reload all packages using composer - laravel-4

Is it possible to reload all the packages installed using composer? I'm not sure if I made an accidental change to the source of on of the packages, and my app stopped working so I want to rule this out by reloading all the packages.

You can generally just wipe the vendor/ directory and then run composer install to get everything back from your last known state (stored in composer.lock). Some plugins/custom installers in some frameworks however drop packages outside the vendor dir, but as far as I know with Laravel you should be ok doing this.

I think php artisan dump-autoload should help.


Laravel/ui package doesn't work after pulled from github

so my friend and i are working on a project and we install laravel/ui package on his device to use Auth:routes, but after i pull from github it says "In order to use the Auth::routes() method, please install the laravel/ui package." even though i also pulled all file that he push and the gitignore file is empty. does this mean i have to install laravel/ui package in my device too? because i dont want to have the client to installed all those again when we finished and send the folder to our client. we used laravel 7.24 btw
You just need to regenerate the classes as :
composer dump-autoload
you should open the terminal on your project root directory and run :
composer install
on your system.because probably the vendor directory(where the packages are located) added to .gitignore
if vendor not added in .gitignore try to run:
composer dump-autoload

Differences between install via artisan and composer

I found that web.config is included when I install Laravel with:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
but not when I install Laravel using the Laravel installer, with:
laravel new blog
(as per
I've subsequently found a few other differences e.g. devDependencies versions in package.json, some config settings in broadcasting.php, cache.php, database.php.
Can anyone explain to me what is responsible for this difference? Is one install method 'better' than the other?
The difference between both commands is that the composer command uses packagist to get the latest package from GitHub the first time or a cached version, while laravel new blog downloads a zip file from the Laravel server which has the latest version and uses that. Both commands run the so called 'after install' scripts, creating an environment file and setting the application key.
When you don't want a cached version but a new one using composer, run composer clear-cache first, to delete the local cache composer creates.
If you want to see the difference for yourself, compare the composer.json of the base Laravel project ( and the NewCommand.php file in the src directory of the Laravel installer (
After running both commands, the only difference I could really find was the order in which some things are done, but both generate a working system. Fun thing I noticed is that laravel new project comes with a yarn.lock file, but without a and composer composer create-project vice versa.

Composer installation: global vs local

I have a new server, where multiple clients will host their webapps at. From Wordpress, to laravel, to simple html shizzle.
As you may know, Laravel requires Composer to be installed. This can be done locally, but also globaly. I am wondering (if there are any) about the pros and cons.
Of course, you can run the global installation from anywhere. But can this be a issue for other development projects on the server, or are there security for the global installation?
The disadvantage of using a globally installed composer is this
you're likely using different versions along the development pipeline
you may end up with different results
Just as an example, in a project, we had composer.phar checked in and updated regularly, but we ran into problems when the version we used was already updated to be able to use the ^ operator, however, a different binary was used during deployment, unaware of that operator, and the deployment failed.
The safest bet is to use the same version of composer.phar along the development pipeline. Alternatively, as mentioned before, keeping the globally installed composer regularly updated.
Since we usually use Makefiles in our projects, here's an example of what it looks like:
.PHONY: composer cs it test
it: cs test
composer self-update
composer validate
composer install
cs: composer
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --verbose
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration=test/Unit/phpunit.xml
vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration=test/Integration/phpunit.xml
I would always suggest install globally, it will be easier for you to manage, and you could easily keep it up to date.
In the other projects they will not need to clutter their project with
composer.phar file

How to Require Package Into Laravel Project with Composer

I am new to Laravel and Composer, and am following some guides including . One of the things that need to be done is use Composer to require packages to use in the Laravel project. However, this doesn't work for me.
I installed Laravel using the composer create-project method (, and so far everything was fine. However, any package I "require" now actually goes into the C:\Users\user\vendor folder, and the composer.json file is in C:\Users\user.
I understand that Composer is supposed to separate between projects as opposed to being global like PEAR. So how do I specify that I'm working on a specific project and require everything into that project? Also, what is the actual path where I'm supposed to put packages in Laravel, in case I want to do it manually?
I am using Windows 7 and Xampp.
When you run composer require {pacakage}, make sure you use the cd command (Change Directory - I think) into the project you want to install the package for. So if you're in Xampp it could be something like cd C:\xampp\htdocs\my-laravel-project\ or whatever the path to your project is, then run your composer require {pacakage}.
I believe it's installing it in C:\Users\user\vendor as when you open your terminal/command prompt the default location is C:\Users\{username}\.
Please make sure you ran the composer create-project in your web root, for Xampp I think it's C:\xampp\htdocs\ but it could be different depending on how you set up Xampp when you installed it.

cloudControl - PHP: (temporarily) disable composer

I am happily developing a PHP app using Composer on cloudControl.
It's great how it is integrated into the deployment procedure.
However, there's no need for Composer to update on every deploy.
Is it possible to (temporarily) disable Composer, per deployment?
Thanks in advance.
I am not entirely familiar with how cloudControl integrated Composer, but ideally you run should composer update when you see fit, and then commit your composer.lock file, and they would run composer install on every deploy.
If you mean composer updating itself: right now the latest version of composer is downloaded on every push, unless you have one already. Just place the composer.phar file in your project directory and it will be used instead.
