Xcode 5.0 testing in iOS 5.0.1 Simulator - xcode

I have a customer who has reported an issue that my app instantly crashes after starting on iOS 5.0.1 on an iPad 1, and I wanted to test it.
How is it possible to run an app with Xcode 5.0 on an iOS 5.0.1 Simulator, as it is not shown in the list of available downloads.

See this answer, it might help. (Please note that I haven't tried it.)
If it really is impossible on Mavericks, maybe you could consider installing an older OS X version in a VM?


XCode simulator runtime is not supported on macOS 11.1

The app I am working on support iOS 9 so I need to test it on simulator, but as I updated mac os and installed new xCode it looks like its impossible.
Maybe some one can give an advice how to enable these old iOS simulators in XCode.
Thanks in advance!

Paired device unavailable for development - after OSX Sierra and watchOS 3.1

After upgrading my Macbook to OS X Sierra and my Apple Watch to watchOS 3.1, I've been getting the following error in the Xcode run project target item:
"Paired device unavailable for development"
It looks like people have encountered this in the past and this specific StackOverflow answer is linked when someone has this problem:
iOS: Watch Kit paired device unavailable for development
However, I've done every single solution that has been listed and I'm still getting this issue. Is there any reason in particular why upgrading to Sierra and watchOS 3.1 would have caused this issue?
Downloading the latest xcode beta (8.1 beta 3) appears to fix this issue
I have the same problem. After I deleted Xcode 9.1 beta then open project with Xcode 9.0. I found that my deployment target is auto set to iOS 11.1 which higher my iPhone OS. After change target to iOS 9.0 it worked.

Xcode 5.1.1 - iOS 6.1 Simulator not responding

I need to test an application on an iOS6 simulator. Since this iOS version is not part of the current Xcode6 environment, I tried to install Xcode 5.1.1 beside my Xcode 6 installation and use it.
I downloaded Xcode 5.1.1 from the Apple developer pages and installed in in my applications folder. After launch I am downloading and installing the iOS 6.1 SDK from within Xcode.
After that I am trying to launch the simulator (NOT with an app, just a clean launch) but when the simulator window is shown it keeps black. The log says:
Could not lookup service com.apple.iphonesimulator.host_support: 1102
repeatingly. Clicking "Reset Content and Settings..." wont work. I also deleted the SDK file from
~/Applications/Xcode 2.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/
and the 6.1 Folder from
~/Users/username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
And made a fresh install. Also no effect. I know there are a lot of similar questions here on stack, but they all suggest the "Reset Content and Settings..." which wont work for me. Any idea what might going on?
When launching an iOS7.1 simulator from Xcode 5.1.1 it starts up and works like a charm. The iOS7.1 comes with the Xcode bundle, the iOS6.1 simulator has to be installed manually. Maybe that's the problem?
i probably found the answer here: In OS X 10.10 (Yosemite Beta), How do I Test Using iOS 6.1 Simulator?
In short: iOS6 is not supported under OS-X 10.10 and so the simulator won't work.

Is it possible to install iOS6 SDK on Xcode 6-beta?

I noticed that there are no preview or simulator for iOS6 in Xcode 6-beta, so I was wondering is there any way that I could add it manually ?
Apple only support iOS7 and iOS8, and they're strict with that. As a result, only iOS7/8 simulators are available in Xcode 6.
If you want to run on an older simulator, you need to develop on an older version of XCode.
Not possible. But: you can still test on a iOS 6 device from Xcode 6. I keep an old iPhone 4 for this (look at eBay).
EDIT: there is another way - install Xcode 5 on a virtual machine (e.g. VMWare Fusion) running Mavericks.
iOS6 simulator is available in Xcode5
No, the earliest SDK you can get for Xcode 6 is 7.1. By default, the iOS 7 simulator is not installed but you can install it by going to preferences, then to downloads and installing it from there.
To run iOS 6 applications, try googling around for an earlier Xcode version (late versions of 4) and these should have the simulator!
Hope that helps!

no provisional ios devices are available

my Mac has Snow Leopard and Xcode about shows 4.2 (4c199)
An update came to my iphone4 and it has now ios5.1 (used to be ios5.01)
When I try to run on the ios device target the build goes through fine but the installation fails with "no provisional ios devices are available with a compatible ios version".
When I look in Xcode organizer I can see similarly:
The version of iOS on “XXXXXX’s iPhone” does not match any of the versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
and here is what the organizer shows:
OS Installed on XXXXX’s iPhone
5.1 (9B176)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions
5.0 (9A334)
4.2 (8C134)
What is the meaning of "Latest" here?
I hope I do not need to install Xcode 4.3 as it will require moving to Mountain Lion in the middle of the project?
Prior to this update the things used to work, I think (lately I was working only in the simulator, but before that everything work on the iphone ok).
Thanks for any help in advance.
Your mistake was updating your iphone to IOS 5.1, because your current version of xcode doesn't support it. So basically, you either have to downgrade your IOS device to 5.0 or you have to upgrade to Lion(not mountain lion) and then install the latest version of xcode which does supports IOS 5.1.
Downgrading can be a bitch btw, so I think lion is your best bet. Ill have to do the same soon. Hope this made things a little more clear! Best of luck man!
