Convergence of value iteration - algorithm

Why the termination condition of value-iteration algorithm
( example )
In the MDP (Markov Desicion Process) is
||Ui+1-Ui||< error*(1-gamma)/gamma, where
Ui is vector of utilities
Ui+1 updated vector of utilities
error -error bound used in algorithm
gamma-discount factor used in algorithm
Where does "error*(1-gamma)/gamma" come from?
"divided by gamma" is because every step is discounted by gamma?
But error*(1-gamma)?
And how big must be an error?

That's called a Bellman Error or a Bellman Residual.
See Williams and Baird, 1993 for use in MDPs.
See Littman, 1994 for use in POMDPs.


GEKKO Singular Matrix Problem with BPOPT and Solver Selection

I used MODES = 7 to sequentially solve a simulation problem with BPOPT solver. The solver can solve the first few problems but report the following error:
Problem with linear solver, INFO: 3
With solver=0, I can see the GEKKO has 6 different solvers. I wonder how can I specify a solver (like MINOS).
You can change solvers with m.options.SOLVER=1 for APOPT or m.options.SOLVER=3 for IPOPT. The other solvers aren't available for public use because they require a license.
The error message that you are receiving is because the solver could not find a search direction. I recommend including variable bounds such as lower bound of zero for some variables to prevent singular solutions.
If you'd like more specific help, please post minimal, verifiable code.

SVAR residual calculation python has problem?

I am using statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.svar_model.SVAR function. I am not sure if the calculation for residuals ("resid" in the code) is correct because it seems that it does not take the contemporaneous terms into account.
Autoregression methods are based on least square ones and "resid" means Least Square method fitting residuals, not prediction errors.
In addition, "residual" usually means estimation errors:

Modelica events and hybrid modelling

I would like to understand the general idea behind hybrid modelling (in particular state events) from a numerical point of view (although I am not a mathematician :)). Given the following Modelica model:
model BouncingBall
constant Real g=9.81
Real h(start=1);
Real v(start=0);
when h < 0 then
end when;
end BouncingBall;
I understand the concept of when and reinit.
The equation in the when statement are only active when the condition become true right?
Let's assume that the ball would hit the floor at exactly 2sec. Since I am using multi-step solver does that mean that the solver "goes beyond 2 seconds", recognizes that h<0 (lets assume at simulation time = 2.5sec , h = -0.7). What does this mean "The time for the event is searched using a crossing function? Is there a simple explanation(example)?
Is the solver now going back? Taking a smaller step-size?
What does the pre() operation mean in that context?
noEvent(): "Expressions are taken literally instead of generating crossing functions. Since there is no crossing function, there is no requirement tat the expression can be evaluated beyond the event limit": What does that mean? Given the same example with the bouncing ball: The solver detects at time 2.5 that h = 0.7. Whats the difference between with and without noEvent()?
Yes, the body of when is only executed at events.
Simple view: The solver takes steps, and then uses a continuous extension to generate a (smooth) interpolation formula for the previous step. That interpolation formula can be used to generate a plot, and also for finding the first point where h has crossed zero (likely 2.000000001). An event iteration is then done at that interpolated point - and afterwards the solver is restarted.
I wouldn't say that the solver goes back. It takes a partial step and then continues forward. Some solvers need to reduce the step-size a lot after the event - others don't.
pre(x) is set to the value of x before the event.
noEvent(h<0) basically means evaluate the expression as written without all the bells-and-whistles of crossing functions. You cannot use when noEvent(h<0) then
There are many additional point:
If you are familiar with Sturm-sequences or control theory you might realize that it is not necessary to interpolate a formula to determine if it crossed zero or not in an interval (and some tools use that). The fact that the function is not necessarily smooth makes it a bit more complicated, and also means that derivative-tests cannot be used.
How much the solver is reset depends on the kind of solver. One-step solvers (Runge-Kutta) can be restarted directly as if virtually nothing happened, whereas multi-step solvers (BDF/Adams - such as dassl/lsodar/cvode) need to start with lower order and smaller step-size.

error bound in function approximation algorithm

Suppose we have the set of floating point number with "m" bit mantissa and "e" bits for exponent. Suppose more over we want to approximate a function "f".
From the theory we know that usually a "range reduced function" is used and then from such function we derive the global function value.
For example let x = (sx,ex,mx) (sign exp and mantissa) then...
log2(x) = ex + log2( so basically the range reduced function is "log2(".
I have implemented at present reciprocal, square root, log2 and exp2, recently i've started to work with the trigonometric functions. But i was wandering if given a global error bound (ulp error especially) it is possible to derive an error bound for the range reduced function, is there some study about this kind of problem? Speaking of the log2(x) (as example) i would lke to be able to say...
"ok i want log2(x) with k ulp error, to achieve this given our floating point system we need to approximate log2( with p ulp error"
Remember that as i said we know we are working with floating point number, but the format is generic, so it could be the classic F32, but even for example e=10, m = 8 end so on.
I can't actually find any reference that shows such kind of study. Reference i have (i.e. muller book) doesn't treat the topic in this way so i was looking for some kind of paper or similar. Do you know any reference?
I'm also trying to derive such bound by myself but it is not easy...
There is a description of current practice, along with a proposed improvement and an error analysis, at The description of current practice appears consistent with the overview at, which is consistent with my memory of the most talked about problem being the mod pi range reduction of trigonometric functions.
I think IEEE floating point was a big step forwards just because it standardized things at a time when there were a variety of computer architectures, so lowering the risks of porting code between them, but the accuracy requirements implied by this may have been overkill: for many problems the constraint on the accuracy of the output is the accuracy of the input data, not the accuracy of the calculation of intermediate values.

Eligibility trace algorithm, the update order

I am reading Silver et al (2012) "Temporal-Difference Search in Computer Go", and trying to understand the update order for the eligibility trace algorithm.
In the Algorithm 1 and 2 of the paper, weights are updated before updating the eligibility trace. I wonder if this order is correct (Line 11 and 12 in the Algorithm 1, and Line 12 and 13 of the Algorithm 2).
Thinking about an extreme case with lambda=0, the parameter is not updated with the initial state-action pair (since e is still 0). So I doubt the order possibly should be the opposite.
Can someone clarify the point?
I find the paper very instructive for learning the reinforcement learning area, so would like to understand the paper in detail.
If there is a more suitable platform to ask this question, please kindly let me know as well.
It looks to me like you're correct, e should be updated before theta. That's also what should happen according to the math in the paper. See, for example, Equations (7) and (8), where e_t is first computed using phi(s_t), and only THEN is theta updated using delta V_t (which would be delta Q in the control case).
Note that what you wrote about the extreme case with lambda=0 is not entirely correct. The initial state-action pair will still be involved in an update (not in the first iteration, but they will be incorporated in e during the second iteration). However, it looks to me like the very first reward r will never be used in any updates (because it only appears in the very first iteration, where e is still 0). Since this paper is about Go, I suspect it will not matter though; unless they're doing something unconventional, they probably only use non-zero rewards for the terminal game state.
