: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>: The number of packets to read. After reading, you must set this to the number of packets actually read (which may be less than the number requested if we reached the end).
ioData: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>: An AudioBufferList which is already configured except for the actual data. You need to initialise ioData.mBuffers.mData with enough capacity to hold the expected number of packets, i.e. ioNumberDataPackets * inMaxPacketSize. Set the value of ioData.mBuffers.mDataByteSize to match.
outDataPacketDescription: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>?>?: Depending on the formats used, the converter may need to keep track of packet descriptions. You need to initialise this with enough capacity to hold the expected number of packet descriptions.
inUserData: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?: The user data that you provided to the converter.
So, to start you need to:
Have sufficient information about your input and output data, namely the number of frames and maximum packet sizes.
Initialise an AudioBufferList with sufficient capacity to hold the output data.
Call AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer.
And on each run of the callback you need to:
Initialise ioData with sufficient capacity to store ioNumberDataPackets of source data.
Initialise outDataPacketDescription with sufficient capacity to store ioNumberDataPackets of AudioStreamPacketDescriptions.
Fill the buffer with source packets.
Write the packet descriptions.
Set ioNumberDataPackets to the number of packets actually read.
return noErr if successful.
Here's an example where I read the data from an AudioFileID:
var converter: AudioConverterRef?
// User data holds an AudioFileID, input max packet size, and a count of packets read
var uData = (fRef, maxPacketSize, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int64>.allocate(capacity: 1))
err = AudioConverterNew(&inStreamDesc, &outStreamDesc, &converter)
err = AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(converter!, { _, ioNumberDataPackets, ioData, outDataPacketDescription, inUserData in
let uData = inUserData!.load(as: (AudioFileID, UInt32, UnsafeMutablePointer<Int64>).self)
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize = uData.1
ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: Int(uData.1), alignment: 1)
outDataPacketDescription?.pointee = UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioStreamPacketDescription>.allocate(capacity: Int(ioNumberDataPackets.pointee))
let err = AudioFileReadPacketData(uData.0, false, &ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mDataByteSize, outDataPacketDescription?.pointee, uData.2.pointee, ioNumberDataPackets, ioData.pointee.mBuffers.mData)
uData.2.pointee += Int64(ioNumberDataPackets.pointee)
return err
}, &uData, &numPackets, &bufferList, nil)
Again, I'm no expert, this is just what I've learned by trial and error.

How do you allocate memory at a predetermined location?

How do i allocate memory using new at a fixed location? My book says to do this:
char *buf=new char[sizeof(sample)];
sample *p=new(buf)sample(10,20);
Here new is allocating memory at buf's address, and (10,20) are values being passed. But what is sample? is it an address or a data type?
let me explain this code to you...
char *buf=new char[sizeof(sample)];
sample *p=new(buf)sample(10,20);
This is really four lines of code, written as two for your convenience. Let me just expand them
char *buf; // 1
buf = new char[sizeof(sample)]; // 2
sample *p; // 3
p = new(buf)sample(10,20); // 4
Line 1 and 3 are simple to explain, they are both declaring pointers. buf is a pointer to a char, p is a pointer to a sample. Now, we can not see what sample is, but we can assume that it is either a class defined else where, or some of data type that has been typedefed (more or less just given a new name) but either way, sample can be thought as a data type just link int or string
Line 2 is a allocating a block of memory and assigning it our char pointer called buf. Lets say sample was a class that contains 2 ints, this means it is (under most compilers) going to be 8 bytes (4 per int). And so buf points to the start of a block of memory that has been set aside to hold chars.
Line 4 is where it gets a big complex. if it where just p = new sample(10,20) it would be a simple case of creating a new object of type sample, passing it the two ints and storing the address of this new object in the pointer p. The addition of the (buf) is basically telling new to make use of the memory pointed to by buf.
The end effect is, you have one block of memory allocated (more or less 8 bytes) and it has two pointers pointing to it. One of the points, buf, is looking at that memory as 8 chars, that other, p, is looking at is a single sample.
Why would you do this?
Normally, you wouldn't. Modern C++ has made the sue of new rather redundant, there are many better ways to deal with objects. I guess that main reason for using this method, is if for some reason you want to keep a pool of memory allocated, as it can take time to get large blocks of memory and you might be able to save your self some time.
For the most part, if you think you need to do something like this, you are trying to solve the wrong thing
A Bit Extra
I do not have much experience with embedded or mobile devices, but I have never seen this used.
The code you posted is basically the same as just doing sample *p = new sample(10,20) neither method is controlling where the sample object is created.
Also consider that you do not always need to create objects dynamically using new.
void myFunction(){
sample p = sample(10,20);
This automatically creates a sample object for you. This method is much more preferable as it is easier to read and understand and you do not need to worry about deleting the object, it will be cleaned up for you when the function returns.
If you really do need to make use of dynamic objects, consider use of smart pointers, something like unique_ptr<sample> This will give you the ability to use dynamic object creation but save you the hassle of manual deleting the object of type sample (I can point you towards more info on this if you life)
It is a datatype or a typedef.
