Clips - adding new rules dynamically - clips

CLIPS is quite new to me - I have been trying to dig deeply into this language for 2 days.
A question came to my mind, namely: how (if possible) can I create/add new rules dynamically?
I would like to do for example sth like this:
(deftemplate action
(slot prev)
(slot curr)
(defrule test
(action (prev ?p))
(defrule test_inner
(action (curr ?p))
(printout t "Result of a newly created rule.")
Please do not pay special attention to the logic of these rules - it is just an example.
After invoking above presented commands I receive:
[EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for defrule.
(defrule MAIN::test
(action (prev ?p))
Is this error, a matter of command syntax or I can not define new rules "dynamically"?

First create a string containing the rule (or any other construct) and then use the build function:
(deftemplate action
(slot prev)
(slot curr)
(defrule test
(action (prev ?p))
(build (str-cat
"(defrule test_inner
(action (curr " ?p "))
(printout t \"Result of a newly created rule.\")
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (assert (action (prev move)))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0 test: f-1
For a total of 1 activation.
CLIPS> (run)
CLIPS> (rules)
For a total of 2 defrules.
CLIPS> (ppdefrule test_inner)
(defrule MAIN::test_inner
(action (curr move))
(printout t "Result of a newly created rule."))


CLIPS: match when value not in multislot

I am trying to write a rule that will match when a certain value is not in a multislot, and then add that value to it.
(deftemplate person
(multislot packing_list
(type SYMBOL)
(default ?DERIVE)))
(defrule apply_adapter
(travel international)
?p <- (person (packing_list $? ~travel_adaptor ))
(modify ?p (packing_list travel_adaptor)))
(println "Added to list" crlf)
(deffacts start
(travel international)
Two parts of this I know aren't correct:
?p <- (person (packing_list $? ~travel_adaptor )) does not fire the rule - what is the correct syntax?
(modify ?p (packing_list travel_adaptor))) probably does not do what I want, which is to insert the value, not replace the list.
Any ideas how to fix this?
CLIPS (Cypher Beta 8/21/18)
(deftemplate person
(multislot packing_list
(type SYMBOL)
(default ?DERIVE)))
(defrule apply_adapter
(travel international)
?p <- (person (packing_list $?pl))
(test (not (member$ travel_adaptor ?pl)))
(modify ?p (packing_list ?pl travel_adaptor))
(println "Added to list"))
(deffacts start
(travel international)
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Added to list
CLIPS> (facts)
f-1 (travel international)
f-2 (person (packing_list travel_adaptor))
For a total of 2 facts.

correlation between deffunctions and defrules CLIPS

(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(deffunction reservation(?idfunc)
(build (str-cat"(defrule existsClient
(exists(client(idClient ?idfunc)))
(printout t "exists" ?idfunc crlf))"
I made this deffunction and I want to see if exists the client with that idfunc that is received as parameter. what happens is that the defrule inside doesn't process this variable any thoughts how can i resolve?
I think you should set condition (assert your idfunc) and then fire the execution of your "existsClient" rule (defined as rule and not inside your function). That would be a clearer design in my opinion.
Typically you'll directly define your rules rather than using a deffunction, but here's how you can do it both ways:
CLIPS> (clear) ; Create rule and run with deffunction
(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(deffunction reservation (?idfunc)
(build (str-cat
"(defrule existsClient
(exists (client (idClient " ?idfunc ")))
(printout t \"exists " ?idfunc "\" crlf))"))
(assert (client (idClient ?idfunc)))
CLIPS> (reservation 2)
exists 2
CLIPS> (ppdefrule existsClient)
(defrule MAIN::existsClient
(client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (clear) ; Create rule directly
(deftemplate client
(slot idClient (type INTEGER))
(multislot nome)
(multislot birthdate)
(multislot registryCard)
(multislot endOfRegistryCard))
(defrule existsClient
(exists (client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (ppdefrule existsClient)
(defrule MAIN::existsClient
(client (idClient 2)))
(printout t "exists 2" crlf))
CLIPS> (assert (client (idClient 2)))
CLIPS> (run)
exists 2

How do I assert a fact in a CLIPS deffunction?

I originally attempted using the modify function but it doesn't do anything and just prints false, I don't know what I am doing wrong.
I used
(modify ?tv (v ?x))
it didn't work.
I then used
(retract ?tv)
(assert (v ?x))
instead, which worked.
But I don't want to type that out every time I want to modify a fact, so I made a deffunction to do it for me, but
(deffunction modfact(?index ?factname ?factvalue)
(retract ?index)
(assert (?factname ?factvalue))
in this it gives a syntax error of:
[PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for first field of a RHS pattern.
(deffunction MAIN::modfact
(?index ?factname ?factvalue)
(retract ?index)
(assert (?factname
Which seems to me that its saying that I can't actually make this function because I can't assert a fact with the value of the variable. How can I get this to work?
Modify only works with facts that have an associated deftemplate defined with slots:
(deftemplate task
(slot id)
(slot completed))
CLIPS> (watch facts)
CLIPS> (assert (task (id x) (completed no)))
==> f-1 (task (id x) (completed no))
(defrule modit
?f <- (task (completed ~yes))
(modify ?f (completed yes)))
CLIPS> (run)
<== f-1 (task (id x) (completed no))
==> f-2 (task (id x) (completed yes))
When using the assert command, the first field of the fact must be a symbol. If you must get around this restriction you can use the str-assert function.
(deffunction modfact (?index ?factname ?factvalue)
(retract ?index)
(str-assert (str-cat "(" ?factname " " ?factvalue ")")))
CLIPS> (assert (v 3))
==> f-3 (v 3)
CLIPS> (modfact 3 v 4)
<== f-3 (v 3)
==> f-4 (v 4)

How to compare a global variable to a string in Clips?

In my system the user inputs a Y or N to answer simple questions. I call this rule after every question to increment a counter. There are some general problems with my code but i can't see where
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are You In Pain? " crlf)
(bind ?*Answer* (read))
(defrule IncSym
(test(=(str-compare (?*Answer*) "y")0))
(bind ?*symcount* (+ ?*symcount* 1))
The syntactic errors can be corrected as follows:
CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (defglobal ?*Answer* = nil)
CLIPS> (defglobal ?*symcount* = 0)
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(bind ?*Answer* (read)))
(defrule IncSym
(test (eq ?*Answer* y))
(bind ?*symcount* (+ ?*symcount* 1)))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
CLIPS> (show-defglobals)
?*Answer* = y
?*symcount* = 0
This won't produce the behavior you're expecting, however, since ?*symcount* will not be incremented. The behavior of global variables and why you should not be using them in the manner you're attempting has been discussed previously:
How exactly (refresh) works in the clips?
CLIPS: forcing a rule to re-evaluate the value of a global variable?
Number equality test fails in CLIPS pattern matching?
CLIPS constant compiler directive
How can I run the clips with out reset the fact when using CLIPS
Instead of using global variables to track responses and symptoms, you should use facts or instances. Here's one approach:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate symptom
(slot id)
(slot response))
(deftemplate symptom-list
(multislot values))
(deffacts initial
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(assert (symptom (id in-pain) (response (read)))))
(defrule IncSym
(symptom (id ?id) (response y))
?f <- (symptom-list (values $?list))
(test (not (member$ ?id ?list)))
(modify ?f (values ?list ?id)))
(defrule symptoms-found
(declare (salience -10))
(symptom-list (values $?list))
(printout t "Symptom count: " (length$ ?list) crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
Symptom count: 1
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? n
Symptom count: 0
And another:
CLIPS> (clear)
(deftemplate symptom
(slot id)
(slot response))
(defrule QPain
(printout t "Are you in pain? ")
(assert (symptom (id in-pain) (response (read)))))
(defrule symptoms-found
(declare (salience -10))
(bind ?count (find-all-facts ((?f symptom)) (eq ?f:response y)))
(printout t "Symptom count: " (length$ ?count) crlf))
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? y
Symptom count: 1
CLIPS> (reset)
CLIPS> (run)
Are you in pain? n
Symptom count: 0

clips defrule doesn't work

i have deftemplate for url that contains url itself and integer counter :
(deftemplate url_t
(slot counter
(type INTEGER)
(default 0))
(slot url
(type STRING)
(default "")))
and i am trying to define the rule to print url string if counter value >0
(defrule print-url
(url_t (counter ?counter) (url ?url))
(test (> ?counter 0))
(printout t "url is " ?url crlf)
But when i try to change the values of url_t:
(assert url_t (counter 2) (url "hello hello"))
The rule is not executed. Where's my error?
If the assert statement in your description is exactly what you entered, then that's your problem because the syntax is invalid. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with the syntax of your deftemplate or defrule:
CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (unwatch all)
(deftemplate url_t
(slot counter
(type INTEGER)
(default 0))
(slot url
(type STRING)
(default "")))
(defrule print-url
(url_t (counter ?counter) (url ?url))
(test (> ?counter 0))
(printout t "url is " ?url crlf))
CLIPS> (assert (url_t (counter 2) (url "hello hello")))
CLIPS> (facts)
f-0 (initial-fact)
f-1 (url_t (counter 2) (url "hello hello"))
For a total of 2 facts.
CLIPS> (agenda)
0 print-url: f-1
For a total of 1 activation.
CLIPS> (run)
url is hello hello
CLIPS> (modify 1 (counter 3) (url "goodbye goodbye"))
CLIPS> (agenda)
0 print-url: f-2
For a total of 1 activation.
CLIPS> (run 1)
url is goodbye goodbye
CLIPS> (modify 2 (counter 0) (url "won't fire"))
CLIPS> (agenda)
