Using firebreath plugin on Mac - macos

I have developed a test plugin using FireBreath on Visual Studio 2010. I could make it work on windows by registering the output dll...
Now I would like to check whether this plugin works on Mac. I have no idea about this..
Do I need to create plugin for Mac using XCode or I can use the same dll?
Any of your help is much appreciated.. This question may seem to be silly to some of you. But I am new to C++ and plugin...

a DLL is windows-only. To build a plugin on Mac, you need xcode installed on your mac, the firebreath codebase, and the project directory (not the build/ directory) for your plugin.
Then follow the instructions on Building on Mac OS on the firebreath website.


Does KMM works in Android Studio - Windows Version

I need to build an app for both iOS and Android.
I am getting this error after restarting Android Studio.
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin issue
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin is supposed to work on macOS only
I am using a windows machine.
Please tell me, if there is any solution to this problem.
KMM works in Windows.
There is an incorrect warning shown in Android Studio for the plugin stating "KMM Plugin is only available on macOS", which is probably the reason for the confusion.
Note: Though KMM works in Windows Machine, there are limitations.
Using a Windows machine, you can only write Android and shared module code
(Java & Kotlin).
Creating and running iOS simulators are NOT possible.
These are limitations from Apple rather than from KMM.
They are applicable for most of the cross-platform technologies like KMM, Flutter, etc.
Refer to this thread for more info.

How to install Xcode plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio?

Some developers have told me about it's possible to create iOS projects in Microsoft Visual Studio thanks to an Xcode plugin.
However, I can't find the proper way to install it, I already have tried to download it from here and I installed it but it doesn't appear when I try to create a new project.
So, if anyone can tell me the steps I have to follow in order to install the plugin properly, it would great.
Thank you in advance!
The xcode build tool you're trying to use has still a lot of issues and only few workflows are being implemented and supported. I suggest that if you wanted to create cross platform application and would like to use Visual studio code IDE then i suggest on using Xamarin its code base is c#. If you're using a mac computer then why not use xcode and if you're a windows user and wanted to create iOS apps then xamarin would be the best choice for you or unless you want to try frameworks like ionic etc. I hope i was able to help.Also , I can't comment because of still low repu , so I decided to post this as answer.

Xamarin Studio OSX and Windows Builds

I have a beginner question regarding Xamarin Studio. I wrote a prototype app in Windows Form using Visual Studio and I now want to flesh it out and deploy to both Windows desktop and OSX. Someone suggested using Xamarin Studio but I have run into an issue. When I try to build on a Mac for OSX all I get is a .exe. I am new to OSX development and am having trouble figuring out how to continue. Is there a build configuration I am missing? There doesn't seem to be any options for build targets.
Thank you for your time
the .exe can be run with Mono, but what you may be looking for is in the "Build" menu (at least, in the latest Beta), then "Archive for publishing" then "Sign and Distribute"

qt creator on mac, missing project templates

I'm sure there must be a simple explanation, I have downloaded the latest sdk and installed it using default settings in 10.7.5. I've used QT on windows before so I know how to make a project, however when I try and make a project expecting something like this to appear:
But this is what I actually see:
There are no gui project available, also none of the samples are present on the welcome page. searching for them just does nothing. I'm completely stumped, can anyone advise please?
I had the same problem.
I think what you've done is you've downloaded QtCreator as a stand alone app, and you're missing the actual Qt base files.
Uninstall QtCreator and then go to and download Qt itself, which comes with QtCreator bundled with it.
Make sure you have correctly configured the directory where Qt is installed. It needs to know where to find the qmake utility. (Specifically, go to Preferences|Build & Run|Qt Versions, click Add and locate the qmake executable).
Btw, it is assumed that you have installed XCode (at least its Unix command-line development tools.) In contrast to Windows, the Mac version does not come with a compiler. You need XCode for that.

Xcode programming

I wrote my programs in Visual Studio. now i have an mac and i want to program there like visual-studio. but there are differences between them. Is there any solution that i can write a code in Xcode that it is compatible in Visual Studio and works without any errors?
Is there any solution that i can write
a code in Xcode that it is compatible
in visual-Studio and works without any
Write standard portable source code. Xcode uses the GCC toolchain, VS uses MS's cl compiler. They are different. Xcode does have the notion of projects and solutions and allows configurations. However, they are a bit complicated (so beware). Also, the Xcode debugger is buggy and the editor is not as feature-rich as the VS2005/VS2008 IDE.
You can build Cocoa/Carbon based applications on Xcode but these won't compile/run on VS. Similarly, you can build Win32 applications on VS which won't run/compile on Xcode.
All in all, Xcode is your best shot at an IDE if you're not a vim/emacs fan.
You can easily write portable low level code in C/C++, but any GUI code or code which calls the OS will be non-portable.
Java would be also a good solution for platform independency. NetBeans would be my choice.
Would in theory be possible to have a vs template so you go project structure and intellisense then when you build have a build script export to the mac or source repository then build on mac
Either way Xcode needs to be run on a Mac.
You can use Mono and MonoDevelop, then the programs you create on Mac can run on Windows also. I use Visual Studio on my job, but my spare time I like to play around with mono on my mac.
