how to set path, when repo is downloaded using gradle - maven

I am using gradle to download the selenium chrome driver from maven
webtestsCompile 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-chrome-driver:2.32.0'
I am trying to use this directly and I see that I get this error :
Caused by:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The path to the driver executable must be set by the system property; for more information, see The latest version can be downloaded from
I have looked up a couple of questions from stack-overflow and other places it requires me to set the value of the property to the location where I have downloaded with some-thing like this :
System.setProperty("", "path to chrome-driver");
I am wondering what is the best way to go about this ?
I verified the java.class.path a snippet of this path looks like this :
This looks like the selenium-chrome-driver is present in the java.class.path.
Edit 2 :
I would want the chrome driver to work irrespective of the operating system that I am using, currently I am on a ubuntu box but a lot of this will get tested on a windows box. When I hard coded the value of the to the value in EDIT 1, I am facing the following issue :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The driver is not executable: /home/bhavya/.gradle/caches/artifacts-26/filestore/org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-chrome-driver/2.32.0/jar/14a4e8e32a4129c682c67381f5d7bf11f2327e1/selenium-chrome-driver-2.32.0.jar
Edit 3 :
Task within which I am running the test suite --
task webs(type: Test, dependsOn: updateNodeModules) {
testClassesDir = sourceSets.webtests.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.webtests.runtimeClasspath
def javaHomeBin = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin");
def javaExec = new File(javaHomeBin, "java").getAbsolutePath();
systemProperties['jar.path'] = jar.archivePath
println" url passed as variable is $url"
systemProperties["selenium.webdriver.url"] = "$url"
systemProperties["selenium.webbrowser.type"] = "firefox"
println "the browser passed is $browser"
systemProperties["selenium.webbrowser.type"] = "$browser"
include '**/UserEditControllerWebTest.class'
doFirst {
println " iterator is $it"
def chrome=configurations.testRuntime.find {"selenium-chrome-driver")
println " chrome driver path is $chrome"
systemProperties[""]= "$chrome"

Assuming that you need to set this system property for your tests, you can do something like:
test.doFirst {
systemProperty "",
classpath.find {"selenium-chrome-driver")


PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_PackageResource failed: The return code 1618 was not expected. Configuration is likely not correct

I have exe file downloaded in the VM in specific folder, I am trying to install Adobe using Powershell dsc code.
Script is failing with below error during execution (Configuration is called through ARM template), however if I check inside the VM, adobe is installed.
Tried running the same script manually inside the VM. Not facing any error though.
[{"code":"VMExtensionProvisioningError","message":"VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'configureWindowsServer'. Error message: "DSC Configuration 'Adobe' completed with error(s). Following are the first few: PowerShell DSC resource MSFT_PackageResource failed to execute Set-TargetResource functionality with error message: The return code 1618 was not expected. Configuration is likely not correct The SendConfigurationApply function did not succeed."\r\n\r\nMore information on troubleshooting is available at "}]}
Configuration Adobe
$PackagesFolder = "C:\Packages\Adobe"
$AcrobatReader = #{
"Name" = "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
"Installer" = "AcroRdrDC.exe"
"HashAlgorithm" = "SHA256"
"DestinationPath" = "$PackagesFolder\AdobeAcrobatReaderDC"
"Arguments" = "/msi EULA_ACCEPT=YES /qn"
Package AdobeAcrobatReaderDC {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = $AcrobatReader.Name
ProductId = $AcrobatReader.ProductId
Path = ("{0}\{1}" -f $AcrobatReader.DestinationPath, $AcrobatReader.Installer)
Arguments = $AcrobatReader.Arguments

gradle: how to use result of task in configuration phase (plugin ospackage)

I have a gradle script in which I configure a plugin (in my case ospackage but I guess the same would apply to another plugin) using a variable as per:
ospackage {
version project.ext.my_version
This variable is first initialized and then is updated using a task that I call first in my build script:
ext {
my_version = "XXX"
task init{
group 'ho'
description 'get HO Version'
doLast {
project.ext.my_version = getParameter("VERSION")
the problem is that the plugin (in my case ospackage) always consider the initial value "XXX" and not the correct one that was set by executing the init task.
I know it has something to do with configuration and execution phase but still I cannot find a workaround to do what I want.
For info, I also tried to create a task like the one below but it also fail as it seems that buildDeb task does not overwrite ospackage version parameter
buildDeb {
doLast {
version project.ext.my_version
link('/usr/bin/aa', '/usr/bin/')
I also tried to put at the end of my file something like:
but the problem is that ospackage is not recognized as a task
Thank you in advance for your help.
It looks to me like the essence of your question revolves around on-demand values. My understanding is that you would like to set a version number during the configuration phase and use that value during the execution phase to set a package version using the ospackage plugin.
The issue is that the ospackage documentation only provides examples (to date) that setup the package constants during the configuration phase. Obviously that won't work because it is the same time you are setting your version (something that must be able to be done in parallel). You have the right idea with doLast. I found that some things from the ospackage cannot go in "doLast" blocks like packageName (if you have more than one of the same package/task type), so I just put the things that require on-demand evaluation in that block (the version, because we need its evaluation delayed until the execution phase).
My solution was to create a variable that holds the function that resolves the version.
def versionForRpm = { -> project.version }
Create a configuration block
configurations.ext {
version = versionForRpm
This is an example of an on-demand value (aka lazily-evaluated value).
task someRpmBuild(type: Rpm) {
// all package configs that require evaluation during execution phase (lazy)
doLast {
version = configurations.ext.version
requires("someotherpackageinthisbuild", configurations.ext.version(), 0)
// all package configs that may be evaluated during the configuration phase
release = configurations.ext.release
packageGroup = configurations.ext.packageGroup
license = configurations.ext.license
packager = configurations.ext.packager
user = configurations.ext.user
distribution = configurations.ext.distribution
vendor = configurations.ext.vendor
url = configurations.ext.url
os = configurations.ext.os
buildHost = configurations.ext.buildHost
epoch = configurations.ext.epoch
arch = configurations.ext.arch
Note that configurations.ext.version will be "called" automatically in the execution phase. I needed to explicitly call it when used as an argument in requires, however.
according to the documentation, the task type is Deb:
task fooDeb(type: Deb) {
packageName // Default to
packageDescription // Defaults to project.description
version // Version field, defaults to project.version
arch // Architecture, defaults to "all". E.g. "amd64", "all"
multiArch // Configure multi-arch behavior: NONE (default), SAME, FOREIGN, ALLOWED (see: )
release // DEB Release
epoch // Epoch, defaults to 0
user // Default user to permission files to
permissionGroup // Default group to permission files to, "group" is used by Gradle for the display of tasks
uid // Default uid of files
gid // Default gid of files
createDirectoryEntry // [Boolean]
maintainer // Defaults to packager
uploaders // Defaults to packager
version Version field, defaults to project.version
might give the RPM plugin a try.
I was able to solve the issue i had, setting the destination for the ospackage copy destination to a calculated value by using
mydestdir = ""
rpmVersion = "1"
releaseNumber = "1"
task init{
group 'ho'
description 'get HO Version'
doLast {
configurations.ext.mydestdir = "/store/tmp/+getSubDir()"
configurations.ext.rpmVersion = "123"
configurations.ext.releaseNumber = "456"
task fooRpm(type: Rpm) {
dependsOn init
version = configurations.rpmVersion
release = configurations.releaseNumber
from(project.tempDir) {
into configurations.mydestdir
fileMode = 0644
user = "nobody"
permissionGroup = "nobody"
I think you'll have use type Deb, and make some changes, but this should speed up your build, and you can verify results by adding --scan before and after making these changes.

Gradle - Configure tests includes from property file

I've got a Java project build with Gradle and a property file that contains custom configuration for my testing framework (amount of thread to use, test environment url, custom username & password for those environments, etc...).
I'm facing an issue related to using properties from that file that I can't figure out:
if my Test task include '**/*Test.class', all tests are running as expected.
if my Test task include '**/MyTest.class', only that test is running as expected.
if my Test task include readProperty(), the task is skipped as NO-SOURCE. <- this is the part I can't understand - as the readProperty return the correct value.
Let's get into details:
This is how the property is defined in a file:
This is what the build.gradle file looks like:
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(projectDir.toString() + '/'))
def testsToRunWorking(p) {
String t = 'MyTest.class'
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
def testsToRunNotWorking(p) {
String t = getProperty(p, "testng.class.includes")
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
task testCustom(type: Test) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
classpath = configurations.customTest + sourceSets.customTest.output
include testsToRunNotWorking(props) ///< Does not work!
// include testsToRunWorking(props) ///< Works!
In terms of debugging:
The println properly return the value I expect, even when the testCustom task doesn't do what I would expect.
I tried adding a dependsOn task just to print the content of testCustom.configure { println $includes } which looks correct as well.
Tests = '**/MyTest.class'
:compileCustomTestJava - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
:testCustom NO-SOURCE
The core of the issue seems to be coming from the fact that I'm reading that value from property. I hard coded inside the build.gradle everything works as expected. If read from a property file - build stops with a NO-SOURCE statement.
Any idea?
You are using quotation marks in the values of your property files. Everything that comes after the assignment sign in a property file is used as value, so the quotation marks remain in the string. They are printed in your output Tests = '**/MyTest.class'. On the other hand, if you define a string in your (Groovy) code with quotation marks, they are not included in the string. Therefor, the passed strings are not the same.
Remove the quotation marks from your property file(s) and everything should work, since the class files will match your string without the quotation marks.

Is it possible to override gradle from prompting error because ("." and "-") in the name of a variable? eg; name.dir (.dir not found) in task

The error message:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'telescope-master'.
> Cannot get property 'dir' on null object file
classes.dir = WebContent/WEB-INF/classes
webContent.dir = WebContent
template.dir = hdm/template
javascript.dir = hdm/function
javascript4.0.2.dir = hdm/function/4.0.2
datamodel.dir = hdm/datamodel
certificate.dir = certificate
build.gradle file
Properties extFile = new Properties()
extFile.load(new FileInputStream(''))
task FirmwareMatch(type: Zip) {
from ("${extFile.javascript.dir}")
include 'factoryResetOnFirmwareMatch.*'
archiveName ''
destinationDir file('dist/hdm/function')
So basically if I remove the "." from .dir on both files it would work. But is there any way to over ride it?
Also how can I display actual date when using ${TODAY} in gradle.
So your problematic expression is:
If we break that into how Groovy will interpret it:
You want Groovy to interpret it as:
Besides directly calling getProperty, here are a couple Groovy options:
Additionally, assuming your file is either in your project root (generally as a sibling to the build.gradle) or in your GRADLE_HOME directory (i.e. ~/.gradle/ it will be automatically loaded by Gradle and all properties available as project properties.
So you can remove all of your properties parsing code and just do the following:
// or
// or
If you want to protect against those properties not being set, and are on Gradle 2.13 or higher, you can use findProperty instead of getProperty which will return null instead of throwing an exception.

gradle custom properties and println

I'm very new to gradle so I'm trying to make sense of it. I'm trying to print the custom properties using println and it works when I just use the property. But as soon as I put it in a string it fails and I'm not sure what is going on. looks like this:
version = '2.0'
description = 'Project Description'
project.ext {
winADTSDKManager = 'SDK Manager.exe'
winADTSDKManagerPath = 'C:/Projects/WinSDKEnv/sdk/adt'
in build.gradle I try to run the code:
task androidSDKManager << {
description = 'Run Android SDK Manager'
println project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath
println 'Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath'
The output looks like this:
c:\Projects\Prototypes\STouchGradle>gradle androidSDKManager
Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath
The second println statement is not printing the path like the one above. Any ideas on what is wrong with what im doing?
Update: 7/27/2014
OK I figured it out. I need to use double quotes like this
println "Starting: $project.ext.winADTSDKManagerPath"
