Export Microsoft CRM contacts by marketing list - dynamics-crm

I am trying to export marketing List members out of the CRM, but simply clicking "Export Marketing List Members" does not give an advanced find options.
I am using advanced find to separate exports because CRM export has a limit of 10 000. Also, how would I add columns (currently only exports first name and phone number).

Since you are using Advanced Find I assume you already have filters you want to use that can get you the contacts you need, associated to the marketing list.
To change the columns you can click on: Advanced Find -> Edit Columns
(the button is right next to the "Save" button)
After that you can hit Results and export the data. You can also save the find as a view in case you need to do this more than once and want to save your filter/column settings.


D365 UCI menu items linking to specific system views

In using the new UCI interface with Dynamics 365, the menu editor allows me to create a menu item on the left that goes to a particular entity (in this case, Contacts).
WIthin Contacts, I have two saved views: "Supplier Contacts" and "Client Contacts".
I'm wanting to create two separate menu items that takes me straight to these particular system views. Is there a way to do this with the UCI App editor or do I need to put in a relative URL to the GUID representing the system view?
What I would recommend is create two dashboards, add a list in each, set the “Supplier Contacts” as the view in first dashboard list component and “Client Contacts” in the other one. Read more
Turn off the view selector in list component properties. Read more
You can add multiple Dashboard links in UCI sitemap (left navigation).

populate a Document template with value of look up from Related entity in Dynamics CRM

I am trying to load a field in the Document Template. Below is my scenario
I have Contracts linked to Opportunity (N:1). There is a contact lookup field in the Opportunity
When I generated the Document Template, I selected all 1:N, N:1 & N:N relations, but I don't get the details of Contact field under new_Opportunity_new_contract (relation)
In the Document Template of Contracts, I need to pull the Contact Name from the lookup field in Opportunity.
Is it possible to get that?
I Went through your exact requierement, I have a followup question,
Do you really have to go From Contract--> Opportunity--> and then Contact.
Because when I check in Contract Entity you will find two N:1 Relation from Contract To Contact
These 2 Relationship will also give you Contact Details information on Document Template.
But if you wish to go from Contract--> Opportunity--> and then Contact
then this is not possible in Word Template as you are trying to Reach 3rd level of Relationship
Below are few Screenshots from my Word Template Example for Contract
I assume that you are trying to create a Word Document Template.
After going to Settings -> Templates -> Document Templates and clicking New, you have to select 1.Word Template and 2.Contract, then click Select Entity:
When the relationship selector popup appears select the opportunity to contract relationship that you have created and click Download Template:
A word document will be downloaded to your computer, open it. Then, click in the Developer tab (if it does not show up go to File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon and in the right Select the Developer tab).
Then 1.Click the XML Mapping Pane which will open a pane in the right side of your monitor. 2.At the top of the Pane there will be a picklist where you have to pick the option which starts with urn:microsoft. 3.Scroll down until you see the relationship you have created between opportunity and contract and expand it:
Search for a field with the name "yourlookupid" + "name" at the end.
Right click it to add to the form, click Insert Content Control and Plain Text:
Finally, go back to Dynamics and upload your word template file by clicking Upload Template in the templates view.
Reminder don't forget to enable the security roles for your users as well ;)

How can I set up dropdown lists used to provide Stored Procedure parameters to SSRS reports to accept multiple values?

I need to allow the user to select 1..N of a particular parameter when generating an SSRS report. According to this otherwise very helpful blog post, that's possible, but its instructions in Step 5 to "Set the Properties of both parameters" has me clawing my noggin.
What two ("both") parameters? In the Preview tab I see the dropdown list, but right-clicking doesn't afford any contextual menu items. The other ("Design") tab shows no dropdown list, of course.
So from where is the "Allow multiple values" checkbox Step 5 mentions accessible?
You get to the parameter properties in Design mode (design tab), not preview mode. Double-click on any parameter under the parameters folder in the Report Data pane. (If the Report Data pane is not visible, Ctrl-Alt-D will show it) There, under General, is where you set the Allow multiple values option.

Silverlight Dropdown-box alphabetically ordered

I've been busy with this for two days, and I can't get any further on it.
I have a Dropdown-box/Combobox (not sure what it's called) in Microsoft Silverlight, and my editor is Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The Dropdown-box has to be alphabetically ordered, but I do not know where to find the source. This is what I do know:
If I select the Dropdown box in the Designer, I can see that the
Data Binding is called "par_Customer(item)".
On the left side of the Designer is a list of tables, including the
par_Customer table.
Almost all tables have the text "Edit Query" next to them, and by
clicking on that the program opens a query editor with the right
query in it.
The table I need, "par_Customer", does not have the text "Edit
Query" on it.
When I right-click on the table, I get the options to Delete or Edit
the table.
When I click Edit, I see a list of all the attributes (columns) of
that table and its relationships, yet no query or anything
The Dropdown box is not filled by code.
What I would like to know: where do I find the source of this dropdown box? Where is it "filled"?
I would really appreciate any help or input on this problem, since I have no idea where to look any information will be of value.

Serena Dimensions: Find list of items checked out by a specific user

Is there any way where we can see the list of items that have been checked out by a specific user.
Items checked from a project are recorded in the database as a place-holder revision with the next number in sequence. Generally they will appear in the user's pending list (inbox) and will show with state "$TO_BE_DEFINED". Arrange your desktop client views to show state, along with user names and dates (use Customise Views under Tools menu) and you can sort and filter columns to show information you need. You can even add User Filename to the views and you will see exactly where the file was checked out to.
The desktop client is very powerful but needs some customising as the out-of-box standard views are very limited.
With appropriately set privilges a user can inspect other users' inboxes. A team leader could set up some simple reports to show numbers of checked-out files against users.
There are so may ways to achive this - but I agree it is not obvious to a new user.
On Tab Option:
Click on tab Find Now
I am still using dimension in 2019. Let me add relevant snapshots as well. I struggled with this let this answer be so no one has to struggle again.
On Web View
You can add a column Checked Out By and then use that column to arrange the files accordingly.
To add on Web View you can first go to your user preferences as shown below:
You can add the "check out" column by taking it from available columns as shown below:
You should now able to rearrange file in views by clicking on the check out column. The files will arrange first on ascending order of usernames and then by descending order.
On Desktop Client
My item list view looks something like the following which doesnt have a "Check out" column in the view.
One way to find out the files check out is using find item. You can find this in Edit -> Find -> Items. Looks something like this.
You can fill in the data as follows: Status as $TO_BE_DEFINED and User Name to the user you want to search for. .
On Clicking open you will get the results in the items(Find Results) window.
Hope the snapshots helps.
