Is it possible to override gradle from prompting error because ("." and "-") in the name of a variable? eg; name.dir (.dir not found) in task - gradle

The error message:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'telescope-master'.
> Cannot get property 'dir' on null object file
classes.dir = WebContent/WEB-INF/classes
webContent.dir = WebContent
template.dir = hdm/template
javascript.dir = hdm/function
javascript4.0.2.dir = hdm/function/4.0.2
datamodel.dir = hdm/datamodel
certificate.dir = certificate
build.gradle file
Properties extFile = new Properties()
extFile.load(new FileInputStream(''))
task FirmwareMatch(type: Zip) {
from ("${extFile.javascript.dir}")
include 'factoryResetOnFirmwareMatch.*'
archiveName ''
destinationDir file('dist/hdm/function')
So basically if I remove the "." from .dir on both files it would work. But is there any way to over ride it?
Also how can I display actual date when using ${TODAY} in gradle.

So your problematic expression is:
If we break that into how Groovy will interpret it:
You want Groovy to interpret it as:
Besides directly calling getProperty, here are a couple Groovy options:
Additionally, assuming your file is either in your project root (generally as a sibling to the build.gradle) or in your GRADLE_HOME directory (i.e. ~/.gradle/ it will be automatically loaded by Gradle and all properties available as project properties.
So you can remove all of your properties parsing code and just do the following:
// or
// or
If you want to protect against those properties not being set, and are on Gradle 2.13 or higher, you can use findProperty instead of getProperty which will return null instead of throwing an exception.


Passing a gradle task arguments in command line

I'm trying to find the best way to pass a gradle task arguments from the command line.
I have this task. I want to unpack solutions from student exercises and copy them into the right place in the project to evaulate them. I call this task like this:
> gradle swapSolution -Pstudent=MyStudent -Pexercise=ex05
One Problem i have with this while doing this in IntelliJ while having the Gradle plugin enabled is that i get this error message when build the project. What could be a solution to this?
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'kprog-2020-ws'.
> Could not get unknown property 'student' for root project 'kprog-2020-ws' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
This is the gradle task:
task swapSolution(type: Copy) {
new File("${rootDir}/Abgaben").eachDir { file ->
if ("(.*)" +"student") + "(.*)")) {
def exDir = new File("/src/main/java/prog/" +"exercise"))
if (!exDir.exists()) {
delete exDir
new File(file.path).eachFile { zipSolution ->
//def zipFile = new File("./Abgaben/" + + "/" +"exercise") + "")
from zipTree(zipSolution)
into "/src/main/java/"
Do you have any suggestions to optimize this process?
-P denotes the Gradle Project Property. If you need to use project properties you can specify it as a system property in file in project root directory.
If your task is of type JavaExec you can use --args switch and pass it in Arguments text field of the Gradle Task Run Configuration togenther with the task name like swapSolution -args="-student=MyStudent -exercise=ex05". See also

Gradle - Configure tests includes from property file

I've got a Java project build with Gradle and a property file that contains custom configuration for my testing framework (amount of thread to use, test environment url, custom username & password for those environments, etc...).
I'm facing an issue related to using properties from that file that I can't figure out:
if my Test task include '**/*Test.class', all tests are running as expected.
if my Test task include '**/MyTest.class', only that test is running as expected.
if my Test task include readProperty(), the task is skipped as NO-SOURCE. <- this is the part I can't understand - as the readProperty return the correct value.
Let's get into details:
This is how the property is defined in a file:
This is what the build.gradle file looks like:
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(projectDir.toString() + '/'))
def testsToRunWorking(p) {
String t = 'MyTest.class'
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
def testsToRunNotWorking(p) {
String t = getProperty(p, "testng.class.includes")
println "Tests = $t"
return t ? t : '**/*Test.class'
task testCustom(type: Test) {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
classpath = configurations.customTest + sourceSets.customTest.output
include testsToRunNotWorking(props) ///< Does not work!
// include testsToRunWorking(props) ///< Works!
In terms of debugging:
The println properly return the value I expect, even when the testCustom task doesn't do what I would expect.
I tried adding a dependsOn task just to print the content of testCustom.configure { println $includes } which looks correct as well.
Tests = '**/MyTest.class'
:compileCustomTestJava - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
:testCustom NO-SOURCE
The core of the issue seems to be coming from the fact that I'm reading that value from property. I hard coded inside the build.gradle everything works as expected. If read from a property file - build stops with a NO-SOURCE statement.
Any idea?
You are using quotation marks in the values of your property files. Everything that comes after the assignment sign in a property file is used as value, so the quotation marks remain in the string. They are printed in your output Tests = '**/MyTest.class'. On the other hand, if you define a string in your (Groovy) code with quotation marks, they are not included in the string. Therefor, the passed strings are not the same.
Remove the quotation marks from your property file(s) and everything should work, since the class files will match your string without the quotation marks.

How to replace in log4j2.xml with Gradle?

I want to replace a value in our log4j2.xml with Gradle during build. I found a way to do that:
task reaplaceInLogFile {
String apiSuffix =['apiSuffix'] ?: ''
println "In my task"
String contents = file('src/main/resources/log4j2.xml').getText( 'UTF-8' )
println "File found"
contents = contents.replaceAll( "svc0022_operations", "svc0022_operations${apiSuffix}")
new File( 'src/main/resources/log4j2.xml' ).write( contents, 'UTF-8' )
However, this changes also the source file permanently and I do not want to do that. I want to change the log4j2.xml that will be included in the build zip only. I know I can use something like this:
tasks.withType( { task ->
String apiSuffix =['apiSuffix'] ?: ''
task.eachFile {
println name
if (name == '') {
println "Expanding properties for API Version suffix: ${apiSuffix}"
filter { String line ->
line.startsWith("${serviceId}.api.suffix") ? "${serviceId}.api.suffix=${apiSuffix}" : line
But I do not know what is the type of the log4j2 file. If there is another way to do that I will be thankful!
We are using Mule gradle plugin.
The Type is not the type of the log4j2 file, but the type of the task that creates the ZIP or wherever your log4j2 file is packaged into. If the log4j2 file is included in the ZIP that is generated by a MuleZip task, then you can simply add another if-branch for the log4j2 file.
But actually it is probably better to just edit the concrete task that packages up the log4j2 file into some archive instead of all tasks of the same type.
Besides that you should be able to use filesMatching instead of eachFile with an if I think.

Gradle : how can I call a 'def' from an imported script?

I am currently modularizing our gradle build in order to have a libs/commons.gradle file containing a lot of global stuff. I need this because of various branches of the software beeing developed in parallel and we'd like to avoid to spread every scriptfile change among all branches.
So I created that lib file and used "apply from" to load it :
apply from: 'gradle/glib/commons.gradle'
Inside commons.gradle I define the svnrevision function :
def svnRevision = {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
SVNClientManager clientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(options);
SVNStatusClient statusClient = clientManager.getStatusClient();
SVNStatus status = statusClient.doStatus(projectDir, false);
SVNRevision revision = status.getCommittedRevision();
return revision.getNumber().toString();
I am calling the function from my including build.gradle:
task writeVersionProperties {
File f = new File(project.webAppDirName+'/WEB-INF/');
if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); }
f = new File(project.webAppDirName+'/WEB-INF/');
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f);
But I end up in :
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build $PATH_TO/build20.gradle
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'DEV_7.X.X_GRADLEZATION'.
> Could not find method svnRevision() for arguments [] on root project 'DEV_7.X.X_GRADLEZATION'.
So my queston is : How can I call a subfunction in gradle, which is defined in an included script?
Any help appreciated!
13.4.1. Local variables
Local variables are declared with the def keyword. They are only
visible in the scope where they have been declared. Local variables
are a feature of the underlying Groovy language.
13.4.2. Extra properties
All enhanced objects in Gradle's domain model can hold extra
user-defined properties. This includes, but is not limited to,
projects, tasks, and source sets. Extra properties can be added, read
and set via the owning object's ext property. Alternatively, an ext
block can be used to add multiple properties at once.
If you declare it as:
ext.svnRevision = {
and don't change the call, I expect it will work.

gradle use variables in sub project that are defined in child

Root project build.gradle
task setUpEnvironmentDirs()<<{
// FileTree tree = fileTree(dir:'../../../pngcommon/config-tokens', include:"*.properties")
project.tree.each {File currentFile ->
def fileName = "${currentFile.getName().split("\\.")[0]}"
def destinationFile = "${distDir}/${fileName}/"
Sub project build.gradle
FileTree tree = fileTree(dir:'../../../pngcommon/config-tokens', include:"*.properties")
FileTree tree = fileTree(dir:'../../../pngcommon/config-tokens', include:"*.properties")
The file tree that is commented out in the root project is the variable I am attempting to move to the sub project because the directory path will be different in each sub project. I saw a similar post and set mine up similarly, but I keep getting an error.
gradle use variables in parent task that are defined in child
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'services'.
Could not find property 'tree' on project ':service'.
You just need to comment in the code that declares the local variable, and use tree.each instead of project.tree.each. The relative paths will be resolved correctly.
