Laravel/ui package doesn't work after pulled from github - laravel

so my friend and i are working on a project and we install laravel/ui package on his device to use Auth:routes, but after i pull from github it says "In order to use the Auth::routes() method, please install the laravel/ui package." even though i also pulled all file that he push and the gitignore file is empty. does this mean i have to install laravel/ui package in my device too? because i dont want to have the client to installed all those again when we finished and send the folder to our client. we used laravel 7.24 btw

You just need to regenerate the classes as :
composer dump-autoload

you should open the terminal on your project root directory and run :
composer install
on your system.because probably the vendor directory(where the packages are located) added to .gitignore
if vendor not added in .gitignore try to run:
composer dump-autoload


Can not download Laravel UI package

I want to download Laravel UI package via composer and I have got this error
Seems like due to internet issue you can't access packagists site (which composer uses to get the packages) which is causing the installation to fail.
run a fresh composer create-project laravel/laravel command, copy replace your composer.json content with the old projects composer.json. Do the same with .env file
and run composer install. then u can run "composer require/laravel/ui"

Differences between install via artisan and composer

I found that web.config is included when I install Laravel with:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
but not when I install Laravel using the Laravel installer, with:
laravel new blog
(as per
I've subsequently found a few other differences e.g. devDependencies versions in package.json, some config settings in broadcasting.php, cache.php, database.php.
Can anyone explain to me what is responsible for this difference? Is one install method 'better' than the other?
The difference between both commands is that the composer command uses packagist to get the latest package from GitHub the first time or a cached version, while laravel new blog downloads a zip file from the Laravel server which has the latest version and uses that. Both commands run the so called 'after install' scripts, creating an environment file and setting the application key.
When you don't want a cached version but a new one using composer, run composer clear-cache first, to delete the local cache composer creates.
If you want to see the difference for yourself, compare the composer.json of the base Laravel project ( and the NewCommand.php file in the src directory of the Laravel installer (
After running both commands, the only difference I could really find was the order in which some things are done, but both generate a working system. Fun thing I noticed is that laravel new project comes with a yarn.lock file, but without a and composer composer create-project vice versa.

how to make php artisan command available?

I read previous posts here about same problem but they did not solve my problem. I am running wamp latest version on windows 7 and I cloned a laravel app from github then I ran composer install on the root folder of the app and all vendors installed. however I still can not execute php artisan list on the app root folder
I tried also this command
composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"
but same problem also there is no laravel folder installed inside vendor folder. I dont know what laravel version used with this web app
So how I can make php artisan work ?
I opened composer.json file and I found no Laravel frame work to install !! should I return to the developer who made this or I just add Laravel package to composer.json and run composer install again ? if so what I should add to the composer.json ? I dont know which version to install !!
Your project has to have an artisan file in the root directory, otherwise the php artisan command won't work.
I had a similar issue. Fixed it by using the following command, which results in a clean installation.
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-project
If errors occur, your CLI will show them.

Composer dump-autoload does not update the autoload_namespace.php in laravel 5.2

When installing new packages in Laravel 5.2, even with the package has been downloaded and successfully installed, to add the provider in app.php, publish and run the composer dump-autoload, the provider is given as not found.
What has been done:
Written permission in the vendor folder and vendor / composer folder;
Composer dump-autoload (numerous times and all variations);
Re-installation of the package;
Installation of the packages in a fresh version;
Important Notes: ran the composer update before placing the provider
folder and ran the publish and dump-autoload after adding the
provider. Yes, it was working at some time, have other packages
already installed. The package is being installed normally, but the
composer is not adding in autoload_namespaces.php. Even in
classmap they appear.
If anyone can help me I will be grateful.

Laravel 4 Installation Problems on WAMP/Windows

First,I use wamp on my Window7.I open php-openssl,and I git pull the laravel from,and then I put laravel on my d:/wamp/www/, I change the c:/windows/system32.But when I open the url
I see this question.
I am a newbie on laravel,and without install on Ubuntu.Where is my wrong, without no pear,or something else? Thank you!
You need to run composer install in a command prompt.
If you do not have composer, download the phar file from their website.
Place the file you just downloaded into the laravel directory.
Then, make sure that the absolute path to php.exe is added to your PATH environment variable.
Then, you can hold down shift, and right click anywhere inside the laravel directory, and open up a command prompt window. Then, run php composer.phar install. The process may take some time, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
Instead of using the above method, you can download the Composer installer for Windows, install it, and just run composer install.
Note that you only need to do this in order to put the Laravel components together. You do not need to run it on a live server.
Please consult the Laravel Docs for installation and other instructions:
Try This :
Installing Laravel 4 on WAMP
1. Enable OpenSSL
OpenSSL must be enabled in the PHP configuration.
Edit php.ini in your WAMP’s PHP folder, e.g.:
Note: This is not the php.ini in C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.4.4\bin.
Find the following line and remove the semicolon save it:
;extension=php_openssl.dll changed to extension=php_openssl.dll
2. Install Composer
(i).Download the Composer Windows installer from
(ii). Run the installer.
(iii). When it asks for the location of php.exe, point it to the executable in your WAMP’s PHP folder, e.g.:
(iv). Finish the installation.
(v). Open a command-line interface (cmd) and type:
It should return a list of options. If you get an error, restart your computer and try again.
Composer has now been installed and added to your PATH environment variable. This means you can run it from any directory using the command-line interface.
Now we need to install Composer. This is a dependency manager that will download the latest release of Laravel and specific versions of Laravel’s dependencies, such as Doctrine and Symfony.
3.Install Laravel
Now that Composer has been installed, Composer can download and install Laravel onto your system.
(i). Open a command-line interface (cmd).
(ii). Go to the directory in which you want to install Laravel. This is usually your development directory. In this tutorial, we’ll use C:\wamp\www\laravel
(iii). Instruct Composer to install Laravel into a project directory. we use project name myproject.
composer create-project laravel/laravel myproject --prefer-dist
Note: This will install Laravel in a subdirectory myproject of the current working directory.
Three type of installation to be completed
Now your project was running directory like
After completed put tick mark and increase the point....
Do php composer.phar dump-autoload or php artisan dump-autoload
