bash function syntax error in cygwin - bash

I'm using cygwin. I made a sh file like the following
function bash {
local var="local variable"
echo $var
then I execute this file
The result returned is
./ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `$'\r''
'/ line 2: `function bash {
I have no clue how to fix it and use the capability of writing function in bash scripts. Thank you in advance!

The error message is trying to tell you there are CRLF line endings, and it doesn't like the CR ($'\r' being a bash way of representing CR, carriage return).

Using Cygwin, you need to do this before executing any bash file:
sed -i 's/\r$//'
Once done, you can use it normally. If you make any change in the code, use that line again.
This is because there is a problem with the CR when using bash files in Cygwin. This line eliminates those bothering CR and solves the problem.


syntax error near unexpected token `(' bash [duplicate]

I want to run this script:
echo <(true)
I run it as:
And I get "Syntax error: "(" unexpected" . I found some similar situations but still can't solve this.
I'm a beginner at shell scripting , but as I understand:
the shebang I use is correct and chooses the bash shell , so the process substitution syntax should work
I try the same from the command line and it works. I checked with echo $0 and it gives me "bash" , so what's the difference from running the command in the command line and from a script that invokes the same shell?
Maybe it's something simple, but I couldn't find an explanation or solution.
You should run your script with bash, i.e. either bash ./ or making use of the shebang by ./ after setting it to executable. Only running it with sh ./ do I get your error, as commented by Cyrus.
See also: role of shebang at unix.SE
Remove export POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 from your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (etc.) files.
The issue is that process substitution is an added bash feature that is not part of the posix standards.
errorsh: 3: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

Error 'Syntax error: "(" unexpected' when declaring arrays in bash

Same problem as this OP, but must be a seperate cause.
The following script:
arr=("cat" "dog" "bird")
Works interactively (debian) but fails when called by crontab with:
/bin/sh: 2: /path/ Syntax error: "(" unexpected
I've tried with #!/bin/bash shebang, and declaring array with declare -a arr=("cat" "dog" "bird"), to no effect.
Any idea why?
The problem here is that you are using this shebang:
Whereas arrays are something Bash specific that shell does not allow.
So to make it work, change the shebang of your script to Bash:
Specify your interpreter explicitly in the crontab entry. Use
bash /path/
rather than
Just for the documentation,
i had an old script to run which had an Syntax Error in the Shebang:
instead of
Also check the Script is executable of course.
Very similar problem with incorrect bash function declarations. This works OK from the command line, but it causes cron to fail...
function test () { ... }
Cron should save the errors in /var/mail
I also recommend linting with "shellcheck" because it found another error I didn't notice.

Two commands in one script ubuntu terminal

I have two commands:
python /srv/django/ shell; execfile('/home/usr/')
I want to use them in one script However as it is, I get errors.
CommandError: Command doesn't accept any arguments
/home/usr/ line 7: syntax error near unexpected token
where is what the code I want running when the python shell appears. How could I go about achieving this?
What was happening here is that ';' symbol will wait until something is performed/run in the shell. The correct syntax would be
python /srv/django/ shell <<EOF\ execfile('') EOF

Shell scripting: new line command not found

I am trying to run my shell script from command line lets say;
my script looks like this:
echo hello
When try to run this source ./ I get this error.
"' is not a typo you can run the following command to lookup the package that contains the binary:
: command not found
Never seen this before something wrong with having a empty line before "echo hello" ? I was wondering if anyone else encountered something like this.
Along with the first line of your script being a comment, it sounds like your file has DOS line endings, and the carriage return is being treated as the command that isn't found. The error message sounds like something provided by a custom command_not_found_handle function (which I believe Ubuntu defines).
needs to be
or wherever bash is installed (you can locate this by doing whereis bash).
Your program should work fine when invoked using bash, i.e., bash ./, but when executed directly ./ then the hashbang line does matter because that is how the interpreter is located for the script contained in the executable file.
Try echo 'hello', within quotes. It looks like there is a newline between the echo command and hello and it is trying to run 'hello' as a command.
The hashbang line should be #!/bin/bash, but messing that up won't matter as it will interpret any line that starts with a hash as a comment.
Run script with debug option to see which line actually is failing:
bash -x
Note: in this case the Shebang line will be treated as a comment, so if the rest of your script is correct, it will execute correctly:
$ bash -x
+ echo hello
Make sure your file does not have a BOM
I had the same problem when editing a script under Windows with Notepad++.
make sure to convert to "UTF-8 witout BOM".

Bash for loop error

I am trying out a simple bash script using for loop, and kept getting the following error:
'/ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `do
'/ line 2: `do
The following is the code that is being used...
for animal in dog cat elephant
echo "There are ${animal}s.... "
However, when I tried on other machines.. it is working no problem.
Please help.
Your script has Windows-style line endings. The shell sees each \r\n sequence as a \r character at the end of the line.
The shell is seeing do\r rather than do. Since \r sends the cursor to the beginning of the line, that's why you're seeing the quotation mark at the beginning of the line. Try
./ 2>&1 | cat -A
to see what's actually in the error message.
Filter your script through something like dos2unix to correct the line endings. (Be sure to read the man page first; dos2unix, unlike most text filters, overwrites its input file.)
This is a common problem on Cygwin. Did you use a Windows editor to create the script?
