Are there any special event hooks for joomla modules - joomla

I have been searching special event hooks for use to track and update module forms. I found contenthooks on the documentation site but I couldn't get anything for modules. I want to add a plugin so that it adds an extra field viz. radio button to every module form. Finally I want to use the value of this radio field in templates/your-template/html/module.php. Can someone point me in the right direction towards this. Thanks :)

Jooma does not have event driven structure like for example .NET or Java. However if you want to trigger some additional functionality on certain event you may create a plugin. Plugin is something different than module or component but it 'collaborates' with them. It handles some per-defined events:
[1]: and it lets you define your own.
You may also try the way I usually take which is customize module display. You simply copy
view file of the module you want to modify to your template. For example:
/templates/{your template}/mod_feed/default.php
Now you can freely modify this file without any risk that it may be overwritten on the next Joomla update. Just don't forget to set your overwrite in module settings: go to administrator, modules, choose module to edit and in the tab 'Advanced' select 'Alternative Layout'.
I hope this helps and good luck!

Take a look at the new com_ajax that is in 3.2.


Missing Menu Assignment in Joomla Module Custom HTML

Recently we noticed that our module assignment tab is missing and we cannot assign any items to some modules, example:
Here is snapshot from our previous website (to compare with the current one):
Does anyone have any idea what we should check? We disabled all the plugins / one by one to check if it's going to help us, still nothing.
Also, all the pages have a Custom HTML modue. See :
So everything on the page above with a Custom HTML module doesn't have that "Module Assignment"...
Have you tried using web inspector on the problem pages to check the HTML? Maybe the missing tabs are there but there's conflicting CSS from some source which is hiding the tab list items.
You could also try changing the admin template to Hathor and see if that changes anything ... wouldn't solve the problem but might provide some clues.
Good luck!

Plone: Change footer text

I'm working on a new site for our Center, using Plone 4.3.3 on Linux. I am also using the Plonetheme Burned. How do I change the footer text to replace the copyright attribution from "Plone Foundation and friends" to my organization?
At least we have two ways to achieve this. One is to edit the registered (template-based) view plone.footer through the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). This approach seems more straight-forward for new comers.
Click into the Plone Site, scroll down to look for portal_view_customizations (Template customizations). You will see all the registered views there, including plone.footer.
Click into plone.footer you will see its template file in HTML format. Click on Customize button to modify it. Thus you can manage the Plone Footer template.
The above approach is much the same with Change the Logo in Plone.
Another equivalent way is to create your plone.footer viewlet in the filesystem, to override the stock one provided by module. See for more info. Still, there is an equivalent way to override the template, online search with keywords like z3c.jbot for more details.

Custom data in pyro cms pages, such as images or other data

I'm wondering how in PyroCMS I can add a custom field to a page. Ideally I would like to have an image area at the top of the layout, and have a custom field in pyro that would allow someone to populate that image from the pages module. I realize that there are some image plugins that allow me to attach images to pages, but I would like to be able to add the images directly into the page in the admin (as well as other custom fields for the pages). Even on a separate tab would be fine with me. I'm fine building something if someone can point me in the right direction.
Currently if you want to add a custom field to a page you have to hack the module. This is obviously not ideal and im not really suggesting it, but I had to do it for to add a "Subtitle" field to each page.
2.2/develop is having its Pages and Blogs moved over to Streams, so you can add custom fields to all pages globally, meaning you can add an image in if you like, or append a US State for some reason, or add a slider. Whipee!
So right now: Hack it or wait. 2.2/develop will have your feature in a week or two.
I'm not sure you can do this directly from the pages module yet or not without some customization (possible hacking) though, I just asked and will update if possible.
In the meantime this might be helpful:
Consider looking into PyroStreams. for this though, it will require the Pro version of PyroCMS or you can purchase it from Parse19 directly.
You might find this article helpful about organization and page layouts.
Here is an article called Dynamic Pages with PyroCMS and PyroStreams though, it's a bit outdated now.
You may also make use of the gallery module, which is free though, I'm not sure this will meet your needs.

Calendar Events in Multiple languages

I need to use Liferay 6.1 calendar but it seems like it does not support multilanguage (i.e. language translations) for events.
When I insert a new event it doesn't show me the "Add translation" feature.
I don't know if this exists as an update of the plugin, I'm already using an hook over it but the main problem is to have more than one title, i.e. one for each language.
Anyone know how I can solve it?
In my opinion you cann't make this with a hook, but with Ext. Because this requirement need to change the of Liferay Core. Thus change you can make only with a Ext. Futermore you must change the edit_event.jsp and the evet views jsps. Here a screenshot how this can see if you make it:

Joomla plugin {calls} - how to make them invisible in news display modules?

I am using sigplus image gallery extension for JOomla and sometimes I need to put a call to its plugin by using {gallery /} statement. It works well and it's not visible in the article. But when I want this article to be visible on frontpage and I use any module from JED for that purpose (news scrollers/sliders) the statement is visible.
Look at the example.
Is there a way to make this {statement} disappear? Or is there a slider module which doesn't show it?
The reason you are seeing the call to the plugin is that the modules you are using do not trigger the plugin code so it never gets replaced with a gallery. That's going to be an issue no matter what module you are using because the call if part of the content. Either that will show up or the gallery will unless you manipulate the code to do otherwise.
Your best bet is to modify which ever module you like best. If you look in the SIG plugin there is a regular expression they are using to replace the plugin call with the gallery code. Copy that and place it in your module, but instead up adding in the gallery code, replace the call with nothing and it will no longer appear in your module.
