qt creator on mac, missing project templates - macos

I'm sure there must be a simple explanation, I have downloaded the latest sdk and installed it using default settings in 10.7.5. I've used QT on windows before so I know how to make a project, however when I try and make a project expecting something like this to appear:
But this is what I actually see:
There are no gui project available, also none of the samples are present on the welcome page. searching for them just does nothing. I'm completely stumped, can anyone advise please?

I had the same problem.
I think what you've done is you've downloaded QtCreator as a stand alone app, and you're missing the actual Qt base files.
Uninstall QtCreator and then go to http://qt-project.org/downloads and download Qt itself, which comes with QtCreator bundled with it.

Make sure you have correctly configured the directory where Qt is installed. It needs to know where to find the qmake utility. (Specifically, go to Preferences|Build & Run|Qt Versions, click Add and locate the qmake executable).
Btw, it is assumed that you have installed XCode (at least its Unix command-line development tools.) In contrast to Windows, the Mac version does not come with a compiler. You need XCode for that.


FVM (Flutter Version Manager) is not using the version specified, neither can download the version needed in Windows

Please check the image, I am in my root Flutter project folder, and I am trying to change my Flutter version using FVM, because I need to use the earlier version; 3.3.8
When I run fvm list, it shows me that I have stable 3.3.10, and 3.3.8, however the stupid "fvm use is not running, I have no idea why. I am the only user, and I activated all the administrator privilages and turned the developer mode on. There should not be an issue with that. In addition, I can use any version inside my android studio by changing it manually from the settings, and manually downloading the version I need. However, when I want to use the terminal inside android studio, it is still telling me that I am using the newest version of flutter, I am assuming the global version I installed. Please help me use the desired version inside the terminal in android studio, the output is the same as in the picture I provided.
At this point I am thinking of deleting this windows all together and switching to linux.
I have tried whatever I could find online, nothing is working. I am able to use any version manually from settings in android studio, but the problem is in the terminal inside the studio.
So I solved it by manually going to my root flutter installed folder and changing my flutter version using the terminal (Not the FVM version). Then used only flutter-given commands instead of FVM; I know it is not the best solution, but it works.

Get android studio (or the gradle part) running on OS X 10.7.5

I need to start android-development to develop an app for a motorola smartwatch on my good old mac OS X lion. Therefore I tried installing android studio when I got to the point where everything goes wrong and that's where I realised that mac OS X 1.8 was required.
After looking for workarounds (I am pretty sure there must be some as I found people claiming having android studio running on a not-requirement-meeting OS) I stumbled upon a question on SO. Although the answer there suggested to forget about android studio, I tried again and I discovered that you could install android studio without AVD. This turned out better than expected and after replacing the ADB with an older (mac os x 10.7.5 compiled) version, I finally managed to start a new project.
Although everything seems to work now, gradle hangs when I try to build a random project with blank activity. As I don't find much information about gradle, its system requirements and I don't have any experience with it, I was wondering whether someone would know a solution.
Which leads to my actual question: Is there a workaround to get android studio running on an older mac OS X? For instance by solving the gradle-problem or maybe some totally other technique or am I doomed to use eclipse (assuming I am not dual-booting)?
Any help is welcome!
It is actually possible. You can download any version of android studio (I guess, didn't try). After I found someone that could explain me how gradle works, I managed to get 1.4 working on my 'old' mac.
You just have to take the following points into account
Make sure you don't install any AVD-part as this only works as from mac OS X 10.8. For me this meant performing a custom installation and deselect ADV. I also deselected the other intel software, but I don't know whether this is necessary.
Replace your platform-tools folder (which is simply in your android sdk folder e.g. /Users/YourName/Library/Android/sdk) with an older version that I downloaded from https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools_r19.0.1-macosx.zip. If necessary your tools folder can also be downgraded to https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r22.6.2-macosx.zip
If you've done this, you can normally already work with android studio and create your own project, but then gradle starts to freak out because the build-tools don't work (again this can be found in your android sdk folder). I had two folders in the build-tools directory: 19.1.0 and 23.0.1. Because the build-tools in 23.0.1 don't work for mac OS X 10.7, you can actually just delete that folder or get any other folder for the version you like, but you need to tell gradle. To do this, you can follow the options listed in the answers on this question.
I hope this helps all people who ever want to get started with Android Studio on an older version of mac OS X

How do you configure Qt Creator to use both Qt4 and Qt5?

I download Qt Creator 2.7.0 (Based on Qt 5.0.2 (64 bit)).
This seems to compile everything with Qt5.
I know you can download the Qt4 SDK, but then how can i configure projects to use Qt4 instead if I need to? Please provide detailed instructions. I'm on Ubuntu and not using any repository supplied Qt tools/libraries.
Answer: You download Qt4, compile it (if necessary) then in the menu Tools->Options->Build & Run->Qt Versions, you add Qt4 manually similar to the Qt5 config. You just need the path to the qmake file. Then go to the Kits tab in the same Options box, and add a manual Qt 4 Kit. You can change the Kit available to your app via the Projects tile and the Add Kit button. Add the Qt4 kit, remove the Qt5 kit, rebuild all. Simple.
ref: http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-targets.html

Import VS project in Xcode

I've a project made in VS2010 for windows using C++. Now I want to port it to MAC so that the code base remains constant as much as possible. I used QT for GUI for the same reason. But I couldn't find a simple way like import VS project along with project settings or some such thing in Xcode to get started quickly on mac part. Any Ideas?
AFAIK, there is no convertor.
Alternative approach: You can use each IDE as a front-end for another tool, like CMake or qmake.
You could also try Qt Creator, Eclipse, or...

Qt Creator vs Xcode for Qt development on the Mac

I'm about to start a Qt project on the Mac and I'm not sure which IDE to choose between:
Qt Creator
Which are the advantages/disadvantages of these two IDEs for Qt development on the Mac?
Personally I'm using QtCreator in order to have the same on all platforms. The main advantage I give to it is that it have been developed for Qt.
The main advantage I give to XCode is its integration to MacOSX.
Now for you it depends:
If you always use XCode, You should continue using it for Qt to keep your marks
If you always use QtCreator, you should continue using it
If you start developing on MacOSX (or you've never used XCode) you should use QtCreator
Then my advice is: use the IDE you prefer to use
Qt Creator has much better integration with Qt in code editing, UI designing, and debugging. And it's the same across platform.
My issue with Creator on the Mac is it's debugging facility is not on a par with other platform. The python script-able debugger is not as functioning as, say Windows version of Creator. This is not Qt/Nokia's fault since the gcc/gdb on Mac are versions behind. Apple switched its focus to LLVM and left gcc tool chain, eh, to its natural death on the platform.
I actually do much of my developing on a Windows VM. Only switch to Mac for building and debugging something that's only Mac-specific.
Both options have issues. Qt Creator has problems with projects that have complicated project hierarchies (complicated in terms of folder structure.)
With Xcode, there are issues if you want to have some objective-c source in your project and if you want to be able to step into Qt source while debugging.
Most of my development is done on the Mac using Xcode and BBEdit. I switch over to Developer Studio on Windows for testing or if I need to be able to step into Qt while debugging.
Given the amount of time we all spend working working in these environments, you should try both and use what suits you best.
You also need to consider eclipse. I have spent the last week using Qt Creator and being a long-time eclipse user (for both Java and C++) I find it inferior. Once (if) Xcode 4 support is added to Qt, this might change, but at the moment my vote goes with eclipse even without the 'Qt Integration' available (i.e. just using the 'C++ Makefile project with existing sources').
