How to prevent Dart from using my home directory? - windows

I'd like to use Dart on a Windows machine where my home directory is configured to be on a network share. I have no control over this configuration.
Initially, I couldn't get the Dart Editor to run at all as the default location for its configuration folder is defined in DartEditor.ini as #user.home/DartEditor. This prevented me from creating new projects at all. I have edited this file so that my Dart Editor configuration folder is now located at c:\DartEditor which seems to solve that problem.
However, when creating a new project, Pub tries to install libraries to my home directory and Dartium tries to save its configuration there as well. This causes Pub to just fail (so I can't build any projects) and Dartium to warn me that storing it's configuration on a network share will cause it to slow down.
How can I prevent Dart Editor (and any associated tools like Pub and Dartium) from using my home directory and instead use a directory on my local drive?

What about to download Dart and unzip it to:
I also recommend to change the DartEditor.ini file on the second line to:


ImportRDF command uses appdata/local instead of appdata/roaming for repository location

Installed/running Ontotext GraphDB v10.1.0 (free desktop windows). All working fine, create repositories, run SPARQL, etc.
The server and UI are both loading/running/reporting repositories in the C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Graph\data\repositories folder.
However, when running the ImportRdf.cmd utility, its "attaching to"/creating the repository in C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\Graph\data\repositories folder instead!?
Tried adding the correct path into C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\GraphDB Desktop\app\GraphDB Desktop.cfg but makes no difference.
Anyone experienced this/got any fixes?
The data /repository/ directory can be set through the system or config property The default value is the data subdirectory relative to the GraphDB home directory. For example, one way to configure it: Go in bin folder of graphdb distribution and start graphdb with the following command:
./graphdb -Dgraphdb.home="full path to where you want your repo directory".

Angular Console: Can't create library

I'm trying to create a new library using v 8.1.0 of the Angular Console on Windows. The error I get is "ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir "c:\path\to\my\workspace\libs\new_library_name"
"c:\path\to\my\workspace\libs" exists already
new_library_name folder should be created by Angular Console
The command run by the console is ng generate #nrwl/angular:library new_library_name.
I've tried different names/paths, running as administrator, running inside VSCode and in the standalone console. No luck with anything. This used to work.
Also, if I create the folder c:\path\to\my\workspace\libs\new_library_name and then run the console again, I get an error ENOENT: no such file or directory c:\path\to\my\workspace\libs\new_library_name\ Of course the ReadMe doesn't exist - it needs to be created by the console.
What am I doing wrong or where to look?
Problem solved. I had turned on Controlled Folder Access in Windows 10 and mistakenly included my project folder as a controlled folder, which prevented applications (Angular Console, Yarn, etc) from writing to the folder. Removed it from Controlled Access and all is working again.

Where files are allocated in Parse Server?

I'm implementing an instance of Parse Server, I want know where the Parse Server Allocated the files ?
According to File Adapter, the default file storage is GridFS in mongodb.
Depends on the operating system and type of installation you used.
If installed on a linux/unix using the global install npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner then your parse-server files will normally be under usr/lib/node_modules/parse-server. ( may differ from linux versions )
be careful when editing these files for hot hacks or modifications. If you later choose to upgrade parse-server they will be overwritten.
Your cloud file directly is normally created by you. So this could be home/parse/cloud/main.js. This can be in any location of your choice. To set a new location you will set that in the index file or json (depending on your startup process ).
cloud: '/home/myApp/cloud/main.js', // Absolute path to your Cloud Code
If you installed not using the global install, then obviously you would need to cd to where you cloned the project.
Windows would be similar. Clone (or download the zip) parse-server from the repo. Open a console window and “cd” to the folder where you have cloned/extracted the example server, eq:
cd "C:\parse-server"
Here is where the files will sit on the parse-server. Hopes this helps!

Handling file watchers in Vagrant shared folder

I'm using Vagrant shared folder to develop a project using babel as a file watcher.
However, most likely, because of time difference between host and guest machine whenever I change a file the watcher doesn't see the changes and doesn't recompile modified assets, making the whole development environment useless.
I've tried changing the sync strategy to RSync but it only works when the file A is changed to A' but when I change B to B' it works as well, but reverts file A' back to A.
Is there any workflow that'd allow me to develop files in shared folder, still firing up file watcher hooks inside the guest machine?
Unfortunately you can't watch for file notifications on a shared folder. You have to use something like rsync auto or a third party file watcher like

XAMPPLITE / Web Application - auto install

Would like to hear comments from you if its possible to accomplish this with a single mouse click on a bat/exe file -> if its possible to accomplish the following two steps into one:
1: Install xampplite
2: Paste a web application into the htdocs folder. The web application has a file install.php. The install.php file will install the database and prepare the web application for further use.
Why should that not be possible? But installing xmapp on a computer with the generall installer asks you where you want to have the files.
An other idea could be by using the zip file. AFAIK you can unzip files from cmd (by invoking the zip function) to a destination you set, copy the webapplication to the htdocs folder, starting up apache and call an URL to your installer script.
