ImportRDF command uses appdata/local instead of appdata/roaming for repository location - windows

Installed/running Ontotext GraphDB v10.1.0 (free desktop windows). All working fine, create repositories, run SPARQL, etc.
The server and UI are both loading/running/reporting repositories in the C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Graph\data\repositories folder.
However, when running the ImportRdf.cmd utility, its "attaching to"/creating the repository in C:\Users<Username>\AppData\Local\Graph\data\repositories folder instead!?
Tried adding the correct path into C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\GraphDB Desktop\app\GraphDB Desktop.cfg but makes no difference.
Anyone experienced this/got any fixes?

The data /repository/ directory can be set through the system or config property The default value is the data subdirectory relative to the GraphDB home directory. For example, one way to configure it: Go in bin folder of graphdb distribution and start graphdb with the following command:
./graphdb -Dgraphdb.home="full path to where you want your repo directory".


Get actual project directory of Gitlab

I'll straight to my point. I have an machine which installed gitlab and nginx, and I have an fresh laravel project that already has commited, but I need to access the source code of "public" directory of laravel for my nginx. how to get source code of public directory, so I can put into line "root path" in files "sites-enabled" nginx, so nginx can access those files ?
The GitLab API doesn't expose the filesystem location directly so you need to stitch the url together.
To get the entry point of all your repositories check you GitLab configuration. (Normally /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb). Find the key gitlab_git_http_server['repo_root'].
In there you will see folders which represent your namespaces in these folders are your project.

Where files are allocated in Parse Server?

I'm implementing an instance of Parse Server, I want know where the Parse Server Allocated the files ?
According to File Adapter, the default file storage is GridFS in mongodb.
Depends on the operating system and type of installation you used.
If installed on a linux/unix using the global install npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner then your parse-server files will normally be under usr/lib/node_modules/parse-server. ( may differ from linux versions )
be careful when editing these files for hot hacks or modifications. If you later choose to upgrade parse-server they will be overwritten.
Your cloud file directly is normally created by you. So this could be home/parse/cloud/main.js. This can be in any location of your choice. To set a new location you will set that in the index file or json (depending on your startup process ).
cloud: '/home/myApp/cloud/main.js', // Absolute path to your Cloud Code
If you installed not using the global install, then obviously you would need to cd to where you cloned the project.
Windows would be similar. Clone (or download the zip) parse-server from the repo. Open a console window and “cd” to the folder where you have cloned/extracted the example server, eq:
cd "C:\parse-server"
Here is where the files will sit on the parse-server. Hopes this helps!

spring cloud config properties from both local filesystem and git repo

I am using spring cloud config server to host a centralized location for all the property files configurations to be used in the project.
I tried using the config files from a local file system using below and it works fine:${HOME}/Documents/test-config/cloud-config-properties/
I also used the git repo using:
I would like to try using a combination of this in my project.
Example - for dev/test profile - i would like to use from local filesystem and for the production - I would like to use Git repository.
I enabled both the git uri and native profiles in my in config server application. But the properties are always picked up from the local file system. Is this possible?
Not supported out of the box, however there is a workaround for this. You can define the basedir for the configuration server, which is where it saves the files it fetches from the remote server, by setting the property (in the config server):<your_dir>
If you are working with docker, you can map this directory to the host filesystem.
Now whatever file you put in there will be picked up by configuration-server if it matches any of the application/profile in the request. For example you could put a file there called, and have all your clients use dynamic as the last profile, for example,dynamic
This way everything you will put in will override whatever is defined in your config repo.
One thing to notice though is that you need to add the file only after configuartion server starts, because it deletes this folder during startup.
Needles to say, it's not a good practice doing this in production (for example a restart will cause the file to be deleted), but for test/dev this is the best option.

Why do I not have a .hgrc file?

I'm trying to insert the mercurial_keyring file with my username and password in the .hgrc file but it doesn't exist in my user directory on windows. I have tortoise hg installed and even checked if it was installed properly on the command prompt yet I still don't have the .hgrc folder.
Can anyone tell me what might be the reason to it?
Because it's %USERPROFILE%\mercurial.ini
Mercurial reads configuration data from several files, if they exist.
These files do not exist by default and you will have to create the
appropriate configuration files yourself:
Local configuration is put into the per-repository /.hg/hgrc
Global configuration like the username setting is typically put into:
%USERPROFILE%\mercurial.ini (on Windows)
The .hgrc files are not created automatically when you install Mercurial or TortoiseHg.
You will need to manually create it at the location you need whether that is within the repository's .hg folder or your own C:\Users\username\ folder.
You will probably need to use the command line to create the file as it's not usually possible to create filenames that start with . in Windows Explorer.

Where is IntelliJ IDEA config stored in OSX?

As part of a corporate workstation compliance effort, our IT department had to create a new user account for me on my Mac and left the old account until I transition all the artifacts and configs. So my old home directory was /Users/firstlast and the new one is /Users/flast. Of course, the burden of reconfiguring my environment fell on me.
Some of the apps that I use, such as ssh, Maven, Dropbox and DBeaver have their config conveniently and cleanly stored in the home directory (.ssh, .m2, .dropbox, .dbeaver, respectively) so migrating those was a cakewalk just copying the directory from the old home to the new using sudo and then chown. However, that is not the case with IntelliJ IDEA.
My IDEA was heavily customized to the extent that I would like to avoid doing it all over again if by all means possible. I understand that each project has its own config in the project directory but what I am after is to get the same list of projects to open when I launch IDEA under the new user as I did under the old user. All my projects were in ~/DEV (so ~/DEV/project1, ~/DEV/project2, etc and I can just copy the DEV directory from the old home to the new.
Where is this list of projects stored? I imagine it is somewhere in /private/etc or /private/var but permissioned to the old user so the new user does not see it.
This Jetbrains documentation lists where the important directories are:
On Mac OS X IDEA uses the following directories:
Config: ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX
System: ~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdeaXX
Plugins: ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX
Logs: ~/Library/Logs/IntelliJIdeaXX (starting from IntelliJ IDEA 9.0, older versions keep logs under System location)
While each project has its own config contained within the project directory, what you really want is when you first launch IDEA to get the same list of projects to choose from as before and just copying project directories will not do that.
Here are three easy steps to do it:
If your projects were in located in your old home directory, copy them into the new home directory and chown them to the new user. If they were located outside your old home directory, all you will need to do is chown them to the new user.
sudo cp -r /Users/${OLD_USER}/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC13 /Users/${NEW_USER}/Library/Preferences
sudo chown -R ${NEW_USER} /Users/${NEW_USER}/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC13
Ta-da-da. Open your IDE and it looks identical as before.
